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(Standard - Arctic Warriors)


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DC 164 - Arctic Wariors - Winter 1901 Builds - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Spring 1902 will be due Thursday April 3rd (at) 9PM

Build A Budapest
Build A Vienna

Build F London

Build A Paris
Build F Brest

Build F Berlin
Build A Munich

Build F Naples
Build A Venice

Build A Warsaw

Build A Smyrna

Never miss a thing. Make Yahoo your homepage.


DC 164 Deadline reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Deadline is less then 9 hours away and I only have 4 sets.


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DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Spring 1902 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
There's a whole lot of Bouncin' going on!
That was quite a turn, lots of movement, several surprises!
There are, however, no retreats required.

Lets get Fall orders in by 9pm on Wednesday, April 9th.

A Budapest - Galicia (*Bounce*)
F Greece - Aegean Sea (*Bounce*)
A Rumania - Ukraine
A Serbia - Albania
A Vienna Supports A Munich - Tyrolia (*Void*)

F London - Wales
F North Sea - English Channel
F Norway - St Petersburg(nc)
A Yorkshire - London

F Brest - Mid-Atlantic Ocean
F English Channel - Irish Sea
A Paris - Picardy
A Portugal - Spain
A Spain - Gascony

A Belgium Hold
F Berlin - Prussia
F Denmark - Sweden
A Munich Supports A Silesia
A Silesia Hold

A Apulia Hold
F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Trieste Hold
F Tunis Supports F Naples - Ionian Sea
A Venice Supports A Trieste

A Galicia - Vienna (*Fails*)
F Gulf of Bothnia - Baltic Sea
A Sevastopol Hold
A Warsaw - Galicia (*Bounce*)

A Ankara Hold
A Bulgaria - Serbia
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea (*Bounce*)
A Smyrna Hold

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of Blockbuster Total Access, No Cost.


DC 164 Order Deadline - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
We have 4.5 hours to go and I only have 1 set of orders in

Prelims people, I will adjudicate with what I have tonight.

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DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1902 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
What a year!!
We have quite a few SCs changing hands but surprisingly few changes in SC totals.

No retreats are necessary so we can move right into the Build Phase.
England and Germany both get a build, while Russia has to disband one unit.
Please get your orders in by Monday, April 14th (at) 9PM

And remember to get prelim orders in if you can.

A Albania - Serbia
A Budapest Supports A Albania - Serbia
F Greece - Bulgaria(sc) (*Bounce*)
A Ukraine - Sevastopol
A Vienna - Trieste (*Fails*)

F English Channel Hold
A London - Yorkshire
F St Petersburg(nc) Hold
F Wales - Liverpool

A Gascony - Brest
F Irish Sea - North Atlantic Ocean
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Hold
A Picardy Supports A Gascony - Brest
A Spain - Gascony

A Belgium Hold
A Munich - Berlin
F Prussia Supports A Silesia - Warsaw (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Warsaw (*Fails*)
F Sweden - Denmark (*Bounce*)

A Apulia Hold
F Ionian Sea - Aegean Sea
A Trieste Supports A Serbia (*Cut*)
F Tunis - Ionian Sea
A Venice Supports A Trieste

F Baltic Sea - Denmark (*Bounce*)
A Galicia - Ukraine
A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Warsaw Hold

A Ankara - Constantinople (*Fails*)
F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc) (*Bounce*)
A Serbia Supports A Trieste (*Disbanded*)
A Smyrna Hold

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DC 164 - Map correction - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Do You Yahoo!?
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DC 164 Deadline reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Winter orders due Monday, just a friendly reminder

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DC 164 - Arctic Wariors - Winter 1902 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
The year of the Fleets!
Russia sails into the sunset from the Baltic while the yards are full in Kiel and Edinburgh.

Lets move forward with Spring on Friday, April 18th.

And an FYI, I will be out of town the week of April 28 - May 2, so we will have a game hold for that week.

between 0000-00-00 and 9999-99-99


DC 164 Spring 1903 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
An Austrian NMR proves to not be too costly as most of his neighbors play defense this spring.
France pulls off a very nice 2-fleet convoy attack on the English Home Isles.
No retreats are needed, so we will move on to the fall, with orders due Monday May 5th (at) 9pm.
Whow, why the long wait? Because I am going to Mexico!
See 'Yall when I get back Wink

A Budapest, no move received
F Greece, no move received
A Serbia, no move received
A Sevastopol, no move received
A Vienna, no move received

