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Current View: Recent Messages: dc253
(Versailles - GM: Vegas)


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DC253 S04 - vegas_iwish   (Jun 18, 2009, 8:46 am)
forgodandglory(at)yahoo.com = New Italian e-mail. Italy also has ret - due Fri. 2 were late Tues then poker season out here killed yesterday.
A Dan - Pru (*Fails*)
A Kie - Gal
A Kra - Sil
A Mos - Sev
A Pri - Kra

A Bel Hold
A Edi - Den
F Eng Supports F MAO
F Iri Supports F MAO
F MAO Supports A Par - Gas
F Nth Convoys A Edi - Den
A Swe Supports A Edi - Den

F Mar - Pie
A Mun Supports F Ber
A Par - Gas
F SOG - Mad (*Fails*)
A Swi Supports F Mar - Pie

A Ham Supports F Pru - Ber
F Hol - Bel (*Fails*)
F Pru - Ber (*Fails*)

A Cat - Mar
F GOL Supports A Cat - Mar
A Pie Supports A Cat - Mar (*Dislodged*)RE TUS/TRI/AUS
F WMS - Tun (*Bounce*)

F Fin Supports A Len
A Len Supports F Fin
A Mol - Buc

A Bul - Con
F Con - Bla
F EMS - Ion
F Lib - Tun (*Bounce*)
F Smy - Aeg
A Syr - Kur
A Tra - Bul

A hun - Tra
A Pra Supports A Kra - Sil
A Slo Supports A hun - Tra

A The - Beo

F Mad Hold
F Por Hold

F Ber Hold

A Beo - Alb


DC253 - m_don_j   (Jun 15, 2009, 4:33 am)
Would Turkey please stand up?

/ Mikael
kolla in resten av Windows LiveT. Inte bara e-post - Windows LiveT är mycket mer än din inkorg. Mer än bara meddelanden


DC253 W03 6/16/09 NEXT - vegas_iwish   (Jun 09, 2009, 9:38 pm)
2 minors down. I like V because there is no real doctrinaire way to go at it & have been interested by this 1. of course I have had a strong view on Shift Left(7 similiar predecessors) for 30+ yrs & found myself in a DC game thereof where no 1 was remotely on the same track. Never know. Remember - goal is 22 for major & monor (if any) combined.
Build A Kra

Build A Edi

Remove A Den

Remove A Sev

Build F Smy

Build A Pra

Remove F Pal

Remove A Gal


DC253 W03 ADJS TUES - vegas_iwish   (Jun 06, 2009, 4:58 pm)
F Mad - SOG

A Kie - Mol

F Syr - Pal

F MAO - Por

A Tra - Gal
Poland: Supp 6 Unit 5 Build 1
Britain: Supp 7 Unit 6 Build 1
France: Supp 5 Unit 5 Build 0
Germany: Supp 3 Unit 4 Remove 1
Italy: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0
USSR: Supp 3 Unit 4 Remove 1
Turkey: Supp 7 Unit 6 Build 1
Czechoslovakia: Supp 3 Unit 2 Build 1
Egypt: Supp 0 Unit 1 Remove 1
Greece: Supp 1 Unit 1 Build 0
Rumania: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Spain: Supp 2 Unit 2 Build 0
Sweden: Supp 1 Unit 1 Build 0
Yugoslavia: Supp 1 Unit 2 Remove 1


DC253 F03 TIES THAT BIND - vegas_iwish   (Jun 03, 2009, 10:02 pm)
Due to multiple possible ret intersections we can't skip autumn. Fri ( I hope). A little lateness + a little orders confusion lead to the delay.
Yugoslavian A Tra can retreat to Gal.
Soviet A Kie can retreat to Mol or Gal.
Egyptian F Syr can retreat to Pal.
Spanish F MAO can retreat to Gas or Nav or Por or SOG or Mor.
French F Mad can retreat to SOG.

