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(Camel Spotting - Ancient Med)


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DC 304: Camel Spotting - Persian EGS - Kenshi777   (Jun 23, 2010, 9:21 pm)
Hi to all from surprisingly sunny Ontario -
Thanks to Mike for a very well-run game, and to all the players for their dedication to the game.  Always good to play a game without excessive delays, NMRs, or abandonments - you all have my gratitude, and I would welcome the opportunity to play with any and all of you again.
So - as for the game - it started off rocky for me.  I think Ancient Med is generally a very well balanced variant, with one major exception - Egypt is a particularly tough nut for Persia to crack.  I had it in mind to try and launch an attack on Egypt immediately, if I could secure a Carthaginian commitment to the cause.  Charlie politely declined, and Tim didn't seem much inclined to provoke him either.  So plan A went out the window by the end of the first spring.
Fortunately - Robin and I hit it off well, and though both Tim and Charlie seemed rather resistant to my efforts to stir up a C/E war, Greece was more than willing to ally with me.  I found that I enjoyed Robin's unorthodox and aggressive style immensely, and was content to hang back for a while as long as he was willing to focus his efforts heavily east.  I still did not want to engage Egypt alone without Carthaginian aid, so I peaceably gobbled neutrals for a while and jockeyed around for a good stab position either north or south, whichever first became available.
That ultimately came at Robin's expense.  Rome and Carthage mended fences, and seized the initiative in the great clash of east and west typical of many Ancient Med games.  This helped me greatly, as I finally got my much desired Egypt/Carthage war, and Robin committed against Rome, leaving a few choice vulnerabilities at home.  So I moved on Robin.
But so did Alan - with great effectiveness.  I horribly underestimated how quickly his own forces would settle into Greece, and how much of the Greek territory I would have to concede to him in this new R/P alliance.  Robin was soon on the ropes, and I ultimately (some would say foolishly) eliminated him with an unintended betrayal - I missed what was probably the single most important message I received the whole game from Robin, where he accepted my proposal to shelter him in Cyprus in exchange for use of his remaining fleets in the western drive.  Had we worked that out, P/G/E would have advanced much more rapidly than P/E did alone - and we might even have seen a resurgent Greece gaining SCs again.  I took no pleasure in Robin's elimination, and I owe him a sincere apology for the unintended stab. 
Then came the hardest decision of the game - I had decent options to attack either Rome or Egypt, and I spent days running one scenario after another through RP trying to figure out which one would play out best.  Long story short, I chose to side with Egypt because:
1 - R/C was scary as hell and had a fresh new agreement inked (so it seemed to me)
2 - Invading the Egyptian homeland was every bit as difficult then as at the beginning.
and 3 - E/C seemed completely committed to fighting each other, whereas Alan could have gone either way.
There were a few scary situations after that where I nearly threw the solo away (allowing Alan to disband a fleet and rebuild it as an Army in Rome comes to mind) - but fortunately #3 above held true the rest of the game, and that gave me the edge I needed for the win.  I'd be interested to hear what E/C negotiations were like in this game - though I know Tim's time availability for this game restricted his negotiations greatly. 
All in all - this was an excellent game, and a very strong challenge from all involved - I hope to see you all around again in DC, and I'm sure you will do very well here.  Pleased to finally have my first DC solo and the shiny medal that goes with it, plus enough credits to bump me up to Knight Errant.  All that, and the US qualifies first in Group C and advances to the next round of the World Cup.  Have to say it was a good Wednesday Smile 
I'm off to bed, heading out kayaking in some white water in the morning - thanks again -
B. of Persia

On Wed, Jun 23, 2010 at 9:40 AM, Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net> wrote:

Congrats to Ben, as the EGP is voted down but he wraps up 18 centers... Everyone showed some resolve in the end to stop a win, but it was too late - nothing could reverse the Persian momentum.  End-Game-Statements would be enjoyed by all, share your thoughts on the game.  Hope it was fun!  For me, it was relatively painless to GM.  Only 5 sets of orders to enter, and everyone on time made for a pleasant GM'ing experience. 
See you next game,
F Neapolis - Apulia
A Ravenna - Roma
A Venetia - Ravenna (*Dislodged*)
F Baleares - Ligurian Sea
A Cirta Supports F Numidia
A Mauretania - Saguntum
F Numidia Supports A Cirta (*Fails*)
F Punic Sea - Gulf of Tacape

F Sicilia - Ausonian Sea
A Thapsus Supports A Cirta
F Tyrrhenean Sea Supports F Sicilia - Ausonian Sea
F Adriatic Sea Supports A Etruria - Ravenna
F Aegean Sea - Messenian Sea (*Fails*)
A Arabia - Jerusalem
A Athens Supports F Sparta
A Crete Hold

A Dalmatia - Venetia
F Egyptian Sea - Gulf of Pelusium
A Epirus Supports A Athens
A Etruria - Ravenna
A Gaul - Tarraconensis
F Minoan Sea - Egyptian Sea
A Rhaetia Supports A Dalmatia - Venetia
A Sarmatia - Vindobona

F Sparta Supports F Aegean Sea - Messenian Sea (*Cut*)
F Ausonian Sea - Messenian Sea
A Cyrene - Alexandria
F Gulf of Syrtis - Cyrene
F Ionian Sea - Sparta (*Fails*)
F Leptis Supports A Phazania (*Fails*)

F Libyan Sea Supports F Ausonian Sea - Messenian Sea
A Marmarica - Memphis
A Phazania Supports F Leptis
A Sahara Hold

Diplomacy in Texas!

Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants


Camel Spotting - Solo Win! - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 23, 2010, 9:40 am)
Congrats to Ben, as the EGP is voted down but he wraps up 18 centers... Everyone showed some resolve in the end to stop a win, but it was too late - nothing could reverse the Persian momentum.  End-Game-Statements would be enjoyed by all, share your thoughts on the game.  Hope it was fun!  For me, it was relatively painless to GM.  Only 5 sets of orders to enter, and everyone on time made for a pleasant GM'ing experience. 
See you next game,
F Neapolis - Apulia
A Ravenna - Roma
A Venetia - Ravenna (*Dislodged*)
F Baleares - Ligurian Sea
A Cirta Supports F Numidia
A Mauretania - Saguntum
F Numidia Supports A Cirta (*Fails*)
F Punic Sea - Gulf of Tacape
F Sicilia - Ausonian Sea
A Thapsus Supports A Cirta
F Tyrrhenean Sea Supports F Sicilia - Ausonian Sea
F Adriatic Sea Supports A Etruria - Ravenna
F Aegean Sea - Messenian Sea (*Fails*)
A Arabia - Jerusalem
A Athens Supports F Sparta
A Crete Hold
A Dalmatia - Venetia
F Egyptian Sea - Gulf of Pelusium
A Epirus Supports A Athens
A Etruria - Ravenna
A Gaul - Tarraconensis
F Minoan Sea - Egyptian Sea
A Rhaetia Supports A Dalmatia - Venetia
A Sarmatia - Vindobona
F Sparta Supports F Aegean Sea - Messenian Sea (*Cut*)
F Ausonian Sea - Messenian Sea
A Cyrene - Alexandria
F Gulf of Syrtis - Cyrene
F Ionian Sea - Sparta (*Fails*)
F Leptis Supports A Phazania (*Fails*)
F Libyan Sea Supports F Ausonian Sea - Messenian Sea
A Marmarica - Memphis
A Phazania Supports F Leptis
A Sahara Hold


Camel Spotting s09 retreats! - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 16, 2010, 10:17 am)
Hey all,
There is also a proposal for a Persian solo win for this fall!
It would require unanimous approval, 4 yes-votes to pass.
Be sure to turn in your vote AND moves.  If the proposal passes, the moves are not revealed, but if the proposal fails, then moves are processed like normal, so you should turn in both things.

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Tue 6/15/2010 3:02 PM
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com; ponkwilliams(at)yahoo.com; thewizard.tim(at)gmail.com
Cc: dc304
Subject: Camel Spotting s09 retreats!

Two retreats and we move right along!
Carthage: F Ausonian Sea - Tyrrhenean Sea
Persia: A Venetia - Dalmatia
Fall 09 due Tues 6/22, 3pm Central!


Camel Spotting s09 retreats! - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 15, 2010, 3:02 pm)
Two retreats and we move right along!
Carthage: F Ausonian Sea - Tyrrhenean Sea
Persia: A Venetia - Dalmatia
Fall 09 due Tues 6/22, 3pm Central!


Camel Spotting s09 retreats! (dc304) FuzzyLogic Jun 16, 10:17 am
Hey all,
There is also a proposal for a Persian solo win for this fall!
It would require unanimous approval, 4 yes-votes to pass.
Be sure to turn in your vote AND moves.  If the proposal passes, the moves are not revealed, but if the proposal fails, then moves are processed like normal, so you should turn in both things.

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Tue 6/15/2010 3:02 PM
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com; ponkwilliams(at)yahoo.com; thewizard.tim(at)gmail.com
Cc: dc304
Subject: Camel Spotting s09 retreats!

Two retreats and we move right along!
Carthage: F Ausonian Sea - Tyrrhenean Sea
Persia: A Venetia - Dalmatia
Fall 09 due Tues 6/22, 3pm Central!
Camel Spotting s09 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 14, 2010, 3:08 pm)
2 retreats!
Carthage F AUS and Persian A Ven may retreat by Tuesday 6/15, 3pm Central!
F Apulia - Neapolis
A Etruria - Venetia
A Ravenna Supports A Etruria - Venetia
F Ausonian Sea - Gulf of Tacape (*Dislodged*)
F Baleares - Tarraconensis (*Bounce*)
F Carthage - Punic Sea
A Cirta Supports F Numidia (*Cut*)
A Mauretania Supports A Cirta
F Numidia Supports F Ausonian Sea - Gulf of Tacape
F Sicilia - Ausonian Sea (*Fails*)
A Thapsus Supports F Numidia
F Aegean Sea Supports F Sparta
A Chersonesus - Sarmatia
F Cilician Strait - Egyptian Sea
F Dalmatia - Adriatic Sea
A Damascus - Arabia
A Epirus Supports A Macedonia - Athens
A Gaul - Tarraconensis (*Bounce*)
A Macedonia - Athens
A Massilia - Etruria
A Miletus - Crete
F Minoan Sea Convoys A Miletus - Crete
A Rhaetia Supports A Massilia - Etruria
F Sparta Supports A Macedonia - Athens
A Venetia Supports A Massilia - Etruria (*Dislodged*)
F Alexandria - Libyan Sea
A Cyrene - Leptis (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Syrtis Supports F Leptis - Gulf of Tacape
F Ionian Sea Supports F Messenian Sea - Ausonian Sea
F Leptis - Gulf of Tacape (*Bounce*)
A Marmarica Supports A Cyrene - Leptis (*Fails*)
F Messenian Sea - Ausonian Sea
A Phazania - Cirta (*Fails*)
A Sahara Supports A Phazania - Cirta


Camel Spotting w08 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 09, 2010, 8:59 am)
Hey guys,
Since I've managed to schedule myself 3 games all due at the same time today, I'm gonna knock this one out early.
Rome: Remove F Adriatic Sea, A Tarraconensis
Carthage: Build A Thapsus, F Carthage
Persia: Build A Damascus
Egypt: Build F Alexandria
Standings are updated online, www.diplomaticcorp.com?game=dc304
NEXT:  Spring of year 9 due next Monday 6/14, 3pm Central!


