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DC270: Summer 1902 Retreats - dipknight   (Sep 05, 2009, 8:32 am)
GM’s remarks:
  My thanks to Tim for his quick reply.
For those of you that are unfamiliar with what the dpy file is, this is the output file from the "Realpolitik" adjudicator that I use to adjudicate the game.  It is also a great tool for working out what the results of your orders might be ahead of time.  What I do, in the game that I am playing in, is put in my preliminary orders, then work through my oppositions units to see what sort of worse case scenario might occur given my orders.  It is a free download so if you have the time and interest, I highly recommend it.

The Players:
Austria:      Dan Huck              aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email])     
England:     Samuel Jurado       samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com ([email]samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com[/email])
France:       Tim Vaillemans      tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com ([email]tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com[/email])
Germany:   Joe Babinsnack      chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com ([email]chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Italy:           Ian Shaw               ianxshaw(at)gmail.com ([email]ianxshaw(at)gmail.com[/email])
Russia:       Joe Payne              josepayne(at)gmail.com ([email]josepayne(at)gmail.com[/email]) 
Turkey:      Brandon Wade      bwhotmale1(at)hotmail.com ([email]bwhotmale1(at)hotmail.com[/email])
The Orders:
     A bur - par
     See above
Centers and Unit Positions:
Centers (5): bud, gre, ser, tri, vie.
Units: F adr, A bul, F gre, A tri, A vie
Centers (4): edi, lvp, lon, nwy.
Units: F nth, F nwg, F stp(nc)
Centers (4): bre, mar, par, por.
Units: F mar, A par, A pic, F spa(nc)
Centers (6): bel, ber, den, hol, kie, mun.
Units: F bal, A bur, F hol, A kie, A mun, A ruh
Centers (4): nap, rom, tun, ven.
Units: F apu, F ion, A trl, A ven
Centers: (6): mos, rum, sev, stp, swe, war.
Units: F bla, A fin, F nwy, A rum, F swe, A ukr
Centers (4): ank, bul, con, smy.
Units: F aeg, F ank, A con
Fall 1902 Deadline: Friday; September 11, 2009; 24:00 hrs GMT.
Map of the moves, map of the results, and the dpy file are attached for your use. 
Best of luck in the next season,
                                              Darryl (GM)


DC270: Spring 1902 Results - dipknight   (Sep 04, 2009, 6:13 pm)
GM’s remarks:
My thanks to all for getting your orders in on time; it makes things much more pleasant for me when I don’t have to get on someone for being late.
Please take some time to review your orders.  At least one of you (possibly more) will find that you have miss-ordered a unit.  Would it have made a difference? *shrug* . . . only time will tell.  I would advise getting in the habit of reviewing your orders when you get my “received” reply.
The Players:
Austria:      Dan Huck              aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email])     
England:     Samuel Jurado       samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com ([email]samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com[/email])
France:      Tim Vaillemans       tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com ([email]tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com[/email])
Germany:   Joe Babinsnack      chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com ([email]chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Italy:          Ian Shaw                ianxshaw(at)gmail.com ([email]ianxshaw(at)gmail.com[/email])
Russia:       Joe Payne              josepayne(at)gmail.com ([email]josepayne(at)gmail.com[/email]) 
Turkey:      Brandon Wade      bwhotmale1(at)hotmail.com ([email]bwhotmale1(at)hotmail.com[/email])
The Orders:
     A bud - tri
     F gre Supports A ser - bul
     A ser - bul
     F tri - adr
     A vie - trl (*Fails*)
     F bar - stp(nc)
     F edi - nwg
     F nth Supports A nwy
     A nwy Supports F bar - stp(nc) (*Disbanded*)
     A bur Supports A pic - bel (*Dislodged*)
     F mar (*no move received*)
     A pic - bel (*Bounce*)
     F por - spa(nc)
     A bel - bur
     F ber - bal
     A den - kie
     F hol - bel (*Bounce*)
     A kie - ruh
     A mun Supports A bel - bur
     F nap - apu
     A pie - trl
     F tun - ion
     A ven Supports A pie - trl
     A fin Supports F stp(nc) - nwy
     A mos - ukr
     A rum Supports A ser - bul
     F sev - bla
     F stp(nc) - nwy
     F swe Supports F stp(nc) - nwy
     F ank  (*no move received*)
     A bul Hold (*Disbanded*)
     A con Supports A bul
     F sev - bla  (*Illegal Orders*)
     F smy - aeg
     French A Burgundy can retreat to Gascony, Paris or Off-the-Board (OTB)
Centers and Unit Positions:
Centers (5): bud, gre, ser, tri, vie.
Units: F adr, A bul, F gre, A tri, A vie
Centers (4): edi, lvp, lon, nwy.
Units: F nth, F nwg, F stp(nc)
Centers (4): bre, mar, par, por.
Units: F mar, A pic, F spa(nc)
Centers (6): bel, ber, den, hol, kie, mun.
Units: F bal, A bur, F hol, A kie, A mun, A ruh
Centers (4): nap, rom, tun, ven.
Units: F apu, F ion, A trl, A ven
Centers: (6): mos, rum, sev, stp, swe, war.
Units: F bla, A fin, F nwy, A rum, F swe, A ukr
Centers (4): ank, bul, con, smy.
Units: F aeg, F ank, A con
I will provide you all with the French retreat as soon as I receive it.  Tim, could you please get me your retreat no later than tomorrow evening?  New deadline to be set after retreat is posted; but it would be no earlier than Friday; September 11, 2009; 24:00 hrs GMT.
By now you all know; if there are any errors in the results, please make me aware of them ASAP.  Per the House rules, any errors that are carried into the next season are irreversible.  I know reading this every time gets annoying; so, this is the last time you will see this reminder (unless we get a new player for some odd reason or another).
Map of the moves, map of the results, and the dpy file are attached for your use. 
Best of luck in the next season,
                                              Darryl (GM)


DC270: Spring 1902; Deadline Reminder - dipknight   (Sep 03, 2009, 8:21 am)

Just a few hours over 24 hours to the deadline.  I have received only 4 sets of orders.

A couple of those I have received are from those that might have been interested in a deadline extension.  So, I suspect that there will be no extension.  If you have not sent me your orders or received a response from me that I have received. them, please send them or resend them to me before tomorrow evening to avoid the resulting NMR.

