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(Slaughter At Story-Time - The Haven Playtest)


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DC-224 Slaughter At Story-Time Update - former.trout   (Jul 16, 2009, 12:56 am)
Heya folks,

Still a couple of winter order sets shy of the full bushel.  If I'm missing yours, you just received an email from me.  Since we have a few of our number on vacation anyways, I'm guessing its all right to delay a day and hope the stray moves come in.  Adjudication will be out tomorrow night regardless.

Also, I'll need someone to volunteer to start forwarding the game adjudications and notes to Mike Sims for me.  I'd really appreciate it if someone would be so kind.

Thanks everyone!



DC224 Slaughter Of Autumn-Time - Early Winter 08 -... - former.trout   (Jul 12, 2009, 11:05 pm)
Well, well, well...  Knights retreat to River Saeren to lick their wounds, while the Faeries happily find their way back to Land of Sweets.  (And a sweet thing it is, too.)  The Undead muck it up in Sables Swamp and the Wizards dance in the water of the Shining Streams.

Those are the retreats of Autumn 08.  We have a few players on vacation this week, but both have been good enough  to send in prelims for the Winter turn.  I actually have a lot of Winter orders in hand already, which is pretty nice.  =P

Notheless, we'll set the Winter 08 deadline for Tuesday, July 14th (11:59 PM GMT).  Deadline for the Spring of 09 won't be till middle of the week afterwards, in order to accomodate all of our various travelling players.

As always, let me know if you spot any errors or slip-ups.  Cheers!

Choo-Choo Trout

Retreat orders for Fall of 8.  (DC 224 08 EW)

Faeries: F Shady Vale - Land Of Sweets.

Knights: A Kingdom Of Hearts - River Saeren.

Undead: F West Sea Of Shadows - Sable's Swamp.

Wizards: A France - Shining Stream.

Unit locations:

Archers:     F Prydain, A Fantastica, A Duloc, A Avalon, A Gwynir, F Kingdom Of
             Hearts, A Ivory Tower, A Elephant Graveyard, F Cliffs Of Insanity.
Dwarves:     A Carpantha, A Undermountain, A Krikkit, F The Julianthes, A
             Dragon Coast, A Venatori Umbrarum, F Zeboims Deep, F Churning
Elves:       A Garthim, F North Rainbow Lake.
Faeries:     A Spiral Castle, F Land Of Sweets, A Myth Drannor, A Dragons Teeth
             Mtns, A Strawberry Fields, F East Mirianic Ocean, F North Mirianic
             Ocean, F Rugged Coast.
Knights:     A Paras Derval, A Anvard, A Arborlon, A Grimpen Ward, A Dancing
             Lawn, A Drynwyn, F Arctic Barrens, A River Saeren, A Shady Vale, F
             Crystal Lake.
Ogres:       F Gelfling, A Prekkandorran Heights, A Lubrick, A Auryn, A Traal,
             A Magrathea, A Devils Canyon, A Forbidden City, F Florin, A
             Fitzgibbon, A Hoarluk, A Allerleirauh, F France, A Marshes of
Pirates:     F Mordor, F Riku, A Baldurs Gate, A Traverse Town, A Slightly
             Gulch, A Neverpeak Mountain, F Rivendell, F Restless Waters, F Sea
             Of Fallen Stars.
Rogues:      A Tumnus, F To-Gai-Ru, F Archenland, F Troldhaugen, A Dargaard
             Keep, A Sleepy Hollow, A Cathal, F Aslan, A Calormen, A Temple Of
             Doom, F Celestial Delta, F East Sea Of Shadows, F All Saints Bay,
             F West Mirianic Ocean.
Trolls:      F Hundred Acre Wood, A Khemri, F Newa River, A Ergoth, F
             Skellington, F Ansalon, F Enchanted Isles, A Tymwyvenne, A
             Yggdrasil, F High Seas, F River Styx, F West Sea Of Shadows.
Undead:      A Skullcap, F Everglot, A Tuatha, F Caer, F Sable's Swamp, F
             Timber Lands, F Thunderhead.
Wizards:     A Two Towers, A Candlekeep, A Shining Stream, F Kara-Tur, A
             Silvanesti, F Pwyll, F Rift Canyon, F Razors Edge, F Roaring

Ownership of supply centers:

Archers:     Llyr, Loxley, Prydain, Fantastica, Duloc, Avalon, Gwynir, Kingdom
             Of Hearts, Ivory Tower.
Dwarves:     Mt Nimro, Carpantha, Undermountain, Fjord, Krikkit, Zhentil Keep,
             The Old Gristmill, The Julianthes, Spirit Pond.
Elves:       Garthim, City Of Splendors.
Faeries:     Vinyaya, Oz, Ella, Spiral Castle, Land Of Sweets, Gurgi, Gumdrop
             Isle, Myth Drannor.
Knights:     Gu'Tanoth, Paras Derval, Brennin, Anvard, Wing Hove, Arborlon,
             Grimpen Ward, Icereach.
Ogres:       Gelfling, Prekkandorran Heights, Knockshegowna, Lubrick, Auryn,
             Horborixen, Nehwon, Lankhmar, Traal, Magrathea, Fafhrd, Whoville,
             Devils Canyon, Forbidden City.
Pirates:     Mordor, Rohan, Lindon, Riku, The Neverwood, Pans Labyrinth,
             Baldurs Gate, Never Never Land, Traverse Town, Slightly Gulch,
             Neverpeak Mountain.
Rogues:      Tumnus, Grissel, To-Gai-Ru, Grimheim, The Silver City, Ashan,
             Archenland, Telmar, Troldhaugen, Orboros, Dargaard Keep, Corona,
             Sleepy Hollow, Cathal, Dimmsdale.
Trolls:      Hundred Acre Wood, Khemri, Newa River, Tarsis, Ergoth, Krynn,
             Sorrow's End, Niflheim, Kahvi, Skellington, Grendel, Cyriss,
             Ansalon, Enchanted Isles.
Undead:      Gollerus, Skullcap, Everglot, Tuatha, Caer, Terabithia.
Wizards:     Waterdeep, Faerun, Two Towers, Candlekeep, Land Ho, Great Glacier.

Archers:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Barbarians:   0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Centaurs:     0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Dwarves:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   1 unit.
Elves:        2 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   2 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Faeries:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Gnomes:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Hobbits:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Knights:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  10 Units:  Removes  2 units.
Leprechauns:  0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Magicians:    0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Nomads:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Ogres:       14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  14 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Pirates:     11 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   2 units.
Rogues:      15 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  14 Units:  Builds   1 unit.
Samurai:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Trolls:      14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  12 Units:  Builds   2 units.
Undead:       6 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   7 Units:  Removes  1 unit.
Wizards:      6 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Removes  3 units.



DC-224 Slaughter of RealWorld Files - Fall 08 Corr... - former.trout   (Jul 12, 2009, 3:09 am)
Hi folks,

Two corrections have been pointed out to me over the last couple days, with my thanks to the players who caught the errors that I missed.  Once again, we found a couple of holes in the RW variant files.  Specifically:

The Faeries should be able to retreat to River Saeren as well as Land of Sweets
The Ogers move from Gelfling to Marshes Of Morva should have succeeded with flying colours.

I've made these corrections to the .map file and attached it for all of you who use the Realworld program.  I've also attached the corrected Fall map showing the proper Ogre positioning.  (Never argue with an Ogre, I've been told.)

Frankly, I blame that damn Leprechaun terrorist organization for causing these two little belches...

Anyways, as one of the hiccups had to do with the retreats, I will extend the Early Winter deadline 24 hours in case Mark wishes to change his order.  I do have all retreats in hand, and will adjudicate the turn tomorrow night.

Cheers everyone!

Lotus Rocks Trout


dc224 Knight Situation - FuzzyLogic   (Jul 11, 2009, 12:35 am)
Welcome Sir Nick!
Let us Rogues tend to your queries about the situation. Perhaps our knowledge can be your salvation… or our information can be your guidance… or your centers can be our centers. Sound fair?

The Knights are a lovely bunch. Lead them well. The black is a bit unflattering so if you could work on that you’re golden.
The Trolls… Well if you pay their toll… they’ll let you go under their bridge. And they make breakfast in the morning.
The Archers… Led by a beautiful princess - who’da thunk… All those movies Robin Hood played by a man. So Shakespearian.
The Dwarves… Watch out, they’ll steal your gnomes.
The Pirates… Big fans of speaking without conjunctions and conjugated verbs but if you say Aaar you might get a swig o rum as you walk the plank
The Ogres… A cheerful bunch that like to cuddle by the fire with a good book and a hot totty.
The Wizards… Hang out in purple nightgowns and carry a big stick. You figure them out.
The Leprechauns… What else can we say. Easy women. And Nacho-Fridays. Woohoo!
The Undead… Led by none other than the Evil Queen of Death herself, rumored to have devoured the previous noble undead lord, swallowed him whole, regurgitated his remains, then bore form his decomposing carcass the larvae to feed her armada. (her troops never get tired of joking that “there’s a little of him in all of us”Wink
The Faeries… Typical do-gooders. They provide godmothers and godfathers to orphaned godchildren.
The Elves… Huh? Garry’s still alive?
The Gnomes… No longer around. Allegedly stolen by the Dwarves and kept underground to remind them of the days when Dwarves would frolick in the sunshine.

Hope this helps,
Guildmaster Mike
Leader of the Immensely Secret Rogue Clans of the Tri-Continental Haven world and its subsidiaries.
Now, on the web, at www.supportequalityforrogues.com
"We’ll be there for you”

From: Nick Higgins [mailto:congressofvienna1814(at)yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, July 10, 2009 8:32 PM
To: Former Trout (contact); Garry Bledsoe; Jason K; Mark Smith; Matt Kremer; Matthew Kelly; Max Victory; Michael Penner; Michael Sims; Mike Hoffman; Nathan Deily; Pauly Shore; Rachael Jameson; Rob Bristol; Steve Caponigri; Suzanne Castagne; Warren Fleming
Subject: Re: DC224 Revised Player List

This is Sir Nick, the new leader of the Knights. I don't seem to have any friends on the map, so that will make me especially receptive to any offers. It's difficult to discern the structure of alliances on the map, so please feel free to regale/deceive me with your view of the situation.

Sir Nick

Nick Higgins
Congress of Vienna variant website:


DC-224 Slaughter Of Game-Schedule - Fall 08 - All... - former.trout   (Jul 10, 2009, 12:06 am)
Heya folks,

Thanks again for all of you who wrote being supportive and understanding of how life sometimes laughs at me.  I appreciate all of ya who were  upset not tearing things up, or at least putting on the happy face about things.  =)

But at last, the Fall 08 results are in and its the Wizards who find themselves taken behind the wood-shed this round...  As Cap'n Penner brings out a very short plank for them to walk.  Meanwhile, the Archers take back Kingdom Of Hearts, the Undead beat a hasty retreat from the Sea Of Shadows and things in the Underworld start to get interesting.

Four retreats are needed - one each from the Knights, the Undead, the Wizards and the Faeries.  Can we try for a Saturday deadline for these?  I'll tentatively set the Early Winter 08 retreats deadline for Saturday, July 11th (11:59 PM GMT).

Also, my thanks to the intrepid Josh E for admirably firing in orders for us for the Knights position.  He helped us out to keep the game going in the interim, and I'm extremely happy to announce the arrival of the esteemable Nick Higgins, Esquire...  Nick will take up the Knights mantle and has promised to solo the game in two quick turns.  =P

I will send out a revised player list immediately after the Fall results.  As always, please let me know if you spot any errors in the adjudication.  Cheers!

Late-For-An-Important-Date Trout

Movement results for Fall of 8.  (DC 224 08 FALL)

Archers: F Prydain - Kingdom Of Hearts.
Archers: A Fantastica Hold.
Archers: A Duloc Supports A Fantastica.
Archers: A Avalon - Drynwyn (*Fails*).
Archers: A Gwynir Hold.
Archers: A Ivory Tower - Myth Drannor (*Bounce*).
Archers: A Critter Country - Elephant Graveyard.
Archers: F Cliffs Of Insanity - Myth Drannor (*Bounce*).
Archers: F Horned Bay - Prydain.

Dwarves: A Carpantha - Diamond Mines (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: A Undermountain - Diamond Mines (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: F The Julianthes - All Saints Bay (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: A The Wilderland - Krikkit.
Dwarves: A Dragon Coast - Great Glacier (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: A Venatori Umbrarum - Ancient Necropolis (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: F Zeboims Deep - All Saints Bay (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: F Churning Reach - Mt Nimro (*Bounce*).

Elves: A Garthim - City Of Splendors (*Bounce*).
Elves: F North Rainbow Lake Supports F Caer.

Faeries: A Spiral Castle Supports F Prydain - Kingdom Of Hearts.
Faeries: A Land Of Sweets - Strawberry Fields.
Faeries: A Myth Drannor - Great Glacier (*Bounce*).
Faeries: F Shady Vale - Grimpen Ward (*Dislodged*).
Faeries: A Dragons Teeth Mtns Supports F Prydain - Kingdom Of Hearts.
Faeries: F East Mirianic Ocean - Mt Nimro (*Bounce*).
Faeries: F North Mirianic Ocean Supports F Tilva Strait - West Mirianic Ocean.
Faeries: F Rugged Coast - Rift Canyon (*Fails*).

Knights: F Gu'Tanoth - Arctic Barrens.
Knights: A Paras Derval Supports A Kingdom Of Hearts.
Knights: A Anvard Supports A Dancing Lawn - Tumnus (*Cut*).
Knights: A Arborlon Supports A Grimpen Ward.
Knights: A Grimpen Ward Supports A Heavens Well - Shady Vale.
Knights: A Kingdom Of Hearts Hold (*Dislodged*).
Knights: A Dancing Lawn - Tumnus (*Fails*).
Knights: A Drynwyn Supports A Kingdom Of Hearts (*Cut*).
Knights: A Heavens Well - Shady Vale.
Knights: F Crystal Lake - Mist Marsh (*Fails*).