Camel Spotting f07 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 07, 2010, 3:41 pm)
This round we see Egypt and Persia press their advantage, Egypt finally completing their siege of Leptis, and Persia marching 3 strong into the lone Massilian army.  There is one retreat, but Roman A Mass could only go to Tarra, so I just moved it there and we hunker down for a cold winter.  Especially for those Persians in France.  They're not used to that cold!
Rome: -2
Carthage: +2
Persia:  +1
Egypt:  +1
BUILDS, by Wed 6/9, 3pm Central!
F Adriatic Sea, no move received
F Apulia, no move received
A Massilia Supports A Roma - Etruria (*Dislodged*)
A Ravenna Supports A Roma - Etruria (*Cut*)
A Roma - Etruria
A Cirta Supports A Mauretania (*Cut*)
F Gulf of Tacape - Ausonian Sea
A Leptis - Numidia (*Disbanded*)
F Ligurian Sea - Baleares
A Mauretania Supports A Cirta
F Numidia - Gulf of Tacape (*Bounce*)
F Punic Sea - Sicilia
F Aegean Sea Supports F Sparta
A Armenia - Chersonesus
F Cilician Strait - Minoan Sea
F Cyprus - Cilician Strait
F Dalmatia - Adriatic Sea (*Fails*)
A Epirus - Dalmatia (*Fails*)
A Etruria - Massilia
A Gaul Supports A Etruria - Massilia
A Macedonia - Epirus (*Fails*)
A Miletus Hold
A Rhaetia Supports A Etruria - Massilia
F Sparta Supports F Athens - Ionian Sea
A Venetia - Ravenna (*Fails*)
F Athens - Ionian Sea
F Cyrene - Leptis
F Gulf of Syrtis Supports F Cyrene - Leptis
A Marmarica Supports F Cyrene - Leptis
A Memphis - Cyrene
F Messenian Sea - Gulf of Tacape (*Bounce*)
A Phazania - Numidia (*Bounce*)
A Sahara - Cirta (*Fails*)


Camel Spotting: VII-XI (s06) - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 01, 2010, 9:41 pm)
We have one retreat, but Persian F ADR could only go to Dal so I
just nudged it there.  Ben if u prefer OTB, just let the group know by
this time tomorrow, else the adj stands!  Some interesting results…
Egypt hammers Carthage with a double-whammy in Phaz and GOS, leaving the Leptinians
isolated this fall as they look over the horizon at enemy units in every
direction.  Rome strikes back at the Adriatic, Persia sneaks around into
Gaul, and a delivery guy carrying orders from Cairo is sacked… Last words
in a Spartan VII-XI…  Can you tell me where I could find “Athens”?
F Apulia Supports F Ionian Sea - Adriatic Sea
F Ionian Sea - Adriatic Sea
A Massilia Supports A Roma - Etruria
A Ravenna Supports A Roma - Etruria (*Cut*)
A Roma - Etruria (*Fails*)
A Cirta - Mauretania
F Gulf of Syrtis - Gulf of Tacape
F Gulf of Tacape - Punic Sea
A Leptis Supports A Phazania - Marmarica
F Ligurian Sea Supports A Massilia
F Numidia Supports F Gulf of Syrtis - Gulf of Tacape
A Phazania - Marmarica (*Disbanded*)
A Thapsus - Cirta
F Adriatic Sea - Ravenna (*Dislodged*)
F Aegean Sea Supports F Sparta
F Cilician Strait Hold
A Damascus - Armenia
A Epirus Hold
A Etruria Supports A Vindobona - Rhaetia (*Cut*)
A Macedonia Supports A Epirus
A Miletus Hold
A Rhaetia - Gaul
F Sparta Supports F Athens - Ionian Sea (*Void*)
F Syrian Sea - Cyprus
A Venetia Supports A Etruria
A Vindobona - Rhaetia
F Athens, no move received
F Sparta - Ionian Sea (*Not your unit*)
A Bayuda - Phazania
F Cyrene Supports F Libyan Sea - Gulf of Syrtis
F Libyan Sea - Gulf of Syrtis
A Marmarica Supports A Bayuda - Phazania
A Memphis Supports A Marmarica
F Messenian Sea - Gulf of Tacape (*Fails*)
A Sahara Supports A Bayuda - Phazania


Camel Spotting - w07 builds! - Kenshi777   (May 31, 2010, 2:57 pm)
Intersting that Arm-Che-Sar is the quickest route to the front against
Rome then (convoys included). Also that Damascus is the only Persian
home SC that allows access to Armenia. Also interesting to note that
I've used the same route to send other armies against Rome.
Just an observation Smile
On 5/30/10, Alan Farrington wrote:

that army in Dam only has one purpose -- and its not to fight the Romans.


Subject: Camel Spotting - w07 builds!
Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 20:49:52 -0500
From: mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com;
screwtape777(at)gmail.com; ponkwilliams(at)yahoo.com; thewizard.tim(at)gmail.com
CC: dc304(at)diplomaticcorp.com

Egypt retreats to Bay

Roman F Mess goes OTB and rebuilds A Rome

Persia builds A Dam

Sorry I'm late on this one! Totally slipped my mind that I had a
game due today, with Ben sending off his reminder about Balkans, got caught
in a flurry of emailing there.



Hotmail has tools for the New Busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox.

Diplomacy in Texas!
Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South
American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants


Camel Spotting - w07 builds! - AlanRFarrington   (May 30, 2010, 11:52 pm)
that army in Dam only has one purpose -- and its not to fight the Romans.


Subject: Camel Spotting - w07 builds!
Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 20:49:52 -0500
From: mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com; ponkwilliams(at)yahoo.com; thewizard.tim(at)gmail.com
CC: dc304(at)diplomaticcorp.com

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Egypt retreats to Bay
Roman F Mess goes OTB and rebuilds A Rome
Persia builds A Dam
Sorry I'm late on this one!  Totally slipped my mind that I had a
game due today, with Ben sending off his reminder about Balkans, got caught up
in a flurry of emailing there.

Hotmail has tools for the New Busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox. Learn more.


Camel Spotting - w07 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (May 26, 2010, 8:53 pm)
NEXT:  June 1, 3pm Central!  Keep in mind Monday is a US

From: Michael Sims

Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 8:56 PM

To: 'alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com'; 'welsh_stroud(at)msn.com';
'screwtape777(at)gmail.com'; 'ponkwilliams(at)yahoo.com'; 'thewizard.tim(at)gmail.com'

Cc: dc304

Subject: Camel Spotting - w07 builds!