A Bye - Kie
F GOB - Len(sc) (*Fails*)
A Mos - Sev (*Fails*)
A Pri Supports A Bye - Kie
A War - Dan

F Eng Supports A Yor - Bel
F Iri Supports F NAO - MAO
F Nth Convoys A Yor - Bel
A Swe Hold
A Yor - Bel

F Cat - Mar
F Mad Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Mun Supports F Ber
A Par - Bre (*Bounce*)
A Swi Supports F Cat - Mar

A Den Hold
A Ham Supports F Pru - Ber
F Hol Hold
F Pru - Ber (*Fails*)

F GOL Convoys A Pie - Cat
A Pie - Cat
A Tri - Pie
F WMS Supports F Por - Mad

F Fin Supports A Len
A Kie Supports A Sev - Mos (*Dislodged*)
A Len Supports A Sev - Mos (*Cut*)
A Sev - Mos (*Fails*)

F Bla - Con
A Buc - Tra
A Bul Supports A Buc - Tra
F EMS Supports A Kur - Syr
F Egy - Lib
A Kur - Syr

A Aus - hun
A Slo Supports A Aus - hun

F Syr, no move received (*Dislodged*)

A The - Beo (*Fails*)

F MAO - Bre (*Dislodged*)
F Por - Mad

F Ber Hold

A Beo Hold
A Tra - hun (*Dislodged*)


DC253 S03 FRANCE'S MAD DASH NOT MAR-RED - vegas_iwish   (May 26, 2009, 11:07 am)
He gets his fleet into Mad and keeps Italy out of Mar. Only optional ret is USSr's. Can change in 24 hrs or is final. 6/2 FOR FALL!
Soviet A Pri can retreat to Lat or Kie or Kra or Lit.
German F Ber can retreat to Pru.

A Bye Supports A Kie - Mos
A Gal - Pri
F GOB - Len(sc) (*Fails*)
A Kie - Mos
A War Supports A Gal - Pri

F Bel - Eng
A Edi - Yor
F Ire - NAO
F Liv - Iri
F Nth Supports F WBS - Den (*Void*)
A Osl - Swe

F Cat - Mar (*Bounce*)
A Mun Supports F WBS - Ber
A Par - Bre (*Bounce*)
F SOG - Mad
A Swi Supports F Cat - Mar

F Ber Hold (*Dislodged*)RET PRU
A Den Hold
F Hol Supports A Rhi - Ham
A Rhi - Ham

F GOL Supports A Pie - Mar
A Pie - Mar (*Bounce*)
A Tri Hold
F Tys - WMS

F Fin Supports A Len
A Len Supports F Fin (*Cut*)
A Mos - Sev
A Pri - War (*Dislodged*)

A Buc Supports A Con - Bul
F Bul - Bla
A Con - Bul
F Egy Supports F Smy - EMS
A Kur - Syr (*Fails*)
F Smy - EMS

A Aus - hun (*Bounce*)
A Pra - Slo

F Syr - Kur (*Fails*)

A The - Beo (*Fails*)

F Mad - Por
F MAO - Bre (*Bounce*)

F WBS - Ber

A Beo Hold
A Tra - hun (*Bounce*)


DC253 W02 NEXT MON NEXT 5/25 - vegas_iwish   (May 18, 2009, 7:45 pm)
Build A War

Build A Edi
Build F Liv

Build A Par

Remove F Mol

Build F Smy
Build A Con

Build A Pra

Remove F Swe


DC253 A02 ADJS DUE MON - vegas_iwish   (May 16, 2009, 6:37 am)
A Aus, no move received (*Disbanded*) Order rcvd was to pra - invalid

