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(Standard (Winter 1900))


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DC464 Fall 1906 - Zoterik   (Jan 11, 2014, 10:09 am)
Well now, what have we here? A poll of Muskovites reveals that a record high no longer consider themselves a part of Europe, a sentiment likely shared by the leadership who are content to sit in Moscow and wait for the war to unfold without them. However, the war does now claim its first victim, as Italy goes down after waiting for death. Thank you, Wladimir, for your participation! If you do not wish to continue to receive adjudications, please tell me at any time.

Austria continues the two-front war to moderate success, claiming both Munich and Greece, at the cost of Rumania. England still lives, retaking London with German support after French offers of Belgium go unheeded. One wonders if France regrets not taking Liverpool at the first opportunity! Three units were dislodged, but the retreat turn is quite easy to manage and we can advance to the Winter.

Both retreats and adjustments are given below the orders. The deadline for Winter 1906 is 14 January at 08:00 GMT.


F Albania - Greece
A Serbia S A Albania - Greece

A Rumania - Bulgaria (*dislodged*)
F Naples - Ionian Sea (*bounce*)

A Rome - Apulia
A Galicia - Warsaw (*fails*)

A Ukraine S A Galicia - Warsaw
A Tyrolia - Munich

F North Sea - London

F Spain\sc - Mid Atlantic Ocean

F Western Mediterranean - Tunis

A Paris - Brest
A Burgundy S Aus A Tyrolia - Munich

A Picardy S Eng F North Sea - Belgium (*void*)
A Edinburgh Hold

F London Hold


F StPetersburg\nc - Norway
F Baltic Sea - Sweden

A Munich - Berlin
F English Channel S Eng F North Sea - London

F Yorkshire S Eng F North Sea - London
A Belgium Hold

A Holland S A Belgium
A Denmark Hold
A Warsaw Hold
A Prussia S A Warsaw



A Moscow Hold


A Sevastopol - Rumania

F Black Sea S A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Bulgaria S A Sevastopol - Rumania

F Ionian Sea - Adriatic Sea
F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*bounce*)

F Greece S F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*disbanded*)


Austrian A Rumania can retreat to Budapest, so ordered.
French F London can retreat to Wales, so ordered.

Turkish F Greece has no valid retreats, disbanded.

Austria: +1 (9)

England: 0 (1)
France: +1 (Cool
Germany: -1 (9)

Italy: -1 (0)
Russia: 0 (1)

Turkey: +1 (6)


DC464 Summer - Zoterik   (Jan 05, 2014, 9:39 am)
The German fleet retreats forward to English Channel.  Fall 1906 orders are due 11 January, 08:00 GMT.

Housekeeping notes

1. I will get the map to you as soon as I can.  I recently purchased a new laptop and I'm in the process of transferring everything.  For now, simply keep this retreat in mind.

2. On Thursday the 9th, I will be moving to Moscow, assuming that I get my visa from the Russian embassy AND the weather cooperates.  There are many things which can go wrong here, so I don't know if it's going to work out, but be aware that I will likely be unable to confirm your orders if you send them after 16:00 GMT that day.


DC464 Spring 1906 - Zoterik   (Jan 03, 2014, 12:22 am)
The outbreak of war between Austria and Turkey is now indisputable. The red armies siege Greece, but are repulsed by stout defensive efforts. The Black Sea is still fairly peaceful, while the Mediterranean continues to be the scenes of Turkish and French stalemates over the remnants of an Italy which finds itself adrift between Sicily and Sardinia. Continuing past the French-controlled Atlantic Ocean, the English Navy made some headway in reestablishing its dominance of the North Sea, albeit only with the support of France and with the loss of its Danish holdings. Austria and Germany appear to have established a tentative peace. And I'll have to check my records, but I have the nagging hunch that the Turkish orders are identical to those from previous years.