Egypt retreats to Bay
Roman F Mess goes OTB and rebuilds A Rome
Persia builds A Dam
Sorry I’m late on this one!  Totally slipped my mind that I
had a game due today, with Ben sending off his reminder about Balkans, got
caught up in a flurry of emailing there…


Camel Spotting - w07 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (May 26, 2010, 8:49 pm)
Egypt retreats to Bay
Roman F Mess goes OTB and rebuilds A Rome
Persia builds A Dam
Sorry I’m late on this one!  Totally slipped my mind that I had a
game due today, with Ben sending off his reminder about Balkans, got caught up
in a flurry of emailing there…


Camel Spotting - w07 builds! (dc304) FuzzyLogic May 26, 08:53 pm
NEXT:  June 1, 3pm Central!  Keep in mind Monday is a US

From: Michael Sims

Sent: Wednesday, May 26, 2010 8:56 PM

To: 'alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com'; 'welsh_stroud(at)msn.com';
'screwtape777(at)gmail.com'; 'ponkwilliams(at)yahoo.com'; 'thewizard.tim(at)gmail.com'

Cc: dc304

Subject: Camel Spotting - w07 builds!

Egypt retreats to Bay
Roman F Mess goes OTB and rebuilds A Rome
Persia builds A Dam
Sorry I’m late on this one!  Totally slipped my mind that I
had a game due today, with Ben sending off his reminder about Balkans, got
caught up in a flurry of emailing there…
Camel Spotting - w07 builds! (dc304) AlanRFarrington May 30, 11:52 pm
that army in Dam only has one purpose -- and its not to fight the Romans.


Subject: Camel Spotting - w07 builds!
Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 20:49:52 -0500
From: mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com; ponkwilliams(at)yahoo.com; thewizard.tim(at)gmail.com
CC: dc304(at)diplomaticcorp.com

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Egypt retreats to Bay
Roman F Mess goes OTB and rebuilds A Rome
Persia builds A Dam
Sorry I'm late on this one!  Totally slipped my mind that I had a
game due today, with Ben sending off his reminder about Balkans, got caught up
in a flurry of emailing there.

Hotmail has tools for the New Busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox. Learn more.
Camel Spotting - w07 builds! (dc304) Kenshi777 May 31, 02:57 pm
Intersting that Arm-Che-Sar is the quickest route to the front against
Rome then (convoys included). Also that Damascus is the only Persian
home SC that allows access to Armenia. Also interesting to note that
I've used the same route to send other armies against Rome.
Just an observation Smile
On 5/30/10, Alan Farrington wrote:

that army in Dam only has one purpose -- and its not to fight the Romans.


Subject: Camel Spotting - w07 builds!
Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 20:49:52 -0500
From: mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com;
screwtape777(at)gmail.com; ponkwilliams(at)yahoo.com; thewizard.tim(at)gmail.com
CC: dc304(at)diplomaticcorp.com

Egypt retreats to Bay

Roman F Mess goes OTB and rebuilds A Rome

Persia builds A Dam

Sorry I'm late on this one! Totally slipped my mind that I had a
game due today, with Ben sending off his reminder about Balkans, got caught
in a flurry of emailing there.



Hotmail has tools for the New Busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox.

Diplomacy in Texas!
Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South
American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants
Camel Spotting - f07 results! - AlanRFarrington   (May 25, 2010, 12:01 am)
Don't think for a second that just because all of my moves were rendered useless that I'll stop submitting them!  To the last man!

Emperor AlaNero Farrington

Hotmail is redefining busy with tools for the New Busy. Get more from your inbox. See how.


Camel Spotting - f07 results! - FuzzyLogic   (May 24, 2010, 3:50 pm)
Rome gets an order too... Sparta supported Crete-Mess, so Rome can take Mess to Aus, or OTB and Build 1...

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Mon 5/24/2010 3:02 PM
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com; ponkwilliams(at)yahoo.com; thewizard.tim(at)gmail.com
Cc: dc304
Subject: Camel Spotting - f07 results!

2 adjustments due Wed!  3pm Central... (or whenever I get both orders)
Egypt:  Retreat Phaz to Bay, or OTB and Build 1
Persia:  Build 1
What a calm winter! 
Of course there's the whole matter of Jerusalem besieged by sea, Etruria being invaded, and Carthage and Egypt trading volleys in the Southern Med... but besides that a perfectly serene winter.
F Apulia - Adriatic Sea (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea Supports F Apulia - Adriatic Sea (*Cut*)
A Massilia - Etruria (*Bounce*)
F Messenian Sea Supports F Ionian Sea (*Cut*)
A Ravenna - Etruria (*Fails*)
A Cirta Supports A Sahara - Phazania
F Gulf of Syrtis Supports A Leptis
F Gulf of Tacape - Libyan Sea (*Fails*)
A Leptis Supports A Sahara - Phazania
F Ligurian Sea Hold
F Numidia Supports A Leptis
A Sahara - Phazania
A Thapsus Hold
F Adriatic Sea - Ravenna (*Fails*)
F Aegean Sea Supports F Sparta
F Cilician Strait - Syrian Sea
A Epirus Hold
A Macedonia Supports A Epirus
A Miletus Hold
F Minoan Sea - Cilician Strait
A Rhaetia - Etruria
A Sarmatia - Rhaetia
F Sparta, no move received
A Venetia Supports A Rhaetia - Etruria
A Vindobona Supports A Sarmatia - Rhaetia
F Alexandria - Cyrene
F Athens - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Bayuda - Sahara
F Crete - Messenian Sea (*Fails*)
A Cyrene - Memphis
F Libyan Sea - Gulf of Tacape (*Fails*)
A Marmarica Supports F Alexandria - Cyrene
A Phazania Supports A Bayuda - Sahara (*Dislodged*)


Camel Spotting - f07 results! - Kenshi777   (May 24, 2010, 3:40 pm)
Mike - please recheck the adjudication. My order for Fleet Sparta is
missing. I did support Egypt's fleet in Crete to Messenian Sea. This
should result in another retreat as well.
On 5/24/10, Michael Sims wrote:
2 adjustments due Wed! 3pm Central... (or whenever I get both orders)

Egypt: Retreat Phaz to Bay, or OTB and Build 1
Persia: Build 1

What a calm winter!

