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(Camel Spotting - Ancient Med)


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DC 304: Camel Spotting - Persian EGS - Kenshi777   (Jun 23, 2010, 9:21 pm)
Hi to all from surprisingly sunny Ontario -
Thanks to Mike for a very well-run game, and to all the players for their dedication to the game.  Always good to play a game without excessive delay


Camel Spotting - Solo Win! - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 23, 2010, 9:40 am)
Congrats to Ben, as the EGP is voted down but he wraps up 18 centers... Everyone showed some resolve in the end to stop a win, but it was too late - nothing could reverse the Persian momentum.


Camel Spotting s09 retreats! - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 16, 2010, 10:17 am)
Hey all,
There is also a proposal for a Persian solo win for this fall!
It would require unanimous approval, 4 yes-votes to pass.
Be sure to turn in your vote AND moves.  If the proposal p


Camel Spotting s09 retreats! - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 15, 2010, 3:02 pm)
Two retreats and we move right along!
Carthage: F Ausonian Sea - Tyrrhenean Sea
Persia: A Venetia - Dalmatia
Fall 09 due Tues 6/22, 3pm Central!


Camel Spotting s09 retreats! (dc304) FuzzyLogic Jun 16, 10:17 am
Hey all,
There is also a proposal for a Persian solo win for this fall!
It would require unanimous approval, 4 yes-votes to pass.
Be sure to turn in your vote AND moves.  If the proposal p
Camel Spotting s09 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 14, 2010, 3:08 pm)
2 retreats!
Carthage F AUS and Persian A Ven may retreat by Tuesday 6/15, 3pm Central!
F Apulia - Neapolis
A Etruria - Venetia
A Ravenna Supports A Etruria - Venetia


Camel Spotting w08 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 09, 2010, 8:59 am)
Hey guys,
Since I've managed to schedule myself 3 games all due at the same time today, I'm gonna knock this one out early.
Rome: Remove F Adriatic Sea, A Tarraconensis
Carthage: Build A Thapsu


Camel Spotting f07 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 07, 2010, 3:41 pm)
This round we see Egypt and Persia press their advantage, Egypt finally completing their siege of Leptis, and Persia marching 3 strong into the lone Massilian army.  There is one retreat, bu


Camel Spotting: VII-XI (s06) - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 01, 2010, 9:41 pm)
We have one retreat, but Persian F ADR could only go to Dal so I
just nudged it there.  Ben if u prefer OTB, just let the group know by
this time tomorrow, else the adj stands!  Some inter


Camel Spotting - w07 builds! - Kenshi777   (May 31, 2010, 2:57 pm)
Intersting that Arm-Che-Sar is the quickest route to the front against
Rome then (convoys included). Also that Damascus is the only Persian
home SC that allows access to Armenia. Also interesting


Camel Spotting - w07 builds! - AlanRFarrington   (May 30, 2010, 11:52 pm)
that army in Dam only has one purpose -- and its not to fight the Romans.


Subject: Camel Spotting - w07 builds!
Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 20:49:52 -0500
From: mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net
To: a


Camel Spotting - w07 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (May 26, 2010, 8:53 pm)
NEXT:  June 1, 3pm Central!  Keep in mind Monday is a US

From: Michael Sims

Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 8:56 PM

To: 'alley_cat_1990(at)hotma


Camel Spotting - w07 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (May 26, 2010, 8:49 pm)
Egypt retreats to Bay
Roman F Mess goes OTB and rebuilds A Rome
Persia builds A Dam
Sorry I’m late on this one!  Totally slipped my mind that I had a
game due today, with Ben se


Camel Spotting - w07 builds! (dc304) FuzzyLogic May 26, 08:53 pm
NEXT:  June 1, 3pm Central!  Keep in mind Monday is a US

From: Michael Sims

Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 8:56 PM

To: 'alley_cat_1990(at)hotma
Camel Spotting - w07 builds! (dc304) AlanRFarrington May 30, 11:52 pm
that army in Dam only has one purpose -- and its not to fight the Romans.


Subject: Camel Spotting - w07 builds!
Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 20:49:52 -0500
From: mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net
To: a
Camel Spotting - w07 builds! (dc304) Kenshi777 May 31, 02:57 pm
Intersting that Arm-Che-Sar is the quickest route to the front against
Rome then (convoys included). Also that Damascus is the only Persian
home SC that allows access to Armenia. Also interesting
Camel Spotting - f07 results! - AlanRFarrington   (May 25, 2010, 12:01 am)
Don't think for a second that just because all of my moves were rendered useless that I'll stop submitting them!  To the last man!