England is now on the ropes once again and faces elimination, while Russia and Italy may be saved solely by the inability of the greater powers to decide whose claim to Tunis or Moscow is most legitimate. Force alone will determine the fates of the white and green, I suspect. One unit was dislodged. The German F NTH requires a retreat, which will be due on 6th January at 08:00 GMT. If received earlier, I will adjudicate the Summer ahead of schedule.


German F North Sea can retreat to English Channel, Heligoland Bight, Norway, Norwegian Sea, or Skagerrak.


F Albania - Greece (*fails*)
A Serbia S F Albania - Greece
F Naples S Ita F Tyrrhenian Sea

A Rome S F Naples
A Galicia Hold

A Rumania Hold
A Ukraine S A Rumania
A Tyrolia Hold

F Denmark - North Sea

A Liverpool - Edinburgh

A Picardy - Belgium (*fails*)
F London S Eng F Denmark - North Sea

F Gulf of Lion - Spain/sc
F Western Mediterranean - Tunis (*bounce*)

A Burgundy Hold
A Paris S A Burgundy


A Kiel - Denmark

F Gulf of Bothnia - Baltic Sea

A Holland - Edinburgh (*fails*)
F North Sea C A Holland - Edinburgh (*dislodged*)

F Yorkshire S A Holland - Edinburgh
A Belgium Hold

A Munich Hold
F Petersburg Hold

A Warsaw Hold
A Prussia S A Warsaw




A Moscow Hold

F Ionian Sea - Tunis (*bounce*)

F Greece Hold
A Bulgaria S F Greece

F Aegean Sea S A Bulgaria
A Sevastopol Hold

F Black Sea S A Sevastopol


Dc464 Winter 1905 - Zoterik   (Dec 24, 2013, 9:40 pm)
I hope everyone is having a pleasant holiday.  A bit late, but I have builds for you.  I'd like to sneak in the Spring 06 turn before the New Year, but I realize that could be a bit much to ask.  So the deadline is set for 30th December, but if I don't get everyone's orders I'll wait until 2nd January.


Build A Paris


Build A Kiel


Defaults, removing A Livonia


Dc464 Fall 1905 - Zoterik   (Dec 20, 2013, 1:31 pm)
The holiday season brings cheer, goodwill, and peace on earth... in another game, perhaps. Not here. Here the fighting continues, and again there is no possible alliance that I can see; the only places where the top four aren't fighting are the places where it is not (yet) possible to do so! Then again, I only get the superficial view. 

Italy and Russia are knocked down to one each, while England stays at one and stays alive floating around Denmark.  Two units were dislodged and both have but one possible retreat, which I will order.  If Austria or France want those units sent OTB for an extra build, let me know.  Germany retakes Belgium and Warsaw, Austria completes the conquest of the Italian peninsula, Tunis remains a stalemate. 

Adjustments can be found below the orders.  Winter 1905 adjustments due 23 December at 08:00 GMT.


F Apulia - Naples
A Rome S F Apulia - Naples

F Adriatic Sea - Albania
A Budapest - Serbia
A Ukraine - Moscow (*fails*)
A Warsaw S A Ukraine - Moscow (*dislodged*)

A Rumania Hold
A Tyrolia Hold


F Heligoland Bight - Denmark


A Belgium S A Burgundy (*dislodged*)

A Burgundy S A Belgium (*cut*)
A Liverpool - Edinburgh (*bounce*)

F Gulf of Lion - Tyrrhenian Sea (*fails*)
F Western Mediterranean - Tunis (*bounce*)

F London Hold


A Ruhr - Belgium
A Holland S A Ruhr - Belgium

A Munich - Burgundy (*fails*)
A Silesia - Warsaw

A Prussia S A Silesia - Warsaw
F Baltic Sea - Gulf of Bothnia

F Denmark - North Sea
F Yorkshire - Edinburgh (*bounce*)

F St Petersburg/nc Hold




A Livonia - St Petersburg (*fails*)

A Moscow S A Livonia - St Petersburg (*cut*)


F Ionian Sea - Tunis (*bounce*)
F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*fails*)

F Greece S F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*fails*)
A Bulgaria Hold

A Sevastopol Hold
F Black Sea S A Sevastopol

Austrian A Warsaw can retreat to Galicia, so ordered.