Ogres: A Gelfling - Marshes of Morva (*Fails*).
Ogres: A Lubrick - Knockshegowna (*Bounce*).
Ogres: A Auryn - City Of Splendors (*Bounce*).
Ogres: A Traal Supports F City Of Splendors - France.
Ogres: A Magrathea Supports F City Of Splendors - France.
Ogres: A Devils Canyon - Hoarluk.
Ogres: F City Of Splendors - France.
Ogres: A Great Steppes - Fitzgibbon.
Ogres: A Sinking Shore - Prekkandorran Heights.
Ogres: F Florin Supports F Three River Lake - Gelfling (*Fails*).
Ogres: A Allerleirauh - Knockshegowna (*Bounce*).
Ogres: A Ogrun - Devils Canyon.
Ogres: A Ilthmar - Forbidden City.
Ogres: F Three River Lake - Gelfling (*Fails*).

Pirates: A The Neverwood - Traverse Town.
Pirates: F Never Never Land - Sea Of Fallen Stars.
Pirates: A Traverse Town - Baldurs Gate.
Pirates: A Slightly Gulch Supports A Neverpeak Mountain.
Pirates: A Neverpeak Mountain Supports A Slightly Gulch.
Pirates: F Rivendell - Mordor.
Pirates: F The High Way - Rivendell.
Pirates: F Grief Reef - Riku.
Pirates: F Restless Waters Convoys A Traverse Town - Baldurs Gate.

Rogues: A Tumnus Supports A Cathal - Anvard (*Cut*).
Rogues: F To-Gai-Ru - All Saints Bay (*Bounce*).
Rogues: F Archenland Supports F Mist Marsh - Aslan.
Rogues: F Troldhaugen Hold.
Rogues: A Dargaard Keep Hold.
Rogues: A Cathal - Anvard (*Fails*).
Rogues: A Calormen - Dancing Lawn (*Fails*).
Rogues: A Immoren - Sleepy Hollow.
Rogues: F Palmaris - East Sea Of Shadows.
Rogues: A Hidden Grotto - Temple Of Doom.
Rogues: F Mist Marsh - Aslan.
Rogues: F Celestial Delta Supports F Shady Vale - Grimpen Ward.
Rogues: F Tilva Strait - West Mirianic Ocean.
Rogues: F All Saints Bay - Zeboims Deep (*Fails*).

Trolls: F Hundred Acre Wood Hold.
Trolls: A Newa River - Khemri.
Trolls: A Ergoth Hold.
Trolls: F Krynn - West Sea Of Shadows.
Trolls: F Ansalon - The Maw (*Bounce*).
Trolls: F Enchanted Isles Hold.
Trolls: A Cave Of Ordeals - Tymwyvenne.
Trolls: F Elephant Graveyard - Newa River.
Trolls: A Yggdrasil - Ancient Necropolis (*Bounce*).
Trolls: F High Seas Supports F Krynn - West Sea Of Shadows.
Trolls: F The Maw - Skellington.
Trolls: F River Styx Supports F The Maw - Skellington.

Undead: A Gollerus - Tuatha.
Undead: A Skullcap Supports F East Sea Of Shadows - Everglot.
Undead: F Caer Hold.
Undead: F Timber Lands Hold.
Undead: F West Sea Of Shadows - Skellington (*Dislodged*).
Undead: F East Sea Of Shadows - Everglot.
Undead: F Thunderhead - The Maw (*Bounce*).

Wizards: A Krikkit - Two Towers.
Wizards: F Great Glacier - Razors Edge.
Wizards: A France Hold (*Dislodged*).
Wizards: A Thirsty Desert - Candlekeep.
Wizards: A Silvanesti Supports F Roaring Rapids - Caer.
Wizards: F Pwyll - Churning Reach (*Fails*).
Wizards: F Rift Canyon - Restless Waters (*Fails*).
Wizards: F River Of Dawn - Kara-Tur.
Wizards: F Roaring Rapids - Caer (*Fails*).

The following units were dislodged:

Knight A Kingdom Of Hearts can retreat to River Saeren or Andarien Plain.
Wizard A France can retreat to Shining Stream or Anhondo Plain.
Fairy F Shady Vale can retreat to Land Of Sweets.
Undead F West Sea Of Shadows can retreat to Sable's Swamp.

Unit locations:

Archers:     F Prydain, A Fantastica, A Duloc, A Avalon, A Gwynir, F Kingdom Of
             Hearts, A Ivory Tower, A Elephant Graveyard, F Cliffs Of Insanity.
Dwarves:     A Carpantha, A Undermountain, A Krikkit, F The Julianthes, A
             Dragon Coast, A Venatori Umbrarum, F Zeboims Deep, F Churning
Elves:       A Garthim, F North Rainbow Lake.
Faeries:     A Spiral Castle, A Myth Drannor, F Shady Vale, A Dragons Teeth
             Mtns, A Strawberry Fields, F East Mirianic Ocean, F North Mirianic
             Ocean, F Rugged Coast.
Knights:     A Paras Derval, A Anvard, A Arborlon, A Grimpen Ward, A Kingdom Of
             Hearts, A Dancing Lawn, A Drynwyn, F Arctic Barrens, A Shady Vale,
             F Crystal Lake.
Ogres:       A Gelfling, A Prekkandorran Heights, A Lubrick, A Auryn, A Traal,
             A Magrathea, A Devils Canyon, A Forbidden City, F Florin, A
             Fitzgibbon, A Hoarluk, A Allerleirauh, F France, F Three River
Pirates:     F Mordor, F Riku, A Baldurs Gate, A Traverse Town, A Slightly
             Gulch, A Neverpeak Mountain, F Rivendell, F Restless Waters, F Sea
             Of Fallen Stars.
Rogues:      A Tumnus, F To-Gai-Ru, F Archenland, F Troldhaugen, A Dargaard
             Keep, A Sleepy Hollow, A Cathal, F Aslan, A Calormen, A Temple Of
             Doom, F Celestial Delta, F East Sea Of Shadows, F All Saints Bay,
             F West Mirianic Ocean.
Trolls:      F Hundred Acre Wood, A Khemri, F Newa River, A Ergoth, F
             Skellington, F Ansalon, F Enchanted Isles, A Tymwyvenne, A
             Yggdrasil, F High Seas, F River Styx, F West Sea Of Shadows.
Undead:      A Skullcap, F Everglot, A Tuatha, F Caer, F Timber Lands, F West
             Sea Of Shadows, F Thunderhead.
Wizards:     A Two Towers, A Candlekeep, A France, F Kara-Tur, A Silvanesti, F
             Pwyll, F Rift Canyon, F Razors Edge, F Roaring Rapids.

Ownership of supply centers:

Archers:     Llyr, Loxley, Prydain, Fantastica, Duloc, Avalon, Gwynir, Kingdom
             Of Hearts, Ivory Tower.
Dwarves:     Mt Nimro, Carpantha, Undermountain, Fjord, Krikkit, Zhentil Keep,
             The Old Gristmill, The Julianthes, Spirit Pond.
Elves:       Garthim, City Of Splendors.
Faeries:     Vinyaya, Oz, Ella, Spiral Castle, Land Of Sweets, Gurgi, Gumdrop
             Isle, Myth Drannor.
Knights:     Gu'Tanoth, Paras Derval, Brennin, Anvard, Wing Hove, Arborlon,
             Grimpen Ward, Icereach.
Ogres:       Gelfling, Prekkandorran Heights, Knockshegowna, Lubrick, Auryn,
             Horborixen, Nehwon, Lankhmar, Traal, Magrathea, Fafhrd, Whoville,
             Devils Canyon, Forbidden City.
Pirates:     Mordor, Rohan, Lindon, Riku, The Neverwood, Pans Labyrinth,
             Baldurs Gate, Never Never Land, Traverse Town, Slightly Gulch,
             Neverpeak Mountain.
Rogues:      Tumnus, Grissel, To-Gai-Ru, Grimheim, The Silver City, Ashan,
             Archenland, Telmar, Troldhaugen, Orboros, Dargaard Keep, Corona,
             Sleepy Hollow, Cathal, Dimmsdale.
Trolls:      Hundred Acre Wood, Khemri, Newa River, Tarsis, Ergoth, Krynn,
             Sorrow's End, Niflheim, Kahvi, Skellington, Grendel, Cyriss,
             Ansalon, Enchanted Isles.
Undead:      Gollerus, Skullcap, Everglot, Tuatha, Caer, Terabithia.
Wizards:     Waterdeep, Faerun, Two Towers, Candlekeep, Land Ho, Great Glacier.

Archers:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Barbarians:   0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Centaurs:     0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Dwarves:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   1 unit.
Elves:        2 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   2 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Faeries:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Gnomes:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Hobbits:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Knights:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  10 Units:  Removes  2 units.
Leprechauns:  0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Magicians:    0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Nomads:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Ogres:       14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  14 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Pirates:     11 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   2 units.
Rogues:      15 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  14 Units:  Builds   1 unit.
Samurai:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Trolls:      14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  12 Units:  Builds   2 units.
Undead:       6 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   7 Units:  Removes  1 unit.
Wizards:      6 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Removes  3 units.



A comunique form the PFLPB - pieandmash   (Jul 09, 2009, 11:46 am)
It's the easy leprechaun women thing....


On 9 Jul 2009, at 16:24, Matthew Kelly <kelly058(at)verizon.net ([email]kelly058(at)verizon.net[/email])> wrote:

We at the PFLPB (Popular Front for the Liberation of Pubs & Bars) take full credit for the Great JuJu's recent mishaps. This was a well planned and bold strike to call world attention to the plight of Leprechauns who were sold down the proverbial river by the Great JuJu who after accepting our gracious gifts of easy women and booze would not rig the dice, throw the game, or at least drop a few hints in our favor. At every opportunity that we find ourselves having a lucid moment and can crawl out of the gutters we shall strike!

Long Live Happy Hour, 1/2 Price Beer, and Free Nachos and Wings on Wednesday Nights!!!!


From: Mike Hoffman <mrh(at)panix.com ([email]mrh(at)panix.com[/email])>
To: "maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email])" <maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email])>
Cc: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>; dc224 <dc224(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc224(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])>; David Harrison <harridav(at)cox.net ([email]harridav(at)cox.net[/email])>; Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net ([email]mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net[/email])>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Pat O'Rourke <pattorourke(at)gmail.com ([email]pattorourke(at)gmail.com[/email])>; Pauly Shore <adanine(at)yahoo.com ([email]adanine(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Rachael Jameson <verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com ([email]verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Rob Bristol <rbristol(at)cogeco.ca ([email]rbristol(at)cogeco.ca[/email])>; Steve Caponigri <scaponig(at)yahoo.com ([email]scaponig(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Suzanne Castagne <sucastag(at)wanadoo.fr ([email]sucastag(at)wanadoo.fr[/email])>; Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com ([email]alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com ([email]kielmarch(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; graham allen <g_mod23(at)hotmail.com ([email]g_mod23(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; Jacob Roberts <salexander37(at)gmail.com ([email]salexander37(at)gmail.com[/email])>; Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com ([email]githraine(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Mark Smith <sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com ([email]sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu ([email]matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu[/email])>; Matthew Kelly <kelly058(at)verizon.net ([email]kelly058(at)verizon.net[/email])>; Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com ([email]mvpenner(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2009 11:06:22 AM
Subject: Re: DC-224 Status Update

Exactly my thoughts!

That, and, "He'll hear about it at the next neighborhood barbeque" ---> He cut power & gas? He almost WAS the next neighborhood barbeque! Smile

Glad everything is back in working order Trout. Lucky this happened in the summer time instead of the dead of winter.

"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson
"Whenever some act of wondrous power must be performed, Michael is sent" --- Pope Saint Gregory the Great

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 7:46 AM, maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email]) <maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email])> wrote:
Fascinating cultural insight, here in England we'd be happy he wasn't killed only as it would give us the opportunity to do it!


On 9 Jul 2009, at 14:29, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Heya folks,

Well, the delay this week is almost entirely on my hands - and I sincerely apologize for it. I completely lost Sunday night, Monday and Tuesday when I lost all gas and power at home. Guess a neighbour didn't call to mark out the utility lines when he was digging and severed some main lines, in the process knocking out power and gas to the whole neighbourhood.

The good news is that he wasn't killed. I'm not quite sure how that happened... But I definitely think he's going to hear about it at the next neighbourhood barbecue. =P

Anyways, despite the extra time though, I'm still short a set of orders. I'll wait till I get home from work before seeking out a replacement. And speeking of replacements, Nick Higgins has been good enough to step in as the replacement Knight. (Yay!!) I will announce his email address this evening with the turn result.

Thanks for bearing with me this week. Your humble GM was very stinky and grumpy...





A comunique form the PFLPB - MattKelly   (Jul 09, 2009, 10:25 am)
We at the PFLPB (Popular Front for the Liberation of Pubs & Bars) take full credit for the Great JuJu's recent mishaps. This was a well planned and bold strike to call world attention to the plight of Leprechauns who were sold down the proverbial river by the Great JuJu who after accepting our gracious gifts of easy women and booze would not rig the dice, throw the game, or at least drop a few hints in our favor. At every opportunity that we find ourselves having a lucid moment and can crawl out of the gutters we shall strike!

Long Live Happy Hour, 1/2 Price Beer, and Free Nachos and Wings on Wednesday Nights!!!!


From: Mike Hoffman <mrh(at)panix.com>
To: "maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk" <maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk>
Cc: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>; dc224 <dc224(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; David Harrison <harridav(at)cox.net>; Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>; Pat O'Rourke <pattorourke(at)gmail.com>; Pauly Shore <adanine(at)yahoo.com>; Rachael Jameson <verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com>; Rob Bristol <rbristol(at)cogeco.ca>; Steve Caponigri <scaponig(at)yahoo.com>; Suzanne Castagne <sucastag(at)wanadoo.fr>; Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>; Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>; graham allen <g_mod23(at)hotmail.com>; Jacob Roberts <salexander37(at)gmail.com>; Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>; Mark Smith <sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com>; Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu>; Matthew Kelly <kelly058(at)verizon.net>; Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2009 11:06:22 AM
Subject: Re: DC-224 Status Update

Exactly my thoughts!