F Edinburgh - Norwegian Sea
F English Channel - North Sea
F Liverpool - North Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F St Petersburg(nc) - Barents Sea
A Yorkshire Hold

A Brest Supports A Picardy
A Gascony - Clyde
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Gascony - Clyde
F North Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Gascony - Clyde
A Picardy Supports A Brest (*Cut*)

A Belgium - Picardy (*Fails*)
A Berlin - Munich
F Kiel - Holland
F Prussia Supports A Silesia - Warsaw (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Warsaw (*Fails*)
F Sweden - Baltic Sea

F Aegean Sea Supports F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc)
A Apulia - Albania
F Ionian Sea Convoys A Apulia - Albania
A Trieste - Budapest (*Fails*)
A Venice - Tyrolia

A Rumania Supports F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc)
A Ukraine - Moscow
A Warsaw Supports A Ukraine - Moscow (*Cut*)

A Ankara - Armenia
F Constantinople - Bulgaria(sc)
A Smyrna - Constantinople

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


DC 164 - Acrtic Warriors - Game on - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I am back!
We are scheduled to have orders in today, but I only have one set in.
I will allow an extension to tomorrow if I do not get all sets in by tonight.


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DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1903 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
The Archduke has made his second NMR, and is out.
I will take a vote on whether you prefer to wait for a replacement or CD him.
Normally I would wait, but as this turn reasults in Austria's reduction to only 2 SCs, I will go with the Majority vote.
Please have your response in by Noon on Saturday, May 10th. Non responses will be counted as a vote to wait for a Replacement.

The only retreats necessary are Austrian, and both have only one option, so I have ordered both:
F Greece - Albania
A Sevastopol - Ukraine

Build Orders will be Due (assuming a CD vote) on Tuesday, May 13th (at) 9pm

Austria, remove 2
Germany Build 1
Italy build 2
Russia Build 1
Turkey build 1

A Budapest Hold
F Greece Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Serbia Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Sevastopol Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Vienna Hold

F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc)
F Liverpool Hold
F North Sea - English Channel (*Bounce*)
F Norwegian Sea - Edinburgh
A Yorkshire Supports F Liverpool

A Brest - Gascony
A Clyde Supports F North Atlantic Ocean - Liverpool
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel (*Bounce*)
F North Atlantic Ocean - Liverpool (*Fails*)
A Picardy Hold

F Baltic Sea - Livonia
A Belgium - Picardy (*Fails*)
F Holland Hold
A Munich - Burgundy
F Prussia Supports A Silesia - Warsaw (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Warsaw (*Fails*)

F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Albania - Serbia
F Ionian Sea Supports F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Trieste Supports A Albania - Serbia
A Tyrolia Hold

A Moscow - Sevastopol
A Rumania Supports A Moscow - Sevastopol
A Warsaw Hold

A Armenia Supports A Moscow - Sevastopol
F Bulgaria(sc) - Aegean Sea
A Constantinople - Bulgaria

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DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1903 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Ok, that map is for a different game, lets try this again:

----- Original Message ----
From: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com; dc164(at)diplomaticcorp.com; domdip(at)stanford.edu; gallowmere07(at)gmail.com; hospitalearth(at)gmail.com; Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; samuel_buck(at)dalton.org; sonalimander(at)gmail.com; themaos(at)earthlink.net; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 8, 2008 1:36:30 PM
Subject: DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1903 Results

The Archduke has made his second NMR, and is out.
I will take a vote on whether you prefer to wait for a replacement or CD him.
Normally I would wait, but as this turn reasults in Austria's reduction to only 2 SCs, I will go with the Majority vote.
Please have your response in by Noon on Saturday, May 10th. Non responses will be counted as a vote to wait for a Replacement.

The only retreats necessary are Austrian, and both have only one option, so I have ordered both:
F Greece - Albania
A Sevastopol - Ukraine

Build Orders will be Due (assuming a CD vote) on Tuesday, May 13th (at) 9pm

Austria, remove 2
Germany Build 1
Italy build 2
Russia Build 1
Turkey build 1

A Budapest Hold
F Greece Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Serbia Hold (*Disbanded*)
A Sevastopol Hold (*Dislodged*)
A Vienna Hold

F Barents Sea - St Petersburg(nc)
F Liverpool Hold
F North Sea - English Channel (*Bounce*)
F Norwegian Sea - Edinburgh
A Yorkshire Supports F Liverpool

A Brest - Gascony
A Clyde Supports F North Atlantic Ocean - Liverpool
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - English Channel (*Bounce*)
F North Atlantic Ocean - Liverpool (*Fails*)
A Picardy Hold