Best Regards,
       Darryl (GM)


DC270: Winter 1901 Results - dipknight   (Aug 29, 2009, 10:45 am)
GM’s remarks:
Again, my apologies to all for the unexpected delay in the game; please join me in welcoming Brandon Wade to the game as our New Sultan.  Brandon, I have attached a copy of the House Rules.  Please take a moment at your earliest convenience to look them over.  Thanks.
The Players:
Austria:      Dan Huck               aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email])     
England:     Samuel Jurado       samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com ([email]samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com[/email])
France:       Tim Vaillemans     tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com ([email]tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com[/email])
Germany:  Joe Babinsnack       chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com ([email]chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Italy:           Ian Shaw                ianxshaw(at)gmail.com ([email]ianxshaw(at)gmail.com[/email])
Russia:       Joe Payne               josepayne(at)gmail.com ([email]josepayne(at)gmail.com[/email]) 
Turkey:      Brandon Wade       bwhotmale1(at)hotmail.com ([email]bwhotmale1(at)hotmail.com[/email])
The Orders:
   Build F tri
   Build A vie
   Build F edi
   Build F mar
   Build F ber
   Build A kie
   Build A mun
   Build F nap
   Build F stp(nc)
   Build A mos
   Build F smy
   None required
Centers and Unit Positions:
Centers (5): bud, gre, ser, tri, vie.
Units: A bud, F gre, A ser, F tri, A vie
Centers (4): edi, lvp, lon, nwy.
Units: F bar, F edi, F nth, A nwy
Centers (4): bre, mar, par, por.
Units: A bur, F mar, A pic, F por
Centers (6): bel, ber, den, hol, kie, mun.
Units: A bel, F ber, A den, F hol, A kie, A mun
Centers (4): nap, rom, tun, ven.
Units: F nap, A pie, F tun, A ven
Centers: (6): mos, rum, sev, stp, swe, war.
Units: A fin, A fin, A mos, A rum, F sev, F stp(nc), F swe
Centers (4): ank, bul, con, smy.
Units: F ank, A bul, A con, F smy
Spring 1902 Deadline: Friday, September 4, 2009, 24:00 hrs GMT
I recognize this is a relatively short time frame with the addition of a new player.  Therefore, if anyone would like to have an extension beyond Friday evening, I will honor the request.  Otherwise, we have had such a long delay this last season that I would like to see us get back into the game as quickly as possible.
If there are any errors in the results, please make me aware of them ASAP.  Per the House rules, any errors that are carried into the next season are irreversible.  Map of the Builds, map of the results, and the dpy file are attached for your use.
Best of luck in the next season,
                                              Darryl (GM)


DC270: Replacement Turkey Needed - billyjoebobfred1   (Aug 25, 2009, 10:29 pm)
Will the new Sultan get to make a build?

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 7:01 PM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

It seems our Sultan has gotten swallowed in the sands.  I have heard nothing from him or any of you that he is still around.  I hope this was simply an oversight and that he is well.  However, in accordance with the House Rules, I will have this game re-listed and seek a replacement player for Turkey.
My apologies, once again to all of you for the delay.  I will post the build results and we will get started with the Spring 1902 season when a replacement player has been found.
     Darryl (GM)

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:3d54fdde68] All,
*sigh* It seems that we have lost Josh (Turkey).  His orders are the outstanding set of orders that we have all been waiting on.  Has anyone heard from Josh?
Josh, if you are still out there, this is your one and only warning.  If I do not hear from you in the next 24 hours, I will assume you have abandoned the position and immediately begin seeking a replacement.  Also, you may want to consider posting Preliminary Orders.  According to the house rules, should you be late again, you will be removed without any further warnings.
Preliminary or Provisional Orders (whatever you are use to calling them) is a good idea for everyone.  I personally always post a preliminary set of orders with my GM in the games I play.  However, I may later change them if the negotiations go a different direction that I expected.  So, I not only advocate of their use, but use them myself as well.
Anyway, my apologies to all for the long delay in this Winter Build/Disband season (I hope you all have put it to good use).  But, it seems we are going to be delayed for a little while longer.
     Darryl (GM)

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:3d54fdde68] All,
My apologies, but occasionally, when you try to "shorten" a deadline, there are those that went away with the original deadline in mind and do not come back until that deadline is due.
There are two outstanding sets of orders and I have sent the countries that I am missing orders from personal requests for orders.  So, I will post the Build/Disband Orders as soon as I receive builds those builds.  Or . . . I will begin looking for replacements shortly after the original deadline of Monday, August 24, 2009, 24:00 hrs GMT.
Best of Luck,
       Darryl (GM)

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:3d54fdde68] All,
I have received new build orders from Austria; seems  Dan isn't as isolated as he assumed he would be.
I do not want to assume everyone is getting these messages over the weekend.  Still, I already have the majority of your Build orders.  Therefore, I would like to change the Deadline for the Winter Builds to Tuesday (8/1Cool by 24:00 pm GMT.  If anyone has a problem with this please let me know.
     Darryl (GM)





DC270: Replacement Turkey Needed - dipknight   (Aug 25, 2009, 6:01 pm)
It seems our Sultan has gotten swallowed in the sands.  I have heard nothing from him or any of you that he is still around.  I hope this was simply an oversight and that he is well.  However, in accordance with the House Rules, I will have this game re-listed and seek a replacement player for Turkey.
My apologies, once again to all of you for the delay.  I will post the build results and we will get started with the Spring 1902 season when a replacement player has been found.
     Darryl (GM)

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

*sigh* It seems that we have lost Josh (Turkey).  His orders are the outstanding set of orders that we have all been waiting on.  Has anyone heard from Josh?
Josh, if you are still out there, this is your one and only warning.  If I do not hear from you in the next 24 hours, I will assume you have abandoned the position and immediately begin seeking a replacement.  Also, you may want to consider posting Preliminary Orders.  According to the house rules, should you be late again, you will be removed without any further warnings.
Preliminary or Provisional Orders (whatever you are use to calling them) is a good idea for everyone.  I personally always post a preliminary set of orders with my GM in the games I play.  However, I may later change them if the negotiations go a different direction that I expected.  So, I not only advocate of their use, but use them myself as well.
Anyway, my apologies to all for the long delay in this Winter Build/Disband season (I hope you all have put it to good use).  But, it seems we are going to be delayed for a little while longer.
     Darryl (GM)

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:be46289188] All,
My apologies, but occasionally, when you try to "shorten" a deadline, there are those that went away with the original deadline in mind and do not come back until that deadline is due.
There are two outstanding sets of orders and I have sent the countries that I am missing orders from personal requests for orders.  So, I will post the Build/Disband Orders as soon as I receive builds those builds.  Or . . . I will begin looking for replacements shortly after the original deadline of Monday, August 24, 2009, 24:00 hrs GMT.
Best of Luck,
       Darryl (GM)

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:be46289188] All,
I have received new build orders from Austria; seems  Dan isn't as isolated as he assumed he would be.
I do not want to assume everyone is getting these messages over the weekend.  Still, I already have the majority of your Build orders.  Therefore, I would like to change the Deadline for the Winter Builds to Tuesday (8/1Cool by 24:00 pm GMT.  If anyone has a problem with this please let me know.
     Darryl (GM)




DC270: Replacement Turkey Needed (dc270) billyjoebobfred1 Aug 25, 10:29 pm
Will the new Sultan get to make a build?