A Kie - Mos

F Den - WBS


Poland: Supp 5 Unit 4 Build 1
Britain: Supp 6 Unit 4 Build 2
France: Supp 5 Unit 4 Build 1
Germany: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0
Italy: Supp 4 Unit 4 Build 0
USSR: Supp 4 Unit 5 Remove 1
Turkey: Supp 6 Unit 4 Build 2
Czechoslovakia: Supp 2 Unit 1 Build 1
Egypt: Supp 1 Unit 1 Build 0
Greece: Supp 1 Unit 1 Build 0
Rumania: Supp 0 Unit 0 Build 0
Spain: Supp 2 Unit 2 Build 0
Sweden: Supp 1 Unit 2 Remove 1
Yugoslavia: Supp 2 Unit 2 Build 0


DC253 F02 CHICKENS IN KIEV? - vegas_iwish   (May 14, 2009, 1:07 am)
Butter inside or not, they slipped out of that sc when pressured. 2 other scs fell as well. Need a ret season. If get them Thurs fine but won't NRR til Fri. Adjs after.
Swedish F Den can retreat to Hel or WBS or Ska.
Italian A Aus can retreat to Slo or hun or Cro.
Soviet A Kie can retreat to Mos or Sev.

A Gal Supports A Pri - Kie
F GOB - Len(sc) (*Fails*)
A Lat - Bye
A Pri - Kie

F Bel Hold
F NAO - Ire
F Nth Supports A Ham - Den
A Osl - Swe (*Fails*)

F Cat Hold
A Mun Supports A Pra - Aus
A Swi Supports A Mun

F Ber Hold
A Ham - Den
F Hol Hold
A Rhi Supports F Hol

A Aus Supports A Tri - Pie (*Dislodged*)
A Cro - Tri
A Tri - Pie
F Tys Supports F WMS - GOL

A Bye - Pri
F Fin Supports A Len
A Kie Supports A Bye - Pri (*Dislodged*)
A Len Supports F Fin (*Cut*)
F Mol Hold

A Buc Hold
F Bul Supports A Buc
F EMS - Egy
A Kur - Syr (*Fails*)

A Pra - Aus

F Syr Hold

A The - Beo (*Fails*)

F Por - MAO
F SOG - Mad

F Den - Ham (*Dislodged*)
F Swe Hold

A Beo Supports A hun - Tra (*Cut*)
A hun - Tra


DC253 GERMANY HAS CHANGED RET - vegas_iwish   (May 08, 2009, 9:47 pm)
Rhi vs Sil. Will get map up later but this is official.


DC253 S02 AIN'T ANY IN TUSC-ANY - vegas_iwish   (May 07, 2009, 5:56 pm)
3 Italian orders deal with Tuscany. Can't post 2 of them - you see the other. I can't assume Tri when an area on the board clearly listed. no Gre order found. Germany can change ret on Fri or it stands as is. Next Wed next.
F GOB Supports A Lit - Lat (*Cut*)
A Kra - Gal
A Lit - Lat
A Pri Supports A Kra - Gal

F Liv - NAO
F Nth - Bel
F Nwg - Nth
A Osl Hold

A Bur - Mun
F Mar - Cat
F MAO - Por (*Fails*)
A Swi Supports A Bur - Mun

F Ber - WBS (*Bounce*)
A Ham - Den (*Fails*)
F Hol Supports F Nth - Bel
A Mun Supports A Aus - Swi (*Dislodged*)RET SIL. CAN CHANGE TO RHI

A Aus Hold
A Cro - Tus (*Fails*)
F Nap - Tys
A Tri, no move received
F Tun - WMS

F Fin - GOB (*Fails*)
A Kie Supports A Mos - Bye
A Len Supports A Mos - Bye
F Mol - Buc (*Fails*)
A Mos - Bye

A Buc - Tra (*Bounce*)
F Con - Bul
A Kur Supports F EMS - Syr
F Smy - EMS

A Pra Supports A Bur - Mun

F EMS - Syr

A The, no move received

F Mad - SOG
F Por - MAO (*Fails*)

F Den Hold
F Swe - WBS (*Bounce*)

A Beo Supports A The - Bul (*Void*)
A hun - Tra (*Bounce*)


