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re004 Colonial still need players - trezdk   (Oct 01, 2013, 1:48 pm)
Feel like taking on Asia?

Then tag along and try out the Colonial version of Diplomacy.

Added a little map change so this will also be a test game Smile

So sign up and face the dangers of the far East!



re004 Colonial still need players (Open Games) vegas_iwish Oct 17, 06:43 pm
Thrilled to see the Moulmein Conventions maintained Smile Miss the PagodaSad Anout to start running 5 games so no time but had to post that. Been a while...
Europe 1615 - mmedeiros   (Sep 25, 2013, 2:08 pm)
Need one more play-tester for the Europe 1615 variant to get this puppy up and running. Have a look. General features of the game:

1. 5-player diplomacy variant covering the early 17th century.
2. Similar to Payola, with significant differences, as well.
3. A sixth power (Ottomans) is handled much like that in Juggernaut Diplomacy.
4. Point-based victory ensures a solo (however draws are possible if alliances are formed), and the game is limited to 6 game years (roughly 4-5 months of actual play time).
5. Minor states exist in the game and are handled like that in A&E Diplomacy, but any order can be submitted to the minor states, not limited to just HOLD or SUPPORT.


Recruiting for Modern now RE0005 - Slangers   (Sep 22, 2013, 11:54 am)
Awww... Come on folks. It will be a brilliant game.


Replacement needed, russia with two builds! - Zoterik   (Sep 18, 2013, 7:29 am)
Looking to do this as quickly as possible; some lucky soul will get to play as Russia in DC464 (players could choose their initial builds, thus the Russian fleet in Norway). Sign up or send me an email to join!


Recruiting for Modern now RE0005 - Slangers   (Sep 17, 2013, 1:59 pm)
Happy to run it with 'wings' if the players are up for it.


Recruiting for Modern now RE0005 (Open Games) Slangers Sep 22, 11:54 am
Awww... Come on folks. It will be a brilliant game.
Recruiting for Modern now RE0005 - Slangers   (Sep 17, 2013, 11:25 am)
Roll up, roll up! Now recruiting for a game of Modern.

The game starts in 1994 as the established European powers come to terms with the new world order following the collapse of communism and the emergence of a new vigorous North Africa. Played on a map with 64 centres, there are 10 powers (Britain, France, Italy, Germany, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine, Russia, Egypt, Poland) battling to get to 33 for a win.

The game is played to standard rules and I will be following the DC house rules. The aim is to play a main season per week, with quickish turnaround for summer and winter phases. I will be running the game using JDip, so apologies to RP fans.

Roll up!


Recruiting for Modern now RE0005 (Open Games) Slangers Sep 17, 01:59 pm
Happy to run it with 'wings' if the players are up for it.
Recruiting for Modern now RE0005 (Open Games) Slangers Sep 22, 11:54 am
Awww... Come on folks. It will be a brilliant game.
Shanghai Noon aka Colonial is recruiting - trezdk   (Sep 15, 2013, 6:27 pm)
Join the fun of taking the train across the wast lands of Russia. Sail the Chinese Sea as a bold Admiral or try and keep the Dutch Spice Empire build by traders before you.

The Asian Colonies or Ancient Empires are calling!!!

Join now!!!



Double Reversible Black Hole - EpicDip   (Sep 12, 2013, 4:47 pm)
Now Recruiting:

1. Regular rules of Diplomacy apply except as below.

2. The winner is the player that at the end of a Fall move/retreat owns over half of the non-black holed SCs. This game could end with everyone eliminated which will be considered a 7-way tie.

3. During each Spring and Fall move two spaces will be randomly selected from the 75 provinces on the board plus Switzerland. These two spaces will become or return from a BLACK HOLE. The provinces selected include both land and sea spaces.

4. A space which becomes a black hole will cease to exist immediately, and any unit attempting to enter or ending in that province during the move disappears with the province. If the province is a supply center, it will reduce the total number of supply centers by one. All provinces which are adjacent to the Black Hole now are adjacent to each other i.e. movement, support, retreats and convoys can pass through them as though they weren't there. A province which returns from a black hole comes back with all units and supply center that disappeared with it when it became a black hole. If more than one unit disappered with the black hole then all units will need to retreat when it returns. Supply centers return as neutral centers and increase the total number of supply centers by one.

Clarification: This may mean the loss or creation of coastlines, so that provinces may have more than one coastline for the first time, may have coastlines where they didn't have them before, or lose coastlines which they did have. Fleets on a coastline which is suddenly divided into two must choose which coastline to be placed on during the retreat phase; fleets in a coastal province which gets a new coastline not part of the original one stay on the coast they were already on. Fleets on coastlines which become marooned in a landlocked province will be destroyed during the retreat phase.