That, and, "He'll hear about it at the next neighborhood barbeque" ---> He cut power & gas? He almost WAS the next neighborhood barbeque! Smile

Glad everything is back in working order Trout. Lucky this happened in the summer time instead of the dead of winter.

"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson
"Whenever some act of wondrous power must be performed, Michael is sent" --- Pope Saint Gregory the Great

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 7:46 AM, maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email]) <maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email])> wrote:

Fascinating cultural insight, here in England we'd be happy he wasn't killed only as it would give us the opportunity to do it!


On 9 Jul 2009, at 14:29, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Heya folks,

Well, the delay this week is almost entirely on my hands - and I sincerely apologize for it. I completely lost Sunday night, Monday and Tuesday when I lost all gas and power at home. Guess a neighbour didn't call to mark out the utility lines when he was digging and severed some main lines, in the process knocking out power and gas to the whole neighbourhood.

The good news is that he wasn't killed. I'm not quite sure how that happened... But I definitely think he's going to hear about it at the next neighbourhood barbecue. =P

Anyways, despite the extra time though, I'm still short a set of orders. I'll wait till I get home from work before seeking out a replacement. And speeking of replacements, Nick Higgins has been good enough to step in as the replacement Knight. (Yay!!) I will announce his email address this evening with the turn result.

Thanks for bearing with me this week. Your humble GM was very stinky and grumpy...




A comunique form the PFLPB (dc224) pieandmash Jul 09, 11:46 am
It's the easy leprechaun women thing....


On 9 Jul 2009, at 16:24, Matthew Kelly <kelly058(at)verizon.net ([email]kelly058(at)verizon.net[/email])> wrote:

We at the PFLPB (Popular Front for the Liberation of Pubs & Bars) take full credit for the Great JuJu's recent mishaps. This was a well planned and bold strike to call world attention to the plight of Leprechauns who were sold down the proverbial river by the Great JuJu who after accepting our gracious gifts of easy women and booze would not rig the dice, throw the game, or at least drop a few hints in our favor. At every opportunity that we find ourselves having a lucid moment and can crawl out of the gutters we shall strike!

Long Live Happy Hour, 1/2 Price Beer, and Free Nachos and Wings on Wednesday Nights!!!!


From: Mike Hoffman <mrh(at)panix.com ([email]mrh(at)panix.com[/email])>
To: "maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email])" <maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email])>
Cc: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>; dc224 <dc224(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc224(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])>; David Harrison <harridav(at)cox.net ([email]harridav(at)cox.net[/email])>; Michael Sims <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net ([email]mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net[/email])>; Nathan Deily <ndeily(at)yahoo.com ([email]ndeily(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Pat O'Rourke <pattorourke(at)gmail.com ([email]pattorourke(at)gmail.com[/email])>; Pauly Shore <adanine(at)yahoo.com ([email]adanine(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Rachael Jameson <verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com ([email]verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Rob Bristol <rbristol(at)cogeco.ca ([email]rbristol(at)cogeco.ca[/email])>; Steve Caponigri <scaponig(at)yahoo.com ([email]scaponig(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Suzanne Castagne <sucastag(at)wanadoo.fr ([email]sucastag(at)wanadoo.fr[/email])>; Warren Fleming <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com ([email]alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; Garry Bledsoe <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com ([email]kielmarch(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; graham allen <g_mod23(at)hotmail.com ([email]g_mod23(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; Jacob Roberts <salexander37(at)gmail.com ([email]salexander37(at)gmail.com[/email])>; Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com ([email]githraine(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Mark Smith <sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com ([email]sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; Matt Kremer <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu ([email]matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu[/email])>; Matthew Kelly <kelly058(at)verizon.net ([email]kelly058(at)verizon.net[/email])>; Michael Penner <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com ([email]mvpenner(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Sent: Thursday, July 9, 2009 11:06:22 AM
Subject: Re: DC-224 Status Update

Exactly my thoughts!

That, and, "He'll hear about it at the next neighborhood barbeque" ---> He cut power & gas? He almost WAS the next neighborhood barbeque! Smile

Glad everything is back in working order Trout. Lucky this happened in the summer time instead of the dead of winter.

"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson
"Whenever some act of wondrous power must be performed, Michael is sent" --- Pope Saint Gregory the Great

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 7:46 AM, maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email]) <maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email])> wrote:
Fascinating cultural insight, here in England we'd be happy he wasn't killed only as it would give us the opportunity to do it!


On 9 Jul 2009, at 14:29, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Heya folks,

Well, the delay this week is almost entirely on my hands - and I sincerely apologize for it. I completely lost Sunday night, Monday and Tuesday when I lost all gas and power at home. Guess a neighbour didn't call to mark out the utility lines when he was digging and severed some main lines, in the process knocking out power and gas to the whole neighbourhood.

The good news is that he wasn't killed. I'm not quite sure how that happened... But I definitely think he's going to hear about it at the next neighbourhood barbecue. =P

Anyways, despite the extra time though, I'm still short a set of orders. I'll wait till I get home from work before seeking out a replacement. And speeking of replacements, Nick Higgins has been good enough to step in as the replacement Knight. (Yay!!) I will announce his email address this evening with the turn result.

Thanks for bearing with me this week. Your humble GM was very stinky and grumpy...



DC-224 Status Update - offdisc   (Jul 09, 2009, 10:06 am)
Exactly my thoughts! 

That, and, "He'll hear about it at the next neighborhood barbeque" ---> He cut power & gas?  He almost WAS the next neighborhood barbeque! Smile
Glad everything is back in working order Trout.  Lucky this happened in the summer time instead of the dead of winter.
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson
"Whenever some act of wondrous power must be performed, Michael is sent" --- Pope Saint Gregory the Great

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 7:46 AM, maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email]) <maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email])> wrote:

Fascinating cultural insight, here in England we'd be happy he wasn't killed only as it would give us the opportunity to do it!


On 9 Jul 2009, at 14:29, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Heya folks,

Well, the delay this week is almost entirely on my hands - and I sincerely apologize for it.  I completely lost Sunday night, Monday and Tuesday when I lost all gas and power at home.  Guess a neighbour didn't call to mark out the utility lines when he was digging and severed some main lines, in the process knocking out power and gas to the whole neighbourhood.

The good news is that he wasn't killed.  I'm not quite sure how that happened...  But I definitely think he's going to hear about it at the next neighbourhood barbecue.  =P

Anyways, despite the extra time though, I'm still short a set of orders.  I'll wait till I get home from work before seeking out a replacement.  And speeking of replacements, Nick Higgins has been good enough to step in as the replacement Knight.  (Yay!!)  I will announce his email address this evening with the turn result.

Thanks for bearing with me this week.  Your humble GM was very stinky and grumpy...




DC-224 Status Update - pieandmash   (Jul 09, 2009, 8:46 am)
Fascinating cultural insight, here in England we'd be happy he wasn't killed only as it would give us the opportunity to do it!


On 9 Jul 2009, at 14:29, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Heya folks,

Well, the delay this week is almost entirely on my hands - and I sincerely apologize for it. I completely lost Sunday night, Monday and Tuesday when I lost all gas and power at home. Guess a neighbour didn't call to mark out the utility lines when he was digging and severed some main lines, in the process knocking out power and gas to the whole neighbourhood.

The good news is that he wasn't killed. I'm not quite sure how that happened... But I definitely think he's going to hear about it at the next neighbourhood barbecue. =P

Anyways, despite the extra time though, I'm still short a set of orders. I'll wait till I get home from work before seeking out a replacement. And speeking of replacements, Nick Higgins has been good enough to step in as the replacement Knight. (Yay!!) I will announce his email address this evening with the turn result.

Thanks for bearing with me this week. Your humble GM was very stinky and grumpy...




DC-224 Status Update - former.trout   (Jul 09, 2009, 8:29 am)
Heya folks,
Well, the delay this week is almost entirely on my hands - and I sincerely apologize for it.  I completely lost Sunday night, Monday and Tuesday when I lost all gas and power at home.  Guess a neighbour didn't call to mark out the utility lines when he was digging and severed some main lines, in the process knocking out power and gas to the whole neighbourhood.
The good news is that he wasn't killed.  I'm not quite sure how that happened...  But I definitely think he's going to hear about it at the next neighbourhood barbecue.  =P
Anyways, despite the extra time though, I'm still short a set of orders.  I'll wait till I get home from work before seeking out a replacement.  And speeking of replacements, Nick Higgins has been good enough to step in as the replacement Knight.  (Yay!!)  I will announce his email address this evening with the turn result.
Thanks for bearing with me this week.  Your humble GM was very stinky and grumpy...


DC-224 Status Update (dc224) pieandmash Jul 09, 08:46 am
Fascinating cultural insight, here in England we'd be happy he wasn't killed only as it would give us the opportunity to do it!


On 9 Jul 2009, at 14:29, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com> wrote:

Heya folks,

Well, the delay this week is almost entirely on my hands - and I sincerely apologize for it. I completely lost Sunday night, Monday and Tuesday when I lost all gas and power at home. Guess a neighbour didn't call to mark out the utility lines when he was digging and severed some main lines, in the process knocking out power and gas to the whole neighbourhood.

The good news is that he wasn't killed. I'm not quite sure how that happened... But I definitely think he's going to hear about it at the next neighbourhood barbecue. =P

Anyways, despite the extra time though, I'm still short a set of orders. I'll wait till I get home from work before seeking out a replacement. And speeking of replacements, Nick Higgins has been good enough to step in as the replacement Knight. (Yay!!) I will announce his email address this evening with the turn result.

Thanks for bearing with me this week. Your humble GM was very stinky and grumpy...


DC-224 Status Update (dc224) offdisc Jul 09, 10:06 am
Exactly my thoughts! 

That, and, "He'll hear about it at the next neighborhood barbeque" ---> He cut power & gas?  He almost WAS the next neighborhood barbeque! Smile
Glad everything is back in working order Trout.  Lucky this happened in the summer time instead of the dead of winter.
"Shared Pain is lessened, Shared Joy is increased" --- Spider Robinson
"Whenever some act of wondrous power must be performed, Michael is sent" --- Pope Saint Gregory the Great

On Thu, Jul 9, 2009 at 7:46 AM, maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email]) <maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk ([email]maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk[/email])> wrote:

Fascinating cultural insight, here in England we'd be happy he wasn't killed only as it would give us the opportunity to do it!


On 9 Jul 2009, at 14:29, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Heya folks,

Well, the delay this week is almost entirely on my hands - and I sincerely apologize for it.  I completely lost Sunday night, Monday and Tuesday when I lost all gas and power at home.  Guess a neighbour didn't call to mark out the utility lines when he was digging and severed some main lines, in the process knocking out power and gas to the whole neighbourhood.

The good news is that he wasn't killed.  I'm not quite sure how that happened...  But I definitely think he's going to hear about it at the next neighbourhood barbecue.  =P

Anyways, despite the extra time though, I'm still short a set of orders.  I'll wait till I get home from work before seeking out a replacement.  And speeking of replacements, Nick Higgins has been good enough to step in as the replacement Knight.  (Yay!!)  I will announce his email address this evening with the turn result.

Thanks for bearing with me this week.  Your humble GM was very stinky and grumpy...



DC-224 Fall 08 Deadline Reminder - Viper   (Jul 06, 2009, 2:28 am)
The Pythagorean Theorem:

a^2 + b^2 = c^2

which is really just a simplification of the cosine law, since cos90 = 0.

Cap'n Penner the Math Teacher
Tamer of the Neverwood

--- On Mon, 7/6/09, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Subject: DC-224 Fall 08 Deadline Reminder
To: "dc224" <dc224(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Cc: "David Harrison" <harridav(at)cox.net>, "Garry Bledsoe" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>, "graham allen" <g_mod23(at)hotmail.com>, "Jacob Roberts" <salexander37(at)gmail.com>, "Jason K" <Githraine(at)yahoo.com>, "Mark Smith" <sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com>, "Matt Kremer" <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu>, "Matthew Kelly" <kelly058(at)verizon.net>, "Max Victory" <maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk>, "Michael Penner" <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>, "Michael Sims" <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>, "Mike Hoffman" <mrh(at)panix.com>, "Nathan Deily" <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>, "Pat O'Rourke" <pattorourke(at)gmail.com>, "Pauly Shore" <adanine(at)yahoo.com>, "Rachael Jameson" <verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com>, "Rob Bristol" <rbristol(at)cogeco.ca>, "Steve Caponigri" <scaponig(at)yahoo.com>, "Suzanne Castagne" <sucastag(at)wanadoo.fr>, "Warren Fleming" <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Monday, July 6, 2009, 12:15 AM

Heya Partners,

The time flew by pretty fast, eh? Suddenly, I look at my watch and see that its only 19 hours before the deadline for Fall 08! Zoinks!!

To answer a couple questions that I've been asked.

1. No, I unfortunately was not on top of things enough to sit down and send out the Summer 08 map.
2. I met with defeat in all my attempts to find a permanent replacement for the Knights.
3. Our temp Knights player, who submitted orders last turn, has graciously volunteered to send in orders again so that there is no delay. So I DO have orders for the Knights in-hand.
4. The colour blue. (Someone out there knows what this means.)
5. Pythagoreans formula is the simple method of calculating the length of one side of a right-angled triangle, if the two other side-lengths are known. However, if you were sleeping during high school math class when the taught this (like I was) then I'm not going to fill in the blanks.

Cheers everyone.

Whats-A-Right-Angled-Triangle Trout


DC-224 Fall 08 Deadline Reminder - former.trout   (Jul 06, 2009, 12:16 am)
Heya Partners,

The time flew by pretty fast, eh?  Suddenly, I look at my watch and see that its only 19 hours before the deadline for Fall 08!  Zoinks!!

To answer a couple questions that I've been asked.