F Baltic Sea - Livonia
A Belgium - Picardy (*Fails*)
F Holland Hold
A Munich - Burgundy
F Prussia Supports A Silesia - Warsaw (*Fails*)
A Silesia - Warsaw (*Fails*)

F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Albania - Serbia
F Ionian Sea Supports F Aegean Sea - Greece
A Trieste Supports A Albania - Serbia
A Tyrolia Hold

A Moscow - Sevastopol
A Rumania Supports A Moscow - Sevastopol
A Warsaw Hold

A Armenia Supports A Moscow - Sevastopol
F Bulgaria(sc) - Aegean Sea
A Constantinople - Bulgaria

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.

Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


DC 164 - Vote results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I only have received 3 votes on this issue. One for, one against, and one abstention.
So we are on Hold waiting a replacement player for Austria.

Trout, can you put out the call for a replacement for a 2 SC Austria going into the Winter of 1903?
Map Attached.



Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it now.


DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - GameStart - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Greetings Arctic Warriors!
We have a replacement Austria ready to go.
Lets all say Hi to Jack, and Thank You!

We will delay the Build orders to Friday, May 16th to give Jack a chance to Diplomicize.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com ([email]githraine(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Date: Tue, Mar 11, 2008 at 3:10 PM
Subject: DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - GameStart
To: samuel_buck(at)dalton.org ([email]samuel_buck(at)dalton.org[/email]), gallowmere07(at)gmail.com ([email]gallowmere07(at)gmail.com[/email]), hospitalearth(at)gmail.com ([email]hospitalearth(at)gmail.com[/email]), aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email]), domdip(at)stanford.edu ([email]domdip(at)stanford.edu[/email]), sonalimander(at)gmail.com ([email]sonalimander(at)gmail.com[/email]), themaos(at)earthlink.net ([email]themaos(at)earthlink.net[/email]), Michael Sims <mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])>, Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>, Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>

Game On!

Here is our list of intrepid Arctic Warriors. (Boobie prize to the first to get the derivation of the Game Name)

Mike, please add 164 to the list of Forums.

Once the forum is created, please everyone remember to subscribe to it.

We ahave a good mix of Old Hands, total newbees, and new to PBEM players.

Please remember there is no penalty for preliminary orders, so please send in something early so you do not get caught with an NMR.

I'll give everyone a week to converse and call the first Spring deadline Tuesday March 18th (at) 9PM East Coast US Time

Good Luck!

ID : Samnuva
Ctry : Turkey
Name : Sam Buck
Email: samuel_buck(at)dalton.org ([email]samuel_buck(at)dalton.org[/email])

ID : Jack
Ctry : Austria

Name : Jack McHugh
Email: jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]gallowmere07(at)gmail.com[/email])

ID : hospitalearth
Ctry : Germany

Name : Owen Ott
Email: hospitalearth(at)gmail.com ([email]hospitalearth(at)gmail.com[/email])

ID : Colonel_Mustard
Ctry : France

Name : Dan Huck
Email: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email])

ID : absinthe
Ctry : Russia

Name : Dominic DiPalantino
Email: domdip(at)stanford.edu ([email]domdip(at)stanford.edu[/email])

ID : Aether
Ctry : Italy
Name : Sonali Mishra
Email: sonalimander(at)gmail.com ([email]sonalimander(at)gmail.com[/email])

ID : etinarcadiaego69
Ctry : England

Name : Eric Mao
Email: themaos(at)earthlink.net ([email]themaos(at)earthlink.net[/email])

Player address string:
samuel_buck(at)dalton.org ([email]samuel_buck(at)dalton.org[/email]); gallowmere07(at)gmail.com ([email]gallowmere07(at)gmail.com[/email]); hospitalearth(at)gmail.com ([email]hospitalearth(at)gmail.com[/email]); aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email]); domdip(at)stanford.edu ([email]domdip(at)stanford.edu[/email]); sonalimander(at)gmail.com ([email]sonalimander(at)gmail.com[/email]); themaos(at)earthlink.net ([email]themaos(at)earthlink.net[/email]); dc164(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc164(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.


DC 164 Build Orders due in 7 hours - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I am missing 2 sets of build orders.
If you dont have a confirm e-mail from me, I don't have your orders.



DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Winter 1903 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Here are the build results.

Spring will continue on Thursday, May 22nd


DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Winter 1903 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
We are 17 hours past deadline and I only have 4 sets of orders.
I will extend through the holiday weekend until Monday Night.


