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(Great Balls Of Fire - GM: Paolo Sforza Original Dip Commemorative Game)


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dc210 f06 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Jan 12, 2009, 10:25 pm)
Turkey is eliminated! The last unit is automatically removed instead of retreated.

New totals:
A: 8/11, Build 3!
B: 6/6, Even
F: 8/9, Build 1!
G: 2/1, Remove 1
I: 4/2, Remove 2
R: 6/6, Even

Builds are due Wed 1/14, 10am Pacific

A Tri move Tyr
A Ven support A Tri move Tyr
A Gal move War
A Rum support A Bul
A Bul support F Con
F Adr support A Ven
F Apu support A Ven
F Con support A Bul

F (ARC) s F (NTH) stand
F (NTH) s F (Lon) - Wsx
F (Den) s F (Kie) stand
F (Kie) s Russian A (SBS) - Ber (*Cut*)
F (Lon) - Wsx
A (Yor) - Wal

A Bur - Swi
A Lor S A Bur - Swi
F Spa(sc) - WMS

F Eng - Nth (*Fails*)
F Bel S F Eng - Nth
F Bre - Eng (*Fails*)

A Col - Kie (*Fails*)
A Hol S A Col - Kie

F Berlin Holds
A Silisia Support Berlin


1) A Swi to Bav
2) F Tys to Nap
3) A Rom support F Tys to Nap
4) A Pie to Tus

F SBS - Prussia (*Fails*)
F NBS - Livonia
F Black Sea s f ank - mrm
F Ank - mrm
Army Erz - Cau

Turkey: NMR, All units hold


dc210 s06 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Jan 05, 2009, 10:04 am)
Draws are voted down… we play on!

Fall 06 due in 1 week: Monday 1/12, 10am Pacific! (and with the holidays gone, hopefully I’ll be back to more timely adjudications)

A Tyr move Ven
A Tri support A Tyr move Ven
A Bul support F Aeg move Con
A Rum support A Bul
A Bud move Gal
F Adr support A Tyr move Ven
F Apu support A Tyr move Ven
F Aeg move Con

F (Lon) – Wsx (*Bounce*)
F (Nwy) - ARC
F (NTH) s F (Kie) stand
F (Den) s F (Kie) stand
F (Kie) stand
A (Lpl) - Yor

F Eng – Wsx (*Bounce*)
F Bre – Eng (*Fails*)
F Fla - Bel
A Hol S F Fla - Bel
A Col S A Hol
F Por - Spa(sc)
A Par - Lor
A Gal - Bur

F Berlin Holds
A Silisia Support Berlin

1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI (*Dislodged to Rome*)
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold

F Swe (and army) - SBS
F SEV - Black Sea
F Ank S F Sev - Black Sea
Army Erz Holds

F BLA-Con (*Dislodged to Sea of Marmara*)


dc210 w05 builds! (draws) - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 28, 2008, 6:00 pm)
Hey folks, my bad! There were actually two (count them, uno-dos)... draws proposed for next season:

A) 6-way draw excluding Austria
B) DIAS (all 7 players)

Vote on BOTH by the spring deadline, which is still this Friday 1/2, 10am Pacific. You can vote yes on both, no on both, or yes/no on one or the other, but either one would require 7 yes-votes to pass. If by some chance both proposals pass, the one with more players (B) would take precedence.

Happy Holidays,

From: Michael Sims
Sent: Fri 12/26/2008 12:03 PM
To: 'stermapo(at)yahoo.com'; 'mestanacar(at)yahoo.com'; 'former.trout(at)gmail.com'; 'aislattery(at)aol.com'; 'jmc66(at)mac.com'; 'nephilli99(at)hotmail.com'; 'stevelytton(at)hotmail.com'; 'dc210(at)diplomaticcorp.com'
Subject: dc210 w05 builds!

Mixed bag, as Santa brings a new fleet for the kiddos in London, armies and boats to France, and even the little ones in Sevastopol wake up to something in their stockings... But the grinch not only focused his efforts on Bavaria, he left in Con only a crumb... even too small for a mouse.


E: + F Lon
F: + A Par, F Bre
G: - A Bav
R: + F Sev
T: - A Con

Then we have another 6-way draw proposal, this time it includes everyone but Austria! Vote yay/nay with spring orders.

NEXT: Spring 06, due Friday 1/2, 10am Pacific!



dc210 w05 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 26, 2008, 12:02 pm)
Mixed bag, as Santa brings a new fleet for the kiddos in London, armies
and boats to France, and even the little ones in Sevastopol wake up to
something in their stockings... But the grinch not only focused his
efforts on Bavaria, he left in Con only a crumb... even too small for a


E: + F Lon
F: + A Par, F Bre
G: - A Bav
R: + F Sev
T: - A Con

Then we have another 6-way draw proposal, this time it includes everyone
but Austria! Vote yay/nay with spring orders.

NEXT: Spring 06, due Friday 1/2, 10am Pacific!



dc210 f05 results! (3rd time) - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 22, 2008, 5:41 pm)
Draw is voted down, we play on!