1.  No, I unfortunately was not on top of things enough to sit down and send out the Summer 08 map.
2.  I met with defeat in all my attempts to find a permanent replacement for the Knights.
3.  Our temp Knights player, who submitted orders last turn, has graciously volunteered to send in orders again so that there is no delay.  So I DO have orders for the Knights in-hand.
4.  The colour blue.  (Someone out there knows what this means.)
5.  Pythagoreans formula is the simple method of calculating the length of one side of a right-angled triangle, if the two other side-lengths are known.  However, if you were sleeping during high school math class when the taught this (like I was) then I'm not going to fill in the blanks.

Cheers everyone.  

Whats-A-Right-Angled-Triangle Trout 


DC-224 Fall 08 Deadline Reminder (dc224) Viper Jul 06, 02:28 am
The Pythagorean Theorem:

a^2 + b^2 = c^2

which is really just a simplification of the cosine law, since cos90 = 0.

Cap'n Penner the Math Teacher
Tamer of the Neverwood

--- On Mon, 7/6/09, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Subject: DC-224 Fall 08 Deadline Reminder
To: "dc224" <dc224(at)diplomaticcorp.com>
Cc: "David Harrison" <harridav(at)cox.net>, "Garry Bledsoe" <kielmarch(at)hotmail.com>, "graham allen" <g_mod23(at)hotmail.com>, "Jacob Roberts" <salexander37(at)gmail.com>, "Jason K" <Githraine(at)yahoo.com>, "Mark Smith" <sandiegosmith(at)hotmail.com>, "Matt Kremer" <matthew.kremer(at)yale.edu>, "Matthew Kelly" <kelly058(at)verizon.net>, "Max Victory" <maxatrest(at)yahoo.co.uk>, "Michael Penner" <mvpenner(at)yahoo.com>, "Michael Sims" <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net>, "Mike Hoffman" <mrh(at)panix.com>, "Nathan Deily" <ndeily(at)yahoo.com>, "Pat O'Rourke" <pattorourke(at)gmail.com>, "Pauly Shore" <adanine(at)yahoo.com>, "Rachael Jameson" <verticallychallangedcutie(at)yahoo.com>, "Rob Bristol" <rbristol(at)cogeco.ca>, "Steve Caponigri" <scaponig(at)yahoo.com>, "Suzanne Castagne" <sucastag(at)wanadoo.fr>, "Warren Fleming" <alwayshunted(at)hotmail.com>
Date: Monday, July 6, 2009, 12:15 AM

Heya Partners,

The time flew by pretty fast, eh? Suddenly, I look at my watch and see that its only 19 hours before the deadline for Fall 08! Zoinks!!

To answer a couple questions that I've been asked.

1. No, I unfortunately was not on top of things enough to sit down and send out the Summer 08 map.
2. I met with defeat in all my attempts to find a permanent replacement for the Knights.
3. Our temp Knights player, who submitted orders last turn, has graciously volunteered to send in orders again so that there is no delay. So I DO have orders for the Knights in-hand.
4. The colour blue. (Someone out there knows what this means.)
5. Pythagoreans formula is the simple method of calculating the length of one side of a right-angled triangle, if the two other side-lengths are known. However, if you were sleeping during high school math class when the taught this (like I was) then I'm not going to fill in the blanks.

Cheers everyone.

Whats-A-Right-Angled-Triangle Trout

DC224 - Summer 08 - Scattered Leaves - former.trout   (Jun 26, 2009, 2:01 pm)
Heya story-timers...

Rogues retreat to Palmaris, the Dwarves to Zeboims Deep.  Thats all the news thats fit to print.  Deadline for Fall 08 orders will be set for Monday, July 6th (11:59 PM GMT).

I don't have the map handy at the moment but will get it out asap.  Cheers everyone!




DC224 Slaughter At StoryTime - Spring 08 - Dearest... - former.trout   (Jun 24, 2009, 1:01 am)
Sorry guys - one slight correction to my preamble.  Thanks to a timely support from Heavan's Well, the Faeries were repelled from Grimpen Ward and the swamp survived to be sacked another day.
Apologies for any confusion there...  Guess I just got Grimpened by excitment...  *groan*
Just-Slightly-Wrong Trout

On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 11:54 PM, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Heya folks,
Exciting times on the board as the Dwarves manage to guess right in the underground, but see a little more action moving into the center isles than I imagine that they'd like.  Meanwhile, the Faeries manage to sack Grimpen Ward, the Archers see the Pirates make nice but find that they have a slight Troll infestation, and the Ogres attempt to walk across the Three River Lake (silly Ogres...)  =P
Two retreats needed after all of that - both ironically from nearly the same spot on the board.  The Rogues owe a retreat from Timber Lands and the Dwarves from All Saint's Bay.  Deadline for Summer 08 retreats will be set for Thursday, June 25th (11:59 PM GMT).
Finally, our good friend Josh was kind enough to send in gunboat orders for the Knights position.  As Knight-Captain Pat is apparently off hunting the holy grail or something, I'll be seeking a new leader for the men who say Ni!  Hopefully this won't delay the Fall turn, but I'll definitely let everyone know.
I'm a little knackered tonight - so please double-check these results with a fine-toothed comb and let me know if you spot any goofs. 
Potato Sack Trout

Movement results for Spring of 8.  (DC224 08 SPR)
Archers: F Prydain Hold.
Archers: A Fantastica Supports A Duloc (*Cut*).
Archers: A Duloc Supports A Fantastica.
Archers: A Avalon Hold.
Archers: A Ivory Tower Supports A Myth Drannor.
Archers: A Critter Country Supports A Duloc.
Archers: A Starkadh - Gwynir.
Archers: F Cliffs Of Insanity Supports A Myth Drannor.
Archers: F Horned Bay Supports F Prydain.
Dwarves: A Carpantha - Khaz Modan (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: A Undermountain - Mt Nimro (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: A Fjord - The Wilderland.
Dwarves: A Zhentil Keep - Dragon Coast.
Dwarves: F The Julianthes - West Mirianic Ocean (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: A Venatori Umbrarum - Ancient Necropolis (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: F All Saints Bay - To-Gai-Ru (*Dislodged*).
Dwarves: F Churning Reach - Mt Nimro (*Bounce*).
Elves: A Garthim Supports F Shining Stream - City Of Splendors.
Elves: F North Rainbow Lake - Roaring Rapids (*Fails*).
Faeries: A Spiral Castle Supports F Prydain - Kingdom Of Hearts (*Void*).
Faeries: F Gumdrop Isle - Rugged Coast.
Faeries: A Myth Drannor Supports F Cliffs Of Insanity.
Faeries: F Shady Vale - Grimpen Ward (*Fails*).
Faeries: A Fionavar - Land Of Sweets.
Faeries: A Dragons Teeth Mtns Supports F Prydain - Kingdom Of Hearts (*Void*).
Faeries: F East Mirianic Ocean Supports F West Mirianic Ocean - Churning Reach
Faeries: F North Mirianic Ocean Supports F East Mirianic Ocean.
Knights: F Gu'Tanoth Hold.
Knights: A Paras Derval Supports A River Saeren - Kingdom Of Hearts.
Knights: A Anvard Supports A Dancing Lawn - Tumnus (*Cut*).
Knights: A Arborlon - Aslan (*Bounce*).
Knights: A Grimpen Ward Hold.
Knights: A Dancing Lawn - Tumnus (*Fails*).
Knights: A Drynwyn Supports A River Saeren - Kingdom Of Hearts.
Knights: A Heavens Well Supports A Grimpen Ward.
Knights: A River Saeren - Kingdom Of Hearts.
Knights: F Crystal Lake Supports A Arborlon - Aslan.
Ogres: A Gelfling Supports A Sinking Shore - Marshes of Morva (*Fails*).
Ogres: F Prekkandorran Heights(nc) - Florin.
Ogres: A Lubrick Hold.
Ogres: A Auryn Supports F Shining Stream - City Of Splendors.
Ogres: A Nehwon - Ogrun.
Ogres: A Lankhmar - Ilthmar.
Ogres: A Traal Supports A Allerleirauh - Magrathea (*Fails*).
Ogres: A Magrathea - Shining Stream (*Bounce*).
Ogres: A Whoville - Devils Canyon.
Ogres: A Great Steppes Hold.
Ogres: A Sinking Shore - Marshes of Morva (*Fails*).
Ogres: A Allerleirauh - Magrathea (*Fails*).
Ogres: F Shining Stream - City Of Splendors.
Ogres: F Three River Lake Supports A Sinking Shore - Marshes of Morva.
Pirates: A The Neverwood Supports A Maze Of Regrets - Traverse Town.
Pirates: F Never Never Land Hold.
Pirates: F Traverse Town - Restless Waters.
Pirates: F Slightly Gulch - Grief Reef.
Pirates: A Neverpeak Mountain Supports A Camelittle - Slightly Gulch.
Pirates: F The High Way Supports F Never Never Land.
Pirates: A Camelittle - Slightly Gulch.
Pirates: A Maze Of Regrets - Traverse Town.
Pirates: F Sea Of Fallen Stars - Rivendell.
Rogues: A Tumnus Supports A Telmar - Calormen (*Cut*).
Rogues: F To-Gai-Ru Supports F West Mirianic Ocean - All Saints Bay.
Rogues: F Archenland Supports F Mist Marsh - Aslan.
Rogues: A Telmar - Calormen.
Rogues: F Troldhaugen Hold.
Rogues: A Cathal - Anvard (*Fails*).
Rogues: A Immoren Supports A Tumnus.
Rogues: A Palmaris - Dargaard Keep.
Rogues: F Timber Lands - East Sea Of Shadows (*Dislodged*).
Rogues: A Hidden Grotto - Khaz Modan (*Bounce*).
Rogues: F Mist Marsh - Aslan (*Bounce*).
Rogues: F Celestial Delta Supports F Shady Vale - Grimpen Ward.
Rogues: F Tilva Strait - West Mirianic Ocean (*Bounce*).
Rogues: F West Mirianic Ocean - All Saints Bay.
Trolls: F Khemri - Hundred Acre Wood.
Trolls: F Newa River - Elephant Graveyard.
Trolls: F Krynn - River Styx.
Trolls: A Sorrow's End - Cave Of Ordeals.
Trolls: F Kahvi - High Seas.
Trolls: A Cyriss - Ergoth.
Trolls: F Ansalon - The Maw.
Trolls: F Enchanted Isles Hold.
Trolls: A Cave Of Ordeals - Newa River.
Trolls: A Yggdrasil - Ancient Necropolis (*Bounce*).
Trolls: F High Seas - Krynn.
Trolls: F Way The Heck Out There - Ansalon.
Undead: A Gollerus Hold.
Undead: A Skullcap Supports F Savage Sea - Timber Lands.
Undead: F Everglot - East Sea Of Shadows.
Undead: F Tuatha - Thunderhead.
Undead: F Caer Supports F North Rainbow Lake - Roaring Rapids.
Undead: F West Sea Of Shadows Supports F Everglot - East Sea Of Shadows.
Undead: F Savage Sea - Timber Lands.
Wizards: A Waterdeep - Thirsty Desert.
Wizards: A Krikkit - Shining Stream (*Bounce*).
Wizards: F Great Glacier - Pwyll.
Wizards: A Anhondo Plain - France.
Wizards: A Cormyr - Silvanesti.
Wizards: F Rift Canyon - Fantastica (*Fails*).
Wizards: F Razors Edge - Great Glacier.
Wizards: F River Of Dawn Supports F Roaring Rapids.
Wizards: F Roaring Rapids Convoys A Cormyr - Silvanesti.
The following units were dislodged:
Rogue F Timber Lands can retreat to Istar or Palmaris.
Dwarf F All Saints Bay can retreat to Savage Sea or Zeboims Deep.
Unit locations:
Archers:     F Prydain, A Fantastica, A Duloc, A Avalon, A Gwynir, A Ivory
             Tower, A Critter Country, F Cliffs Of Insanity, F Horned Bay.
Dwarves:     A Carpantha, A Undermountain, F The Julianthes, A The Wilderland,
             A Dragon Coast, A Venatori Umbrarum, F All Saints Bay, F Churning
Elves:       A Garthim, F North Rainbow Lake.
Faeries:     A Spiral Castle, A Land Of Sweets, A Myth Drannor, F Shady Vale, A
             Dragons Teeth Mtns, F East Mirianic Ocean, F North Mirianic Ocean,
             F Rugged Coast.
Knights:     F Gu'Tanoth, A Paras Derval, A Anvard, A Arborlon, A Grimpen Ward,
             A Kingdom Of Hearts, A Dancing Lawn, A Drynwyn, A Heavens Well, F
             Crystal Lake.
Ogres:       A Gelfling, A Lubrick, A Auryn, A Traal, A Magrathea, A Devils
             Canyon, F City Of Splendors, A Great Steppes, A Sinking Shore, F
             Florin, A Allerleirauh, A Ogrun, A Ilthmar, F Three River Lake.
Pirates:     A The Neverwood, F Never Never Land, A Traverse Town, A Slightly
             Gulch, A Neverpeak Mountain, F Rivendell, F The High Way, F Grief
             Reef, F Restless Waters.
Rogues:      A Tumnus, F To-Gai-Ru, F Archenland, F Troldhaugen, A Dargaard
             Keep, A Cathal, A Calormen, A Immoren, F Timber Lands, A Hidden
             Grotto, F Mist Marsh, F Celestial Delta, F Tilva Strait, F All
             Saints Bay.
Trolls:      F Hundred Acre Wood, A Newa River, A Ergoth, F Krynn, F Ansalon, F
             Enchanted Isles, A Cave Of Ordeals, F Elephant Graveyard, A
             Yggdrasil, F High Seas, F The Maw, F River Styx.
Undead:      A Gollerus, A Skullcap, F Caer, F Timber Lands, F West Sea Of
             Shadows, F East Sea Of Shadows, F Thunderhead.
Wizards:     A Krikkit, F Great Glacier, A France, A Thirsty Desert, A
             Silvanesti, F Pwyll, F Rift Canyon, F River Of Dawn, F Roaring
Ownership of supply centers:
Archers:     Llyr, Loxley, Prydain, Hundred Acre Wood, Fantastica, Duloc,
             Avalon, Kingdom Of Hearts, Ivory Tower.
Dwarves:     Mt Nimro, Carpantha, Undermountain, Fjord, Zhentil Keep, The Old
             Gristmill, The Julianthes, Spirit Pond.
Elves:       Garthim, City Of Splendors.
Faeries:     Vinyaya, Oz, Ella, Spiral Castle, Land Of Sweets, Gurgi, Gumdrop
             Isle, Myth Drannor.
Knights:     Gu'Tanoth, Paras Derval, Brennin, Anvard, Wing Hove, Arborlon,
             Grimpen Ward, Gwynir, Sleepy Hollow, Icereach.
Ogres:       Gelfling, Prekkandorran Heights, Knockshegowna, Lubrick, Auryn,
             Horborixen, Nehwon, Lankhmar, Traal, Magrathea, Fafhrd, Whoville,
             Devils Canyon, Forbidden City.
Pirates:     Rohan, Lindon, Riku, The Neverwood, Pans Labyrinth, Never Never
             Land, Traverse Town, Slightly Gulch, Neverpeak Mountain.
Rogues:      Tumnus, Grissel, To-Gai-Ru, Grimheim, The Silver City, Ashan,
             Archenland, Telmar, Troldhaugen, Orboros, Dargaard Keep, Corona,
             Cathal, Dimmsdale.
Trolls:      Khemri, Newa River, Tarsis, Ergoth, Krynn, Sorrow's End, Niflheim,
             Kahvi, Grendel, Cyriss, Ansalon, Enchanted Isles.
Undead:      Gollerus, Skullcap, Everglot, Skellington, Tuatha, Caer,
Wizards:     Mordor, Baldurs Gate, Waterdeep, Faerun, Krikkit, Two Towers,
             Candlekeep, Land Ho, Great Glacier. Archers:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Barbarians:   0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Centaurs:     0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Dwarves:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Elves:        2 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   2 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Faeries:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Gnomes:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Hobbits:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Knights:     10 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  10 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Leprechauns:  0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Magicians:    0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Nomads:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Ogres:       14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  14 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Pirates:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Rogues:      14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  14 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Samurai:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Trolls:      12 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  12 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Undead:       7 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   7 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Wizards:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.