----- Original Message ----
From: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com; dc164(at)diplomaticcorp.com; domdip(at)stanford.edu; hospitalearth(at)gmail.com; Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>; samuel_buck(at)dalton.org; sonalimander(at)gmail.com; themaos(at)earthlink.net; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Saturday, May 17, 2008 11:39:47 AM
Subject: DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Winter 1903 Results

Here are the build results.

Spring will continue on Thursday, May 22nd


DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Spring 1904 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Sorry, forgot the subject line!

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com; dc164(at)diplomaticcorp.com; domdip(at)stanford.edu; hospitalearth(at)gmail.com; Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>; samuel_buck(at)dalton.org; sonalimander(at)gmail.com; themaos(at)earthlink.net; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2008 4:44:07 PM

The French Northern Army beats a hasty retreat courtesy of the French Navy, The Turks are pushed out of Bulgaria by the Russians with Italian help, the Austrians hold their ground and no one takes advantage of the German NMR.
No retreats necessary, so lets get Fall orders in by Friday, May 30th.

A Budapest Supports A Vienna
A Vienna Supports A Budapest (*Cut*)

F Edinburgh - Clyde
F Liverpool Supports F Edinburgh - Clyde
F North Sea - English Channel
F St Petersburg(nc) Hold
A Yorkshire Supports F Liverpool

A Clyde - Brest
A Gascony - Marseilles
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Clyde - Brest
F North Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Clyde - Brest
A Picardy - Paris

A Belgium, no move received
A Burgundy, no move received
F Holland, no move received
F Livonia, no move received
F Prussia, no move received
A Silesia, no move received

F Greece Hold
F Ionian Sea Hold
A Rome - Apulia
A Serbia Supports A Rumania - Bulgaria
A Trieste Supports A Tyrolia - Vienna
A Tyrolia - Vienna (*Fails*)
A Venice, no move received

A Moscow - Ukraine
A Rumania - Bulgaria
A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Warsaw Hold

F Aegean Sea Hold
A Armenia - Smyrna
A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Disbanded*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Fails*)


DC 164 - Correction - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
It has been pointed out that Italy and Russia attacked Bud, not BUL.
This attack does not succeed, but does cause the attack on Vienna to go through.

Thus, the corrected results are below, and VIE must retreat to BOH or GAL.
Please have retreats in by Friday, May 30th

A Budapest Supports A Vienna (*Cut*)
A Vienna Supports A Budapest (*Dislodged*)

F Edinburgh - Clyde
F Liverpool Supports F Edinburgh - Clyde
F North Sea - English Channel
F St Petersburg(nc) Hold
A Yorkshire Supports F Liverpool

A Clyde - Brest
A Gascony - Marseilles
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Clyde - Brest
F North Atlantic Ocean Convoys A Clyde - Brest
A Picardy - Paris

A Belgium, no move received
A Burgundy, no move received
F Holland, no move received
F Livonia, no move received
F Prussia, no move received
A Silesia, no move received

F Greece Hold
F Ionian Sea Hold
A Rome - Apulia
A Serbia Supports A Rumania - Budapest (*Cut*)
A Trieste Supports A Tyrolia - Vienna
A Tyrolia - Vienna
A Venice Hold

A Moscow - Ukraine
A Rumania - Budapest (*Fails*)
A Sevastopol - Rumania (*Fails*)
A Warsaw Hold

F Aegean Sea Hold
A Armenia - Smyrna
A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Fails*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Fails*)


DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Summer 1904 results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Sorry for the long delay on this, I had a rough birthday weekend Wink

So the Austrian army retreats to Galacia, and we can move on with the Fall of 1904.
Lets call the deadline for Thursday, June5th.

Thanks All


DC 164 Fall 1904 deadline reminder - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
8 hours to go, I only have 3 sets in and confirmed.



DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1904 Results - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Well that had to be one of the oddest seasons I have seen in a while.
France NMRd, but lost little.
Italy helped Russia sack Budapest, but allowed Austria to retake Vienna.
A Turkish Fleet sits idle while Italian forces plunge into Bulgaria.
The English dance around the Home Islands, while half the German forces observe Oktoberfest.

Budapest retreats to Galacia, as there is nowhere else he can go, but as Austria must disband something....