Of course there's the whole matter of Jerusalem besieged by sea, Etruria
being invaded, and Carthage and Egypt trading volleys in the Southern Med...
but besides that a perfectly serene winter.

F Apulia - Adriatic Sea (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea Supports F Apulia - Adriatic Sea (*Cut*)
A Massilia - Etruria (*Bounce*)
F Messenian Sea Supports F Ionian Sea (*Cut*)
A Ravenna - Etruria (*Fails*)

A Cirta Supports A Sahara - Phazania
F Gulf of Syrtis Supports A Leptis
F Gulf of Tacape - Libyan Sea (*Fails*)
A Leptis Supports A Sahara - Phazania
F Ligurian Sea Hold
F Numidia Supports A Leptis
A Sahara - Phazania
A Thapsus Hold

F Adriatic Sea - Ravenna (*Fails*)
F Aegean Sea Supports F Sparta
F Cilician Strait - Syrian Sea
A Epirus Hold
A Macedonia Supports A Epirus
A Miletus Hold
F Minoan Sea - Cilician Strait
A Rhaetia - Etruria
A Sarmatia - Rhaetia
F Sparta, no move received
A Venetia Supports A Rhaetia - Etruria
A Vindobona Supports A Sarmatia - Rhaetia

F Alexandria - Cyrene
F Athens - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Bayuda - Sahara
F Crete - Messenian Sea (*Fails*)
A Cyrene - Memphis
F Libyan Sea - Gulf of Tacape (*Fails*)
A Marmarica Supports F Alexandria - Cyrene
A Phazania Supports A Bayuda - Sahara (*Dislodged*)

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Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South
American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants


Camel Spotting - f07 results! - FuzzyLogic   (May 24, 2010, 3:02 pm)
2 adjustments due Wed!  3pm Central... (or whenever I get both orders)
Egypt:  Retreat Phaz to Bay, or OTB and Build 1
Persia:  Build 1
What a calm winter! 
Of course there's the whole matter of Jerusalem besieged by sea, Etruria being invaded, and Carthage and Egypt trading volleys in the Southern Med... but besides that a perfectly serene winter.
F Apulia - Adriatic Sea (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea Supports F Apulia - Adriatic Sea (*Cut*)
A Massilia - Etruria (*Bounce*)
F Messenian Sea Supports F Ionian Sea (*Cut*)
A Ravenna - Etruria (*Fails*)
A Cirta Supports A Sahara - Phazania
F Gulf of Syrtis Supports A Leptis
F Gulf of Tacape - Libyan Sea (*Fails*)
A Leptis Supports A Sahara - Phazania
F Ligurian Sea Hold
F Numidia Supports A Leptis
A Sahara - Phazania
A Thapsus Hold
F Adriatic Sea - Ravenna (*Fails*)
F Aegean Sea Supports F Sparta
F Cilician Strait - Syrian Sea
A Epirus Hold
A Macedonia Supports A Epirus
A Miletus Hold
F Minoan Sea - Cilician Strait
A Rhaetia - Etruria
A Sarmatia - Rhaetia
F Sparta, no move received
A Venetia Supports A Rhaetia - Etruria
A Vindobona Supports A Sarmatia - Rhaetia
F Alexandria - Cyrene
F Athens - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Bayuda - Sahara
F Crete - Messenian Sea (*Fails*)
A Cyrene - Memphis
F Libyan Sea - Gulf of Tacape (*Fails*)
A Marmarica Supports F Alexandria - Cyrene
A Phazania Supports A Bayuda - Sahara (*Dislodged*)


Camel Spotting - f07 results! (dc304) Kenshi777 May 24, 03:40 pm
Mike - please recheck the adjudication. My order for Fleet Sparta is
missing. I did support Egypt's fleet in Crete to Messenian Sea. This
should result in another retreat as well.
On 5/24/10, Michael Sims wrote:
2 adjustments due Wed! 3pm Central... (or whenever I get both orders)

Egypt: Retreat Phaz to Bay, or OTB and Build 1
Persia: Build 1

What a calm winter!

Of course there's the whole matter of Jerusalem besieged by sea, Etruria
being invaded, and Carthage and Egypt trading volleys in the Southern Med...
but besides that a perfectly serene winter.

F Apulia - Adriatic Sea (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea Supports F Apulia - Adriatic Sea (*Cut*)
A Massilia - Etruria (*Bounce*)
F Messenian Sea Supports F Ionian Sea (*Cut*)
A Ravenna - Etruria (*Fails*)

A Cirta Supports A Sahara - Phazania
F Gulf of Syrtis Supports A Leptis
F Gulf of Tacape - Libyan Sea (*Fails*)
A Leptis Supports A Sahara - Phazania
F Ligurian Sea Hold
F Numidia Supports A Leptis
A Sahara - Phazania
A Thapsus Hold

F Adriatic Sea - Ravenna (*Fails*)
F Aegean Sea Supports F Sparta
F Cilician Strait - Syrian Sea
A Epirus Hold
A Macedonia Supports A Epirus
A Miletus Hold
F Minoan Sea - Cilician Strait
A Rhaetia - Etruria
A Sarmatia - Rhaetia
F Sparta, no move received
A Venetia Supports A Rhaetia - Etruria
A Vindobona Supports A Sarmatia - Rhaetia

F Alexandria - Cyrene
F Athens - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Bayuda - Sahara
F Crete - Messenian Sea (*Fails*)
A Cyrene - Memphis
F Libyan Sea - Gulf of Tacape (*Fails*)
A Marmarica Supports F Alexandria - Cyrene
A Phazania Supports A Bayuda - Sahara (*Dislodged*)

Diplomacy in Texas!
Realpolitik files available here for the Sengoku, Balkans1860, South
American Supremacy, and DarkAges Diplomacy Variants
Camel Spotting - f07 results! (dc304) FuzzyLogic May 24, 03:50 pm
Rome gets an order too... Sparta supported Crete-Mess, so Rome can take Mess to Aus, or OTB and Build 1...