DC224 Slaughter At StoryTime - Spring 08 - Dearest... - former.trout   (Jun 24, 2009, 12:55 am)
Heya folks,
Exciting times on the board as the Dwarves manage to guess right in the underground, but see a little more action moving into the center isles than I imagine that they'd like.  Meanwhile, the Faeries manage to sack Grimpen Ward, the Archers see the Pirates make nice but find that they have a slight Troll infestation, and the Ogres attempt to walk across the Three River Lake (silly Ogres...)  =P
Two retreats needed after all of that - both ironically from nearly the same spot on the board.  The Rogues owe a retreat from Timber Lands and the Dwarves from All Saint's Bay.  Deadline for Summer 08 retreats will be set for Thursday, June 25th (11:59 PM GMT).
Finally, our good friend Josh was kind enough to send in gunboat orders for the Knights position.  As Knight-Captain Pat is apparently off hunting the holy grail or something, I'll be seeking a new leader for the men who say Ni!  Hopefully this won't delay the Fall turn, but I'll definitely let everyone know.
I'm a little knackered tonight - so please double-check these results with a fine-toothed comb and let me know if you spot any goofs. 
Potato Sack Trout

Movement results for Spring of 8.  (DC224 08 SPR)
Archers: F Prydain Hold.
Archers: A Fantastica Supports A Duloc (*Cut*).
Archers: A Duloc Supports A Fantastica.
Archers: A Avalon Hold.
Archers: A Ivory Tower Supports A Myth Drannor.
Archers: A Critter Country Supports A Duloc.
Archers: A Starkadh - Gwynir.
Archers: F Cliffs Of Insanity Supports A Myth Drannor.
Archers: F Horned Bay Supports F Prydain.
Dwarves: A Carpantha - Khaz Modan (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: A Undermountain - Mt Nimro (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: A Fjord - The Wilderland.
Dwarves: A Zhentil Keep - Dragon Coast.
Dwarves: F The Julianthes - West Mirianic Ocean (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: A Venatori Umbrarum - Ancient Necropolis (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: F All Saints Bay - To-Gai-Ru (*Dislodged*).
Dwarves: F Churning Reach - Mt Nimro (*Bounce*).
Elves: A Garthim Supports F Shining Stream - City Of Splendors.
Elves: F North Rainbow Lake - Roaring Rapids (*Fails*).
Faeries: A Spiral Castle Supports F Prydain - Kingdom Of Hearts (*Void*).
Faeries: F Gumdrop Isle - Rugged Coast.
Faeries: A Myth Drannor Supports F Cliffs Of Insanity.
Faeries: F Shady Vale - Grimpen Ward (*Fails*).
Faeries: A Fionavar - Land Of Sweets.
Faeries: A Dragons Teeth Mtns Supports F Prydain - Kingdom Of Hearts (*Void*).
Faeries: F East Mirianic Ocean Supports F West Mirianic Ocean - Churning Reach
Faeries: F North Mirianic Ocean Supports F East Mirianic Ocean.
Knights: F Gu'Tanoth Hold.
Knights: A Paras Derval Supports A River Saeren - Kingdom Of Hearts.
Knights: A Anvard Supports A Dancing Lawn - Tumnus (*Cut*).
Knights: A Arborlon - Aslan (*Bounce*).
Knights: A Grimpen Ward Hold.
Knights: A Dancing Lawn - Tumnus (*Fails*).
Knights: A Drynwyn Supports A River Saeren - Kingdom Of Hearts.
Knights: A Heavens Well Supports A Grimpen Ward.
Knights: A River Saeren - Kingdom Of Hearts.
Knights: F Crystal Lake Supports A Arborlon - Aslan.
Ogres: A Gelfling Supports A Sinking Shore - Marshes of Morva (*Fails*).
Ogres: F Prekkandorran Heights(nc) - Florin.
Ogres: A Lubrick Hold.
Ogres: A Auryn Supports F Shining Stream - City Of Splendors.
Ogres: A Nehwon - Ogrun.
Ogres: A Lankhmar - Ilthmar.
Ogres: A Traal Supports A Allerleirauh - Magrathea (*Fails*).
Ogres: A Magrathea - Shining Stream (*Bounce*).
Ogres: A Whoville - Devils Canyon.
Ogres: A Great Steppes Hold.
Ogres: A Sinking Shore - Marshes of Morva (*Fails*).
Ogres: A Allerleirauh - Magrathea (*Fails*).
Ogres: F Shining Stream - City Of Splendors.
Ogres: F Three River Lake Supports A Sinking Shore - Marshes of Morva.
Pirates: A The Neverwood Supports A Maze Of Regrets - Traverse Town.
Pirates: F Never Never Land Hold.
Pirates: F Traverse Town - Restless Waters.
Pirates: F Slightly Gulch - Grief Reef.
Pirates: A Neverpeak Mountain Supports A Camelittle - Slightly Gulch.
Pirates: F The High Way Supports F Never Never Land.
Pirates: A Camelittle - Slightly Gulch.
Pirates: A Maze Of Regrets - Traverse Town.
Pirates: F Sea Of Fallen Stars - Rivendell.
Rogues: A Tumnus Supports A Telmar - Calormen (*Cut*).
Rogues: F To-Gai-Ru Supports F West Mirianic Ocean - All Saints Bay.
Rogues: F Archenland Supports F Mist Marsh - Aslan.
Rogues: A Telmar - Calormen.
Rogues: F Troldhaugen Hold.
Rogues: A Cathal - Anvard (*Fails*).
Rogues: A Immoren Supports A Tumnus.
Rogues: A Palmaris - Dargaard Keep.
Rogues: F Timber Lands - East Sea Of Shadows (*Dislodged*).
Rogues: A Hidden Grotto - Khaz Modan (*Bounce*).
Rogues: F Mist Marsh - Aslan (*Bounce*).
Rogues: F Celestial Delta Supports F Shady Vale - Grimpen Ward.
Rogues: F Tilva Strait - West Mirianic Ocean (*Bounce*).
Rogues: F West Mirianic Ocean - All Saints Bay.
Trolls: F Khemri - Hundred Acre Wood.
Trolls: F Newa River - Elephant Graveyard.
Trolls: F Krynn - River Styx.
Trolls: A Sorrow's End - Cave Of Ordeals.
Trolls: F Kahvi - High Seas.
Trolls: A Cyriss - Ergoth.
Trolls: F Ansalon - The Maw.
Trolls: F Enchanted Isles Hold.
Trolls: A Cave Of Ordeals - Newa River.
Trolls: A Yggdrasil - Ancient Necropolis (*Bounce*).
Trolls: F High Seas - Krynn.
Trolls: F Way The Heck Out There - Ansalon.
Undead: A Gollerus Hold.
Undead: A Skullcap Supports F Savage Sea - Timber Lands.
Undead: F Everglot - East Sea Of Shadows.
Undead: F Tuatha - Thunderhead.
Undead: F Caer Supports F North Rainbow Lake - Roaring Rapids.
Undead: F West Sea Of Shadows Supports F Everglot - East Sea Of Shadows.
Undead: F Savage Sea - Timber Lands.
Wizards: A Waterdeep - Thirsty Desert.
Wizards: A Krikkit - Shining Stream (*Bounce*).
Wizards: F Great Glacier - Pwyll.
Wizards: A Anhondo Plain - France.
Wizards: A Cormyr - Silvanesti.
Wizards: F Rift Canyon - Fantastica (*Fails*).
Wizards: F Razors Edge - Great Glacier.
Wizards: F River Of Dawn Supports F Roaring Rapids.
Wizards: F Roaring Rapids Convoys A Cormyr - Silvanesti.
The following units were dislodged:
Rogue F Timber Lands can retreat to Istar or Palmaris.
Dwarf F All Saints Bay can retreat to Savage Sea or Zeboims Deep.
Unit locations:
Archers:     F Prydain, A Fantastica, A Duloc, A Avalon, A Gwynir, A Ivory
             Tower, A Critter Country, F Cliffs Of Insanity, F Horned Bay.
Dwarves:     A Carpantha, A Undermountain, F The Julianthes, A The Wilderland,
             A Dragon Coast, A Venatori Umbrarum, F All Saints Bay, F Churning
Elves:       A Garthim, F North Rainbow Lake.
Faeries:     A Spiral Castle, A Land Of Sweets, A Myth Drannor, F Shady Vale, A
             Dragons Teeth Mtns, F East Mirianic Ocean, F North Mirianic Ocean,
             F Rugged Coast.
Knights:     F Gu'Tanoth, A Paras Derval, A Anvard, A Arborlon, A Grimpen Ward,
             A Kingdom Of Hearts, A Dancing Lawn, A Drynwyn, A Heavens Well, F
             Crystal Lake.
Ogres:       A Gelfling, A Lubrick, A Auryn, A Traal, A Magrathea, A Devils
             Canyon, F City Of Splendors, A Great Steppes, A Sinking Shore, F
             Florin, A Allerleirauh, A Ogrun, A Ilthmar, F Three River Lake.
Pirates:     A The Neverwood, F Never Never Land, A Traverse Town, A Slightly
             Gulch, A Neverpeak Mountain, F Rivendell, F The High Way, F Grief
             Reef, F Restless Waters.
Rogues:      A Tumnus, F To-Gai-Ru, F Archenland, F Troldhaugen, A Dargaard
             Keep, A Cathal, A Calormen, A Immoren, F Timber Lands, A Hidden
             Grotto, F Mist Marsh, F Celestial Delta, F Tilva Strait, F All
             Saints Bay.
Trolls:      F Hundred Acre Wood, A Newa River, A Ergoth, F Krynn, F Ansalon, F
             Enchanted Isles, A Cave Of Ordeals, F Elephant Graveyard, A
             Yggdrasil, F High Seas, F The Maw, F River Styx.
Undead:      A Gollerus, A Skullcap, F Caer, F Timber Lands, F West Sea Of
             Shadows, F East Sea Of Shadows, F Thunderhead.
Wizards:     A Krikkit, F Great Glacier, A France, A Thirsty Desert, A
             Silvanesti, F Pwyll, F Rift Canyon, F River Of Dawn, F Roaring
Ownership of supply centers:
Archers:     Llyr, Loxley, Prydain, Hundred Acre Wood, Fantastica, Duloc,
             Avalon, Kingdom Of Hearts, Ivory Tower.
Dwarves:     Mt Nimro, Carpantha, Undermountain, Fjord, Zhentil Keep, The Old
             Gristmill, The Julianthes, Spirit Pond.
Elves:       Garthim, City Of Splendors.
Faeries:     Vinyaya, Oz, Ella, Spiral Castle, Land Of Sweets, Gurgi, Gumdrop
             Isle, Myth Drannor.
Knights:     Gu'Tanoth, Paras Derval, Brennin, Anvard, Wing Hove, Arborlon,
             Grimpen Ward, Gwynir, Sleepy Hollow, Icereach.
Ogres:       Gelfling, Prekkandorran Heights, Knockshegowna, Lubrick, Auryn,
             Horborixen, Nehwon, Lankhmar, Traal, Magrathea, Fafhrd, Whoville,
             Devils Canyon, Forbidden City.
Pirates:     Rohan, Lindon, Riku, The Neverwood, Pans Labyrinth, Never Never
             Land, Traverse Town, Slightly Gulch, Neverpeak Mountain.
Rogues:      Tumnus, Grissel, To-Gai-Ru, Grimheim, The Silver City, Ashan,
             Archenland, Telmar, Troldhaugen, Orboros, Dargaard Keep, Corona,
             Cathal, Dimmsdale.
Trolls:      Khemri, Newa River, Tarsis, Ergoth, Krynn, Sorrow's End, Niflheim,
             Kahvi, Grendel, Cyriss, Ansalon, Enchanted Isles.
Undead:      Gollerus, Skullcap, Everglot, Skellington, Tuatha, Caer,
Wizards:     Mordor, Baldurs Gate, Waterdeep, Faerun, Krikkit, Two Towers,
             Candlekeep, Land Ho, Great Glacier. Archers:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Barbarians:   0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Centaurs:     0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Dwarves:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Elves:        2 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   2 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Faeries:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Gnomes:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Hobbits:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Knights:     10 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  10 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Leprechauns:  0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Magicians:    0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Nomads:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Ogres:       14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  14 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Pirates:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Rogues:      14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  14 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Samurai:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Trolls:      12 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  12 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Undead:       7 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   7 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Wizards:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.