Winter orders:
Austria - Disband one
Germany, Italy, Russia - Build one each

Winter orders due Monday, June 9th

A Budapest Supports A Galicia - Vienna (*Dislodged*)
A Galicia - Vienna

F Clyde Hold
F English Channel - Brest (*Fails*)
F Liverpool - North Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway
A Yorkshire - Liverpool (*Fails*)

A Brest, no move received
A Marseilles, no move received
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
F North Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A Paris, no move received

A Belgium - Picardy
A Burgundy - Gascony
F Holland - Belgium
F Livonia Hold
F Prussia Hold
A Silesia Hold

A Apulia - Venice
F Greece Supports A Serbia - Bulgaria
F Ionian Sea Hold
A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Trieste Supports A Rumania - Budapest
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna - Bohemia

A Rumania - Budapest
A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Ukraine Supports A Warsaw
A Warsaw Hold

F Aegean Sea Hold
A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Disbanded*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Fails*)
A Smyrna - Constantinople (*Fails*)


DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1904 Results corre... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
As has been pointed out, I fat-fingered RP and tried to send the English Fleet from Liverpool to the NAO, instead to the Irish Sea as ordered.
That move was successful and that fleet is in the Irish sea, not in port.

----- Original Message ----
From: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com; dc164(at)diplomaticcorp.com; domdip(at)stanford.edu; hospitalearth(at)gmail.com; Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>; samuel_buck(at)dalton.org; sonalimander(at)gmail.com; themaos(at)earthlink.net; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, June 6, 2008 1:57:42 PM
Subject: DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1904 Results

Well that had to be one of the oddest seasons I have seen in a while.
France NMRd, but lost little.
Italy helped Russia sack Budapest, but allowed Austria to retake Vienna.
A Turkish Fleet sits idle while Italian forces plunge into Bulgaria.
The English dance around the Home Islands, while half the German forces observe Oktoberfest.

Budapest retreats to Galacia, as there is nowhere else he can go, but as Austria must disband something....

Winter orders:
Austria - Disband one
Germany, Italy, Russia - Build one each

Winter orders due Monday, June 9th

A Budapest Supports A Galicia - Vienna (*Dislodged*)
A Galicia - Vienna

F Clyde Hold
F English Channel - Brest (*Fails*)
F Liverpool - North Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway
A Yorkshire - Liverpool (*Fails*)

A Brest, no move received
A Marseilles, no move received
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
F North Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A Paris, no move received

A Belgium - Picardy
A Burgundy - Gascony
F Holland - Belgium
F Livonia Hold
F Prussia Hold
A Silesia Hold

A Apulia - Venice
F Greece Supports A Serbia - Bulgaria
F Ionian Sea Hold
A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Trieste Supports A Rumania - Budapest
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna - Bohemia

A Rumania - Budapest
A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Ukraine Supports A Warsaw
A Warsaw Hold

F Aegean Sea Hold
A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Disbanded*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Fails*)
A Smyrna - Constantinople (*Fails*)


DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1904 Results corre... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
damn you jason...you've completely ruined austria's moves...i should resign and report you to the head of the site!!!!!....oh wait, actually this doesn't effect me and my puny two units atl...never mind...you're the greatest GM i've ever seen.......geez, i think i need my meds adjusted...

On Fri, Jun 6, 2008 at 4:57 PM, Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com ([email]githraine(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

As has been pointed out, I fat-fingered RP and tried to send the English Fleet from Liverpool to the NAO, instead to the Irish Sea as ordered.
That move was successful and that fleet is in the Irish sea, not in port.

----- Original Message ----
From: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com ([email]githraine(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com ([email]aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com[/email]); dc164(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc164(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]); domdip(at)stanford.edu ([email]domdip(at)stanford.edu[/email]); hospitalearth(at)gmail.com ([email]hospitalearth(at)gmail.com[/email]); Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com ([email]stevelytton(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com ([email]jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com[/email])>; samuel_buck(at)dalton.org ([email]samuel_buck(at)dalton.org[/email]); sonalimander(at)gmail.com ([email]sonalimander(at)gmail.com[/email]); themaos(at)earthlink.net ([email]themaos(at)earthlink.net[/email]); Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com ([email]former.trout(at)gmail.com[/email])>
Sent: Friday, June 6, 2008 1:57:42 PM
Subject: DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1904 Results

Well that had to be one of the oddest seasons I have seen in a while.
France NMRd, but lost little.
Italy helped Russia sack Budapest, but allowed Austria to retake Vienna.
A Turkish Fleet sits idle while Italian forces plunge into Bulgaria.
The English dance around the Home Islands, while half the German forces observe Oktoberfest.

Budapest retreats to Galacia, as there is nowhere else he can go, but as Austria must disband something....

