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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc239

(Standard - GM: The White Wolf)

Post:< 12790 >
Subject:< DC-239 Fall 1910 Adjudication >
Topic:< dc239 >
Category:< Closed Games 
Posted:Sep 09, 2009 at 8:18 pm
Viewed:999 times

  [New Post]  [Reply]  [Quote]

Diplomacy is a ROLE PLAYING game - and if you cannot separate the person from
the role then YOU are the one in need of therapy.

This point has been discussed at some length on different lists. I would happily play with
Tim in any future games since he generally deals in an even handed manner. Oh - and just
to be clear - my problem was not actually Italy taking my dots - I half expected that - so
much as it was he statement that Germany forced his hand. That was a ludicrous statement
at best.

What you don't know is that I vacated STP and GAVE STP BACK to Russia as part of
a plan to get things back on track. You just have no clue what the heck you are talking about
and while that isn't your fault, you talk as if you know - and you don't.

One thing you never considered was you and I working against A/I. It would certainly not
have been easy, but it could have been done. You wanted to push how worthless my position
was and pushed that cause. What you don't know is that players like Tim know me from Cat23
and they know what I can do in these situations. And I honestly believe THAT is a part of why
Tim did what he did. Actually a smart move on his part. The cowardly part was blaming it on

From: Andrew Tanner <damienthryn(at)gmail.com>
To: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com>
Cc: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com>; Thomas Curran <forgodandglory(at)yahoo.com>; DC239 Forum <dc239(at)diplomaticcorp.com>; Tim Fuhrmeister <timfuhrmeister(at)hotmail.com>; Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com>; John Reside <Untitled36(at)yahoo.com>; Matthew Strebe <strebenator(at)gmail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2009 9:04:53 PM
Subject: Re: DC-239 Fall 1910 Adjudication

"Please note the comments are framed in terms of Germany, England, Russia and Italy and NOT
Tim, John or Andrew. Press can spew anything the publisher would like it to, and I tend to use
it as a tool."

Nice try. Everyone knows who is playing Italy. It is illogical to go on about 'Italian cowardice' unless the supposed cowardice is intrinsic to the character of Italy itself. As 'Italy' is but three dots and units in a particular geographic position to begin a game, and does not move nor formulate strategy of its own accord, it follows that the player who is controlling the nation is ultimately the focus of all diplomacy, press, condemnations, and rankings.

Bottom line - if you were truly insulting 'Italy' as separate from 'Tim' you suffer from a particularly acute cognitive disconnect and you may want to consider intensive therapy under the guidance of a trained professional.

"Now, I think you underestimate your influence here. It was YOUR whining and carrying on and
calling for my death that made this worse."

Hm. A compliment of sorts! If whining and carrying on and calling for death on my part has such a profound effect, I'd be interested to see what would happen if I applied the far more sophisticated and thus likely effective techniques of intimidation or persuasion.

"As for your argument that you wanted Italy to give you
EDI - well - if that was indeed the case then WHY SUPPORT HIM in to EDI??"

Hm. Good point...my plans were less than optimal on this point, clearly. With a ranked order preference of 1. Staying at 5 centers, 2. Finding the optimal arrangement required in order to forestall Austrian advances and maybe roll him back, or 3. Letting you get a build that would serve no purpose, clearly when flat out denied number 1 by Italy who had no desire to see me in his path of expansion I should have reverted to my lowest preference, 3, rather than take the next best option, 2, which now allows Italy to force an immediate and likely permanent quantitative superiority in the Mediterranean that can threaten Austria's entire southern front.

"Before you came on board and disrupted things we were all working on stopping Austria - plain
and simple."

Well, I still am, and Italy, and I imagine Russia as well. Funny, your unwilling sacrifice makes it easier to stop Austria. So in a sense everyone still is working on stopping Austria - plain and simple.

"As for me owning a "fair bit" of Russian territory - all I ever got that was Russian was STP. NEVER
any further than that."

Quite consoling to Russia, I imagine. Still, point to you there, I was thinking you'd made it into Moscow, when you'd only moved to Livonia, adjacent to an empty Warsaw. Oh, and supported Germany to Russia's center in Sweden. Clearly, I'm an evil, terrible lier.

"In this game, in general, you expect some degree of duplicity and deceit, but there are actually precious
few who outright lie as you have since you got here. Take comfort in knowing I will not be in any future
games with you, sir."