DC224 Slaughter At StoryTime - Spring 08 - Dearest Forsaken (dc224) former.trout Jun 24, 01:01 am
Sorry guys - one slight correction to my preamble.  Thanks to a timely support from Heavan's Well, the Faeries were repelled from Grimpen Ward and the swamp survived to be sacked another day.
Apologies for any confusion there...  Guess I just got Grimpened by excitment...  *groan*
Just-Slightly-Wrong Trout

On Tue, Jun 23, 2009 at 11:54 PM, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

Heya folks,
Exciting times on the board as the Dwarves manage to guess right in the underground, but see a little more action moving into the center isles than I imagine that they'd like.  Meanwhile, the Faeries manage to sack Grimpen Ward, the Archers see the Pirates make nice but find that they have a slight Troll infestation, and the Ogres attempt to walk across the Three River Lake (silly Ogres...)  =P
Two retreats needed after all of that - both ironically from nearly the same spot on the board.  The Rogues owe a retreat from Timber Lands and the Dwarves from All Saint's Bay.  Deadline for Summer 08 retreats will be set for Thursday, June 25th (11:59 PM GMT).
Finally, our good friend Josh was kind enough to send in gunboat orders for the Knights position.  As Knight-Captain Pat is apparently off hunting the holy grail or something, I'll be seeking a new leader for the men who say Ni!  Hopefully this won't delay the Fall turn, but I'll definitely let everyone know.
I'm a little knackered tonight - so please double-check these results with a fine-toothed comb and let me know if you spot any goofs. 
Potato Sack Trout

Movement results for Spring of 8.  (DC224 08 SPR)
Archers: F Prydain Hold.
Archers: A Fantastica Supports A Duloc (*Cut*).
Archers: A Duloc Supports A Fantastica.
Archers: A Avalon Hold.
Archers: A Ivory Tower Supports A Myth Drannor.
Archers: A Critter Country Supports A Duloc.
Archers: A Starkadh - Gwynir.
Archers: F Cliffs Of Insanity Supports A Myth Drannor.
Archers: F Horned Bay Supports F Prydain.
Dwarves: A Carpantha - Khaz Modan (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: A Undermountain - Mt Nimro (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: A Fjord - The Wilderland.
Dwarves: A Zhentil Keep - Dragon Coast.
Dwarves: F The Julianthes - West Mirianic Ocean (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: A Venatori Umbrarum - Ancient Necropolis (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: F All Saints Bay - To-Gai-Ru (*Dislodged*).
Dwarves: F Churning Reach - Mt Nimro (*Bounce*).
Elves: A Garthim Supports F Shining Stream - City Of Splendors.
Elves: F North Rainbow Lake - Roaring Rapids (*Fails*).
Faeries: A Spiral Castle Supports F Prydain - Kingdom Of Hearts (*Void*).
Faeries: F Gumdrop Isle - Rugged Coast.
Faeries: A Myth Drannor Supports F Cliffs Of Insanity.
Faeries: F Shady Vale - Grimpen Ward (*Fails*).
Faeries: A Fionavar - Land Of Sweets.
Faeries: A Dragons Teeth Mtns Supports F Prydain - Kingdom Of Hearts (*Void*).
Faeries: F East Mirianic Ocean Supports F West Mirianic Ocean - Churning Reach
Faeries: F North Mirianic Ocean Supports F East Mirianic Ocean.
Knights: F Gu'Tanoth Hold.
Knights: A Paras Derval Supports A River Saeren - Kingdom Of Hearts.
Knights: A Anvard Supports A Dancing Lawn - Tumnus (*Cut*).
Knights: A Arborlon - Aslan (*Bounce*).
Knights: A Grimpen Ward Hold.
Knights: A Dancing Lawn - Tumnus (*Fails*).
Knights: A Drynwyn Supports A River Saeren - Kingdom Of Hearts.
Knights: A Heavens Well Supports A Grimpen Ward.
Knights: A River Saeren - Kingdom Of Hearts.
Knights: F Crystal Lake Supports A Arborlon - Aslan.
Ogres: A Gelfling Supports A Sinking Shore - Marshes of Morva (*Fails*).
Ogres: F Prekkandorran Heights(nc) - Florin.
Ogres: A Lubrick Hold.
Ogres: A Auryn Supports F Shining Stream - City Of Splendors.
Ogres: A Nehwon - Ogrun.
Ogres: A Lankhmar - Ilthmar.
Ogres: A Traal Supports A Allerleirauh - Magrathea (*Fails*).
Ogres: A Magrathea - Shining Stream (*Bounce*).
Ogres: A Whoville - Devils Canyon.
Ogres: A Great Steppes Hold.
Ogres: A Sinking Shore - Marshes of Morva (*Fails*).
Ogres: A Allerleirauh - Magrathea (*Fails*).
Ogres: F Shining Stream - City Of Splendors.
Ogres: F Three River Lake Supports A Sinking Shore - Marshes of Morva.
Pirates: A The Neverwood Supports A Maze Of Regrets - Traverse Town.
Pirates: F Never Never Land Hold.
Pirates: F Traverse Town - Restless Waters.
Pirates: F Slightly Gulch - Grief Reef.
Pirates: A Neverpeak Mountain Supports A Camelittle - Slightly Gulch.
Pirates: F The High Way Supports F Never Never Land.
Pirates: A Camelittle - Slightly Gulch.
Pirates: A Maze Of Regrets - Traverse Town.
Pirates: F Sea Of Fallen Stars - Rivendell.
Rogues: A Tumnus Supports A Telmar - Calormen (*Cut*).
Rogues: F To-Gai-Ru Supports F West Mirianic Ocean - All Saints Bay.
Rogues: F Archenland Supports F Mist Marsh - Aslan.
Rogues: A Telmar - Calormen.
Rogues: F Troldhaugen Hold.
Rogues: A Cathal - Anvard (*Fails*).
Rogues: A Immoren Supports A Tumnus.
Rogues: A Palmaris - Dargaard Keep.
Rogues: F Timber Lands - East Sea Of Shadows (*Dislodged*).
Rogues: A Hidden Grotto - Khaz Modan (*Bounce*).
Rogues: F Mist Marsh - Aslan (*Bounce*).
Rogues: F Celestial Delta Supports F Shady Vale - Grimpen Ward.
Rogues: F Tilva Strait - West Mirianic Ocean (*Bounce*).
Rogues: F West Mirianic Ocean - All Saints Bay.
Trolls: F Khemri - Hundred Acre Wood.
Trolls: F Newa River - Elephant Graveyard.
Trolls: F Krynn - River Styx.
Trolls: A Sorrow's End - Cave Of Ordeals.
Trolls: F Kahvi - High Seas.
Trolls: A Cyriss - Ergoth.
Trolls: F Ansalon - The Maw.
Trolls: F Enchanted Isles Hold.
Trolls: A Cave Of Ordeals - Newa River.
Trolls: A Yggdrasil - Ancient Necropolis (*Bounce*).
Trolls: F High Seas - Krynn.
Trolls: F Way The Heck Out There - Ansalon.
Undead: A Gollerus Hold.
Undead: A Skullcap Supports F Savage Sea - Timber Lands.
Undead: F Everglot - East Sea Of Shadows.
Undead: F Tuatha - Thunderhead.
Undead: F Caer Supports F North Rainbow Lake - Roaring Rapids.
Undead: F West Sea Of Shadows Supports F Everglot - East Sea Of Shadows.
Undead: F Savage Sea - Timber Lands.
Wizards: A Waterdeep - Thirsty Desert.
Wizards: A Krikkit - Shining Stream (*Bounce*).
Wizards: F Great Glacier - Pwyll.
Wizards: A Anhondo Plain - France.
Wizards: A Cormyr - Silvanesti.
Wizards: F Rift Canyon - Fantastica (*Fails*).
Wizards: F Razors Edge - Great Glacier.
Wizards: F River Of Dawn Supports F Roaring Rapids.
Wizards: F Roaring Rapids Convoys A Cormyr - Silvanesti.
The following units were dislodged:
Rogue F Timber Lands can retreat to Istar or Palmaris.
Dwarf F All Saints Bay can retreat to Savage Sea or Zeboims Deep.
Unit locations:
Archers:     F Prydain, A Fantastica, A Duloc, A Avalon, A Gwynir, A Ivory
             Tower, A Critter Country, F Cliffs Of Insanity, F Horned Bay.
Dwarves:     A Carpantha, A Undermountain, F The Julianthes, A The Wilderland,
             A Dragon Coast, A Venatori Umbrarum, F All Saints Bay, F Churning
Elves:       A Garthim, F North Rainbow Lake.
Faeries:     A Spiral Castle, A Land Of Sweets, A Myth Drannor, F Shady Vale, A
             Dragons Teeth Mtns, F East Mirianic Ocean, F North Mirianic Ocean,
             F Rugged Coast.
Knights:     F Gu'Tanoth, A Paras Derval, A Anvard, A Arborlon, A Grimpen Ward,
             A Kingdom Of Hearts, A Dancing Lawn, A Drynwyn, A Heavens Well, F
             Crystal Lake.
Ogres:       A Gelfling, A Lubrick, A Auryn, A Traal, A Magrathea, A Devils
             Canyon, F City Of Splendors, A Great Steppes, A Sinking Shore, F
             Florin, A Allerleirauh, A Ogrun, A Ilthmar, F Three River Lake.
Pirates:     A The Neverwood, F Never Never Land, A Traverse Town, A Slightly
             Gulch, A Neverpeak Mountain, F Rivendell, F The High Way, F Grief
             Reef, F Restless Waters.
Rogues:      A Tumnus, F To-Gai-Ru, F Archenland, F Troldhaugen, A Dargaard
             Keep, A Cathal, A Calormen, A Immoren, F Timber Lands, A Hidden
             Grotto, F Mist Marsh, F Celestial Delta, F Tilva Strait, F All
             Saints Bay.
Trolls:      F Hundred Acre Wood, A Newa River, A Ergoth, F Krynn, F Ansalon, F
             Enchanted Isles, A Cave Of Ordeals, F Elephant Graveyard, A
             Yggdrasil, F High Seas, F The Maw, F River Styx.
Undead:      A Gollerus, A Skullcap, F Caer, F Timber Lands, F West Sea Of
             Shadows, F East Sea Of Shadows, F Thunderhead.
Wizards:     A Krikkit, F Great Glacier, A France, A Thirsty Desert, A
             Silvanesti, F Pwyll, F Rift Canyon, F River Of Dawn, F Roaring
Ownership of supply centers:
Archers:     Llyr, Loxley, Prydain, Hundred Acre Wood, Fantastica, Duloc,
             Avalon, Kingdom Of Hearts, Ivory Tower.
Dwarves:     Mt Nimro, Carpantha, Undermountain, Fjord, Zhentil Keep, The Old
             Gristmill, The Julianthes, Spirit Pond.
Elves:       Garthim, City Of Splendors.
Faeries:     Vinyaya, Oz, Ella, Spiral Castle, Land Of Sweets, Gurgi, Gumdrop
             Isle, Myth Drannor.
Knights:     Gu'Tanoth, Paras Derval, Brennin, Anvard, Wing Hove, Arborlon,
             Grimpen Ward, Gwynir, Sleepy Hollow, Icereach.
Ogres:       Gelfling, Prekkandorran Heights, Knockshegowna, Lubrick, Auryn,
             Horborixen, Nehwon, Lankhmar, Traal, Magrathea, Fafhrd, Whoville,
             Devils Canyon, Forbidden City.
Pirates:     Rohan, Lindon, Riku, The Neverwood, Pans Labyrinth, Never Never
             Land, Traverse Town, Slightly Gulch, Neverpeak Mountain.
Rogues:      Tumnus, Grissel, To-Gai-Ru, Grimheim, The Silver City, Ashan,
             Archenland, Telmar, Troldhaugen, Orboros, Dargaard Keep, Corona,
             Cathal, Dimmsdale.
Trolls:      Khemri, Newa River, Tarsis, Ergoth, Krynn, Sorrow's End, Niflheim,
             Kahvi, Grendel, Cyriss, Ansalon, Enchanted Isles.
Undead:      Gollerus, Skullcap, Everglot, Skellington, Tuatha, Caer,
Wizards:     Mordor, Baldurs Gate, Waterdeep, Faerun, Krikkit, Two Towers,
             Candlekeep, Land Ho, Great Glacier. Archers:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Barbarians:   0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Centaurs:     0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Dwarves:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Elves:        2 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   2 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Faeries:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Gnomes:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Hobbits:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Knights:     10 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  10 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Leprechauns:  0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Magicians:    0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Nomads:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Ogres:       14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  14 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Pirates:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Rogues:      14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  14 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Samurai:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Trolls:      12 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  12 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Undead:       7 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   7 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Wizards:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.

DC-224 Spring 13 Delay - Three Strikes - former.trout   (Jun 23, 2009, 12:57 am)
Heya folks,

Unfortunately, I'm short three sets of orders for Spring 13.  One of them, I was sortof expecting - the other two come as somewhat of a surprise.

The players in question have been notified, and I don't expect the delay to last longer than tomorrow evening.  Thanks again for your patience - I truly wasn't expecting late orders this turn and am severely surprised by the culprits in this case.  Let me just say that they deserve the same breaks that I have given others during this game.