On Tue, Aug 25, 2009 at 7:01 PM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

It seems our Sultan has gotten swallowed in the sands.  I have heard nothing from him or any of you that he is still around.  I hope this was simply an oversight and that he is well.  However, in accordance with the House Rules, I will have this game re-listed and seek a replacement player for Turkey.
My apologies, once again to all of you for the delay.  I will post the build results and we will get started with the Spring 1902 season when a replacement player has been found.
     Darryl (GM)

On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 4:06 PM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:3d54fdde68] All,
*sigh* It seems that we have lost Josh (Turkey).  His orders are the outstanding set of orders that we have all been waiting on.  Has anyone heard from Josh?
Josh, if you are still out there, this is your one and only warning.  If I do not hear from you in the next 24 hours, I will assume you have abandoned the position and immediately begin seeking a replacement.  Also, you may want to consider posting Preliminary Orders.  According to the house rules, should you be late again, you will be removed without any further warnings.
Preliminary or Provisional Orders (whatever you are use to calling them) is a good idea for everyone.  I personally always post a preliminary set of orders with my GM in the games I play.  However, I may later change them if the negotiations go a different direction that I expected.  So, I not only advocate of their use, but use them myself as well.
Anyway, my apologies to all for the long delay in this Winter Build/Disband season (I hope you all have put it to good use).  But, it seems we are going to be delayed for a little while longer.
     Darryl (GM)

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:3d54fdde68] All,
My apologies, but occasionally, when you try to "shorten" a deadline, there are those that went away with the original deadline in mind and do not come back until that deadline is due.
There are two outstanding sets of orders and I have sent the countries that I am missing orders from personal requests for orders.  So, I will post the Build/Disband Orders as soon as I receive builds those builds.  Or . . . I will begin looking for replacements shortly after the original deadline of Monday, August 24, 2009, 24:00 hrs GMT.
Best of Luck,
       Darryl (GM)

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:3d54fdde68] All,
I have received new build orders from Austria; seems  Dan isn't as isolated as he assumed he would be.
I do not want to assume everyone is getting these messages over the weekend.  Still, I already have the majority of your Build orders.  Therefore, I would like to change the Deadline for the Winter Builds to Tuesday (8/1Cool by 24:00 pm GMT.  If anyone has a problem with this please let me know.
     Darryl (GM)



DC270: Winter Deadline (correction) - dipknight   (Aug 24, 2009, 5:06 pm)
*sigh* It seems that we have lost Josh (Turkey).  His orders are the outstanding set of orders that we have all been waiting on.  Has anyone heard from Josh?
Josh, if you are still out there, this is your one and only warning.  If I do not hear from you in the next 24 hours, I will assume you have abandoned the position and immediately begin seeking a replacement.  Also, you may want to consider posting Preliminary Orders.  According to the house rules, should you be late again, you will be removed without any further warnings.
Preliminary or Provisional Orders (whatever you are use to calling them) is a good idea for everyone.  I personally always post a preliminary set of orders with my GM in the games I play.  However, I may later change them if the negotiations go a different direction that I expected.  So, I not only advocate of their use, but use them myself as well.
Anyway, my apologies to all for the long delay in this Winter Build/Disband season (I hope you all have put it to good use).  But, it seems we are going to be delayed for a little while longer.
     Darryl (GM)

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

My apologies, but occasionally, when you try to "shorten" a deadline, there are those that went away with the original deadline in mind and do not come back until that deadline is due.
There are two outstanding sets of orders and I have sent the countries that I am missing orders from personal requests for orders.  So, I will post the Build/Disband Orders as soon as I receive builds those builds.  Or . . . I will begin looking for replacements shortly after the original deadline of Monday, August 24, 2009, 24:00 hrs GMT.
Best of Luck,
       Darryl (GM)

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:dd8b341172] All,
I have received new build orders from Austria; seems  Dan isn't as isolated as he assumed he would be.
I do not want to assume everyone is getting these messages over the weekend.  Still, I already have the majority of your Build orders.  Therefore, I would like to change the Deadline for the Winter Builds to Tuesday (8/1Cool by 24:00 pm GMT.  If anyone has a problem with this please let me know.
     Darryl (GM)



DC270: Winter Deadline (correction) - dipknight   (Aug 19, 2009, 1:02 am)
My apologies, but occasionally, when you try to "shorten" a deadline, there are those that went away with the original deadline in mind and do not come back until that deadline is due.
There are two outstanding sets of orders and I have sent the countries that I am missing orders from personal requests for orders.  So, I will post the Build/Disband Orders as soon as I receive builds those builds.  Or . . . I will begin looking for replacements shortly after the original deadline of Monday, August 24, 2009, 24:00 hrs GMT.
Best of Luck,
       Darryl (GM)

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

I have received new build orders from Austria; seems  Dan isn't as isolated as he assumed he would be.
I do not want to assume everyone is getting these messages over the weekend.  Still, I already have the majority of your Build orders.  Therefore, I would like to change the Deadline for the Winter Builds to Tuesday (8/1Cool by 24:00 pm GMT.  If anyone has a problem with this please let me know.
     Darryl (GM)


DC270: Winter Deadline (correction) - dipknight   (Aug 15, 2009, 6:06 pm)
I have received new build orders from Austria; seems  Dan isn't as isolated as he assumed he would be.
I do not want to assume everyone is getting these messages over the weekend.  Still, I already have the majority of your Build orders.  Therefore, I would like to change the Deadline for the Winter Builds to Tuesday (8/1Cool by 24:00 pm GMT.  If anyone has a problem with this please let me know.
     Darryl (GM)


DC270: Winter Deadline (correction) (dc270) dipknight Aug 19, 01:02 am
My apologies, but occasionally, when you try to "shorten" a deadline, there are those that went away with the original deadline in mind and do not come back until that deadline is due.
There are two outstanding sets of orders and I have sent the countries that I am missing orders from personal requests for orders.  So, I will post the Build/Disband Orders as soon as I receive builds those builds.  Or . . . I will begin looking for replacements shortly after the original deadline of Monday, August 24, 2009, 24:00 hrs GMT.
Best of Luck,
       Darryl (GM)