Whew! Load off my mind. Although that we share this game was not your choice, and if I come in as a replacement, it may not be then either. But at least, as I'm sure everyone I've played against can attest, you are absolutely correct that I am one of the 'precious few' who outright lie rather than merely deceive and generally carry on in a duplicitous manner.

All that aside, no on an Austria/England draw and I propose a DIAS



On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 5:09 PM, Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:

My dear Kaiser -
Please note the comments are framed in terms of Germany, England, Russia and Italy and NOT
Tim, John or Andrew. Press can spew anything the publisher would like it to, and I tend to use
it as a tool.

Now, I think you underestimate your influence here. It was YOUR whining and carrying on and
calling for my death that made this worse. As for your argument that you wanted Italy to give you
EDI - well - if that was indeed the case then WHY SUPPORT HIM in to EDI??

Before you came on board and disrupted things we were all working on stopping Austria - plain
and simple.

As for me owning a "fair bit" of Russian territory - all I ever got that was Russian was STP. NEVER
any further than that.

In this game, in general, you expect some degree of duplicity and deceit, but there are actually precious
few who outright lie as you have since you got here. Take comfort in knowing I will not be in any future
games with you, sir.

From: Andrew Tanner <damienthryn(at)gmail.com ([email]damienthryn(at)gmail.com[/email])>
To: Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Cc: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com ([email]cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Thomas Curran <forgodandglory(at)yahoo.com ([email]forgodandglory(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; DC239 Forum <dc239(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc239(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])>; Tim Fuhrmeister <timfuhrmeister(at)hotmail.com ([email]timfuhrmeister(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])>; John Reside <Untitled36(at)yahoo.com ([email]Untitled36(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Matthew Strebe <strebenator(at)gmail.com ([email]strebenator(at)gmail.com[/email])>
Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2009 7:44:53 PM
Subject: Re: DC-239 Fall 1910 Adjudication

Wow. Insults because a player acted in his own self interest. Nice to know you can play a game and have someone publicly crying and spewing rudeness because you don't get what you want. Way to make the game enjoyable for everyone.

Yeah, I was trying to convince him to help crush you - but you don't see him giving me Edi as I asked, do you? And do you see ME potentially being able to solo here? Nope. Its Italy, Austria, or some draw with both of them in it. And lets see...he went from being down a center to up a center - and at no cost except, oh yes, assertions of cowardice. Apparently making a good move is a sign of cowardice. And because the moves sort of kind of favor me in the short run he is afraid of me? Apparently I can do great harm through a compter terminal

Where do you get that Russia will be eliminated anyway? We've just as big of an interest in supporting him in place to block an Austrian solo as anyone else. And now that Austria has kindly moved away - he's not even threatened!

As a 'short timer' who came in to try and help an end stage game run smoothly to the finish, I suppose my arguments against the utility of your being left alive have less value. But how about this. Russia, if you want to pay back this guy for owning a fair bit of your territory back when, I'm more than happy to support STP-NWY anytime you are ready. Heck, we do it right and you could score a build.


On Wed, Sep 9, 2009 at 4:00 PM, Packrat <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])> wrote:
[quote:927cfce240] I know the fortunes of this game turn on a dime (Hell, they just did) but please
consider the following.

One player who has been here since March (6 MONTHs ago) and the third
Russian player are about to be eliminated because Italy hasn't got the BALLS
to stand up to someone who has been here for a little over a week. I'm not sure
why Italy is so afraid of Germany - but his actions and email to me signify that
to be the case.

Worthy of note is that we will be the first countries to be eliminated who did not
run away as did France and Turkey.

So, Russia and I get eliminated and the short timer gets credited with a survival.

I know, I know, nobody said life is fair. But nor do they say it has to suck this badly either.
Flippin Italian cowardice!!!!!!!!!!

Germany - nice job turning Italy against me. Guess he is weaker of will than I thought.