Talk to you all tomorrow night.



DC-224 Crazy Haven - mail for Undead - LadyDay   (Jun 20, 2009, 5:26 am)
Will anyone wanting to correspond with the Queen of the
Undead please use my alternate address, su_casta(at)yahoo.com
for the time being. I can send messages from this address,
but for now, I don't receive anything. They say that it will
be fixed within a week (sic!).


DC-224 Slaughter At StoryTime - Winter 07 - Deares... - former.trout   (Jun 16, 2009, 12:25 am)
Heya folks,
Paging Mr. Rourke.  The knights need you back at the helm.  Yes - our temporary Knight Captain, Jason, has had to hang up his spurs.  My thanks for your efforts in keeping the game going Jason.

Also, a big shout-out to Nathan who stepped in quite ably for the Hobbits.  Sure - he was made mince-meat of by a twisted Ogre-Dwarf combo, but boy should you ever see the blisters he gave them on their feet.  =)  Seriously though, Nathan, thank you for helping us move the game along.
The Winter adjustments are as attached.  I'm going to tentatively set the Spring 08 deadline for Monday, June 22nd (11:59 PM GMT).  However - I put you all on notice that I may need to extend if a new Knight player needs to be found.
Let me know if you spot any mistakes.  Cheers!
Toe-Jam Trout

Adjustment orders for Winter of 7.  (DC224 07 WIN)
Elves: Remove F City Of Splendors.
Elves: Remove F South Rainbow Lake.
Ogres: Build A Whoville.
Ogres: Build A Nehwon.
Ogres: Build A Lankhmar.
Pirates: Build A The Neverwood.
Rogues: Build A Telmar.
Trolls: Build F Kahvi.
Trolls: Build A Sorrow's End.
Undead: Build F Everglot.
Wizards: Build A Waterdeep.
Unit locations:
Archers:     F Prydain, A Fantastica, A Duloc, A Avalon, A Ivory Tower, A
             Critter Country, A Starkadh, F Cliffs Of Insanity, F Horned Bay.
Dwarves:     A Carpantha, A Undermountain, A Fjord, A Zhentil Keep, F The
             Julianthes, A Venatori Umbrarum, F All Saints Bay, F Churning
Elves:       A Garthim, F North Rainbow Lake.
Faeries:     A Spiral Castle, F Gumdrop Isle, A Myth Drannor, F Shady Vale, A
             Fionavar, A Dragons Teeth Mtns, F East Mirianic Ocean, F North
             Mirianic Ocean.
Knights:     F Gu'Tanoth, A Paras Derval, A Anvard, A Arborlon, A Grimpen Ward,
             A Dancing Lawn, A Drynwyn, A Heavens Well, A River Saeren, F
             Crystal Lake.
Ogres:       A Gelfling, F Prekkandorran Heights(nc), A Lubrick, A Auryn, A
             Nehwon, A Lankhmar, A Traal, A Magrathea, A Whoville, A Great
             Steppes, A Sinking Shore, A Allerleirauh, F Shining Stream, F
             Three River Lake.
Pirates:     A The Neverwood, F Never Never Land, F Traverse Town, F Slightly
             Gulch, A Neverpeak Mountain, F The High Way, A Camelittle, A Maze
             Of Regrets, F Sea Of Fallen Stars.
Rogues:      A Tumnus, F To-Gai-Ru, F Archenland, A Telmar, F Troldhaugen, A
             Cathal, A Immoren, A Palmaris, F Timber Lands, A Hidden Grotto, F
             Mist Marsh, F Celestial Delta, F Tilva Strait, F West Mirianic
Trolls:      F Khemri, F Newa River, F Krynn, A Sorrow's End, F Kahvi, A
             Cyriss, F Ansalon, F Enchanted Isles, A Cave Of Ordeals, A
             Yggdrasil, F High Seas, F Way The Heck Out There.
Undead:      A Gollerus, A Skullcap, F Everglot, F Tuatha, F Caer, F West Sea
             Of Shadows, F Savage Sea.
Wizards:     A Waterdeep, A Krikkit, F Great Glacier, A Anhondo Plain, A
             Cormyr, F Rift Canyon, F Razors Edge, F River Of Dawn, F Roaring
Ownership of supply centers:
Archers:     Llyr, Loxley, Prydain, Hundred Acre Wood, Fantastica, Duloc,
             Avalon, Kingdom Of Hearts, Ivory Tower.
Dwarves:     Mt Nimro, Carpantha, Undermountain, Fjord, Zhentil Keep, The Old
             Gristmill, The Julianthes, Spirit Pond.
Elves:       Garthim, City Of Splendors.
Faeries:     Vinyaya, Oz, Ella, Spiral Castle, Land Of Sweets, Gurgi, Gumdrop
             Isle, Myth Drannor.
Knights:     Gu'Tanoth, Paras Derval, Brennin, Anvard, Wing Hove, Arborlon,
             Grimpen Ward, Gwynir, Sleepy Hollow, Icereach.
Ogres:       Gelfling, Prekkandorran Heights, Knockshegowna, Lubrick, Auryn,
             Horborixen, Nehwon, Lankhmar, Traal, Magrathea, Fafhrd, Whoville,
             Devils Canyon, Forbidden City.
Pirates:     Rohan, Lindon, Riku, The Neverwood, Pans Labyrinth, Never Never
             Land, Traverse Town, Slightly Gulch, Neverpeak Mountain.
Rogues:      Tumnus, Grissel, To-Gai-Ru, Grimheim, The Silver City, Ashan,
             Archenland, Telmar, Troldhaugen, Orboros, Dargaard Keep, Corona,
             Cathal, Dimmsdale.
Trolls:      Khemri, Newa River, Tarsis, Ergoth, Krynn, Sorrow's End, Niflheim,
             Kahvi, Grendel, Cyriss, Ansalon, Enchanted Isles.
Undead:      Gollerus, Skullcap, Everglot, Skellington, Tuatha, Caer,
Wizards:     Mordor, Baldurs Gate, Waterdeep, Faerun, Krikkit, Two Towers,
             Candlekeep, Land Ho, Great Glacier. Archers:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Barbarians:   0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Centaurs:     0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Dwarves:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Elves:        2 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   2 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Faeries:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Gnomes:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Hobbits:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Knights:     10 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  10 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Leprechauns:  0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Magicians:    0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Nomads:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Ogres:       14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  14 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Pirates:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Rogues:      14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  14 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Samurai:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Trolls:      12 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  12 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Undead:       7 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   7 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Wizards:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.


DC-224 Slaughter - Winter 07 Adjustments - former.trout   (Jun 14, 2009, 9:54 pm)
Hey there slaughterers and slaughtered,

Just a reminder that Winter 07 adjustments are due in roughly 21 hours.  Let me hear ya holler.




DC224 Slaughter At StoryTime - Early Winter 07 - T... - former.trout   (Jun 13, 2009, 12:24 am)
Hi guys and better halves...
The Archers retreat to Critter Country, the Wizards take a trip to Anhondo Plain and the Hobbits resign themselves off the board. 
My apologies for sending out the Summer .dpw file last turn, instead of the Fall.  Tonight I've hopefully attached the Early Winter .dpw file - which contains the Fall turn plus the happy happy retreats.
Deadline for Winter 07 orders will be set for Monday, June 15th (11:59 PM GMT).  Please note that my build count was incorrect last turn, and the Pirates gain a build which I had failed to note. 
Let me know if you spot any other mistakes.  Also, I have attached the latest rev of the .map file which has several of the latest glitches fixed and ironed out.  (Mostly the Land Of Sweets area, which seemed rife with mistakes - but also the Hidden Grotto glitch.)
Stanley Cup Trout
Retreat orders for Fall of 7.  (DC224 07 EW)
Archers: A Neverpeak Mountain - Critter Country.
Hobbits: disband A Shining Stream.
Wizards: A City Of Splendors - Anhondo Plain.
Unit locations:
Archers:     F Prydain, A Fantastica, A Duloc, A Avalon, A Ivory Tower, A
             Critter Country, A Starkadh, F Cliffs Of Insanity, F Horned Bay.
Dwarves:     A Carpantha, A Undermountain, A Fjord, A Zhentil Keep, F The
             Julianthes, A Venatori Umbrarum, F All Saints Bay, F Churning
Elves:       A Garthim, F City Of Splendors, F North Rainbow Lake, F South
             Rainbow Lake.
Faeries:     A Spiral Castle, F Gumdrop Isle, A Myth Drannor, F Shady Vale, A
             Fionavar, A Dragons Teeth Mtns, F East Mirianic Ocean, F North
             Mirianic Ocean.
Knights:     F Gu'Tanoth, A Paras Derval, A Anvard, A Arborlon, A Grimpen Ward,
             A Dancing Lawn, A Drynwyn, A Heavens Well, A River Saeren, F
             Crystal Lake.
Ogres:       A Gelfling, F Prekkandorran Heights(nc), A Lubrick, A Auryn, A
             Traal, A Magrathea, A Great Steppes, A Sinking Shore, A
             Allerleirauh, F Shining Stream, F Three River Lake.
Pirates:     F Never Never Land, F Traverse Town, F Slightly Gulch, A Neverpeak
             Mountain, F The High Way, A Camelittle, A Maze Of Regrets, F Sea
             Of Fallen Stars.
Rogues:      A Tumnus, F To-Gai-Ru, F Archenland, F Troldhaugen, A Cathal, A
             Immoren, A Palmaris, F Timber Lands, A Hidden Grotto, F Mist
             Marsh, F Celestial Delta, F Tilva Strait, F West Mirianic Ocean.
Trolls:      F Khemri, F Newa River, F Krynn, A Cyriss, F Ansalon, F Enchanted
             Isles, A Cave Of Ordeals, A Yggdrasil, F High Seas, F Way The Heck
             Out There.
Undead:      A Gollerus, A Skullcap, F Tuatha, F Caer, F West Sea Of Shadows, F
             Savage Sea.
Wizards:     A Krikkit, F Great Glacier, A Anhondo Plain, A Cormyr, F Rift
             Canyon, F Razors Edge, F River Of Dawn, F Roaring Rapids.
Ownership of supply centers:
Archers:     Llyr, Loxley, Prydain, Hundred Acre Wood, Fantastica, Duloc,
             Avalon, Kingdom Of Hearts, Ivory Tower.
Dwarves:     Mt Nimro, Carpantha, Undermountain, Fjord, Zhentil Keep, The Old
             Gristmill, The Julianthes, Spirit Pond.
Elves:       Garthim, City Of Splendors.
Faeries:     Vinyaya, Oz, Ella, Spiral Castle, Land Of Sweets, Gurgi, Gumdrop
             Isle, Myth Drannor.
Knights:     Gu'Tanoth, Paras Derval, Brennin, Anvard, Wing Hove, Arborlon,
             Grimpen Ward, Gwynir, Sleepy Hollow, Icereach.
Ogres:       Gelfling, Prekkandorran Heights, Knockshegowna, Lubrick, Auryn,
             Horborixen, Nehwon, Lankhmar, Traal, Magrathea, Fafhrd, Whoville,
             Devils Canyon, Forbidden City.
Pirates:     Rohan, Lindon, Riku, The Neverwood, Pans Labyrinth, Never Never
             Land, Traverse Town, Slightly Gulch, Neverpeak Mountain.
Rogues:      Tumnus, Grissel, To-Gai-Ru, Grimheim, The Silver City, Ashan,
             Archenland, Telmar, Troldhaugen, Orboros, Dargaard Keep, Corona,
             Cathal, Dimmsdale.
Trolls:      Khemri, Newa River, Tarsis, Ergoth, Krynn, Sorrow's End, Niflheim,
             Kahvi, Grendel, Cyriss, Ansalon, Enchanted Isles.
Undead:      Gollerus, Skullcap, Everglot, Skellington, Tuatha, Caer,
Wizards:     Mordor, Baldurs Gate, Waterdeep, Faerun, Krikkit, Two Towers,
             Candlekeep, Land Ho, Great Glacier.
Archers:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Barbarians:   0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Centaurs:     0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Dwarves:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Elves:        2 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   4 Units:  Removes  2 units.
Faeries:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Gnomes:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Hobbits:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Knights:     10 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  10 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Leprechauns:  0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Magicians:    0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Nomads:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Ogres:       14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  11 Units:  Builds   3 units.
Pirates:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   1 unit.
Rogues:      14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  13 Units:  Builds   1 unit.
Samurai:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Trolls:      12 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  10 Units:  Builds   2 units.
Undead:       7 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   6 Units:  Builds   1 unit.
Wizards:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   1 unit.


DC224 Slaughter At StoryTime - Fall 07 - former.trout   (Jun 11, 2009, 7:24 am)
Heya folks,

Another quick and dirty round of results here.  Three retreats are needed - from the Wizards, Archers and Hobbits.  (Although the Hobbit retreat is fairly moot, at this point.)

Deadline for the Early Winter 07 retreats will be set for Friday, June 12th (11:59 PM GMT).

Also, please note that due to site policy changes I will be revising my NMR policy a little bit.  Nope - I'm still going to seek out orders from everyone to include in the turn.  But if you ARE late submitting orders, I will notch a counter in your NMR stat on the site.  Please just let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns about this policy.

If you spot an error, let me know.  Cheers!

Off-to-work Trout

Movement results for Fall of 7.  (DC 224 07 FALL)

Archers: F Llyr - Horned Bay.
Archers: A Hundred Acre Wood - Starkadh.
Archers: A Neverpeak Mountain - Maze Of Regrets (*Dislodged*).
Archers: A Duloc Supports A Endor - Fantastica.
Archers: A Avalon Supports A Hundred Acre Wood - Starkadh (*Fails*).
Archers: F Kingdom Of Hearts - Prydain.
Archers: A Ivory Tower Supports A Myth Drannor.
Archers: A Endor - Fantastica.
Archers: F Cliffs Of Insanity Supports A Myth Drannor.