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Mon 5/24/2010 3:02 PM
To: alley_cat_1990(at)hotmail.com; welsh_stroud(at)msn.com; screwtape777(at)gmail.com; ponkwilliams(at)yahoo.com; thewizard.tim(at)gmail.com
Cc: dc304
Subject: Camel Spotting - f07 results!

2 adjustments due Wed!  3pm Central... (or whenever I get both orders)
Egypt:  Retreat Phaz to Bay, or OTB and Build 1
Persia:  Build 1
What a calm winter! 
Of course there's the whole matter of Jerusalem besieged by sea, Etruria being invaded, and Carthage and Egypt trading volleys in the Southern Med... but besides that a perfectly serene winter.
F Apulia - Adriatic Sea (*Fails*)
F Ionian Sea Supports F Apulia - Adriatic Sea (*Cut*)
A Massilia - Etruria (*Bounce*)
F Messenian Sea Supports F Ionian Sea (*Cut*)
A Ravenna - Etruria (*Fails*)
A Cirta Supports A Sahara - Phazania
F Gulf of Syrtis Supports A Leptis
F Gulf of Tacape - Libyan Sea (*Fails*)
A Leptis Supports A Sahara - Phazania
F Ligurian Sea Hold
F Numidia Supports A Leptis
A Sahara - Phazania
A Thapsus Hold
F Adriatic Sea - Ravenna (*Fails*)
F Aegean Sea Supports F Sparta
F Cilician Strait - Syrian Sea
A Epirus Hold
A Macedonia Supports A Epirus
A Miletus Hold
F Minoan Sea - Cilician Strait
A Rhaetia - Etruria
A Sarmatia - Rhaetia
F Sparta, no move received
A Venetia Supports A Rhaetia - Etruria
A Vindobona Supports A Sarmatia - Rhaetia
F Alexandria - Cyrene
F Athens - Ionian Sea (*Fails*)
A Bayuda - Sahara
F Crete - Messenian Sea (*Fails*)
A Cyrene - Memphis
F Libyan Sea - Gulf of Tacape (*Fails*)
A Marmarica Supports F Alexandria - Cyrene
A Phazania Supports A Bayuda - Sahara (*Dislodged*)
Camel Spotting - f07 results! (dc304) AlanRFarrington May 25, 12:01 am
Don't think for a second that just because all of my moves were rendered useless that I'll stop submitting them!  To the last man!

Emperor AlaNero Farrington

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Camel Spotting - s07 retreats - FuzzyLogic   (May 19, 2010, 2:00 pm)
Nothing too surprising on this lazy summer turn, both Carthage and Egypt fall back to block their critical zones...
Carthage: F Libyan Sea - Gulf of Tacape
Egypt: A Sahara - Bayuda
Fall 07:  Monday 5/24, 3pm Central!


Camel Spotting - s07 results! - FuzzyLogic   (May 17, 2010, 3:52 pm)
Trading dislodges in the south, we have two retreats:  Carthage F Libyan Sea and Egyptian A Sahara!
RETREATS - by Wed 5/19 3pm Central, or whenever I have both orders.
F Ausonian Sea - Ionian Sea
A Massilia - Rhaetia (*Fails*)
F Messenian Sea Supports F Sparta (*Cut*)
F Neapolis - Apulia
A Ravenna - Venetia (*Fails*)
F Sparta Supports F Ausonian Sea - Ionian Sea (*Disbanded*)
A Cirta Supports A Mauretania - Sahara
F Gulf of Syrtis - Cyrene (*Fails*)
A Leptis Supports F Gulf of Syrtis - Cyrene (*Cut*)
F Libyan Sea - Alexandria (*Dislodged*)
F Ligurian Sea Hold
A Mauretania - Sahara
F Numidia Supports A Leptis
A Thapsus Supports A Cirta
F Aegean Sea - Sparta
F Antioch - Cilician Strait
F Cilician Strait - Minoan Sea
A Dalmatia - Epirus
F Epirus - Adriatic Sea
A Illyria - Sarmatia
A Macedonia Supports F Athens
A Miletus Hold
F Minoan Sea - Aegean Sea
A Sarmatia - Rhaetia
A Venetia Supports A Massilia - Etruria (*Void*)
A Vindobona Supports A Sarmatia - Rhaetia
F Alexandria Supports F Egyptian Sea - Libyan Sea
F Athens Supports F Aegean Sea - Sparta
F Crete - Messenian Sea (*Fails*)
A Cyrene Supports A Phazania - Leptis (*Cut*)
F Egyptian Sea - Libyan Sea
A Marmarica Supports A Phazania - Leptis
A Phazania - Leptis (*Fails*)
A Sahara - Cirta (*Dislodged*)


Camel Spotting - w06 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (May 11, 2010, 4:14 pm)
Well that was sure quick!  3 sets of adjustments in 20 minutes.  So we'll knock this one out now, and be off and running to spring of year 7!
Rome A Venetia to Ravenna
Egypt F Libyan to Egyptian
Persia builds F Antioch
Egypt builds F Alexandria
That's it!
Spring 07 due Monday 5/17, 3pm Central.
Rome:      Supp  6 Unit  6
Carthage:  Supp  8 Unit  8
Persia:    Supp 12 Unit 12
Greece:    Supp  0 Unit  0
Egypt:     Supp  8 Unit  8