DC253 W01 WED NEXT - vegas_iwish   (Apr 30, 2009, 10:53 pm)
Build A Kra

Build F Liv

Build F Mar

Build F Ber

Build A Tri
Build F Nap

Build A Len

Build F Smy

Remove A Gal

Build F Mad

Build F Swe

Build A Beo


DC253 F01 (1929) NO ROOM FOR RUM ON THIS BOARD - vegas_iwish   (Apr 29, 2009, 7:05 pm)
1st death but many more to come. Adjs Thurs (at) 5PM PST then on to next Wed for S02
A Pri Supports A Gal - Kie
A War - Lit

A Edi - Osl
F Nth - Bel (*Bounce*)
F Nwg Convoys A Edi - Osl

A Bur Supports A Mar - Swi
A Mar - Swi
F MAO Hold

A Ham - Den (*Fails*)
F Hol - Bel (*Bounce*)
A Mun - Pra (*Fails*)

A Cro Supports A Tri - Aus
F Ion - Tun
A Tri - Aus

F Fin - Swe (*Bounce*)
A Kie Supports F Sev - Mol (*Cut*)
A Mos Supports A Kie
F Sev - Mol

F Ank - Con
A Bul - Buc
A Kur - Syr (*Bounce*)

A Pra Supports A hun - Aus (*Void*)

F EMS - Syr (*Bounce*)

A The - Beo (*Bounce*)

A Gal - Kie (*Fails*)

F Por Hold

F Den - Swe (*Bounce*)

A hun - Beo (*Bounce*)

Poland: Supp 4 Unit 3 Build 1
Britain: Supp 4 Unit 3 Build 1
France: Supp 4 Unit 3 Build 1
Germany: Supp 4 Unit 3 Build 1
Italy: Supp 5 Unit 3 Build 2
USSR: Supp 5 Unit 4 Build 1
Turkey: Supp 4 Unit 3 Build 1
Czechoslovakia: Supp 1 Unit 1 Build 0
Egypt: Supp 1 Unit 1 Build 0
Greece: Supp 1 Unit 1 Build 0
Rumania: Supp 0 Unit 1 Remove 1
Spain: Supp 2 Unit 1 Build 1
Sweden: Supp 2 Unit 1 Build 1
Yugoslavia: Supp 2 Unit 1 Build 1


DC253 VERSAILLES S29 SUDETENLAND PUTSCH? - vegas_iwish   (Apr 22, 2009, 7:02 pm)
Even w/o the guy with a mustache in power (yet), it is not surprising that Germany would like the Sudetens back. Lebensraum is so comforting. What is surprising is Pres Benes trying to get a Mun beerhall or two. The Balkans are already crowded which makes sense as this game can play a bit like a Crowded down there. 4/29 for Fall

One thing in not running a gam,e for a while is you forget issues. The website does have an A Ser but that is A Beo on map & for play purposes. The RP also doesn't size right on my comp but we'll overcome that Wink all key info will be on DC site.

F Dan - EBS
A Kra - Pri
A War Hold

F Edi - Nwg
A Liv - Edi
F Lon - Nth

F Bre - MAO
A Mar Supports A Par - Bur
A Par - Bur

A Ber - Ham
F Ham - Hol
A Mun - Pra (*Fails*)

F Nap - Ion
A Rom - Tri
A Tri - Cro

A Kie - Sev (*Fails*)
F Len(sc) - Fin
A Mos Hold
F Sev - Bla (*Bounce*)

F Ank - Bla (*Bounce*)
A Con - Bul
A Smy - Kur


DC253 VERSAILLES IS ON - 4/22/09 1ST TURN - Sags   (Apr 16, 2009, 2:33 am)

From: Alex Maslow [mailto:blueraider0(at)gmail.com]
Sent: 16 April 2009 01:08
Cc: thomas.flying(at)yahoo.com; MDemagogue(at)gmail.com; nicksaywell(at)vip.hr; josepayne(at)gmail.com; psychosis(at)sky.com; sjswilson(at)btinternet.com; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; dc253(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Stephen Lytton
Subject: Re: DC253 VERSAILLES IS ON - 4/22/09 1ST TURN