Clarification: If a second black hole is created touching an existing one, then the logic of the rule applies: all provinces touching the first black hole were touching the new black hole, so they are all touching those adjacent to the second black hole.

Clarification: Archipelagos that allow fleets to move through them (Denmark) will continue to do so to any sea space regardless of the number of adjacent sea spaces. They also do not stop coastal crawl through them and will continue to not disrrupt coastal crawl. These spaces will also cause adjacent spaces to be considered coastal even if the space has no other adjacent sea space.

5. If you have one or fewer home centers not black holed you may build from any owned supply center.


Persuader - FuzzyLogic   (Sep 04, 2013, 3:55 pm)
I just tidied up the stats on that game, so you should be able to join any number now. If still having trouble, let me know!


Persuader - persuader   (Sep 04, 2013, 3:52 pm)
I just completed my first game, ejoyed it quite a bit. Tried to sign up for another but the response I get each time is that I am a new member who has not completed a game yet and cannot sign up for another. I confirmed with the GM of the completed game that it is indeed over. How does a new guy get into another game??


Persuader (Open Games) FuzzyLogic Sep 04, 03:55 pm
I just tidied up the stats on that game, so you should be able to join any number now. If still having trouble, let me know!
New Map Fog of War - untitled36   (Aug 30, 2013, 9:20 pm)
Got a brand new map to use. Start with a 1 center power, and grow into a mighty empire. But you can only see the spaces around your units, and your supply centers. So you never know who's waiting in the shadows. Sign up to re005 now!


Europe 1615 v2 - mmedeiros   (Jul 31, 2013, 2:02 pm)
Need a few good men and women to play-test the second version of Europe 1615 (RE002). A great thanks to Mark Utterback, Max Victory, Steven Caponigri, Aaron Havas, and Greg Bim-Merle for helping me play-test the first version (DC457). Witnessed some very interesting strategies and tactics employed, and, of course, some missed opportunities, which could have altered the course of the game. After carefully observing the first game, I made some significant changes to the rules. The variant borrows concepts from Ambition and Empire, Payola, and a distant relative of Diplomacy called Origins of World War One. Although the game runs with 5 players, in the new version a sixth power (the Ottoman Empire) is now present and its units can be anonymously manipulated by one of the players. This situation is akin to the Juggernaut Diplomacy variant with the difference that control of the Ottoman Empire can possibly shift one player to another or take a neutral stance.

Some other changes from the first version:
- influence phase (which was at the beginning of each year) is now part of each movement phase; influence points will now be submitted with the orders and the status of the minor states resolved at the beginning of each movement phase before the adjudication
- map changes; added some new provinces and removed a few armies from several minor states
- diplomatic attacks were not used in the first version due to chunkiness; it is now incorporate with the orders; hopefully this’ll be more streamlined
- scoring system has been completely revised

If I can get a game up and running, I’d like to adjudicate on a weekly basis. Since the game is limited to 5 game years, with 3 movement phases per game year, it shouldn’t run over 4 months.

Thanks for your attention.




Europe 1615 - mmedeiros   (Apr 17, 2013, 4:49 pm)
Have one slot left to be filled for the Europe 1615 variant. Since posting on DipWiki it has gone through a number of revisions, including a change in the map, starting number and position of units, and some important rules. Originally intended to be a Payola variant, it now follows in the footsteps of Ambition and Empire. The Payola component has been removed. However, unlike A&E, the system of influencing the minor states has been adapted from an old 1970s game called Origins of World War 2. With each influence phase the board's political layout changes which impacts unit movement and most likely the negotiations between players (check out the DipWiki entry and look at the maps). Since victory is measure by the accumulation of victory points, solo victories are a guarantee.


Europe 1615 - mmedeiros   (Apr 07, 2013, 1:40 pm)
Looking for a few willing play-testers. Europe 1615 is recruiting, but don't let the wordy rules discourage. The mechanics are fairly straight-forward, and I'll work with each player on questions and issues as we move through the game. Guarantee this variant should challenge seasoned Diplomacy players. Most likely I will adjudicate every 5 or 7 days, so with the set time limit of 6 game years, the term should last no more than 5 months of play time. So, please, take a peek, and send me any questions or comments. Thanks!


Imperium! - Zoterik   (Mar 29, 2013, 3:00 am)
Still looking for a brave soul to join Imperium, and two more for Aberration. Preferably someone who won't fail to respond when greeted.


Imperium! - persuader   (Mar 19, 2013, 3:44 pm)
Just signed up and interested in getting into a game.