Camel Spotting - f06 results! - FuzzyLogic   (May 11, 2010, 3:51 pm)
Rome A Ven to Rav or OTB
Egypt F Libyan to EGY, Ale, or OTB
Persia +1
Egypt +1
(Rome could build 1 if retreat goes OTB)
Winter due Thursday 3pm or whenever I have the requisite orders.
F Ausonian Sea Supports F Messenian Sea
A Epirus - Athens (*Disbanded*)
A Massilia - Etruria (*Bounce*)
F Messenian Sea Supports F Gulf of Tacape - Libyan Sea
F Sicilia - Neapolis
F Sparta Supports A Epirus - Athens (*Cut*)
A Venetia - Etruria (*Dislodged*)
F Berber Sea - Ligurian Sea
A Cirta Supports A Saguntum - Mauretania (*Cut*)
F Gulf of Syrtis - Cyrene (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Tacape - Libyan Sea
A Leptis Supports F Gulf of Syrtis - Cyrene (*Cut*)
F Numidia Supports A Leptis
A Saguntum - Mauretania
A Thapsus Supports A Cirta
F Aegean Sea - Sparta (*Fails*)
F Athens - Epirus
A Cappadocia - Miletus
F Cilician Strait Convoys A Cappadocia - Miletus
A Dacia - Sarmatia
A Dalmatia Supports A Rhaetia - Venetia
A Illyria Supports F Athens - Epirus
A Macedonia Supports F Ionian Sea - Athens
F Minoan Sea - Aegean Sea (*Fails*)
A Rhaetia - Venetia
A Sarmatia - Vindobona
F Crete Supports F Minoan Sea - Aegean Sea
A Cyrene Supports A Marmarica - Leptis (*Cut*)
F Ionian Sea - Athens
F Libyan Sea - Gulf of Syrtis (*Dislodged*)
A Marmarica - Leptis (*Fails*)
A Phazania - Cirta (*Fails*)
A Sahara Supports A Cirta - Mauretania (*Void*)


Camel Spotting - s06 resutls! - FuzzyLogic   (May 05, 2010, 3:34 pm)
The Army retreats to Epi, Fleet goes OTB!

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Wed 5/5/2010 3:12 PM
Subject: Camel Spotting - s06 resutls!

A fierce battle rages over Leptis, but the Carthaginians stand firm and hold their ground.  With notably more success in their endeavours, the Persians storm into Dal and Ath, leaving Rome with some limited retreat options... able to retreat only the Fleet or the Army, but not both.
Alan just let the group know which unit to Epi and which OTB by tomorrow 3pm Central! 
Then we have Fall 06, due Tues 5/11, 3pm Central.
F Athens Supports F Ionian Sea - Sparta (*Dislodged*)
F Ausonian Sea - Messenian Sea
A Dalmatia - Vindobona (*Dislodged*)
F Ionian Sea - Sparta
A Massilia - Rhaetia (*Fails*)
F Punic Sea - Ausonian Sea
F Tyrrhenean Sea - Sicilia
A Venetia Supports A Dalmatia - Vindobona (*Cut*)
F Berber Sea - Mauretania (*Bounce*)
A Cirta Hold
F Gulf of Syrtis Supports A Leptis
F Gulf of Tacape Supports A Leptis (*Cut*)
A Leptis Hold
F Numidia Supports A Leptis
A Saguntum - Mauretania (*Bounce*)
A Thapsus Supports A Cirta
F Aegean Sea - Athens
F Antioch - Cilician Strait
A Byzantium - Dacia
A Chersonesus - Sarmatia
A Damascus - Cappadocia
A Illyria Supports A Vindobona - Dalmatia
A Macedonia Supports F Aegean Sea - Athens
F Miletus - Aegean Sea
F Minoan Sea Supports F Miletus - Aegean Sea
A Rhaetia - Venetia (*Fails*)
A Vindobona - Dalmatia
F Crete - Libyan Sea (*Fails*)
A Cyrene Supports A Phazania - Leptis
F Libyan Sea - Gulf of Tacape (*Fails*)
A Marmarica Supports A Phazania - Leptis
F Messenian Sea - Ionian Sea
A Phazania - Leptis (*Fails*)
A Sahara - Phazania (*Fails*)


Camel Spotting - s06 resutls! - FuzzyLogic   (May 05, 2010, 3:12 pm)
A fierce battle rages over Leptis, but the Carthaginians stand firm and hold their ground.  With notably more success in their endeavours, the Persians storm into Dal and Ath, leaving Rome with some limited retreat options... able to retreat only the Fleet or the Army, but not both.
Alan just let the group know which unit to Epi and which OTB by tomorrow 3pm Central! 
Then we have Fall 06, due Tues 5/11, 3pm Central.
F Athens Supports F Ionian Sea - Sparta (*Dislodged*)
F Ausonian Sea - Messenian Sea
A Dalmatia - Vindobona (*Dislodged*)
F Ionian Sea - Sparta
A Massilia - Rhaetia (*Fails*)
F Punic Sea - Ausonian Sea
F Tyrrhenean Sea - Sicilia
A Venetia Supports A Dalmatia - Vindobona (*Cut*)
F Berber Sea - Mauretania (*Bounce*)
A Cirta Hold
F Gulf of Syrtis Supports A Leptis
F Gulf of Tacape Supports A Leptis (*Cut*)
A Leptis Hold
F Numidia Supports A Leptis
A Saguntum - Mauretania (*Bounce*)
A Thapsus Supports A Cirta
F Aegean Sea - Athens
F Antioch - Cilician Strait
A Byzantium - Dacia
A Chersonesus - Sarmatia
A Damascus - Cappadocia
A Illyria Supports A Vindobona - Dalmatia
A Macedonia Supports F Aegean Sea - Athens
F Miletus - Aegean Sea
F Minoan Sea Supports F Miletus - Aegean Sea
A Rhaetia - Venetia (*Fails*)
A Vindobona - Dalmatia
F Crete - Libyan Sea (*Fails*)
A Cyrene Supports A Phazania - Leptis
F Libyan Sea - Gulf of Tacape (*Fails*)
A Marmarica Supports A Phazania - Leptis
F Messenian Sea - Ionian Sea
A Phazania - Leptis (*Fails*)
A Sahara - Phazania (*Fails*)


Camel Spotting - s06 resutls! (dc304) FuzzyLogic May 05, 03:34 pm
The Army retreats to Epi, Fleet goes OTB!

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Wed 5/5/2010 3:12 PM
Subject: Camel Spotting - s06 resutls!

