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Replacement Germany needed for DC577 - ajsjino   (Dec 23, 2023, 6:27 am)
Do you still need someone for this game? Looking to play again after a few years and happy to fill the gap if it is still there


Replacement Germany needed for DC577 - ajsjino   (Dec 23, 2023, 6:26 am)
Do you still need someone for this game? Looking to play again after a few years and happy to fill the gap if it is still there


Replacement Germany needed for DC577 - ajsjino   (Dec 23, 2023, 6:25 am)
Have you had any luck getting someone? I haven't played for a few years now but fancy a game or two over the next few months.



Back after a while and hoping to play. - Slangers   (Dec 09, 2023, 11:04 am)
Last bit of action I saw here was a bit of tumbleweed.


Back after a while and hoping to play. - Slangers   (Dec 09, 2023, 11:03 am)
Last bit of action I saw here was a bit of tumbleweed.


Back after a while and hoping to play. - diplocowboy   (Dec 02, 2023, 9:41 pm)
Had some fun here and wondering if it's still happening. Love ya' all.


Back after a while and hoping to play. (Community) Slangers Dec 09, 11:03 am
Last bit of action I saw here was a bit of tumbleweed.
Back after a while and hoping to play. (Community) Slangers Dec 09, 11:04 am
Last bit of action I saw here was a bit of tumbleweed.
Back after a while and hoping to play. - diplocowboy   (Dec 02, 2023, 9:40 pm)
Had some fun here and wondering if it's still happening. Love ya' all.


DC Games - DealingFungus66   (Nov 10, 2023, 3:48 pm)
Are we dead here for a lack of GMs, or just dead? I'm not opposed to running a game, to keep things going, but I only have 2 games under my belt here so...not sure I really am the best fit or know wha


Cousins game - Sean2010   (Jul 06, 2023, 7:26 am)


Cousins game - Sean2010   (Jun 29, 2023, 10:19 am)
I started a server on Discord that offers my cousins game and a few others including Diplomacy it is https://discord.gg/ZGEf7Cqn7U


Cousins game (Community) Sean2010 Jul 06, 07:26 am
Cousins game - Sean2010   (Jun 29, 2023, 10:18 am)
I started a server on Discord that offers my cousins game and a few others including Diplomacy it is https://discord.gg/ZGEf7Cqn7U


Cousins game - Sean2010   (Jun 26, 2023, 12:40 pm)
My cousin developed a wargame if anyone is interested let me know. It's a board game of conquest closed games except across the board and played on Discord If interested just send me your Discord user


Cousins game (Community) Sean2010 Jun 29, 10:18 am
I started a server on Discord that offers my cousins game and a few others including Diplomacy it is https://discord.gg/ZGEf7Cqn7U
Cousins game (Community) Sean2010 Jun 29, 10:19 am
I started a server on Discord that offers my cousins game and a few others including Diplomacy it is https://discord.gg/ZGEf7Cqn7U
Cousins game (Community) Sean2010 Jul 06, 07:26 am
Cousins game - Sean2010   (Jun 26, 2023, 12:39 pm)
My cousin developed a wargame if anyone is interested let me know. It's a board game of conquest closed games except across the board and played on Discord If interested just send me your Discord user


DC599- is a draw - Zoterik   (Oct 02, 2022, 8:11 am)
I'll take care of that.


DC599- is a draw - Slangers   (Oct 01, 2022, 12:37 pm)
I've been trying to attract some attention to DC599. The GM has gone AWOL and the players have all agreed a DIAS outcome. Could someone officially draw it to a close for us please.


DC599- is a draw (Variants) Zoterik Oct 02, 08:11 am
I'll take care of that.
Calling all potential GMs - Zoterik   (May 15, 2022, 9:03 am)
If you are interested in running a game, let me know!


Looking for one more player - Slangers   (Oct 13, 2021, 12:00 pm)
I run a monthly Diplomacy zine called Last Orders! (latest issue at https://sway.office.com/H9pl3EFscKqpkOt7?ref=Link). Games run with deadlines of 3-4 weeks, so are a leisurely way to play the great


Just Joined - Zoterik   (Aug 29, 2021, 9:00 am)
Welcome aboard! You're definitely starting in the right place. You may have seen our Open Games tab. You can join whatever game suits you, and we have a few human GMs who organize and run them. When a


Just Joined - Spindoctor6   (Aug 29, 2021, 7:42 am)
I joined, but I have no clue it works. I've played Diplomacy by email in the past, but I'm not sure how it works here. Obviously , I'm looking in the right places.


Just Joined (Community) Zoterik Aug 29, 09:00 am
Welcome aboard! You're definitely starting in the right place. You may have seen our Open Games tab. You can join whatever game suits you, and we have a few human GMs who organize and run them. When a
Southeast Asia Variant - Dimatarok   (Aug 15, 2021, 3:51 pm)
Good day! Southeast Asia Variant is open for players!


Sengoku nearly ready to go - Corvinus   (Jul 26, 2021, 2:49 pm)
Still looking for a player? Id enjoy trying this.


Sengoku nearly ready to go - Zoterik   (Jul 13, 2021, 7:28 am)
Sengoku is nearly ready to start, but needs at least one more player as I'm taking a census of who's ready to go among those signed up for it. If you're interested in sparring for the Shogunate, join


Sengoku nearly ready to go (Open Games) Corvinus Jul 26, 02:49 pm
Still looking for a player? Id enjoy trying this.
DC 592 Ancient World looking for a new Scythian pl... - Zoterik   (Jul 03, 2021, 9:43 am)
The position was filled and the game has actually ended, but needs to be closed out.


DC 592 Ancient World looking for a new Scythian pl... - ConradW   (Jul 02, 2021, 12:40 am)
I hope the position is filled, but if not I will pick it up.


DC 592 Ancient World looking for a new Scythian player (Light Brigade) Zoterik Jul 03, 09:43 am
The position was filled and the game has actually ended, but needs to be closed out.
is DC dead ? - FuzzyLogic   (Jun 29, 2021, 12:52 pm)
No, just slow to start it... stay tuned!


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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