Due Wed 24th? Lemme know if that doesn't work. 10am Pacific.

A: Even
E: +1 (Kie)
F: +2 (Hol, Por)
G: -1 (Kie, Hol, 1 unit lost in spring)
I: Even
R: +1 (+Ank -Por, 1 unit lost in spring)
T: -1 (Ank)

CHECK MY BUILDS. Remember this game is adjudicated by hand, so I'm
adding these up manually each time.


A Boh move Tyr
A Tri support A Boh move Tyr
A Ser move Bud
A Rum support A Bul
A Bul support F Aeg move Con
F Adr support F Ion move Apu
F Ion move Apu
F Aeg move Con (*Fails 2:3*)

A (Lpl) stand
F (NTH) s F (Kie) stand
F (Kie) s Russian F (SBS) - Ber (*Cut*)
F (Nwy) stand
F (Den) s F (Kie) stand

F Por Holds
A Spa - Gal
A Bel - Col
A Hol S A Bel - Col
F Iri - Eng
F Bre - Fla

A Bavaria -> Kiel (*Fails 1:3*)
F Berlin Support Bavaria -> Kiel (*Cut*)
A Silisia Support Berlin

1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold

F SBS - Berlin (*Fails 1:2*)
a swe boards f nbs at swe
f nbs - swe
a ank s a con
a cau - ezr (*OK, EZR accepted for ERZ*)

F BLA supp A Con


dc210 f05 results! (corrected) - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 22, 2008, 5:36 pm)
Draw is voted down, we play on!


Due Wed 24th? Lemme know if that doesn't work. 10am Pacific.

A: Even
E: +1 (Kie)
F: +2 (Hol, Por)
G: -2 (Kie, Hol)
I: Even
R: Even (+Ank -Por)
T: -1 (Ank)

CHECK MY BUILDS. Remember this game is adjudicated by hand, so I'm
adding these up manually each time.


A Boh move Tyr
A Tri support A Boh move Tyr
A Ser move Bud
A Rum support A Bul
A Bul support F Aeg move Con
F Adr support F Ion move Apu
F Ion move Apu
F Aeg move Con (*Fails 2:3*)

A (Lpl) stand
F (NTH) s F (Kie) stand
F (Kie) s Russian F (SBS) - Ber (*Cut*)
F (Nwy) stand
F (Den) s F (Kie) stand

F Por Holds
A Spa - Gal
A Bel - Col
A Hol S A Bel - Col
F Iri - Eng
F Bre - Fla

A Bavaria -> Kiel (*Fails 1:3*)
F Berlin Support Bavaria -> Kiel (*Cut*)
A Silisia Support Berlin

1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold

F SBS - Berlin (*Fails 1:2*)
a swe boards f nbs at swe
f nbs - swe
a ank s a con
a cau - ezr (*OK, EZR accepted for ERZ*)

F BLA supp A Con


dc210 f05 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 22, 2008, 5:31 pm)
Draw is voted down, we play on!


Due Wed 24th? Lemme know if that doesn't work. 10am Pacific.

A: Even
E: +1 (Kie)
F: +1 (Hol)
G: -2 (Kie, Hol)
I: Even
R: +1 (Ank)
T: -1 (Ank)

CHECK MY BUILDS. Remember this game is adjudicated by hand, so I'm
adding these up manually each time.


A Boh move Tyr
A Tri support A Boh move Tyr
A Ser move Bud
A Rum support A Bul
A Bul support F Aeg move Con
F Adr support F Ion move Apu
F Ion move Apu
F Aeg move Con (*Fails 2:3*)

A (Lpl) stand
F (NTH) s F (Kie) stand
F (Kie) s Russian F (SBS) - Ber (*Cut*)
F (Nwy) stand
F (Den) s F (Kie) stand

F Por Holds
A Spa - Gal
A Bel - Col
A Hol S A Bel - Col
F Iri - Eng
F Bre - Fla

A Bavaria -> Kiel (*Fails 1:3*)
F Berlin Support Bavaria -> Kiel (*Cut*)
A Silisia Support Berlin

1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold

F SBS - Berlin (*Fails 1:2*)
a swe boards f nbs at swe
f nbs - swe
a ank s a con
a cau - ezr (*OK, EZR accepted for ERZ*)

F BLA supp A Con


dc210 s05 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 15, 2008, 2:50 pm)
Will this be the end of our Turkish Delight?
Will Italy's strategic Holds last him longer than Trout?
Will the Russians do anything useful w all those Baltic fleets?

Find out the answers to these, and more, Friday!

12/19, 10am Pacific

Shorter turn, as I'd like to get builds done before the holidays.
(If anyone wants till next Mon, tell me w/in 48 hours and I'll extend

*** Draw Proposal ***

This is a proposal to end the game in a 6-way draw, excluding Turkey.
Vote yay/nay with your fall orders! 6 yes-votes are required for the
move to pass. All votes are confidential.