A fierce battle rages over Leptis, but the Carthaginians stand firm and hold their ground.  With notably more success in their endeavours, the Persians storm into Dal and Ath, leaving Rome with some limited retreat options... able to retreat only the Fleet or the Army, but not both.
Alan just let the group know which unit to Epi and which OTB by tomorrow 3pm Central! 
Then we have Fall 06, due Tues 5/11, 3pm Central.
F Athens Supports F Ionian Sea - Sparta (*Dislodged*)
F Ausonian Sea - Messenian Sea
A Dalmatia - Vindobona (*Dislodged*)
F Ionian Sea - Sparta
A Massilia - Rhaetia (*Fails*)
F Punic Sea - Ausonian Sea
F Tyrrhenean Sea - Sicilia
A Venetia Supports A Dalmatia - Vindobona (*Cut*)
F Berber Sea - Mauretania (*Bounce*)
A Cirta Hold
F Gulf of Syrtis Supports A Leptis
F Gulf of Tacape Supports A Leptis (*Cut*)
A Leptis Hold
F Numidia Supports A Leptis
A Saguntum - Mauretania (*Bounce*)
A Thapsus Supports A Cirta
F Aegean Sea - Athens
F Antioch - Cilician Strait
A Byzantium - Dacia
A Chersonesus - Sarmatia
A Damascus - Cappadocia
A Illyria Supports A Vindobona - Dalmatia
A Macedonia Supports F Aegean Sea - Athens
F Miletus - Aegean Sea
F Minoan Sea Supports F Miletus - Aegean Sea
A Rhaetia - Venetia (*Fails*)
A Vindobona - Dalmatia
F Crete - Libyan Sea (*Fails*)
A Cyrene Supports A Phazania - Leptis
F Libyan Sea - Gulf of Tacape (*Fails*)
A Marmarica Supports A Phazania - Leptis
F Messenian Sea - Ionian Sea
A Phazania - Leptis (*Fails*)
A Sahara - Phazania (*Fails*)
Camel Spotting - w05 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 30, 2010, 11:21 am)
Hey all,
Just knocking this out while I've got a spare moment...
Rome retreats Vin to Dal
Then we have builds...
Carthage: Build A Thapsus
Persia: Build F Antioch
And then we move right along into the spring of year 6.  Due next Wed May 5, 3pm Central!


Camel Spotting - f05 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 28, 2010, 4:12 pm)
The knives come out as the Persians slice their way into Vindabona, the forces in Rha delivering a key cut to undermine the Roman defenses.  And after years of stalemate in the south, Leptis changes hands, falling to Carthage!
We have just a retreat and couple of builds, due Friday 3pm Central!
Rome:  Retreat A Vin (to Dal or OTB)
Carthage:  Build 1
Persia:  Build 1
Rome:  Build 0, or 1 if retreat OTB
Egypt:  Nothing, Nada, Zip, Zilch, Zero.
Retreats and Builds are due together, Friday!  (may be sent out whenever I have a full set)
F Athens - Sparta (*Bounce*)
F Ausonian Sea - Messenian Sea (*Fails*)
A Etruria - Massilia
F Ionian Sea - Sparta (*Bounce*)
F Punic Sea - Ausonian Sea (*Fails*)
F Tyrrhenean Sea Hold
A Venetia Supports A Vindobona (*Cut*)
A Vindobona Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Carthage - Berber Sea
A Cirta Hold
F Gulf of Syrtis Supports A Leptis
F Gulf of Tacape Supports A Leptis
A Leptis Hold
A Mauretania - Saguntum
F Numidia Supports A Leptis
F Aegean Sea - Sparta (*Bounce*)
A Armenia - Chersonesus
A Byzantium - Macedonia
F Cilician Strait - Miletus
A Damascus Hold
A Illyria Supports A Sarmatia - Vindobona
A Miletus - Byzantium
F Minoan Sea - Aegean Sea (*Fails*)
A Rhaetia - Venetia (*Fails*)
A Sarmatia - Vindobona
F Crete - Messenian Sea
A Cyrene Supports A Marmarica - Leptis
F Egyptian Sea - Crete
F Libyan Sea Supports F Crete - Messenian Sea
A Marmarica - Leptis (*Fails*)
A Phazania Supports A Marmarica - Leptis
A Sahara Supports A Phazania


Camel Spotting - s05 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Apr 23, 2010, 3:01 pm)
Wow, year 5 already - we're just cruisin along!  (with only 4 players, this is one of the easiest games to GM)
This year the Persians move swiftly across the Alps into Western Europe, while after years of fierce warfare, the Carthaginians push Egypt out of Leptis.  Roman fleets look toward Sardinia - which with minimal defenses, might be like taking centers from a Greek!  (hey maybe it'll catch on)  What's in store next for our Ancient Mediterraneans?  Find out Wednesday!  4/28, 3pm Central.
(sorry Robin!  No offense...)
F Athens Hold
F Ausonian Sea Supports F Sicilia - Punic Sea
A Illyria - Vindobona
F Neapolis - Tyrrhenean Sea
A Ravenna - Venetia
A Roma - Etruria
F Sicilia - Punic Sea
F Sparta - Ionian Sea
F Carthage - Punic Sea (*Fails*)
A Cirta - Phazania (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Syrtis Supports A Numidia - Leptis (*Cut*)
F Gulf of Tacape Supports A Numidia - Leptis
A Mauretania - Sahara (*Fails*)
A Numidia - Leptis
F Thapsus - Numidia
A Antioch - Damascus
F Byzantium - Aegean Sea
F Cilician Strait - Minoan Sea
A Dacia - Sarmatia
A Damascus - Armenia
A Galatia - Miletus
A Macedonia - Illyria
A Miletus - Byzantium
A Sarmatia - Rhaetia
F Syrian Sea - Cilician Strait
A Alexandria - Cyrene
A Bayuda - Marmarica
F Crete Supports F Byzantium - Aegean Sea
F Egyptian Sea Hold
A Leptis - Numidia (*Disbanded*)
F Libyan Sea - Gulf of Syrtis (*Fails*)
A Phazania - Cirta (*Fails*)
A Sahara Supports A Phazania - Cirta (*Cut*)


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