From: The White Wolf <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com ([email]cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
To: Thomas Curran <forgodandglory(at)yahoo.com ([email]forgodandglory(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; DC239 Forum <dc239(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]dc239(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email])>; Tim Fuhrmeister <timfuhrmeister(at)hotmail.com ([email]timfuhrmeister(at)hotmail.com[/email])>; Darryl Good <dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])>; Andrew Jameson <cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com ([email]cloudhurler77(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; John Reside <Untitled36(at)yahoo.com ([email]Untitled36(at)yahoo.com[/email])>; Matthew Strebe <strebenator(at)gmail.com ([email]strebenator(at)gmail.com[/email])>; Andrew Tanner <damienthryn(at)gmail.com ([email]damienthryn(at)gmail.com[/email])>; Scott Troemel <brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])>
Sent: Wednesday, September 9, 2009 1:10:44 PM
Subject: DC-239 Fall 1910 Adjudication

Sorry this is late. Totally slipped my mind. Lots of action this round, as Germany goes aggressive, England loses his home centers, and Austria/Italy duke it out.


Austria: Darryl Good dipknight(at)gmail.com ([email]dipknight(at)gmail.com[/email])
England: Packrat brn2dip(at)yahoo.com ([email]brn2dip(at)yahoo.com[/email])
France: Civil Disorder
Germany: Andrew Tanner damienthryn(at)gmail.com ([email]damienthryn(at)gmail.com[/email])
Italy: Tim Fuhrmeister timfuhrmeister(at)yahoo.com ([email]timfuhrmeister(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Russia: John R untitiled36(at)yahoo.com ([email]untitiled36(at)yahoo.com[/email])
Turkey: Civil Disorder


A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Budapest - Trieste (*Fails*)
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece Hold
A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Dislodged*)
A Livonia - Prussia
A Moscow Supports F Norway - St Petersburg(nc) (*Void*)
A Munich Supports A Kiel (*Cut*)
A Sevastopol - Armenia
A Trieste - Albania
A Tyrolia - Trieste
A Warsaw - Silesia

A Edinburgh Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Norway Supports A St Petersburg

A Denmark - Sweden
F Helgoland Bight - Denmark
A Holland Supports A Ruhr - Kiel
F North Sea Supports F Yorkshire - Edinburgh
A Ruhr - Kiel

A Belgium Hold
A Burgundy - Munich (*Fails*)
F English Channel Supports A Belgium
F Ionian Sea - Adriatic Sea
F London Hold
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean
F North Atlantic Ocean - Liverpool
A Paris Supports A Burgundy (*Ordered to Move*)
A Picardy Supports A Belgium
A Piedmont Supports A Venice
A Venice Supports A Tyrolia - Trieste
F Yorkshire - Edinburgh

A St Petersburg Hold


English A Edinburgh can retreat to Clyde or OTB.
Austrian A Kiel can retreat to Berlin or OTB.

NOTE: I've taken the liberty with both retreats, since there was only one on-board option. Packrat and Darryl, please let me know if you'd prefer OTB, and I'll make the change.

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: (15/12) - Build 1
Armies - Alb, Arm, Ber, Boh, Bud, Gre, Mos, Mun, Pru, Sil, Tri
Fleets - Aeg

England: (1/2) - Disband 1
Armies - Cly
Fleets - Nwy

France: ELIMINATED 1909

Germany: (4/5) - Disband 1
Armies - Hol, Kie, Swe
Fleets - Den, Nth

Italy: (13/12) - Build 1
Armies - Bel, Bur, Par, Pic, Pie, Ven
Fleets - Adr, Edi, Eng, Lon, Lvp, Wes

Russia: (1/1)
Armies - StP

Turkey: ELIMINATED 1906


Winter 1910 is due Monday, September 14 at 2pm EDT (6pm GMT.) I'll put out a corrected map ASAP if either Packrat or Darryl choose to remove their retreated unit.
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:


This message is in reply to post 12776:

Sorry this is late. Totally slipped my mind. Lots of action this round, as Germany goes aggressive, England loses his home centers, and Austria/Italy duke it out.


Austria: Darryl Good dipknight(at)gmail.com
England: Packrat brn2dip(at)yahoo.com
France: Civil Disorder
Germany: Andrew Tanner damienthryn(at)gmail.com
Italy: Tim Fuhrmeister timfuhrmeister(at)yahoo.com
Russia: John R untitiled36(at)yahoo.com
Turkey: Civil Disorder


A Bohemia Supports A Munich
A Budapest - Trieste (*Fails*)
F Constantinople - Aegean Sea
A Greece Hold
A Kiel Supports A Munich (*Dislodged*)
A Livonia - Prussia
A Moscow Supports F Norway - St Petersburg(nc) (*Void*)
A Munich Supports A Kiel (*Cut*)
A Sevastopol - Armenia
A Trieste - Albania
A Tyrolia - Trieste
A Warsaw - Silesia