A Tri hold
A Alb move Ser
A Ser move Bul
A Rum support A Ser move Bul
A Gal move Boh
F Trie move Adr
F Gre move Ion
F Bul move Aeg

F (Nwy) stand
F (Den) s F (NTH) - Kie
F (Lon) - NTH
F (NTH) - Kie
A (Lpl) stand

A Col - Hol
A Bel S A Col - Hol
F Fnt - Por
A Spa S F Fnt - Por
F NAO - Iri
F BoB - Bre

A Holland -> Belgium (*Disbanded*)
F Kiel -> North Sea (*Dislodged to Berlin*)
A Berlin -> Bavaria
A Warsaw -> Silisia

1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold

F Swe - SBS
a fin - swe
f stp (sc) - nbs
a pon - ank
a sev - cau
a por waits for death (*Fails, death is immediate*)

F BLA supp A Con
A Con hold


dc210 w04 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 08, 2008, 8:16 am)
A: +F Tri
E: +F Lon
R: +F StP/sc

That's it!
Next is spring 05, due next Monday 12/15, 10am Pacific!
Note, one player is currently on vacation till Thursday.



dc210 f04 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Dec 05, 2008, 4:40 am)
We have an interesting turn, as errors abound - due both to the retreats
that happen immediately, and the new map we're playing on! One player
fails to order a retreat for a dislodged unit, one player misses the
turn altogether, and one doesn't check the new map to see that Den and
Swe are not adjacent in this version. Perhaps in this game, those who
are not used to playing the new (standard) version would do best, cuz
they don't come with what might otherwise be valid assumptions? So far
the Con-Mrm, Den-Kat, and the Pon-Erz-Cau regions all strike me as
having been substantially improved in later game revs.

For all valid abbreviations and adjacencies, see:

In any case, we have a handful of builds, due Monday 10am Pacific!

A: 8/7, +1
E: 5/4, +1
F: 6/6, even
G: 4/4, even
I: 4/4, even
R: 6/5, +1
O: 2/2, even

A Tri hold
A Mon move Alb
A Ser support F Aeg move Gre
A Rum support F Bul
A Gal support A Rum
F Bul support F Aeg move Gre
F Aeg move Gre

F (Den) stand
F (NTH) - Nwy
F (Lon) - NTH
A (Lpl) stand

A Swa - Col
A Bel S A Swa - Col
A Spa Hold
F BoB S Spa
F PSM - Fnt

A Cologne -> Holland
F Kiel Support Sweden -> Denmark
A Berlin Support Kiel
A Warsaw Holds
A Sweden -> Denmark (*Not Adjacent, Disbanded*)

1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold

F Fnt - Spain (*Fails 2:2, Dislodged, Disbanded NRO*)
A Por S F Fnt - Spain
A Fin s F SBS - Swe
F SBS - Swe
A Mos - Sev


NMR - All units hold!
F Greece (*Disbanded, NRO*)


dc210 s04 results! (map fix) - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 27, 2008, 7:47 am)
Just a map fix, Con is a tiny space in this game! The Turk army is
dislodged to Con, not Smy.


-----Original Message-----

Here we go! Russia lands troops in Portugal (my those disembark rules
are complex), French forces prepare a counter attack, Turkey gets
cornered, Germany slips into Warsaw, and England and Italy just chill
out a bit longer.

(I do like these skipping the retreat phases)

What next? Fall 04! Wednesday 12/3, 10am Pacific!

A Vie move Tri
A Tri move Mon
A Ser support F Gre move Bul (sc)
A Rum support F Gre move Bul (sc)
A Gal support A Rum
F Gre move Bul (sc)
F Ion move Aeg

F (NTH) - Kie (*Fails 1:2*)
F (Den) s F (NTH) - Kie (*Cut*)
F (Lon) - NTH (*Fails*)
A (Edi) - Lpl

F Iri - NAO
F Eng - PSM
F Bre - BoB
A Mar - Spa
A Lor - Swa
A Bel S A Lor - Swa

A Swabia -> Cologne
F Holland -> Kiel
A Berlin Support Hol -> Kiel
A Sweden -> Denmark (*Fails*)
A Livonia -> Warsaw

1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold, Support Austrian F ION (*Ordered to Move*)

A Fnt - Por (*Disembarks, Fleet stays in FNT*)
A Nwy - Fin
F SBS - Swe (*Fails*)
A WhR - Mos
F Erz - Bla (*Fails*)

F BLA supp A Bul (*Cut*)
A Bul hold (*Dislodged to Con*)
F AEG-Greece


dc210 s04 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 26, 2008, 11:31 pm)
Here we go! Russia lands troops in Portugal (my those disembark rules
are complex), French forces prepare a counter attack, Turkey gets
cornered, Germany slips into Warsaw, and England and Italy just chill
out a bit longer.

(I do like these skipping the retreat phases)

What next? Fall 04! Wednesday 12/3, 10am Pacific!