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

I have received new build orders from Austria; seems  Dan isn't as isolated as he assumed he would be.
I do not want to assume everyone is getting these messages over the weekend.  Still, I already have the majority of your Build orders.  Therefore, I would like to change the Deadline for the Winter Builds to Tuesday (8/1Cool by 24:00 pm GMT.  If anyone has a problem with this please let me know.
     Darryl (GM)

DC270: Winter Deadline (correction) (dc270) dipknight Aug 24, 05:06 pm
*sigh* It seems that we have lost Josh (Turkey).  His orders are the outstanding set of orders that we have all been waiting on.  Has anyone heard from Josh?
Josh, if you are still out there, this is your one and only warning.  If I do not hear from you in the next 24 hours, I will assume you have abandoned the position and immediately begin seeking a replacement.  Also, you may want to consider posting Preliminary Orders.  According to the house rules, should you be late again, you will be removed without any further warnings.
Preliminary or Provisional Orders (whatever you are use to calling them) is a good idea for everyone.  I personally always post a preliminary set of orders with my GM in the games I play.  However, I may later change them if the negotiations go a different direction that I expected.  So, I not only advocate of their use, but use them myself as well.
Anyway, my apologies to all for the long delay in this Winter Build/Disband season (I hope you all have put it to good use).  But, it seems we are going to be delayed for a little while longer.
     Darryl (GM)

On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 12:02 AM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

My apologies, but occasionally, when you try to "shorten" a deadline, there are those that went away with the original deadline in mind and do not come back until that deadline is due.
There are two outstanding sets of orders and I have sent the countries that I am missing orders from personal requests for orders.  So, I will post the Build/Disband Orders as soon as I receive builds those builds.  Or . . . I will begin looking for replacements shortly after the original deadline of Monday, August 24, 2009, 24:00 hrs GMT.
Best of Luck,
       Darryl (GM)

On Sat, Aug 15, 2009 at 5:06 PM, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:dd8b341172] All,
I have received new build orders from Austria; seems  Dan isn't as isolated as he assumed he would be.
I do not want to assume everyone is getting these messages over the weekend.  Still, I already have the majority of your Build orders.  Therefore, I would like to change the Deadline for the Winter Builds to Tuesday (8/1Cool by 24:00 pm GMT.  If anyone has a problem with this please let me know.
     Darryl (GM)

DC270: Fall 1901 Results (correction) - dipknight   (Aug 15, 2009, 7:00 am)
GM’s remarks:
A little bit of confusion created by the font set in Italy's orders (tri, not trl).  My apologies to all; since this change affects the builds Dan sent in prior to his departure, the winter deadline will have to be reset until after Dan returns from vacation.
The Players:
Austria:      Dan Huck               aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email])              (vacation 8/14 to 8/23)
England:     Samuel Jurado       samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com ([email]samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com[/email])
France:       Tim Vaillemans     tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com ([email]tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com[/email])
Germany:  Joe Babinsnack       chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com ([email]chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Italy:           Ian Shaw                ianxshaw(at)gmail.com ([email]ianxshaw(at)gmail.com[/email])
Russia:       Joe Payne               josepayne(at)gmail.com ([email]josepayne(at)gmail.com[/email])  
Turkey:      Josh Mayo              zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com ([email]zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com[/email])
The Orders:
F alb - gre
A bud – tri (*Bounce*)
A ser Supports F alb - gre
F nth Convoys A yor - nwy
F nwg - bar
A yor - nwy
A bur - mar (*Bounce*)
F mao - por
A pic - bel (*Fails*)
F hol Supports A ruh - bel
A kie - den
A ruh - bel
F ion - tun
A pie - mar (*Bounce*)
A ven – tri (*Bounce*)
F bot - swe
F sev Supports A ukr - rum
A stp - fin
A ukr - rum
F ank - con (*Fails*)
A bul - gre (*Fails*)
A con - bul (*Fails*)
With no retreats required.
Centers and Unit Positions:
Centers (5): bud, gre, ser, tri, vie.
Units: F gre, A ser, A bud
Build/Disband: +2
Centers (4): edi, lvp, lon, nwy.
Units: F bar, F nth, A nwy
Build/disband: +1
Centers (4): bre, mar, par, por.
Units: A bur, A pic, F por
Build/Disband: +1
Centers (6): bel, ber, den, hol, kie, mun.
Units: A bel, A den, F hol
Build/Disband: +3
Centers (4): nap, rom, tun, ven.
Units: A pie, F tun, A tri
Build/Disband: +1
Centers: (6): mos, rum, sev, stp, swe, war.
Units: A fin, A rum, F sev, F swe
Build/Disband: +2
Centers (4): ank, bul, con, smy.
Units: F ank, A bul, A con
Build/Disband: +1
Winter 1901 Deadline: Monday, August 24, 2009, 24:00 hrs GMT
If there are any errors in the results, please make me aware of them ASAP.  Per the House rules, any errors that are carried into the next season are irreversible.  Map of the moves, map of the results, and the dpy file are attached for your use.
Best of luck in the next season,
                                              Darryl (GM)