French A Belgium can retreat to Picardy, so ordered.


Austria: 0 (Cool*
England: 0 (1)

France: +1 (6)*
Germany: +1 (10)

Italy: 0 (1)
Russia: -1 (1)

Turkey: 0 (6)

* can get another build if dislodged unit is sent OTB


dc464 Spring 1905 - Zoterik   (Dec 13, 2013, 2:59 am)
Is anyone at peace? Anyone?  I look at this map and I see only one real evidence of cooperation, between Austria and Russia. But Russia's fortunes have changed for the worse, while England faces elimination and Italy finds himself crushed in an ever-more-crowded Mediterranean. The four major players all seem to be fighting each other: Austria vs. Turkey, Germany vs. France, Turkey vs. France, and Austria vs. Germany. I can't figure out who is supposed to be on the same side here, and that makes this game really one of the most interesting I've had the pleasure to witness. 

No units need to retreat, so our Fall 1905 deadline is 20 December.  Then we'll adjourn for the holidays.  No one has told me of any holiday plans yet, so I expect only a minor interruption. 

F Venice - Apulia

A Rome S F Venice - Apulia
F Trieste - Adriatic Sea

A Vienna - Tyrolia
A Rumania S Rus A Moscow - Sevastopol

A Budapest S A Rumania
A Warsaw S Rus A Livonia - Prussia (*cut*)

A Ukraine S A Warsaw


F Heligoland Bight - North Sea (*bounce*)


A Picardy - Belgium
A Burgundy S A Picardy - Belgium
A Yorkshire - Liverpool

F Western Mediterranean - Tunis (*bounce*)
F Marseilles - Gulf of Lion

F London Hold


A Kiel - Ruhr
A Munich S A Kiel - Ruhr

A Holland - Belgium (*fails*)
A Silesia - Warsaw (*fails*)

A Prussia S A Silesia - Warsaw (*cut*)
F Berlin - Baltic Sea

F Norway - Petersburg/nc
F Denmark - North Sea (*bounce*)

F Edinburgh - Yorkshire


F Naples - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Apulia - Naples

A Moscow - Sevastopol (*fails*)

A Livonia - Prussia (*fails*)


A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Sevastopol S Aus A Ukraine - Moscow (*void*)

F Black Sea S A Sevastopol
F Ionian Sea - Tunis (*fails*)

F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea (*fails*)
F Greece S F Aegean Sea - Ionian Sea


Dc464 Winter 1904 - Zoterik   (Dec 08, 2013, 6:35 am)
Please accept my sincerest apologiest; I have had a rather trying week and completely neglected my Diplomatic obligations.  If this happens again, don't hesitate to give me a nudge!  Also, in eight days I will leave Odessa to spend some time with my family in America.  I'll keep the deadline time the same just for formality sake, as I expect to return to this part of the world in January.

Spring 1905 deadline is 13 December at 08:00 GMT.

Build F Trieste

Build A Budapest


Remove F Barents Sea
Remove A Finland

Remove F North Atlantic Ocean


Build F Marseilles


Build F Berlin
Build A Kiel
Build A Munich

Defaults, removing F Tunis
Defaults, removing F Tyrrhenian Sea

Build A constantinople


Dc464 Fall 1904 - Zoterik   (Dec 02, 2013, 2:18 am)
My apologies for the delay; sometimes life gets in the way and this time it's women.  Why is it always women or work? 

But I really have no idea what's going on here now.  I looked at these orders and figured that England was bowing out of the game.  Well, maybe its his misfortune that he's still kicking!  France does the unthinkable and passes on an open Liverpool; whether that was intentional or otherwise I have no clue.  I received no orders from Italy; Wladimir if you sent them I never saw them.  Two units were dislodged but neither has a retreat so we can skip over Autumn and go straight to Winter, a season which is very good for Germany and Austria, although Turkey and France do get something out of it too.