A Vie move Tri
A Tri move Mon
A Ser support F Gre move Bul (sc)
A Rum support F Gre move Bul (sc)
A Gal support A Rum
F Gre move Bul (sc)
F Ion move Aeg

F (NTH) - Kie (*Fails 1:2*)
F (Den) s F (NTH) - Kie (*Cut*)
F (Lon) - NTH (*Fails*)
A (Edi) - Lpl

F Iri - NAO
F Eng - PSM
F Bre - BoB
A Mar - Spa
A Lor - Swa
A Bel S A Lor - Swa

A Swabia -> Cologne
F Holland -> Kiel
A Berlin Support Hol -> Kiel
A Sweden -> Denmark (*Fails*)
A Livonia -> Warsaw

1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold, Support Austrian F ION (*Ordered to Move*)

A Fnt - Por (*Disembarks, Fleet stays in FNT*)
A Nwy - Fin
F SBS - Swe (*Fails*)
A WhR - Mos
F Erz - Bla (*Fails*)

F BLA supp A Bul (*Cut*)
A Bul hold (*Dislodged to Con*)
F AEG-Greece


dc210 w03 builds! - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 19, 2008, 10:36 am)
Builds are out!

Austria: Build A Vie
Britain: Build F Lon
France: Build F Bre
Russia: Remove A War

NEXT: Spring 04, due Wed 11/26, 10am Pacific!
(remember to include possible retreats)



dc210 f03 results! (new map) - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 18, 2008, 3:42 pm)
Just a map fix, the British unit is in Edi, not Cly. It is, and always
was there, just drew it wrong on the map.

One correction, Austria did capture Rum!

Hey folks, this was a rare turn to be pushed back so far. Be sure to be
in on time, or if not, then let me know you need more time, BEFORE the
next turn starts!

Builds now due Wednesday 11/19, 10am Pacific!

A: 7/6 +1
B: 4/3 +1
F: 6/5 +1
G: 5/5
I: 4/4
R: 6/7 -1
O: 3/3

A Ser support A Tra move Rum (*Cut*)
A Tra move Rum
A Gal support A Tra move Rum
A Tri support A Ser
F Gre support F ION
F ION support F Gre

F (NTH) - Den
F (Lon) - NTH
A (Edi) - Lpl (*Bounce*)

F Iri - Lpl (*Bounce*)
A Fla - Bel
F Eng S A Fla - Bel
A Lor - Swa (*Fails*)
A Spa - Mar

A Denmark -> Kiel (*Bounce, Dislodged to Swe*)
A Silisia -> Berlin
A Prussia -> Livonia
A Swabia Support Belgium (*Cut*)
F Belgium Support Holland (*Ordered to Move, Disbanded*)
F Holland -> Kiel (*Bounce*)

1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold

F NAO (and army) - Fnt
A Swe - Nwy
F SBS supports F Nth - Den
A War Holds
A WhR supports A War
F Erz - Black Sea (*Fails*)

F BLA supp A Rum (*Cut*)
A Rum supp A Bul-Ser (*Disbanded*)
A Bul-Ser (*Fails*)
F AEG-Gre (*Fails*)


dc210 f03 results! (corrected) - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 17, 2008, 4:19 pm)
One correction, Austria did capture Rum!

Hey folks, this was a rare turn to be pushed back so far. Be sure to be
in on time, or if not, then let me know you need more time, BEFORE the
next turn starts!

Builds now due Wednesday 11/19, 10am Pacific!

A: 7/6 +1
B: 4/3 +1
F: 6/5 +1
G: 5/5
I: 4/4
R: 6/7 -1
O: 3/3

A Ser support A Tra move Rum (*Cut*)
A Tra move Rum
A Gal support A Tra move Rum
A Tri support A Ser
F Gre support F ION
F ION support F Gre

F (NTH) - Den
F (Lon) - NTH
A (Edi) - Lpl (*Bounce*)

F Iri - Lpl (*Bounce*)
A Fla - Bel
F Eng S A Fla - Bel
A Lor - Swa (*Fails*)
A Spa - Mar

A Denmark -> Kiel (*Bounce, Dislodged to Swe*)
A Silisia -> Berlin
A Prussia -> Livonia
A Swabia Support Belgium (*Cut*)
F Belgium Support Holland (*Ordered to Move, Disbanded*)
F Holland -> Kiel (*Bounce*)

1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold

F NAO (and army) - Fnt
A Swe - Nwy
F SBS supports F Nth - Den
A War Holds
A WhR supports A War
F Erz - Black Sea (*Fails*)

F BLA supp A Rum (*Cut*)
A Rum supp A Bul-Ser (*Disbanded*)
A Bul-Ser (*Fails*)
F AEG-Gre (*Fails*)


dc210 f03 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 17, 2008, 3:57 pm)
Hey folks, this was a rare turn to be pushed back so far. Be sure to be
in on time, or if not, then let me know you need more time, BEFORE the
next turn starts!

Builds now due Wednesday 11/19, 10am Pacific!