DC270: Fall 1901 Results - dipknight   (Aug 14, 2009, 6:03 pm)
GM’s remarks:
I have two issues of concern; one minor, one major.  First, of minor concern, some of you are simply hitting reply to my last message to you in order to send me your orders.  This is, strictly, not by the House Rules.  I have not penalized any one for this.  However, if I can’t find your orders, I will NMR you.  Is it really that hard to change the subject of the email, after you have hit reply, to include the Game Number, your Country, and the Game year per the House Rules?
Second, of major concern, all orders shall be a complete set of orders.  I will not chase piece-meal orders through several emails later in the game when some of you will have 8, 10, 12, or more units.  Therefore, at least one of you will find that your partial set of orders changing the orders for one or more units was not accepted.  Whether this turned out to be a boon or a detriment, only time will tell; however, no partial set of orders will be accepted, per the House Rules.
If you have not already taken a moment to read the House Rules, please do so.  If you no longer have a copy of them, I will be only too happy to send you another copy.  Thanks.
The Players:
Austria:      Dan Huck               aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email])              (vacation 8/14 to 8/23)
England:     Samuel Jurado       samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com ([email]samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com[/email])
France:       Tim Vaillemans     tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com ([email]tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com[/email])
Germany:  Joe Babinsnack       chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com ([email]chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Italy:           Ian Shaw                ianxshaw(at)gmail.com ([email]ianxshaw(at)gmail.com[/email])
Russia:       Joe Payne               josepayne(at)gmail.com ([email]josepayne(at)gmail.com[/email])  
Turkey:      Josh Mayo              zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com ([email]zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com[/email])
The Orders:
F alb - gre
A bud - tri
A ser Supports F alb - gre
F nth Convoys A yor - nwy
F nwg - bar
A yor - nwy
A bur - mar (*Bounce*)
F mao - por
A pic - bel (*Fails*)
F hol Supports A ruh - bel
A kie - den
A ruh - bel
F ion - tun
A pie - mar (*Bounce*)
A ven - trl
F bot - swe
F sev Supports A ukr - rum
A stp - fin
A ukr - rum
F ank - con (*Fails*)
A bul - gre (*Fails*)
A con - bul (*Fails*)
With no retreats required we move on to the Winter Build/Disbands.
See below for the available adjustments.
Centers and Unit Positions:
Centers (5): bud, gre, ser, tri, vie.
Units: F gre, A ser, A tri
Build/Disband: +2
Centers (4): edi, lvp, lon, nwy.
Units: F bar, F nth, A nwy
Build/disband: +1
Centers (4): bre, mar, par, por.
Units: A bur, A pic, F por
Build/Disband: +1
Centers (6): bel, ber, den, hol, kie, mun.
Units: A bel, A den, F hol
Build/Disband: +3
Centers (4): nap, rom, tun, ven.
Units: A pie, F tun, A trl
Build/Disband: +1
Centers: (6): mos, rum, sev, stp, swe, war.
Units: A fin, A rum, F sev, F swe
Build/Disband: +2
Centers (4): ank, bul, con, smy.
Units: F ank, A bul, A con
Build/Disband: +1
Tentative Winter 1901 Deadline: Monday, August 17, 2009, 24:00 hrs GMT
If Dan is able to get me his build orders prior to his departure for vacation, I will post the Build/Disband results on Monday.  Otherwise, I will post a new Deadline on Monday which will be after Dan returns from vacation.  Please keep everyone informed if you are going to be unavailable due to travel or other commitments.  This will give me the ability to set appropriate deadlines so that you do not receive an NMR.  We all understand that everyone has lives outside of Diplomacy.
If there are any errors in the results, please make me aware of them ASAP.  Per the House rules, any errors that are carried into the next season are irreversible.  Map of the moves, map of the results, and the dpy file are attached for your use.
Best of luck in the next season,
                                              Darryl (GM)


DC270: Fall 1901 Deadline Reminder - dipknight   (Aug 13, 2009, 5:47 pm)
Just a little more than 24 hours to the deadline.  I have oders from only three of you.
If at all posible, I would like to provide the results in a timely fashion before Dan leaves for his vacation.  Hopefully, this will give Dan an opportunity to povide us with his build orders before he leaves.  If not, we will be stuck on what is normally a realatively short season while Dan is away.  Please provide me with your orders as soon as possible.
     Darryl (GM)


Vacation . . . . - Colonel_Mustard   (Aug 11, 2009, 11:02 am)
Hey 270 folks --

I'm headed for a week's vacation on Friday, so if you need to contact me about moves please do it sooner rather than later. Thanks.

-- Dan (Austria)


DC270: Spring 1901 Results - dipknight   (Aug 09, 2009, 8:07 pm)
GM’s remarks:
By popular demand, the extension to the season is here by rescinded; my apologies to those that requested the extension as I happen to agree with a number of the remarks being made.  Therefore, you will simply have to catch up during negotiations for the Fall season.
The Players:  
Austria:      Dan Huck               aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email])

England:     Samuel Jurado       samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com ([email]samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com[/email])
France:       Tim Vaillemans     tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com ([email]tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com[/email])
Germany:  Joe Babinsnack       chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com ([email]chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Italy:           Ian Shaw                ianxshaw(at)gmail.com ([email]ianxshaw(at)gmail.com[/email])
Russia:       Joe Payne               josepayne(at)gmail.com ([email]josepayne(at)gmail.com[/email])
Turkey:      Josh Mayo              zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com ([email]zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com[/email])
The Orders:
A Budapest - Serbia
F Trieste - Albania
A Vienna - Budapest
F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
A Liverpool - Yorkshire
F London - North Sea
F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
A Marseilles - Burgundy
A Paris - Picardy
A Berlin - Kiel
F Kiel - Holland
A Munich - Ruhr
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Rome - Venice
A Venice - Piedmont
A Moscow - St Petersburg
F Sevastopol - Black Sea
F St Petersburg(sc) - Gulf of Bothnia
A Warsaw - Ukraine
F Ankara - Black Sea
A Constantinople - Bulgaria
A Smyrna - Constantinople
Centers and Unit Positions:
Centers (3): bud, tri, vie.
Units: F alb, A bud, A ser
Centers (3): edi, lvp, lon.
Units: F nth, F nwg, A yor
Centers (3): bre, mar, par.
Units: A bur, F mao, A pic
Centers (3): ber, kie, mun.
Units: F hol, A kie, A ruh
Centers (3): nap, rom, ven.
Units: F ion, A pie, A ven
Russia (4): mos, sev, stp, war.
Units: F bot, F sev, A stp, A ukr
Centers (3): ank, con, smy.
Units: F ank, A bul, A con
Fall 1901 Deadline: Friday, August 14, 2009, 24:00 hrs GMT

If there are any errors in the results, please make me aware of them ASAP.  Per the House rules, any errors that are carried into the next season are not reversable.  Map of the Spring moves, map of the results, and the dpy file are attached for your use.
Best of luck in the next season,
Darryl (GM)


DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff - billyjoebobfred1   (Aug 09, 2009, 8:06 pm)
Have you all ever been in a game where there was less than 3 days to negotiate pre1901? I didn't see 8/7 until these emails started flying. I presumed Friday 8/14. All Dipcorp games I have been in have given at least 1 week pre-negotiations.
The other Joe

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 8:58 PM, joe babinsack <chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com ([email]chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

Well, not to make this about me, but let me clarify: I got a lot of last minute messages. Which is of course part of the game.
The problem, as I'll definitely agree with Tim, is that a) the turn now goes waaaaay too long and b) there was a clear deadline set. That was the point of my first response -- I'm confused if ANYONE thought there was a deadline other than 8/7 (unless our esteemed GM communicated otherwise in other exchanges.)
To me, I plotted moves based upon the messages, lack thereof, and apparently "last minute"  communications. Which means another week re-opens negotiations. And if all moves are in, then it really does distort a lot of things, even if, as Tim suggests, all arrangements are in place.