Winter 1904 adjustments due 5 December, 08:00 GMT.


A Venice - Rome

F Adriatic Sea - Venice
A Galicia - Ukraine
A Warsaw S A Galicia - Ukraine

A Rumania S Rus A Sevastopol (*cut*)
A Tyrolia - Vienna

F Norwegian Sea - North Atlantic Ocean

F Norway - Barents Sea

A Sweden - Finland
F Heligoland Bight Hold

F English channel - London

A Wales - Yorkshire

A Burgundy - Munich (*bounce*)
A Picardy Hold

F Western Mediterranean Hold


F North Sea - Edinburgh

F Skagerrak - Norway
F Denmark - Kiel (*bounce*)

F Holland - Kiel (*bounce*)
A Silesia - Munich (*bounce*)

A Prussia S Rus A Livonia - Warsaw (*void*)
A Ukraine - Rumania (*disbanded*)



A Livonia S Aus A Warsaw

A Moscow S Aus A Warsaw
A Sevastopol S Aus A Galicia - Ukraine (*disbanded*)

A Armenia - Sevastopol

F Black Sea S A Armenia - Sevastopol

F Ionian Sea - Tunis (*fails*)
F Greece - Ionian Sea (*fails*)

F Aegean Sea S F Greece - Ionian Sea


Austria: +2 (Cool
England: -3 (1)

France: +1 (6)
Germany: +3 (9)

Italy: -2 (2)
Russia: 0 (2)

Turkey: +1 (6)


Dc464 Summer 1904 - Zoterik   (Nov 26, 2013, 3:58 am)
The Italians retreat Venice to Apulia, and so our Summer passes into Fall.

Some of you have already sent me orders for Fall 1904.  This is very much appreciated.  The deadline is set for 30 November, 08:00 GMT.


Dc464 Spring 1904 - Zoterik   (Nov 23, 2013, 4:01 am)
There are some times in GMing when I can sense what's going on in the minds of the players, and I feel that I know what's going to happen.  Today is not one of those days.  I looked at the battle in the West and I saw Belgium ripe for the plucking by France.  Nope.  France instead sneaks an army into Wales, and I am left dumbfounded to ponder my own timid moves in various games.  All three English home centres are threatened this turn.

One unit needs a retreat.  Italian A Venice can retreat to Apulia, Piedmont, Rome, or Tuscany.

Summer 1904 deadline is whenever Italy sends me the retreat, or 25 November at 08:00 GMT, whichever comes first. 

A Trieste - Venice
F Adriatic Sea S A Trieste - VeniceA Vienna - Tyrolia
A Budapest - GaliciaA Rumania S A Sevastopol
A Warsaw Hold

EnglandA Finland - Sweden
F Norway S A Finland - SwedenF North Sea - Heligoland Bight
F Norwegian Sea - North Sea (*fails*)

FranceA Picardy - Wales
F English channel c A Picardy - WalesA Paris - Picardy
A Burgundy S A Paris - PicardyF Spain/sc - Western Mediterranean

F Holland - North SeaF Denmark S F Holland - North Sea
F Skagerrak S F Holland - North SeaA Ukraine - Warsaw (*fails*)
A Prussia S A Ukraine - WarsawA Belgium - Holland
A Munich - Silesia

ItalyF Naples - Ionian Sea
F Tunis S F Naples - Ionian SeaF Tyrrhenian Sea S F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Venice Hold (*dislodged*)

RussiaA Petersburg - Moscow
A Sevastopol S A Petersburg - Moscow (*cut*)A Livonia S A Aus Warsaw

A Armenia - Sevastopol (*fails*)F Black Sea S A Armenia - Sevastopol
F Ionian Sea HoldF Aegean Sea S F Ionian Sea
F Greece S F Ionian Sea


Dc464 Autumn & Winter 1903 - Zoterik   (Nov 16, 2013, 2:26 am)
Not too much happened to close 1903, so there's not too much to say about it. But I do think that the coming year will make or break certain nations! The Spring deadline is set at 21 November, 08:00 GMT. As always, preliminary orders are a Diplomat's best friend.