A: 6/6
B: 4/3 +1
F: 6/5 +1
G: 5/5
I: 4/4
R: 6/7 -1
O: 4/4

A Ser support A Tra move Rum (*Cut*)
A Tra move Rum (*Fails*)
A Gal support A Tra move Rum
A Tri support A Ser
F Gre support F ION
F ION support F Gre

F (NTH) - Den
F (Lon) - NTH
A (Edi) - Lpl (*Bounce*)

F Iri - Lpl (*Bounce*)
A Fla - Bel
F Eng S A Fla - Bel
A Lor - Swa (*Fails*)
A Spa - Mar

A Denmark -> Kiel (*Bounce, Dislodged to Swe*)
A Silisia -> Berlin
A Prussia -> Livonia
A Swabia Support Belgium (*Cut*)
F Belgium Support Holland (*Ordered to Move, Disbanded*)
F Holland -> Kiel (*Bounce*)

1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold

F NAO (and army) - Fnt
A Swe - Nwy
F SBS supports F Nth - Den
A War Holds
A WhR supports A War
F Erz - Black Sea (*Fails*)

F BLA supp A Rum (*Cut*)
A Rum supp A Bul-Ser (*Cut*)
A Bul-Ser (*Fails*)
F AEG-Gre (*Fails*)


dc210 s03 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 06, 2008, 9:14 am)
The Austrian fleets are indeed RED, not green.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Sims

Hi folks, we've finally got some results! Not a whole lot transpires
this turn, as some players are taking it a bit conservative... But a few
troops do line up on the Russian border, and England gets surrounded...

Fall 03 by Wednesday 11/12, 10am Pacific!
Then 03 builds by Friday 11/14, same time.

F Ion move Aeg (*Fails*)
F Gre support F Ion move Aeg (*Cut*)
A Ser support F Gre (*Cut*)
A Tri support A Ser
A Gal move Tra
A Vie move Gal

F (NTH) - Den (*Fails*)
A (Yor) - Edi
F (Lon) - NTH (*Fails*)

F PSM - Iri
A Par - Fla
F Eng S A Par - Fla
A Lor S A Par - Fla
A Por - Spa

F Belgium Support Holland
F Holland Support Belgium
A Swabia Support Belgium
A Denmark Holds
A Berlin -> Prussia
A Silisia Support Vie -> Galicia

1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold

A Nwy - Swe
A War S A Sev - WhR
A Sev - WhR
F ARM - Bla (*Invalid*)

A Rum-ser (*Fails*)
A Bul-Gre (*Fails*)
F AEG-Gre (*Fails*)



dc210 s03 results! - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 05, 2008, 11:33 pm)
Hi folks, we've finally got some results! Not a whole lot transpires
this turn, as some players are taking it a bit conservative... But a few
troops do line up on the Russian border, and England gets surrounded...

Fall 03 by Wednesday 11/12, 10am Pacific!
Then 03 builds by Friday 11/14, same time.

F Ion move Aeg (*Fails*)
F Gre support F Ion move Aeg (*Cut*)
A Ser support F Gre (*Cut*)
A Tri support A Ser
A Gal move Tra
A Vie move Gal

F (NTH) - Den (*Fails*)
A (Yor) - Edi
F (Lon) - NTH (*Fails*)

F PSM - Iri
A Par - Fla
F Eng S A Par - Fla
A Lor S A Par - Fla
A Por - Spa

F Belgium Support Holland
F Holland Support Belgium
A Swabia Support Belgium
A Denmark Holds
A Berlin -> Prussia
A Silisia Support Vie -> Galicia

1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold

A Nwy - Swe
A War S A Sev - WhR
A Sev - WhR
F ARM - Bla (*Invalid*)

A Rum-ser (*Fails*)
A Bul-Gre (*Fails*)
F AEG-Gre (*Fails*)



dc210 s03 results! (dc210) FuzzyLogic Nov 06, 09:14 am
The Austrian fleets are indeed RED, not green.

-----Original Message-----
From: Michael Sims

Hi folks, we've finally got some results! Not a whole lot transpires
this turn, as some players are taking it a bit conservative... But a few
troops do line up on the Russian border, and England gets surrounded...

Fall 03 by Wednesday 11/12, 10am Pacific!
Then 03 builds by Friday 11/14, same time.

F Ion move Aeg (*Fails*)
F Gre support F Ion move Aeg (*Cut*)
A Ser support F Gre (*Cut*)
A Tri support A Ser
A Gal move Tra
A Vie move Gal

F (NTH) - Den (*Fails*)
A (Yor) - Edi
F (Lon) - NTH (*Fails*)

F PSM - Iri
A Par - Fla
F Eng S A Par - Fla
A Lor S A Par - Fla
A Por - Spa

F Belgium Support Holland
F Holland Support Belgium
A Swabia Support Belgium
A Denmark Holds
A Berlin -> Prussia
A Silisia Support Vie -> Galicia

1) A SWI Hold, Support A PIE
2) A VEN Hold, Support A SWI
3) A PIE Hold, Support A SWI
7) F TYS Hold

A Nwy - Swe
A War S A Sev - WhR
A Sev - WhR
F ARM - Bla (*Invalid*)

A Rum-ser (*Fails*)
A Bul-Gre (*Fails*)
F AEG-Gre (*Fails*)

dc210 next update - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 03, 2008, 12:28 am)
Hey two-tenners,
I’ve got the full slate of orders in… so give me a few days yet to figure out a mechanism for routinely running this game. Have you all reviewed the unusual means for ordering to board and disembark from fleets?