--- On Sun, 8/9/09, Tim Vaillemans <tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com ([email]tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

From: Tim Vaillemans <tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com ([email]tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com[/email])>
Subject: Re: DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff

To: "joe babinsack" <chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com ([email]chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Cc: "aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email])" <aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com ([email]samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com[/email])" <samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com ([email]samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "ianxshaw(at)gmail.com ([email]ianxshaw(at)gmail.com[/email])" <ianxshaw(at)gmail.com ([email]ianxshaw(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "josepayne(at)gmail.com ([email]josepayne(at)gmail.com[/email])" <josepayne(at)gmail.com ([email]josepayne(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com ([email]zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com[/email])" <zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com ([email]zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com[/email])>, "dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])" <dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])>, "Darryl Good" <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])>
Date: Sunday, August 9, 2009, 6:40 PM

Hey everybody,

I fully agree on what Joe has written.
If the deadline has been set in the 7th then everybody should have made his/her orders.  Even if you -gm - form some reason have mistakenly put up the wrong date.  Is there anyone not yet pit in his orders? Sorry -kick him/her as you have very clearly stated in the launch email.

Sorry gm but this is not oke for me.  Mainly because I have made my move and somebody was a bit surprised on the very late agreement -almost a quote - isn't is mr Germany Wink 

Btw 2 weeks for 1 order? Come on negotiations have been done and whom not yet done them is never gonna do them. Please get on with the next moves..  

Ps . The Germany surprise is not of a big deal and all others I contacted - things stay as we agreed. Wink
Later dudes


On 9-aug-2009, at 23:01, joe babinsack <chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

I'm a bit confused. All deadlines suggested August 7th, and I conducted negotiations based on that deadline.
There's a distinct lack of communications so far, which may be explained by an August 14th deadline, but then again, how is it that a few players were acting upon the shorter timeframe, while others haven't?

--- On Sun, 8/9/09, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com, samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com, tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com, chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com, ianxshaw(at)gmail.com, josepayne(at)gmail.com, zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com, dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Date: Sunday, August 9, 2009, 12:10 PM

To all of you who are patiently waiting for the results; especially given my strongest advice not to miss the deadline . . . or you would be booted; I apologies.  It seems your GM has missed the Deadline himself.  It was not my intent to make this first season so short by setting the deadline for last Friday, August 7th but to set it for this upcomming Friday, August 14th.  Again, I apologies for the error and will endevor to pay closer attention to these details.
The Deadline as it should have been set is August 14, 2009; 5PM US MDT, (2400 hrs GMT).
Best of Luck,
       Darryl (GM)




DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff - chaosonejoe   (Aug 09, 2009, 7:58 pm)
Well, not to make this about me, but let me clarify: I got a lot of last minute messages. Which is of course part of the game.

The problem, as I'll definitely agree with Tim, is that a) the turn now goes waaaaay too long and b) there was a clear deadline set. That was the point of my first response -- I'm confused if ANYONE thought there was a deadline other than 8/7 (unless our esteemed GM communicated otherwise in other exchanges.)

To me, I plotted moves based upon the messages, lack thereof, and apparently "last minute" communications. Which means another week re-opens negotiations. And if all moves are in, then it really does distort a lot of things, even if, as Tim suggests, all arrangements are in place.


--- On Sun, 8/9/09, Tim Vaillemans <tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Tim Vaillemans <tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff
To: "joe babinsack" <chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: "aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com" <aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com>, "samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com" <samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com>, "ianxshaw(at)gmail.com" <ianxshaw(at)gmail.com>, "josepayne(at)gmail.com" <josepayne(at)gmail.com>, "zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com" <zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com>, "dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com" <dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com>, "Darryl Good" <dipknight(at)gmail.com>
Date: Sunday, August 9, 2009, 6:40 PM

Hey everybody,

I fully agree on what Joe has written.
If the deadline has been set in the 7th then everybody should have made his/her orders. Even if you -gm - form some reason have mistakenly put up the wrong date. Is there anyone not yet pit in his orders? Sorry -kick him/her as you have very clearly stated in the launch email.

Sorry gm but this is not oke for me. Mainly because I have made my move and somebody was a bit surprised on the very late agreement -almost a quote - isn't is mr Germany Wink

Btw 2 weeks for 1 order? Come on negotiations have been done and whom not yet done them is never gonna do them. Please get on with the next moves..

Ps . The Germany surprise is not of a big deal and all others I contacted - things stay as we agreed. Wink

Later dudes


On 9-aug-2009, at 23:01, joe babinsack <chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com ([email]chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

I'm a bit confused. All deadlines suggested August 7th, and I conducted negotiations based on that deadline.

There's a distinct lack of communications so far, which may be explained by an August 14th deadline, but then again, how is it that a few players were acting upon the shorter timeframe, while others haven't?


--- On Sun, 8/9/09, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

From: Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])>
Subject: Re: DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email]), samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com ([email]samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com[/email]), tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com ([email]tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com[/email]), chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com ([email]chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com[/email]), ianxshaw(at)gmail.com ([email]ianxshaw(at)gmail.com[/email]), josepayne(at)gmail.com ([email]josepayne(at)gmail.com[/email]), zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com ([email]zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com[/email]), dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])
Date: Sunday, August 9, 2009, 12:10 PM


To all of you who are patiently waiting for the results; especially given my strongest advice not to miss the deadline . . . or you would be booted; I apologies. It seems your GM has missed the Deadline himself. It was not my intent to make this first season so short by setting the deadline for last Friday, August 7th but to set it for this upcomming Friday, August 14th. Again, I apologies for the error and will endevor to pay closer attention to these details.

The Deadline as it should have been set is August 14, 2009; 5PM US MDT, (2400 hrs GMT).

Best of Luck,
Darryl (GM)



DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff - Tim   (Aug 09, 2009, 5:41 pm)
Hey everybody,

I fully agree on what Joe has written.
If the deadline has been set in the 7th then everybody should have made his/her orders. Even if you -gm - form some reason have mistakenly put up the wrong date. Is there anyone not yet pit in his orders? Sorry -kick him/her as you have very clearly stated in the launch email.

Sorry gm but this is not oke for me. Mainly because I have made my move and somebody was a bit surprised on the very late agreement -almost a quote - isn't is mr Germany Wink

Btw 2 weeks for 1 order? Come on negotiations have been done and whom not yet done them is never gonna do them. Please get on with the next moves.

Ps . The Germany surprise is not of a big deal and all others I contacted - things stay as we agreed. Wink

Later dudes


On 9-aug-2009, at 23:01, joe babinsack <chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com ([email]chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

I'm a bit confused. All deadlines suggested August 7th, and I conducted negotiations based on that deadline.