German A Warsaw - Ukraine

Austria builds A BudapestGermany disbands F Baltic Sea


Dc464 Fall 1903 - Zoterik   (Nov 14, 2013, 1:40 am)
Following the restoration of the Russian monarchy, Russia loses... zero centres.  The repercussions of the Third Tsar have already begun to reverberate, as the Austrian-Turkish agreement is looking a bit frayed, while Germany now finds himself facing hostile English and French aggression on one end, and Austrian and Russian cooperation on the other.  Italy, no doubt, is breathing a sigh of relief.  1903 is, I think, the calm before the storm.  Only one center changed hands, leading to a dislodged unit.  The one build is Austria's, but with only one free home centre, the build is almost certain.  

The German A Warsaw can retreat to Silesia or Ukraine, or OTB.  If not disbanded, another unit will need to be pulled.  
Austria can build one unit in Budapest, or waive the build until later.  

Autumn/Winter deadline is 16 November at 08:00 GMT.  Let's have a quick phase before the real fun begins!

A Serbia - Trieste
F Adriatic Sea S A Serbia - TriesteA Vienna S A Serbia - Trieste
A Galicia - WarsawA Rumania S Rus A Sevastopol

A Finland - Sweden (*bounce*)
F Norway S A Finland - SwedenA North Sea - Denmark (*fails*)
F Norwegian Sea - North Sea (*fails*)

 FranceF Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English channel
A Brest - Picardy
A Burgundy S A Brest - PicardyA Gascony - Paris
F Marseilles - Spain/sc

 GermanyF Baltic Sea - Sweden (*bounce*)
F Denmark S F Baltic Sea - Sweden (*cut*)
F Skagerrak S F Baltic Sea - SwedenA Warsaw - Moscow (*dislodged*)
A Prussia - Warsaw (*fails*)A Tyrolia - Munich
A Belgium HoldF Holland S A Belgium

F Western Mediterranean - Tunis
F Tyrrhenian Sea S F Western Mediterranean - TunisF Naples - Apulia (*bounce*)
A Venice - Apulia (*bounce*)

 RussiaA St. Petersburg - Moscow (*bounce*)
A Sevastopol S A St. Petersburg - Moscow (*cut*)
A Livonia S Aus A Galicia - Warsaw

 TurkeyA Armenia - Sevastopol (*fails*)
F Black Sea S A Armenia - Sevastopol
F Bulgaria/sc - Aegean SeaF Ionian Sea Hold
F Greece S F Ionian Sea


Dc464 Spring 1903 - Zoterik   (Nov 05, 2013, 11:26 pm)
Rather than jumping on a Russia in civil disorder, everyone appears to be jostling for position, which means that if ever we get a third Tsar there may be quite a bit of chaos.  Italy looked primed for a crushing defeat before France turned around completely.  The French homeland now is full of troops with nowhere to go.  But there must be a destination in the minds of French high command.  England attempts to put significant force on Sweden, but is rebuffed, although still has an advantage on Sweden or Petersburg, whichever he chooses.  The Austro-Turk alliance, buoyed by the absence of an army in 1901, looks strong and may have some teeth!

Fall 1903 orders due 11 November, 08:00 GMT.