Who's Turkey and the USSR? The names on the list don't match any of the e-mails? Is this some anti-Polish conspiracy? Awwww, we knew our newfound independence was too good to be true!
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 4:06 PM, MICHAEL BOUTOT <vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com ([email]vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

Sam - this is your last message. Thanks for signing up. Turn time: 5PM PST which should be 12 Mid GMT. A seperate mail to each of you will assign your minor. I beleive in moving games forward steadily & will do so. Good luck.
0 Britain m_don_j Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 France psychosis1973 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Germany MDemagogue Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Italy flying.thomas Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Poland Blueraider0 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Turkey billyjoebobfred1 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 USSR Sags Open 4 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT

"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing. The shadow, even the darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you - That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding onto something."
"What are we holding onto, Sam?"
"That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."


DC253 VERSAILLES IS ON - 4/22/09 1ST TURN - blueraider0 at gmail.com   (Apr 15, 2009, 6:08 pm)
Who's Turkey and the USSR?  The names on the list don't match any of the e-mails?  Is this some anti-Polish conspiracy?  Awwww, we knew our newfound independence was too good to be true!

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 4:06 PM, MICHAEL BOUTOT <vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com ([email]vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

Sam - this is your last message. Thanks for signing up. Turn time: 5PM PST which should be 12 Mid GMT. A seperate mail to each of you will assign your minor. I beleive in moving games forward steadily & will do so. Good luck.
0 Britain m_don_j Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 France psychosis1973 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Germany MDemagogue Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Italy flying.thomas Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Poland Blueraider0 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Turkey billyjoebobfred1 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 USSR Sags Open 4 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT

"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing. The shadow, even the darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you - That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding onto something."
"What are we holding onto, Sam?"
"That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."


DC253 VERSAILLES IS ON - 4/22/09 1ST TURN - m_don_j   (Apr 15, 2009, 5:12 pm)
Greetings fellow citizens!

Due to my own computer having more or less burnt up yesterday, my acess will be VERY spotty but I should respond within 24 hours.

/ Mikael

Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 13:06:02 -0700
From: vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com
Subject: DC253 VERSAILLES IS ON - 4/22/09 1ST TURN
To: thomas.flying(at)yahoo.com; MDemagogue(at)gmail.com; nicksaywell(at)vip.hr; josepayne(at)gmail.com; Blueraider0(at)gmail.com; psychosis(at)sky.com; sjswilson(at)btinternet.com; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com
CC: dc253(at)diplomaticcorp.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com

Sam - this is your last message. Thanks for signing up. Turn time: 5PM PST which should be 12 Mid GMT. A seperate mail to each of you will assign your minor. I beleive in moving games forward steadily & will do so. Good luck.
0 Britain m_don_j Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 France psychosis1973 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Germany MDemagogue Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Italy flying.thomas Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Poland Blueraider0 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Turkey billyjoebobfred1 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 USSR Sags Open 4 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT

Hitta kärleken lagom till sommaren! Klicka här MSN Dejting


DC253 VERSAILLES IS ON - 4/22/09 1ST TURN - vegas_iwish   (Apr 15, 2009, 3:06 pm)
Sam - this is your last message. Thanks for signing up. Turn time: 5PM PST which should be 12 Mid GMT. A seperate mail to each of you will assign your minor. I beleive in moving games forward steadily & will do so. Good luck.
0 Britain m_don_j Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 France psychosis1973 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Germany MDemagogue Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Italy flying.thomas Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Poland Blueraider0 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Turkey billyjoebobfred1 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 USSR Sags Open 4 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT


DC253 VERSAILLES IS ON - 4/22/09 1ST TURN (dc253) m_don_j Apr 15, 05:12 pm
Greetings fellow citizens!

Due to my own computer having more or less burnt up yesterday, my acess will be VERY spotty but I should respond within 24 hours.