Altho it’s uncommon that I’ll ever lock a turn early, since I’m just doing some admin stuff here, consider the moves in locked (feel free to discuss, nobody can change any more), as we’ve now passed Paolo’s stated deadline, and I’ve got the orders you all sent to him. So I should have this worked out by midweek and then we’ll get on a regular pace of a week or so per turn.

Again if anyone has ideas on a good freeform adjudicator other than Realpolitik or Cyberboard that would allow a custom map and moving of units around, let me know.


dc210 update - FuzzyLogic   (Nov 01, 2008, 11:35 pm)
Hi folks,
As we await the last set of 210 orders rolling in, does anyone know what
program Paolo used to run this game? Is it just a layered map / image
where he moved things manually? I can probly whip up a Cyberboard
gamebox for it, but don't know any way to make it work in RP given the
strange rules that exist. And oh my are there a lot of them! This will
sure be an exercise in learning most Dip rules one way, then forgetting
all that to play the original version!

-----Original Message-----

Player list for dc210

ID : mav
Ctry : Austria-Hungary 0
Name : ster mav
Email : stermapo(at)yahoo.com
Location :

ID : wmsp
Ctry : France 0
Name : Mestan Acar
Email : mestanacar(at)yahoo.com
Location :

ID : former.trout
Ctry : Germany 0
Name : Former Trout
Email : former.trout(at)gmail.com
Location : Edmonton, AB, CA

ID : Lane
Ctry : Great Britain 0
Name : Aidan Slattery
Email : aislattery(at)aol.com
Location : Leamington Spa, Warks, UK

ID : jmc66
Ctry : Italy 0
Name : Jeffrey Clay
Email : jmc66(at)mac.com
Location : Grand Prairie, TX, US

ID : Nigs
Ctry : Ottoman Turkey 0
Name : Nigel Phillips
Email : nephilli99(at)hotmail.com
Location : Leeds, UK

ID : deathblade_penguin
Ctry : Russia 0
Name : Stephen Lytton
Email : stevelytton(at)hotmail.com
Location : Melbourne, VIC, AU

Semicolon delimited for easy addressing of emails (Copy & paste):

stermapo(at)yahoo.com; mestanacar(at)yahoo.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com;
aislattery(at)aol.com; jmc66(at)mac.com; nephilli99(at)hotmail.com;

Tab delimited for easy export to Excel (Copy & Paste):

ID Country Sequence Name Email Location
mav Austria-Hungary 0 ster mav stermapo(at)yahoo.com
wmsp France 0 Mestan Acar mestanacar(at)yahoo.com
former.trout Germany 0 Former Trout former.trout(at)gmail.com
Edmonton, AB, CA
Lane Great Britain 0 Aidan Slattery aislattery(at)aol.com
Leamington Spa, Warks, UK
jmc66 Italy 0 Jeffrey Clay jmc66(at)mac.com Grand Prairie,
Nigs Ottoman Turkey 0 Nigel Phillips nephilli99(at)hotmail.com
Leeds, UK
deathblade_penguin Russia 0 Stephen Lytton
stevelytton(at)hotmail.com Melbourne, VIC, AU


DC210: GM TO ALL PLAYERS. - FuzzyLogic   (Oct 31, 2008, 4:57 pm)
Send’em here guys, an unfortunate occurrence when a GM up and quits, especially a big game like this. Does this have an RP variant, or was Paolo doing maps by hand? I’ll stick w his posted deadline.

From: Former Trout [mailto:former.trout(at)gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 4:42 PM
To: 210 Austria-Hungary; 210 France; 210 Great Britain; 210 Italy; 210 Ottoman Turkey; 210 Russia; Michael Sims
Cc: dc210(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: Re: DC210: GM TO ALL PLAYERS.


Unfortunately it looks as though Paolo has taken his ball and gone home. My apologies to all of you. I was the moderator to which he is referring. Paolo disagreed with one of my decisions in a different game. When he refused to accept my call as GM, I removed him from that game. That led directly to Paolo choosing to leave the Diplomaticcorp group.

What that means for DC-210 is nothing major. Simply that we will have a new GM. Either I will resign as a player and take this one, or Mike Sims will step into the GM role. Whichever, we will have the game moving again very shortly.

In the meantime, could all players please send their last set of orders in to Mike for the time being? <mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])> Paolo was unable to provide the complete set of orders before his departure.

Cheers, and apologies for this hiccup.


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 3:10 PM, Paolo Sforza <sforzapaolo(at)yahoo.com ([email]sforzapaolo(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:
Hi guys,

I am really very sorry, but a major disagreement with one of the moderators, means that I have decided to leave Diplomaticcorp.