A Budapest - Galicia
A Vienna S A Budapest - GaliciaA Rumania - Ukraine (*bounce*)
A Serbia - Rumania (*fails*)F Trieste - Adriatic Sea

F North Sea - Skagerrak (*fails*)
F Norwegian Sea - North Sea (*fails*)A Norway - Finland
F Barents Sea - Norway

 FranceA Marseilles - Burgundy
A Gascony S A Marseilles - Burgundy
F Spain/sc - MarseillesA North Africa - Brest
F MidAtlantic Ocean c A North Africa - Brest

 GermanyF Sweden - Skagerrak 
F Denmark S F Sweden - Skagerrak
F Kiel - HollandA Belgium S F Kiel - Holland
F Berlin - Baltic SeaA Munich - Tyrolia
A Warsaw - Ukraine (*bounce*)A Prussia - Warsaw (*fails*)

F Gulf of Lion - Western Mediterranean
F Naples - Ionian Sea (*fails*)F Tyrrhenian Sea S F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Venice Hold


F Bulgaria/ec - Black Sea
F Aegean Sea - Bulgaria/scA Ankara - Smyrna
F Ionian Sea S Fra A North Africa - TunisF Greece S F Ionian Sea


Dc464 Autumn - Zoterik   (Oct 27, 2013, 11:26 am)
Here are your retreating units!  Winter adjustments are due 30 October at 08:00 GMT before the Halloween festivities.  

French F Gulf of Lion - Spain/sc
Italian F Ionian Sea - Naples

Austria: +1 (5)England: 0 (4)
France: 0 (5)Germany: +3 (Cool
Italy: 0 (4)Russia: -1 (3)
Turkey: +1 (5)


Fwd: - Zoterik   (Oct 25, 2013, 12:02 am)
The winners of 1902 is Germany, while Russia is most certainly the loser.  With a massive effort, England takes Norway but loses Belgium to Germany.  France and Italy spar in Piedmont but a convoyed army in North Africa puts strain on Tunis while Turkey easily retains Greece and Austria takes over Rumania.  Before our winter turn, we do have some retreats which must be done, and I'd like to have those by 27 October at 08:00 GMT.  And this time, I'll make sure to adjudicate on time.  Get your orders before the deadline, or NMR.

You may also start to send me adjustments in anticipation of Winter.  Adjustments can be found below the orders. 


French F Gulf of Lion can retreat to Spain/sc or Tuscany.
Italian F Ionian Sea can retreat to Tunis, Naples, Apulia, Adriatic Sea or Albania.
Russian F Norway, no moves received, disbanded.
Russian A Rumania, no moves received, disbanded.


A Budapest - Rumania
A Serbia Supports A Budapest - Rumania
F Trieste Hold
A Vienna - Budapest


F Barents Sea Supports A Edinburgh - Norway
A Edinburgh - Norway
F North Sea Convoys A Edinburgh - Norway
F Norwegian Sea Supports A Edinburgh - Norway


F Gulf of Lyon Supports A Marseilles - Piedmont (*Dislodged*)
A Marseilles - Piedmont (*Bounce*)
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Spain - North Africa
A Paris - Gascony
A Spain - North Africa


F Denmark Supports F Sweden
A Holland - Belgium
A Prussia Supports A Silesia - Warsaw
A Silesia - Warsaw
F Sweden Supports F Norway


F Ionian Sea Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea Supports F Western Mediterranean - Gulf of Lyon
A Venice - Piedmont (*Bounce*)
F Western Mediterranean - Gulf of Lyon


A Galicia, no move received
A Livonia, no move received
F Norway, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Rumania, no move received (*Disbanded*)
A Sevastopol, no move received
A St Petersburg, no move received

F Aegean Sea Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
F Bulgaria(ec) Supports A Budapest - Rumania

F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea
F Greece Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Ionian Sea

AdjustmentsAustria: +1 (5)
England: 0 (4)France: 0 (5)
Germany: +3 (CoolItaly: 0 (4)
Russia: -3 (3)Turkey: +1 (5)


Dc464 Spring 1902 Adjudication - Zoterik   (Oct 14, 2013, 5:27 am)
Here you go, gentlemen.  Not much moved this turn, and I suspect a lot of you were hedging your bets against a stab.  Or, those of you who find yourselves in open conflict can't yet seem to get ahead of the game.  But let's see how it goes!  I apologize for the late adjudication; I spent the weekend in Moldova without internet, but I'm back in relative civilization now. Peace reigns in the west, while Russia finds himself in a tough spot.  Turkish growth continues, and we will have war over the Western Med!  So, we have one unit dislodged and I'll need the Russian retreat as soon as possible so that we can continue to Fall 02.   