There's a distinct lack of communications so far, which may be explained by an August 14th deadline, but then again, how is it that a few players were acting upon the shorter timeframe, while others haven't?


--- On Sun, 8/9/09, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

From: Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])>
Subject: Re: DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email]), samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com ([email]samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com[/email]), tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com ([email]tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com[/email]), chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com ([email]chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com[/email]), ianxshaw(at)gmail.com ([email]ianxshaw(at)gmail.com[/email]), josepayne(at)gmail.com ([email]josepayne(at)gmail.com[/email]), zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com ([email]zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com[/email]), dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])
Date: Sunday, August 9, 2009, 12:10 PM


To all of you who are patiently waiting for the results; especially given my strongest advice not to miss the deadline . . . or you would be booted; I apologies. It seems your GM has missed the Deadline himself. It was not my intent to make this first season so short by setting the deadline for last Friday, August 7th but to set it for this upcomming Friday, August 14th. Again, I apologies for the error and will endevor to pay closer attention to these details.

The Deadline as it should have been set is August 14, 2009; 5PM US MDT, (2400 hrs GMT).

Best of Luck,
Darryl (GM)



DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff - chaosonejoe   (Aug 09, 2009, 4:02 pm)
I'm a bit confused. All deadlines suggested August 7th, and I conducted negotiations based on that deadline.

There's a distinct lack of communications so far, which may be explained by an August 14th deadline, but then again, how is it that a few players were acting upon the shorter timeframe, while others haven't?


--- On Sun, 8/9/09, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com, samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com, tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com, chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com, ianxshaw(at)gmail.com, josepayne(at)gmail.com, zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com, dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Date: Sunday, August 9, 2009, 12:10 PM


To all of you who are patiently waiting for the results; especially given my strongest advice not to miss the deadline . . . or you would be booted; I apologies. It seems your GM has missed the Deadline himself. It was not my intent to make this first season so short by setting the deadline for last Friday, August 7th but to set it for this upcomming Friday, August 14th. Again, I apologies for the error and will endevor to pay closer attention to these details.

The Deadline as it should have been set is August 14, 2009; 5PM US MDT, (2400 hrs GMT).

Best of Luck,
Darryl (GM)


DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff - dipknight   (Aug 09, 2009, 11:10 am)
To all of you who are patiently waiting for the results; especially given my strongest advice not to miss the deadline . . . or you would be booted; I apologies.  It seems your GM has missed the Deadline himself.  It was not my intent to make this first season so short by setting the deadline for last Friday, August 7th but to set it for this upcomming Friday, August 14th.  Again, I apologies for the error and will endevor to pay closer attention to these details.
The Deadline as it should have been set is August 14, 2009; 5PM US MDT, (2400 hrs GMT).
Best of Luck,
       Darryl (GM)


DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff (dc270) chaosonejoe Aug 09, 04:02 pm
I'm a bit confused. All deadlines suggested August 7th, and I conducted negotiations based on that deadline.

There's a distinct lack of communications so far, which may be explained by an August 14th deadline, but then again, how is it that a few players were acting upon the shorter timeframe, while others haven't?


--- On Sun, 8/9/09, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com, samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com, tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com, chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com, ianxshaw(at)gmail.com, josepayne(at)gmail.com, zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com, dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Date: Sunday, August 9, 2009, 12:10 PM


To all of you who are patiently waiting for the results; especially given my strongest advice not to miss the deadline . . . or you would be booted; I apologies. It seems your GM has missed the Deadline himself. It was not my intent to make this first season so short by setting the deadline for last Friday, August 7th but to set it for this upcomming Friday, August 14th. Again, I apologies for the error and will endevor to pay closer attention to these details.

The Deadline as it should have been set is August 14, 2009; 5PM US MDT, (2400 hrs GMT).

Best of Luck,
Darryl (GM)

DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff (dc270) Tim Aug 09, 05:41 pm
Hey everybody,

I fully agree on what Joe has written.
If the deadline has been set in the 7th then everybody should have made his/her orders. Even if you -gm - form some reason have mistakenly put up the wrong date. Is there anyone not yet pit in his orders? Sorry -kick him/her as you have very clearly stated in the launch email.

Sorry gm but this is not oke for me. Mainly because I have made my move and somebody was a bit surprised on the very late agreement -almost a quote - isn't is mr Germany Wink

Btw 2 weeks for 1 order? Come on negotiations have been done and whom not yet done them is never gonna do them. Please get on with the next moves.

Ps . The Germany surprise is not of a big deal and all others I contacted - things stay as we agreed. Wink

Later dudes


On 9-aug-2009, at 23:01, joe babinsack <chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com ([email]chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

I'm a bit confused. All deadlines suggested August 7th, and I conducted negotiations based on that deadline.

There's a distinct lack of communications so far, which may be explained by an August 14th deadline, but then again, how is it that a few players were acting upon the shorter timeframe, while others haven't?


--- On Sun, 8/9/09, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

From: Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])>
Subject: Re: DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email]), samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com ([email]samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com[/email]), tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com ([email]tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com[/email]), chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com ([email]chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com[/email]), ianxshaw(at)gmail.com ([email]ianxshaw(at)gmail.com[/email]), josepayne(at)gmail.com ([email]josepayne(at)gmail.com[/email]), zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com ([email]zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com[/email]), dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])
Date: Sunday, August 9, 2009, 12:10 PM


To all of you who are patiently waiting for the results; especially given my strongest advice not to miss the deadline . . . or you would be booted; I apologies. It seems your GM has missed the Deadline himself. It was not my intent to make this first season so short by setting the deadline for last Friday, August 7th but to set it for this upcomming Friday, August 14th. Again, I apologies for the error and will endevor to pay closer attention to these details.

The Deadline as it should have been set is August 14, 2009; 5PM US MDT, (2400 hrs GMT).

Best of Luck,
Darryl (GM)

DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff (dc270) chaosonejoe Aug 09, 07:58 pm
Well, not to make this about me, but let me clarify: I got a lot of last minute messages. Which is of course part of the game.

The problem, as I'll definitely agree with Tim, is that a) the turn now goes waaaaay too long and b) there was a clear deadline set. That was the point of my first response -- I'm confused if ANYONE thought there was a deadline other than 8/7 (unless our esteemed GM communicated otherwise in other exchanges.)

To me, I plotted moves based upon the messages, lack thereof, and apparently "last minute" communications. Which means another week re-opens negotiations. And if all moves are in, then it really does distort a lot of things, even if, as Tim suggests, all arrangements are in place.