/ Mikael

Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2009 13:06:02 -0700
From: vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com
Subject: DC253 VERSAILLES IS ON - 4/22/09 1ST TURN
To: thomas.flying(at)yahoo.com; MDemagogue(at)gmail.com; nicksaywell(at)vip.hr; josepayne(at)gmail.com; Blueraider0(at)gmail.com; psychosis(at)sky.com; sjswilson(at)btinternet.com; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com
CC: dc253(at)diplomaticcorp.com; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com

Sam - this is your last message. Thanks for signing up. Turn time: 5PM PST which should be 12 Mid GMT. A seperate mail to each of you will assign your minor. I beleive in moving games forward steadily & will do so. Good luck.
0 Britain m_don_j Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 France psychosis1973 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Germany MDemagogue Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Italy flying.thomas Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Poland Blueraider0 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Turkey billyjoebobfred1 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 USSR Sags Open 4 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT

Hitta kärleken lagom till sommaren! Klicka här MSN Dejting
DC253 VERSAILLES IS ON - 4/22/09 1ST TURN (dc253) blueraider0 at gmail.com Apr 15, 06:08 pm
Who's Turkey and the USSR?  The names on the list don't match any of the e-mails?  Is this some anti-Polish conspiracy?  Awwww, we knew our newfound independence was too good to be true!

On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 4:06 PM, MICHAEL BOUTOT <vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com ([email]vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

Sam - this is your last message. Thanks for signing up. Turn time: 5PM PST which should be 12 Mid GMT. A seperate mail to each of you will assign your minor. I beleive in moving games forward steadily & will do so. Good luck.
0 Britain m_don_j Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 France psychosis1973 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Germany MDemagogue Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Italy flying.thomas Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Poland Blueraider0 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Turkey billyjoebobfred1 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 USSR Sags Open 4 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT

"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing. The shadow, even the darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you - That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding onto something."
"What are we holding onto, Sam?"
"That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."
DC253 VERSAILLES IS ON - 4/22/09 1ST TURN (dc253) Sags Apr 16, 02:33 am

From: Alex Maslow [mailto:blueraider0(at)gmail.com]
Sent: 16 April 2009 01:08
Cc: thomas.flying(at)yahoo.com; MDemagogue(at)gmail.com; nicksaywell(at)vip.hr; josepayne(at)gmail.com; psychosis(at)sky.com; sjswilson(at)btinternet.com; m_don_j(at)hotmail.com; dc253(at)diplomaticcorp.com; Stephen Lytton
Subject: Re: DC253 VERSAILLES IS ON - 4/22/09 1ST TURN

Who's Turkey and the USSR? The names on the list don't match any of the e-mails? Is this some anti-Polish conspiracy? Awwww, we knew our newfound independence was too good to be true!
On Wed, Apr 15, 2009 at 4:06 PM, MICHAEL BOUTOT <vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com ([email]vegas_iwish(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

Sam - this is your last message. Thanks for signing up. Turn time: 5PM PST which should be 12 Mid GMT. A seperate mail to each of you will assign your minor. I beleive in moving games forward steadily & will do so. Good luck.
0 Britain m_don_j Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 France psychosis1973 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Germany MDemagogue Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Italy flying.thomas Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Poland Blueraider0 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 Turkey billyjoebobfred1 Open 3 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT
0 USSR Sags Open 4 0 0 0 0 REMOVE EDIT

"It's like in the great stories, Mr. Frodo. The ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger they were. and sometimes you didn't want to know the end because how could the end be happy? How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad had happened? But in the end, it's only a passing thing. The shadow, even the darkness must pass. A new day will come. And when the sun shines it will shine out the clearer. Those were the stories that stayed with you - That meant something. Even if you were too small to understand why. But I think, Mr. Frodo, I do understand. I know now. Folk in those stories had lots of chances of turning back only they didn't. They kept going because they were holding onto something."
"What are we holding onto, Sam?"
"That there's some good in this world, Mr. Frodo. And it's worth fighting for."

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