Emperor AlaNero Farrington

Hotmail is redefini


Camel Spotting - f07 results! - FuzzyLogic   (May 24, 2010, 3:50 pm)
Rome gets an order too... Sparta supported Crete-Mess, so Rome can take Mess to Aus, or OTB and Build 1...

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Mon 5/24/2010 3:02 PM
To: al


Camel Spotting - f07 results! - Kenshi777   (May 24, 2010, 3:40 pm)
Mike - please recheck the adjudication. My order for Fleet Sparta is
missing. I did support Egypt's fleet in Crete to Messenian Sea. This
should result in another retreat as well.


Camel Spotting - f07 results! - FuzzyLogic   (May 24, 2010, 3:02 pm)
2 adjustments due Wed!  3pm Central... (or whenever I get both orders)
Egypt:  Retreat Phaz to Bay, or OTB and Build 1
Persia:  Build 1
What a calm winter! 


Camel Spotting - f07 results! (dc304) Kenshi777 May 24, 03:40 pm
Mike - please recheck the adjudication. My order for Fleet Sparta is
missing. I did support Egypt's fleet in Crete to Messenian Sea. This
should result in another retreat as well.
Camel Spotting - f07 results! (dc304) FuzzyLogic May 24, 03:50 pm
Rome gets an order too... Sparta supported Crete-Mess, so Rome can take Mess to Aus, or OTB and Build 1...

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Mon 5/24/2010 3:02 PM
To: al
Camel Spotting - f07 results! (dc304) AlanRFarrington May 25, 12:01 am
Don't think for a second that just because all of my moves were rendered useless that I'll stop submitting them!  To the last man!

Emperor AlaNero Farrington

Hotmail is redefini
Camel Spotting - s07 retreats - FuzzyLogic   (May 19, 2010, 2:00 pm)
Nothing too surprising on this lazy summer turn, both Carthage and Egypt fall back to block their critical zones...
Carthage: F Libyan Sea - Gulf of Tacape
Egypt: A Sahara - Bayuda


Camel Spotting - s07 results! - FuzzyLogic   (May 17, 2010, 3:52 pm)
Trading dislodges in the south, we have two retreats:  Carthage F Libyan Sea and Egyptian A Sahara!
RETREATS - by Wed 5/19 3pm Central, or whenever I have both orders.


Camel Spotting - w06 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (May 11, 2010, 4:14 pm)
Well that was sure quick!  3 sets of adjustments in 20 minutes.  So we'll knock this one out now, and be off and running to spring of year 7!
Rome A Venetia to Ravenna
Egypt F Libyan


Camel Spotting - f06 results! - FuzzyLogic   (May 11, 2010, 3:51 pm)
Rome A Ven to Rav or OTB
Egypt F Libyan to EGY, Ale, or OTB
Persia +1
Egypt +1
(Rome could build 1 if retreat goes OTB)
Winter due Thursday 3pm or whenever I have th


Camel Spotting - s06 resutls! - FuzzyLogic   (May 05, 2010, 3:34 pm)
The Army retreats to Epi, Fleet goes OTB!

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Wed 5/5/2010 3:12 PM
Subject: Camel Spotting - s06 resutls!

A fierce battle rages over Leptis,


Camel Spotting - s06 resutls! - FuzzyLogic   (May 05, 2010, 3:12 pm)
A fierce battle rages over Leptis, but the Carthaginians stand firm and hold their ground.  With notably more success in their endeavours, the Persians storm into Dal and Ath, leaving Rome with s


Camel Spotting - s06 resutls! (dc304) FuzzyLogic May 05, 03:34 pm
The Army retreats to Epi, Fleet goes OTB!

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Wed 5/5/2010 3:12 PM
Subject: Camel Spotting - s06 resutls!

A fierce battle rages over Leptis,
Camel Spotting - w05 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 30, 2010, 11:21 am)
Hey all,
Just knocking this out while I've got a spare moment...
Rome retreats Vin to Dal
Then we have builds...
Carthage: Build A Thapsus
Persia: Build F Antioch
And then


Camel Spotting - f05 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 28, 2010, 4:12 pm)
The knives come out as the Persians slice their way into Vindabona, the forces in Rha delivering a key cut to undermine the Roman defenses.  And after years of stalemate in the south, Leptis chan


Camel Spotting - s05 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 23, 2010, 3:01 pm)
Wow, year 5 already - we're just cruisin along!  (with only 4 players, this is one of the easiest games to GM)
This year the Persians move swiftly across the Alps into Western Europe, whil


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