Russian A Galicia can retreat to Bohemia, Ukraine, or Warsaw.  Summer retreat deadline is 16 October at 08:00 GMT, but I will adjudicate if I receive the retreat sooner.  Otherwise, Fall 1902 orders are due 21 October at 08:00 GMT. 

A Vienna - Galicia
A Budapest S A Vienna - GaliciaA Serbia S A Budapest
F Albania - Trieste

F Barents Sea - Norway (*fails*)
F Belgium - North SeaF Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
A Yorkshire - Edinburgh


F Spain/sc - Gulf of LionA Portugal - Spain
A Marseilles - Piedmont (*bounce*)F Brest - Mid Atlantic Ocean
A Paris Hold

A Munich - Silesia
A Berlin - PrussiaF Kiel - Denmark
F Sweden S Eng F Barents Sea - NorwayA Holland Hold


F Rome - Tyrrhenian Sea
F Tunis - Western MediterraneanA Venice - Piedmont (*bounce*)
F Ionian Sea S Aus F Albania - Greece (*void*)

A Moscow - Sevastopol
A Galicia - Budapest (*dislodged*)A Rumania S A Galicia - Budapest
A Warsaw - LivoniaF Norway Hold
A St. Petersburg S F Norway

F Bulgaria/sc - Greece
F Aegean Sea S F Bulgaria/sc - GreeceF Black Sea - Bulgaria/ec
F Smyrna - Eastern Mediterranean 


DC464 - Winter 1901 redux - Zoterik   (Oct 06, 2013, 12:56 pm)
Alright, after the replay, this is what we have.  Hopefully that's the last of the interruptions.  From this point on, I'd appreciate your preliminary orders, and if you will be away for any period of time, or may need to be replaced, I'd appreciate a bit of warning to keep the game going smoothly.  From the looks of it, we'll have an early war in the Mediterranean, and Scandinavia may be a bit of a jumble too.  After one year, only Denmark and Greece remain unclaimed, but I expect that to be taken care of after this year.

Spring 1902 orders are due 11 October at 08:00 GMT.  I may have a small "vacation" for visa purposes that weekend, so I don't recommend waiting until Friday to submit orders.  


Build A Vienna

Build F Edinburgh

Build F Brest
Build A Paris


Build F Kiel
Build A Berlin

Build F Rome

Build A Warsaw
Build A Moscow


Build F Smyrna


DC464 Resumes, please welcome Cæsar and Tsar! - Zoterik   (Oct 03, 2013, 1:09 am)
Gentlemen, it is a happy day!  We have now seven again, and the game is ready to begin again.  Please welcome Wladimir (Italy) and Brian (Russia)!  While the true turn is actually Spring 1902, I think it only fair to allow Russia his two builds, neglected by the previous Tsar.  As such, I have attached the map for the Fall 1901 moves, we will replay the Winter 1901 turn.  You may edit your builds.


Bryan Laferrier
Worcester, MA, US

Kevin Ames
New Glarus, WI, US

Buck Hamil
Richmond, VA, US

Mark Utterback
Omaha, NE, US

Wladimir Mysonski
San Francisco, CA, US

Brian Mollet
Mullumbimby, NSW, AU

René Krøll
Farum, DK

Austria: +1 (4)England: +1 (4)
France: +2 (5)Germany: +1 (5)
Italy: +1 (4)Russia: +2 (6)
Turkey: +1 (4) 


Dc464 Winter 1901 - Zoterik   (Sep 17, 2013, 3:41 am)
One can indeed wait too long for a Royal.  There may be some flaws in the Russian internal lines of communication; if anyone has had contact with the Tsar lately please do tell me because it may be that he cannot receive my emails.  If that is the case we may need to find an alternate means for him.  But, life goes on, and I can delay no further.  Winter brings few surprises, I think, and we shall see what comes in 1902.  That Western trio will be rather interesting with the Russian fleet in Norway.  