A Edinburgh Hold (*Dislodged*)
F Norway Supports A St Petersburg

A Denmark - Sweden
F Helgoland Bight - Denmark
A Holland Supports A Ruhr - Kiel
F North Sea Supports F Yorkshire - Edinburgh
A Ruhr - Kiel

A Belgium Hold
A Burgundy - Munich (*Fails*)
F English Channel Supports A Belgium
F Ionian Sea - Adriatic Sea
F London Hold
F Mid-Atlantic Ocean - Western Mediterranean
F North Atlantic Ocean - Liverpool
A Paris Supports A Burgundy (*Ordered to Move*)
A Picardy Supports A Belgium
A Piedmont Supports A Venice
A Venice Supports A Tyrolia - Trieste
F Yorkshire - Edinburgh

A St Petersburg Hold


English A Edinburgh can retreat to Clyde or OTB.
Austrian A Kiel can retreat to Berlin or OTB.

NOTE: I've taken the liberty with both retreats, since there was only one on-board option. Packrat and Darryl, please let me know if you'd prefer OTB, and I'll make the change.

Unit Positions: (SCs/Units)

Austria: (15/12) - Build 1
Armies - Alb, Arm, Ber, Boh, Bud, Gre, Mos, Mun, Pru, Sil, Tri
Fleets - Aeg

England: (1/2) - Disband 1
Armies - Cly
Fleets - Nwy

France: ELIMINATED 1909

Germany: (4/5) - Disband 1
Armies - Hol, Kie, Swe
Fleets - Den, Nth

Italy: (13/12) - Build 1
Armies - Bel, Bur, Par, Pic, Pie, Ven
Fleets - Adr, Edi, Eng, Lon, Lvp, Wes

Russia: (1/1)
Armies - StP

Turkey: ELIMINATED 1906


Winter 1910 is due Monday, September 14 at 2pm EDT (6pm GMT.) I'll put out a corrected map ASAP if either Packrat or Darryl choose to remove their retreated unit.
Any issues or errors, let me know.

Map and RP file are attached for your convenience, enjoy!

Thanks all,
The White Wolf

I'm a Firefly fan and proud! Read my fiction:

There are 11 Messages in this Thread:

DC-239 Fall 1910 Adjudication (TheWhiteWolf) Sep 09, 12:10 pm

DC-239 Fall 1910 Adjudication (packrat) Sep 09, 06:00 pm

DC-239 Fall 1910 Adjudication (packrat) Sep 09, 06:44 pm

DC-239 Fall 1910 Adjudication (DamienThryn) Sep 09, 06:44 pm

DC-239 Fall 1910 Adjudication (TheWhiteWolf) Sep 09, 07:06 pm

DC-239 Fall 1910 Adjudication (packrat) Sep 09, 07:09 pm

DC-239 Fall 1910 Adjudication (DamienThryn) Sep 09, 08:04 pm

DC-239 Fall 1910 Adjudication (packrat) Sep 09, 08:18 pm

DC-239 Fall 1910 Adjudication (DamienThryn) Sep 09, 09:25 pm

DC-239 Fall 1910 Adjudication (packrat) Sep 09, 11:41 pm

DC-239 Fall 1910 Adjudication (DamienThryn) Sep 10, 10:50 am

There are 93 Threads in dc239:

DC-239; Austrian End-of-Game (dipknight) [2 Replies]

DC-239 Fall 1912 Adjudication (TheWhiteWolf) [2 Replies]

DC-239 English EOG - Surrounded by idiots (packrat)

DC-239 Deadline Adjustment (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Summer 1912 Adjudication (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Addendum (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Spring 1912 Adjudication (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Draw Proposal (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Winter 1911 Adjudication (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Delay of Game (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Fall 1911 Adjudication (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Slight Deadline Extension (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Spring 1911 Adjudication (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Addendum (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 Winter 1910 Adjudication (TheWhiteWolf)

ACD-231, DC-239, DC-272 Results Tomorrow (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 DIAS Proposal (TheWhiteWolf) [2 Replies]

DC-239 Fall 1910 Adjudication (TheWhiteWolf) [10 Replies]

DC-239 Corrected Map/RP (TheWhiteWolf)

DC-239 New Germany (Already!) (TheWhiteWolf) [3 Replies]

1 - 20 of 93 shown [More]

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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