Dwarves: F Mt Nimro - Churning Reach.
Dwarves: A Carpantha - Temple Of Doom (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: A Undermountain - Yggdrasil (*Fails*).
Dwarves: A Fjord Supports A Magrathea - The Wilderland (*Void*).
Dwarves: F The Julianthes - West Mirianic Ocean (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: A Pwyll - Zhentil Keep.
Dwarves: A Venatori Umbrarum - Temple Of Doom (*Bounce*).
Dwarves: F All Saints Bay Supports F Savage Sea - Timber Lands (*Cut*).

Elves: A Garthim Supports F Marshes of Morva - City Of Splendors (*Cut*).
Elves: F Florin - North Rainbow Lake.
Elves: F Marshes of Morva - City Of Splendors.
Elves: F South Rainbow Lake Supports F Florin - North Rainbow Lake.

Faeries: A Spiral Castle - Kingdom Of Hearts (*Bounce*).
Faeries: F Land Of Sweets - Shady Vale.
Faeries: F Gumdrop Isle - Rugged Coast (*Bounce*).
Faeries: A Myth Drannor Supports A Ivory Tower.
Faeries: A Fionavar - River Saeren (*Bounce*).
Faeries: A Dragons Teeth Mtns Supports A Spiral Castle - Kingdom Of Hearts.
Faeries: F East Mirianic Ocean Supports F West Mirianic Ocean (*Ordered to
Faeries: F North Mirianic Ocean Supports F East Mirianic Ocean.

Hobbits: A Shining Stream Hold (*Dislodged*).

Knights: F Gu'Tanoth - Paras Derval (*Fails*).
Knights: A Paras Derval - Kingdom Of Hearts (*Bounce*).
Knights: A Anvard Supports A Aslan - Dancing Lawn.
Knights: A Arborlon - Aslan (*Bounce*).
Knights: A Grimpen Ward Supports A Arborlon - Aslan (*Cut*).
Knights: A Aslan - Dancing Lawn.
Knights: A Drynwyn Supports A Paras Derval - Kingdom Of Hearts.
Knights: A Heavens Well - River Saeren (*Bounce*).
Knights: A River Saeren Supports A Paras Derval - Kingdom Of Hearts (*Cut*).
Knights: A Shady Vale - Fionavar (*Disbanded*).
Knights: F Crystal Lake Supports A Anvard.

Ogres: A Gelfling Supports A Garthim.
Ogres: F Prekkandorran Heights(nc) Supports A Gelfling (*Fails*).
Ogres: A Lubrick - Knockshegowna (*Bounce*).
Ogres: A Auryn Supports F Marshes of Morva - City Of Splendors.
Ogres: A Traal Supports A Magrathea.
Ogres: A Magrathea Supports F France - Shining Stream.
Ogres: A Great Steppes Supports A Tuatha - Gollerus.
Ogres: A Sinking Shore Supports F Prekkandorran Heights(nc).
Ogres: A Allerleirauh - Knockshegowna (*Bounce*).
Ogres: F France - Shining Stream.
Ogres: F Three River Lake Supports A Gelfling.

Pirates: A Fantastica - Duloc (*Disbanded*).
Pirates: A The Neverwood - Maze Of Regrets.
Pirates: F Never Never Land Supports F Babel Beach - Sea Of Fallen Stars.
Pirates: F Traverse Town - Fantastica (*Fails*).
Pirates: F Slightly Gulch Hold.
Pirates: A Camelittle Supports A Maze Of Regrets - Neverpeak Mountain.
Pirates: A Maze Of Regrets - Neverpeak Mountain.
Pirates: F Babel Beach - Sea Of Fallen Stars.
Pirates: F Sea Of Fallen Stars - The High Way.

Rogues: A Tumnus - Immoren.
Rogues: F Archenland - Aslan (*Bounce*).
Rogues: A Sleepy Hollow - Cathal.
Rogues: A Dancing Lawn - Tumnus.
Rogues: F Walk Of Clouds - To-Gai-Ru.
Rogues: A Palmaris Supports F Timber Lands.
Rogues: F Timber Lands Supports F West Mirianic Ocean - All Saints Bay (*Cut*).
Rogues: A Hidden Grotto Supports A Cave Of Ordeals - Yggdrasil.
Rogues: F Mist Marsh - Grimpen Ward (*Fails*).
Rogues: F Celestial Delta Supports F Land Of Sweets - Shady Vale.
Rogues: F Tilva Strait - West Mirianic Ocean (*Bounce*).
Rogues: F Trog - Troldhaugen.
Rogues: F West Mirianic Ocean - All Saints Bay (*Fails*).

Trolls: F Khemri Hold.
Trolls: F Newa River Hold.
Trolls: A Sorrow's End - Cave Of Ordeals.
Trolls: A Cyriss Hold.
Trolls: F Enchanted Isles - Way The Heck Out There (*Fails*).
Trolls: A Cave Of Ordeals - Yggdrasil.
Trolls: F Thon-Thalas - High Seas.
Trolls: F High Seas - Krynn.
Trolls: F Way The Heck Out There Supports F Bikini Bottom - Ansalon.
Trolls: F Bikini Bottom - Ansalon.

Undead: A Skullcap Supports F Savage Sea - Timber Lands.
Undead: A Tuatha - Gollerus.
Undead: F River Styx - West Sea Of Shadows.
Undead: F Thunderhead - Tuatha.
Undead: F Savage Sea - Timber Lands (*Fails*).
Undead: F North Rainbow Lake - Caer.

Wizards: A City Of Splendors Supports A Cormyr - Garthim (*Dislodged*).
Wizards: A Krikkit Hold.
Wizards: F Great Glacier - River Of Dawn.
Wizards: A Cormyr - Garthim (*Fails*).
Wizards: F Churning Reach - Great Glacier.
Wizards: F Rift Canyon - Rugged Coast (*Bounce*).
Wizards: F Razors Edge Supports F Churning Reach - Great Glacier.
Wizards: F Roaring Rapids Supports A Cormyr - Garthim.

The following units were dislodged:

Wizard A City Of Splendors can retreat to Anhondo Plain or France or Thirsty Desert or Valley Of Lost Honor.
Archer A Neverpeak Mountain can retreat to Critter Country.
Hobbit A Shining Stream can retreat to The Wilderland or Thirsty Desert.

Unit locations:

Archers:     F Prydain, A Fantastica, A Neverpeak Mountain, A Duloc, A Avalon,
             A Ivory Tower, A Starkadh, F Cliffs Of Insanity, F Horned Bay.
Dwarves:     A Carpantha, A Undermountain, A Fjord, A Zhentil Keep, F The
             Julianthes, A Venatori Umbrarum, F All Saints Bay, F Churning
Elves:       A Garthim, F City Of Splendors, F North Rainbow Lake, F South
             Rainbow Lake.
Faeries:     A Spiral Castle, F Gumdrop Isle, A Myth Drannor, F Shady Vale, A
             Fionavar, A Dragons Teeth Mtns, F East Mirianic Ocean, F North
             Mirianic Ocean.
Hobbits:     A Shining Stream.
Knights:     F Gu'Tanoth, A Paras Derval, A Anvard, A Arborlon, A Grimpen Ward,
             A Dancing Lawn, A Drynwyn, A Heavens Well, A River Saeren, A Shady
             Vale, F Crystal Lake.
Ogres:       A Gelfling, F Prekkandorran Heights(nc), A Lubrick, A Auryn, A
             Traal, A Magrathea, A Great Steppes, A Sinking Shore, A
             Allerleirauh, F Shining Stream, F Three River Lake.
Pirates:     A Fantastica, F Never Never Land, F Traverse Town, F Slightly
             Gulch, A Neverpeak Mountain, F The High Way, A Camelittle, A Maze
             Of Regrets, F Sea Of Fallen Stars.
Rogues:      A Tumnus, F To-Gai-Ru, F Archenland, F Troldhaugen, A Cathal, A
             Immoren, A Palmaris, F Timber Lands, A Hidden Grotto, F Mist
             Marsh, F Celestial Delta, F Tilva Strait, F West Mirianic Ocean.
Trolls:      F Khemri, F Newa River, F Krynn, A Cyriss, F Ansalon, F Enchanted
             Isles, A Cave Of Ordeals, A Yggdrasil, F High Seas, F Way The Heck
             Out There.
Undead:      A Gollerus, A Skullcap, F Tuatha, F Caer, F West Sea Of Shadows, F
             Savage Sea.
Wizards:     A City Of Splendors, A Krikkit, F Great Glacier, A Cormyr, F Rift
             Canyon, F Razors Edge, F River Of Dawn, F Roaring Rapids.

Ownership of supply centers:

Archers:     Llyr, Loxley, Prydain, Hundred Acre Wood, Duloc, Avalon, Kingdom
             Of Hearts, Ivory Tower.
Dwarves:     Mt Nimro, Carpantha, Undermountain, Fjord, Zhentil Keep, The Old
             Gristmill, The Julianthes, Spirit Pond.
Elves:       Garthim.
Faeries:     Vinyaya, Oz, Ella, Spiral Castle, Land Of Sweets, Gurgi, Gumdrop
             Isle, Myth Drannor.
Knights:     Gu'Tanoth, Paras Derval, Brennin, Anvard, Wing Hove, Arborlon,
             Grimpen Ward, Gwynir, Sleepy Hollow, Icereach.
Ogres:       Gelfling, Prekkandorran Heights, Knockshegowna, Lubrick, Auryn,
             Horborixen, Nehwon, Lankhmar, Traal, Magrathea, Fafhrd, Whoville,
             Devils Canyon, Forbidden City.
Pirates:     Rohan, Lindon, Fantastica, Riku, The Neverwood, Pans Labyrinth,
             Never Never Land, Traverse Town, Slightly Gulch, Neverpeak
Rogues:      Tumnus, Grissel, To-Gai-Ru, Grimheim, The Silver City, Ashan,
             Archenland, Telmar, Troldhaugen, Orboros, Dargaard Keep, Corona,
             Cathal, Dimmsdale.
Trolls:      Khemri, Newa River, Tarsis, Ergoth, Krynn, Sorrow's End, Niflheim,
             Kahvi, Grendel, Cyriss, Ansalon, Enchanted Isles.
Undead:      Gollerus, Skullcap, Everglot, Skellington, Tuatha, Caer,
Wizards:     Mordor, Baldurs Gate, Waterdeep, Faerun, City Of Splendors,
             Krikkit, Two Towers, Candlekeep, Land Ho, Great Glacier.

Archers:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Barbarians:   0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Centaurs:     0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Dwarves:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Elves:        2 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   4 Units:  Removes  2 units.
Faeries:      8 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Gnomes:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Hobbits:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   1 Unit:   Removes  1 unit.
Knights:     10 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  11 Units:  Removes  1 unit.
Leprechauns:  0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Magicians:    0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Nomads:       0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Ogres:       14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  11 Units:  Builds   3 units.
Pirates:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   9 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Rogues:      14 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  13 Units:  Builds   1 unit.
Samurai:      0 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   0 Units:  Builds   0 units.
Trolls:      12 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),  10 Units:  Builds   2 units.
Undead:       7 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   6 Units:  Builds   1 unit.
Wizards:      9 Supply centers ( 0 blocked),   8 Units:  Builds   1 unit.



DC224 Slaughter Of My Story In Time Deadline Remin... - former.trout   (Jun 10, 2009, 12:54 am)
Heyo, heyo.

For those of you still thinking about those orders - its definitely time to get them in.  Deadline is in roughly 18 hours from now.  Give those suckers a steer-pull and get em moving.  =)


Wanna-be Cowboy Trout


DC224 - Wow! An Actual Summer 07 Map!! - former.trout   (Jun 08, 2009, 12:29 am)
Heya folks,
Yes...  Your lame excuse for a GM has finally corrected and worked up the Summer 07 map for you all.  My sincere apologies for the delay in that - there were complicated reasons but the long and short of it is that its only been done here and now.
The original deadline for Fall 07 was set for within 17 hours from now.  However, seeing as how I'm only getting the map out to you now then I will adjust that deadline for Wednesday, June 10th (11:59 PM GMT).
IF I receive confirmation from all players that their orders already sent in are final, then I will adjudicate earlier.
Finally, the Summer map has the Elvish FLEET in Florin, the Rogue army in Hidden Grotto, and the Faerie fleet in Land Of Sweets.  I think that answers all of the questions from last week - but please let me know if I've missed anything.
Way Behind The 8-Ball Trout


DC224 Slaughter At StoryTime - Wizard email proble... - pieandmash   (Jun 07, 2009, 8:13 am)
all, my iphone mail server has been playing up- basically replies ive sent havent got any further than the memory on the phone!
So dont think ive been ignoring you
so, i will attempt to catch up now im on a pc


DC224 - Summer 07 - Fuzzy Numbers - former.trout   (Jun 02, 2009, 12:26 am)
Heya folks,

I've officially decided that setting up digs in a new city sux dog balls.  I'm totally sorry that I'm being an utter garbage GM these last few turns.

What brings on this hateful rant?  Due to various computer issues, I can't get onto the Realworld program for adjudicating the Summer turn.  And I still haven't corrected the Spring map, showing the Faerie fleet in the correct Gurgi space.  *sigh*

Cross my fingers, I hope to have everything set up tomorrow.  In the meantime, here are the Summer retreats.  I'll have to ask you to bear with me and do a little creative visualization until I can get the map out tomorrow.  Your GM feels shame.

Last note - please use Mike Sims correct email address when sending correspondance his way.  For the record, it is <mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net ([email]mike(at)fuzzylogicllc.net[/email])>

Deadline for Fall 07 orders will be set for Monday, June 8th (11:59 PM GMT). Thanks for bearing with me while I attempt to grow a brain in a new city.


Frustrated Trout

Summer 07 Retreats
Elvish A Prekkendoran Heights Retreats OTB

Elvish A Gelfing Retreats to Florin
Elvish F City Of Splendors Retreats to Marshes Of Morva
Hobbit A Magrathea Retreats OTB
Rogue A Cave Of Ordeals Retreats to Hidden Grotto
Rogue F All Saints Bay Retreats to Timber Lands



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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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