Imperium! (Open Games) Zoterik Mar 29, 03:00 am
Still looking for a brave soul to join Imperium, and two more for Aberration. Preferably someone who won't fail to respond when greeted.
Imperium! - Zoterik   (Mar 01, 2013, 3:40 am)
One more spot for the adventurous diplomat!


Imperium! (Open Games) persuader Mar 19, 03:44 pm
Just signed up and interested in getting into a game.
Imperium! (Open Games) Zoterik Mar 29, 03:00 am
Still looking for a brave soul to join Imperium, and two more for Aberration. Preferably someone who won't fail to respond when greeted.
Imperium! - Zagadka   (Feb 19, 2013, 2:57 pm)

I have little experience with Diplomacy but I am eager to get better acquainted. If you consider me qualified to play, I would be happy to participate.


Imperium! (Open Games) Zoterik Mar 01, 03:40 am
One more spot for the adventurous diplomat!
Imperium! (Open Games) persuader Mar 19, 03:44 pm
Just signed up and interested in getting into a game.
Imperium! (Open Games) Zoterik Mar 29, 03:00 am
Still looking for a brave soul to join Imperium, and two more for Aberration. Preferably someone who won't fail to respond when greeted.
Imperium! - Zoterik   (Feb 18, 2013, 6:59 am)
Two spots are still available in Imperium. Don't let the start put you off—this is one of the most immediately exciting Diplomacy games you may ever play!


Imperium! (Open Games) Zagadka Feb 19, 02:57 pm

I have little experience with Diplomacy but I am eager to get better acquainted. If you consider me qualified to play, I would be happy to participate.
Imperium! (Open Games) Zoterik Mar 01, 03:40 am
One more spot for the adventurous diplomat!
Imperium! (Open Games) persuader Mar 19, 03:44 pm
Just signed up and interested in getting into a game.
Imperium! (Open Games) Zoterik Mar 29, 03:00 am
Still looking for a brave soul to join Imperium, and two more for Aberration. Preferably someone who won't fail to respond when greeted.
SOUTH AMERICA 5.2 NEEDS # - vegas_iwish   (Jan 28, 2013, 4:48 am)
Game full yet more trying to enter.


SOUTH AMERICA 5.2 NEEDS 1 - vegas_iwish   (Jan 20, 2013, 4:00 pm)
Appears full - waiting for 1 or 2 prefs lists.


SOUTH AMERICA 5.2 NEEDS # (Open Games) vegas_iwish Jan 28, 04:48 am
Game full yet more trying to enter.
SOUTH AMERICA 5.2 NEEDS 1 - vegas_iwish   (Jan 08, 2013, 7:21 pm)
Let's get this 1 started - been a while. Not like folks are busy playing Chinese Checkers or anything Wink


SOUTH AMERICA 5.2 NEEDS 1 (Open Games) vegas_iwish Jan 20, 04:00 pm
Appears full - waiting for 1 or 2 prefs lists.
SOUTH AMERICA 5.2 NEEDS # (Open Games) vegas_iwish Jan 28, 04:48 am
Game full yet more trying to enter.
Imperium! - Zoterik   (Dec 21, 2012, 4:29 am)
Want to be a part of something never before experienced in DC? Join my game of Imperium, and fight over the still-glowing embers of a dying empire.

It's a perfect game for 21 December, on the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. We can look for longer days to come and the rise of new empires and nations out of the ashes of the IMPERIVM·ROMANVM!

Three spots remain in this six-person variant. Join now and claim your right to establish a kingdom to stand the test of time!


Imperium! (Open Games) Zoterik Feb 18, 06:59 am
Two spots are still available in Imperium. Don't let the start put you off—this is one of the most immediately exciting Diplomacy games you may ever play!
Imperium! (Open Games) Zagadka Feb 19, 02:57 pm

I have little experience with Diplomacy but I am eager to get better acquainted. If you consider me qualified to play, I would be happy to participate.
Imperium! (Open Games) Zoterik Mar 01, 03:40 am
One more spot for the adventurous diplomat!
Imperium! (Open Games) persuader Mar 19, 03:44 pm
Just signed up and interested in getting into a game.
Imperium! (Open Games) Zoterik Mar 29, 03:00 am
Still looking for a brave soul to join Imperium, and two more for Aberration. Preferably someone who won't fail to respond when greeted.
Get Haven Going! - Viper   (Nov 24, 2012, 9:22 am)
There are only two spots left for the new Haven. Somebody fill those and let's get started!


Oceania Closed DC437 Game Underway! - hapolley   (Oct 22, 2012, 7:44 pm)
Thanks to all those who expressed interest in the game.
It is a unique variant with defensive lines difficult to form thanks to Island hopping. Most Adjudicators have difficult time with this game, Engineer Adjudicator has no problem with handling the Hopping Armies.


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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