--- On Sun, 8/9/09, Tim Vaillemans <tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Tim Vaillemans <tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff
To: "joe babinsack" <chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: "aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com" <aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com>, "samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com" <samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com>, "ianxshaw(at)gmail.com" <ianxshaw(at)gmail.com>, "josepayne(at)gmail.com" <josepayne(at)gmail.com>, "zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com" <zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com>, "dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com" <dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com>, "Darryl Good" <dipknight(at)gmail.com>
Date: Sunday, August 9, 2009, 6:40 PM

Hey everybody,

I fully agree on what Joe has written.
If the deadline has been set in the 7th then everybody should have made his/her orders. Even if you -gm - form some reason have mistakenly put up the wrong date. Is there anyone not yet pit in his orders? Sorry -kick him/her as you have very clearly stated in the launch email.

Sorry gm but this is not oke for me. Mainly because I have made my move and somebody was a bit surprised on the very late agreement -almost a quote - isn't is mr Germany Wink

Btw 2 weeks for 1 order? Come on negotiations have been done and whom not yet done them is never gonna do them. Please get on with the next moves..

Ps . The Germany surprise is not of a big deal and all others I contacted - things stay as we agreed. Wink

Later dudes


On 9-aug-2009, at 23:01, joe babinsack <chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com ([email]chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

I'm a bit confused. All deadlines suggested August 7th, and I conducted negotiations based on that deadline.

There's a distinct lack of communications so far, which may be explained by an August 14th deadline, but then again, how is it that a few players were acting upon the shorter timeframe, while others haven't?


--- On Sun, 8/9/09, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

From: Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])>
Subject: Re: DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email]), samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com ([email]samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com[/email]), tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com ([email]tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com[/email]), chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com ([email]chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com[/email]), ianxshaw(at)gmail.com ([email]ianxshaw(at)gmail.com[/email]), josepayne(at)gmail.com ([email]josepayne(at)gmail.com[/email]), zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com ([email]zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com[/email]), dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])
Date: Sunday, August 9, 2009, 12:10 PM


To all of you who are patiently waiting for the results; especially given my strongest advice not to miss the deadline . . . or you would be booted; I apologies. It seems your GM has missed the Deadline himself. It was not my intent to make this first season so short by setting the deadline for last Friday, August 7th but to set it for this upcomming Friday, August 14th. Again, I apologies for the error and will endevor to pay closer attention to these details.

The Deadline as it should have been set is August 14, 2009; 5PM US MDT, (2400 hrs GMT).

Best of Luck,
Darryl (GM)

DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff (dc270) billyjoebobfred1 Aug 09, 08:06 pm
Have you all ever been in a game where there was less than 3 days to negotiate pre1901? I didn't see 8/7 until these emails started flying. I presumed Friday 8/14. All Dipcorp games I have been in have given at least 1 week pre-negotiations.
The other Joe

On Sun, Aug 9, 2009 at 8:58 PM, joe babinsack <chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com ([email]chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

Well, not to make this about me, but let me clarify: I got a lot of last minute messages. Which is of course part of the game.
The problem, as I'll definitely agree with Tim, is that a) the turn now goes waaaaay too long and b) there was a clear deadline set. That was the point of my first response -- I'm confused if ANYONE thought there was a deadline other than 8/7 (unless our esteemed GM communicated otherwise in other exchanges.)
To me, I plotted moves based upon the messages, lack thereof, and apparently "last minute"  communications. Which means another week re-opens negotiations. And if all moves are in, then it really does distort a lot of things, even if, as Tim suggests, all arrangements are in place.

--- On Sun, 8/9/09, Tim Vaillemans <tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com ([email]tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com[/email])> wrote:

From: Tim Vaillemans <tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com ([email]tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com[/email])>
Subject: Re: DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff

To: "joe babinsack" <chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com ([email]chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Cc: "aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email])" <aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com ([email]samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com[/email])" <samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com ([email]samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com[/email])>, "ianxshaw(at)gmail.com ([email]ianxshaw(at)gmail.com[/email])" <ianxshaw(at)gmail.com ([email]ianxshaw(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "josepayne(at)gmail.com ([email]josepayne(at)gmail.com[/email])" <josepayne(at)gmail.com ([email]josepayne(at)gmail.com[/email])>, "zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com ([email]zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com[/email])" <zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com ([email]zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com[/email])>, "dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])" <dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])>, "Darryl Good" <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])>
Date: Sunday, August 9, 2009, 6:40 PM

Hey everybody,

I fully agree on what Joe has written.
If the deadline has been set in the 7th then everybody should have made his/her orders.  Even if you -gm - form some reason have mistakenly put up the wrong date.  Is there anyone not yet pit in his orders? Sorry -kick him/her as you have very clearly stated in the launch email.

Sorry gm but this is not oke for me.  Mainly because I have made my move and somebody was a bit surprised on the very late agreement -almost a quote - isn't is mr Germany Wink 

Btw 2 weeks for 1 order? Come on negotiations have been done and whom not yet done them is never gonna do them. Please get on with the next moves..  

Ps . The Germany surprise is not of a big deal and all others I contacted - things stay as we agreed. Wink
Later dudes


On 9-aug-2009, at 23:01, joe babinsack <chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com> wrote:

I'm a bit confused. All deadlines suggested August 7th, and I conducted negotiations based on that deadline.
There's a distinct lack of communications so far, which may be explained by an August 14th deadline, but then again, how is it that a few players were acting upon the shorter timeframe, while others haven't?

--- On Sun, 8/9/09, Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com> wrote:

From: Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com>
Subject: Re: DC270: Diplomacy Kickoff
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com, samuel.jurado(at)yahoo.com, tim.vaillemans(at)gmail.com, chaosonejoe(at)yahoo.com, ianxshaw(at)gmail.com, josepayne(at)gmail.com, zauberlichneo(at)hotmail.com, dc270(at)diplomaticcorp.com
Date: Sunday, August 9, 2009, 12:10 PM

To all of you who are patiently waiting for the results; especially given my strongest advice not to miss the deadline . . . or you would be booted; I apologies.  It seems your GM has missed the Deadline himself.  It was not my intent to make this first season so short by setting the deadline for last Friday, August 7th but to set it for this upcomming Friday, August 14th.  Again, I apologies for the error and will endevor to pay closer attention to these details.
The Deadline as it should have been set is August 14, 2009; 5PM US MDT, (2400 hrs GMT).
Best of Luck,
       Darryl (GM)



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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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