Winter orders:
Austria - Disband one
Germany, Italy, Russia - Build one each

Winter orders due Monday, June 9th

A Budapest Supports A Galicia - Vienna (*Dislodged*)
A Galicia - Vienna

F Clyde Hold
F English Channel - Brest (*Fails*)
F Liverpool - North Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F St Petersburg(nc) - Norway
A Yorkshire - Liverpool (*Fails*)

A Brest, no move received
A Marseilles, no move received
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
F North Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A Paris, no move received

A Belgium - Picardy
A Burgundy - Gascony
F Holland - Belgium
F Livonia Hold
F Prussia Hold
A Silesia Hold

A Apulia - Venice
F Greece Supports A Serbia - Bulgaria
F Ionian Sea Hold
A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Trieste Supports A Rumania - Budapest
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna - Bohemia

A Rumania - Budapest
A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Ukraine Supports A Warsaw
A Warsaw Hold

F Aegean Sea Hold
A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Disbanded*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Fails*)
A Smyrna - Constantinople (*Fails*)


DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1904 Results corre... - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Of Course, That means Yorkshire makes it to Liverpool.

----- Original Message ----
From: themaos <themaos(at)earthlink.net>
To: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>
Sent: Friday, June 6, 2008 5:49:26 PM
Subject: RE: DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1904 Results correction

Jason, thank you for the quick response…I apologize again for any trouble…Can you also confirm that A Yorkshire has successfully moved to Liverpool ?

Thank you again – Eric Mao -- England

From: Jason K [mailto:githraine(at)yahoo.com]
Sent: Friday, June 06, 2008 1:57 PM
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com; dc164(at)diplomaticcorp.com; domdip(at)stanford.edu; hospitalearth(at)gmail.com; Stephen Lytton; Jack McHugh; samuel_buck(at)dalton.org ; sonalimander(at)gmail.com; themaos(at)earthlink.net; Former Trout
Subject: Re: DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1904 Results correction

As has been pointed out, I fat-fingered RP and tried to send the English Fleet from Liverpool to the NAO, instead to the Irish Sea as ordered.
That move was successful and that fleet is in the Irish sea , not in port.

----- Original Message ----
From: Jason K <githraine(at)yahoo.com>
To: aefgirt7(at)yahoo.com; dc164(at)diplomaticcorp.com; domdip(at)stanford.edu; hospitalearth(at)gmail.com; Stephen Lytton <stevelytton(at)hotmail.com>; Jack McHugh <jwmchughjr(at)gmail.com>; samuel_buck(at)dalton.org ; sonalimander(at)gmail.com; themaos(at)earthlink.net; Former Trout <former.trout(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, June 6, 2008 1:57:42 PM
Subject: DC 164 - Arctic Warriors - Fall 1904 Results
Well that had to be one of the oddest seasons I have seen in a while.
France NMRd, but lost little.
Italy helped Russia sack Budapest , but allowed Austria to retake Vienna .
A Turkish Fleet sits idle while Italian forces plunge into Bulgaria .
The English dance around the Home Islands , while half the German forces observe Oktoberfest.

Budapest retreats to Galacia, as there is nowhere else he can go, but as Austria must disband something....

Winter orders:
Austria - Disband one
Germany , Italy , Russia - Build one each

Winter orders due Monday, June 9th

Austria :
A Budapest Supports A Galicia - Vienna (*Dislodged*)
A Galicia - Vienna

England :
F Clyde Hold
F English Channel - Brest (*Fails*)
F Liverpool - North Atlantic Ocean (*Fails*)
F St Petersburg (nc) - Norway
A Yorkshire - Liverpool (*Fails*)

France :
A Brest , no move received
A Marseilles , no move received
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean, no move received
F North Atlantic Ocean, no move received
A Paris , no move received

Germany :
A Belgium - Picardy
A Burgundy - Gascony
F Holland - Belgium
F Livonia Hold
F Prussia Hold
A Silesia Hold

Italy :
A Apulia - Venice
F Greece Supports A Serbia - Bulgaria
F Ionian Sea Hold
A Serbia - Bulgaria
A Trieste Supports A Rumania - Budapest
A Venice - Tyrolia
A Vienna - Bohemia

Russia :
A Rumania - Budapest
A Sevastopol - Rumania
A Ukraine Supports A Warsaw
A Warsaw Hold

Turkey :
F Aegean Sea Hold
A Bulgaria - Serbia (*Disbanded*)
A Constantinople - Bulgaria (*Fails*)
A Smyrna - Constantinople (*Fails*)


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