Spring 1902 orders are due 23 September at 08:00 GMT. 


Build A Vienna

Build F Edinburgh

Build A Paris
Build F Brest

Build F Kiel
Build A Berlin

Build A Naples



Build F Smyrna


DC464 Fall 1901 - Zoterik   (Sep 09, 2013, 1:47 pm)
The moment of truth arrives!  Foreign Office telegrammes arrive in the offices of the heads of state and government while the common folk rush to get the evening newspaper for the latest official truths.  These are the headlines of October 1901:

Relief and uncertainty pervade Copenhagen as the city is passed over in favor of neighboring Sweden by the conquering German fleet.
Greece is under siege by Turks and Italians with Austrian support, but the battle resulted in a stalemate.
The Italians in Piedmont frighten the French, who frighten the Germans, who allow the English to conquer the Belgians. 
With free reign over the Black Sea, the Sultan makes the wrong choice.  Or did he?    

Winter 1901 builds are due 14 September, 08:00 GMT.  You can find the adjustments beneath the orders.   

A Vienna - Budapest
F Trieste - AlbaniaA Serbia S Ita F Ionian Sea - Greece


F North Sea - BelgiumF Norwegian Sea - Barents Sea
A Edinburgh - Yorkshire

A Spain - PortugalF Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Spain/sc
A Burgundy - Marseilles

 GermanyF Denmark - Sweden
A Kiel - Holland
A Ruhr - Munich

F Ionian Sea - Greece (*bounce*)
F Tyrrhenian Sea - Tunis
A Piedmont - Venice

A Warsaw - Galicia
A Rumania S A Warsaw - Galicia (*cut*)
F Norway S Ger F Denmark - SwedenA Petersburg S F Norway

F Aegean Sea - Greece (*bounce*)
F Bulgaria/sc S F Aegean Sea - GreeceF Black Sea - Rumania (*fails*)

AdjustmentsAustria: +1 (4)
England: +1 (4)France: +2 (5)
Germany: +2 (5)Italy: +1 (4)Russia: +2 (6)
Turkey: +1 (4) 


Dc464 Spring 1901 - Zoterik   (Sep 02, 2013, 12:20 pm)
First on the agenda, a small change of designation.  For various reasons, our game is not DC462, but 464.  Please keep this in mind; your orders submitted should reflect the proper number but in practice I'm not so picky.  

Second, those pesky orders.  I do not want to spend this game chasing down players for their orders.  I implore you to submit preliminary orders immediately!  You can change your orders as many times as you like, so don't be shy!  

So, on to our game!  There are some intriguing headlines for you to discover as you peruse the orders below, and some public press to decypher.  The press I put under the same Swiss heading all the time, and the origin is left unknown.  (Indeed, I don't remember who sent it!)  By my own observations, I am most intrigued by what the Russian army in Rumania might do, and to where England might expand.  

Fall 1901 orders are due 9 September at 08:00 GMT.  Don't be late!

Zürcher Zeitung
The Austrian Empire seems unable to renew itself, hence the Russian, Turkish and Italian governments have decided that they are to be removed from the map so progress can be made.

Also in the news, France and Germany have made a secret pact to take on the might of the English lion.

A Budapest - Serbia
F Trieste Hold
A Vienna - Galicia (*Bounce*)


F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
A Liverpool - Edinburgh
F London - North Sea

F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Marseilles - Spain
A Paris - Burgundy

A Berlin - Kiel
F Kiel - Denmark
A Munich - Ruhr

F Naples - Ionian Sea

F Rome - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Venice - Piedmont

A Moscow - St Petersburg
A Sevastopol - Rumania
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway
A Warsaw - Galicia (*Bounce*)

F Ankara - Black Sea
F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc)
F Smyrna - Aegean Sea


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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