I hope the game progresses well after you find a replacement for me. The information necessary to continue the game has been left with the DC moderators. You will be asked to submit your orders, and the deadline will be extended.




DC210: GM TO ALL PLAYERS. - former.trout   (Oct 31, 2008, 4:42 pm)

Unfortunately it looks as though Paolo has taken his ball and gone home. My apologies to all of you. I was the moderator to which he is referring. Paolo disagreed with one of my decisions in a different game. When he refused to accept my call as GM, I removed him from that game. That led directly to Paolo choosing to leave the Diplomaticcorp group.

What that means for DC-210 is nothing major. Simply that we will have a new GM. Either I will resign as a player and take this one, or Mike Sims will step into the GM role. Whichever, we will have the game moving again very shortly.

In the meantime, could all players please send their last set of orders in to Mike for the time being? <mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])> Paolo was unable to provide the complete set of orders before his departure.

Cheers, and apologies for this hiccup.


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 3:10 PM, Paolo Sforza <sforzapaolo(at)yahoo.com ([email]sforzapaolo(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

Hi guys,

I am really very sorry, but a major disagreement with one of the moderators, means that I have decided to leave Diplomaticcorp.

I hope the game progresses well after you find a replacement for me. The information necessary to continue the game has been left with the DC moderators. You will be asked to submit your orders, and the deadline will be extended.




DC210: GM TO ALL PLAYERS. (dc210) FuzzyLogic Oct 31, 04:57 pm
Send’em here guys, an unfortunate occurrence when a GM up and quits, especially a big game like this. Does this have an RP variant, or was Paolo doing maps by hand? I’ll stick w his posted deadline.

From: Former Trout [mailto:former.trout(at)gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, October 31, 2008 4:42 PM
To: 210 Austria-Hungary; 210 France; 210 Great Britain; 210 Italy; 210 Ottoman Turkey; 210 Russia; Michael Sims
Cc: dc210(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Subject: Re: DC210: GM TO ALL PLAYERS.


Unfortunately it looks as though Paolo has taken his ball and gone home. My apologies to all of you. I was the moderator to which he is referring. Paolo disagreed with one of my decisions in a different game. When he refused to accept my call as GM, I removed him from that game. That led directly to Paolo choosing to leave the Diplomaticcorp group.

What that means for DC-210 is nothing major. Simply that we will have a new GM. Either I will resign as a player and take this one, or Mike Sims will step into the GM role. Whichever, we will have the game moving again very shortly.

In the meantime, could all players please send their last set of orders in to Mike for the time being? <mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])> Paolo was unable to provide the complete set of orders before his departure.

Cheers, and apologies for this hiccup.


On Fri, Oct 31, 2008 at 3:10 PM, Paolo Sforza <sforzapaolo(at)yahoo.com ([email]sforzapaolo(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:
Hi guys,

I am really very sorry, but a major disagreement with one of the moderators, means that I have decided to leave Diplomaticcorp.

I hope the game progresses well after you find a replacement for me. The information necessary to continue the game has been left with the DC moderators. You will be asked to submit your orders, and the deadline will be extended.


DC210: ADJUDICATION WINTER 1915 - paolo_sforza   (Oct 26, 2008, 9:48 am)


GM Comment:

The Austro-Hungarian and German armaments factories are working overtime as both builds are in early. I'm going to guillotine the turn duration to pick up some momentum.

[u:ec11cba7f0]Remember to also submit any potential retreat orders with your usual orders for the next turn. [/u:ec11cba7f0]

[u:ec11cba7f0]Preliminary orders are highly recommended. [/u:ec11cba7f0]

Please put the game number 'DC210', season, year and country in the subject line of any orders.

The GM House Rules, instructions for 3-season Diplomacy and the 1958 Original Diplomacy Rules on the DC210 game page at http://sforza.50webs.com/PS%20GM%20HR%20Original%201958%203-S.doc

These results will also be posted to the DiplomaticCorp DC210 game page http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc210 and DC210 message board.

The Rules of the Game of Diplomacy (2008 5th Edition) can be found at http://wizards.com/avalonhill/rules/diplomacy_rulebook.pdf and www.diplomaticcorp.com/pdf/diplomacy_rulebook.pdf

Orders (as interpreted, no NMRs):

Austria-Hungary (1 build possible):
Build A Vienna

France (no adjustments).

Germany (1 build possible):
Build A Berlin

Great Britain (no adjustments).

Italy (no adjustments).

Ottoman Turkey (no adjustments).

Russia (no adjustments).

Next Deadline:

Spring 1916: 15h00 UTC/GMT, Friday, 31st October 2008

Note that, if it's not happened already, some local times change in respect of UTC/GMT around this time of year. As this is a local time issue then it is up to the players to ascertain the difference between their own local time and UTC/GMT.

The current UTC/GMT time can be found at: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_UTC.aspx

The Diplomaticcorp site player page also shows UTC based on your computer clock - if you are logged in.


Press is via player email or the DC210 Message Board


There is are 2 maps (GIF) for this turn:

DC210Wi15a: showing adjustments.
DC210Wi15f: showing end of turn positions.

A map history (1 map per turn) for the game (in the form of a slideshow) can be found at http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/slideshow.php?game_id=dc210

A map history (multiple maps per turn) for the game (in the form of a slideshow) can be found at http://sforza.50webs.com/DC210.html




DC210: ADJUDICATION WINTER 1915 - paolo_sforza   (Oct 26, 2008, 9:48 am)


GM Comment:

The Austro-Hungarian and German armaments factories are working overtime as both builds are in early. I'm going to guillotine the turn duration to pick up some momentum.

[u:60b721433a]Remember to also submit any potential retreat orders with your usual orders for the next turn. [/u:60b721433a]

[u:60b721433a]Preliminary orders are highly recommended. [/u:60b721433a]

Please put the game number 'DC210', season, year and country in the subject line of any orders.

The GM House Rules, instructions for 3-season Diplomacy and the 1958 Original Diplomacy Rules on the DC210 game page at http://sforza.50webs.com/PS%20GM%20HR%20Original%201958%203-S.doc

These results will also be posted to the DiplomaticCorp DC210 game page http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc210 and DC210 message board.

The Rules of the Game of Diplomacy (2008 5th Edition) can be found at http://wizards.com/avalonhill/rules/diplomacy_rulebook.pdf and www.diplomaticcorp.com/pdf/diplomacy_rulebook.pdf

Orders (as interpreted, no NMRs):

Austria-Hungary (1 build possible):
Build A Vienna

France (no adjustments).

Germany (1 build possible):
Build A Berlin

Great Britain (no adjustments).

Italy (no adjustments).

Ottoman Turkey (no adjustments).

Russia (no adjustments).

Next Deadline:

Spring 1916: 15h00 UTC/GMT, Friday, 31st October 2008

Note that, if it's not happened already, some local times change in respect of UTC/GMT around this time of year. As this is a local time issue then it is up to the players to ascertain the difference between their own local time and UTC/GMT.

The current UTC/GMT time can be found at: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_UTC.aspx

The Diplomaticcorp site player page also shows UTC based on your computer clock - if you are logged in.


Press is via player email or the DC210 Message Board


There is are 2 maps (GIF) for this turn:

DC210Wi15a: showing adjustments.
DC210Wi15f: showing end of turn positions.

A map history (1 map per turn) for the game (in the form of a slideshow) can be found at http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/slideshow.php?game_id=dc210

A map history (multiple maps per turn) for the game (in the form of a slideshow) can be found at http://sforza.50webs.com/DC210.html




DC210: ADJUDICATION WINTER 1915 - paolo_sforza   (Oct 26, 2008, 9:48 am)


GM Comment:

The Austro-Hungarian and German armaments factories are working overtime as both builds are in early. I'm going to guillotine the turn duration to pick up some momentum.

[u:8043a409f0]Remember to also submit any potential retreat orders with your usual orders for the next turn. [/u:8043a409f0]

[u:8043a409f0]Preliminary orders are highly recommended. [/u:8043a409f0]

Please put the game number 'DC210', season, year and country in the subject line of any orders.

The GM House Rules, instructions for 3-season Diplomacy and the 1958 Original Diplomacy Rules on the DC210 game page at http://sforza.50webs.com/PS%20GM%20HR%20Original%201958%203-S.doc

These results will also be posted to the DiplomaticCorp DC210 game page http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/game_page.php?game_id=dc210 and DC210 message board.

The Rules of the Game of Diplomacy (2008 5th Edition) can be found at http://wizards.com/avalonhill/rules/diplomacy_rulebook.pdf and www.diplomaticcorp.com/pdf/diplomacy_rulebook.pdf

Orders (as interpreted, no NMRs):

Austria-Hungary (1 build possible):
Build A Vienna

France (no adjustments).

Germany (1 build possible):
Build A Berlin

Great Britain (no adjustments).

Italy (no adjustments).

Ottoman Turkey (no adjustments).

Russia (no adjustments).

Next Deadline:

Spring 1916: 15h00 UTC/GMT, Friday, 31st October 2008

Note that, if it's not happened already, some local times change in respect of UTC/GMT around this time of year. As this is a local time issue then it is up to the players to ascertain the difference between their own local time and UTC/GMT.

The current UTC/GMT time can be found at: http://www.worldtimeserver.com/current_time_in_UTC.aspx

The Diplomaticcorp site player page also shows UTC based on your computer clock - if you are logged in.


Press is via player email or the DC210 Message Board


There is are 2 maps (GIF) for this turn:

DC210Wi15a: showing adjustments.
DC210Wi15f: showing end of turn positions.

A map history (1 map per turn) for the game (in the form of a slideshow) can be found at http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/slideshow.php?game_id=dc210

A map history (multiple maps per turn) for the game (in the form of a slideshow) can be found at http://sforza.50webs.com/DC210.html




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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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