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Diplomaticcorp Discussion Forum:  dc307

(Asian Diplomacy - Orient Express)

Post:< 16845 >
Subject:< dc307 ~ Orient Express >
Topic:< dc307 >
Category:< Active Games >
Posted:Jun 16, 2010 at 6:23 pm
Viewed:1030 times

  [New Post]  [Reply]  [Quote]

The Deadline for India's retreat order is Tomorrow, Thursday, June
17th (at) 2359 UTC.

The Deadline for Winter 1905 adjustment orders is Friday, June 18th (at)
2359 UTC.

The following units were dislodged:

Indian F Bay of Bengal can retreat to Calcutta or Bombay.

Unit locations:

India:     F Arabian Sea, F Bangladesh, F Bay of Bengal, A Kunlun, A
Pakistan, F Red Sea, F Sri Lanka, A Tibet.

Indonesia: F Bay of Bengal, F Burma, F Central Indian Ocean, A
Chongqing, F Philippines, F South China Sea, F Seychelles, F Shanghai,
F Thai Sea, A Thailand.

Japan:     F Hokkaido, F Honshu.

Persia:    F Oman, F Persian Gulf.

Russia:    F Caspian Sea, A Caucasus, F Egypt, A Iran, A Iraq, A
Kazakhstan, F St. Petersburg, A Syria, F Turkey.

Siberia:   A Beijing, F East China Sea, A Korea, A Mongolia, A
Novosibirsk, F Sea of Okhotsk, F Yellow Sea.

Ownership of supply centers:

India:     Arabia, Bombay, Calcutta, Delhi, Kunlun, Pakistan, Sri
Lanka, Tibet.

Indonesia: Australia, Borneo, Burma, Java, Laos, Madagascar,
Philippines, Shanghai, Sumatra, Thailand, Vietnam.

Japan:     Hokkaido, Honshu.

Persia:    Oman.

Russia:    Balkans, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Moscow, Sevastopol, St.
Petersburg, Turkey, Urals, Uzbekistan.

Siberia:   Beijing, Irkutsk, Kamchatka, Korea, Manchuria, Novosibirsk,
West Siberia, Yakutsk.


India:      8 Supply centers,   8 Units.

Indonesia: 11 Supply centers,  10 Units:  Builds   1 unit.

Japan:      2 Supply centers,   2 Units.

Persia:     1 Supply center ,   2 Units:  Removes  1 unit.

Russia:    10 Supply centers,   9 Units:  Builds   1 unit.

Siberia:    8 Supply centers,   7 Units:  Builds   1 unit.

Movement results for Fall of 1905.

India: F Bangladesh - Burma (*Fails*).

India: F Bay of Bengal Supports F Yemen - Arabian Sea (*Dislodged*).

India: A Calcutta - Kunlun.

India: A Pakistan Hold.

India: F Red Sea Supports F Yemen - Arabian Sea.

India: F Sri Lanka - Central Indian Ocean (*Fails*).

India: A Tibet - Chongqing (*Fails*).

India: F Yemen - Arabian Sea.

Indonesia: F Burma Supports F Sumatra - Bay of Bengal (*Cut*).

Indonesia: F Celebes Sea - Philippines.

Indonesia: F Central Indian Ocean Supports F Sumatra - Bay of Bengal

Indonesia: A Chongqing - Tibet (*Fails*).

Indonesia: F South China Sea Supports F Shanghai.

Indonesia: F Seychelles Supports F Central Indian Ocean.

Indonesia: F Shanghai Supports A Manchuria - Beijing.

Indonesia: F Sumatra - Bay of Bengal.

Indonesia: F Thai Sea Supports F Sumatra - Bay of Bengal.

Indonesia: A Thailand Supports F Burma.

Japan: F Hokkaido - Sea of Okhotsk (*Fails*).

Japan: F Honshu Supports F Hokkaido - Sea of Okhotsk (*Cut*).

Persia: no moves received.

Russia: F Black Sea - Turkey.

Russia: F Caspian Sea Supports A Kazakhstan.

Russia: F Eastern Mediterranean - Egypt.

Russia: A Iran Hold.

Russia: A Iraq Supports A Iran.

Russia: A Kazakhstan Hold.

Russia: F St. Petersburg Hold.

Russia: A Syria Supports F Eastern Mediterranean - Egypt.

Russia: A Turkey - Caucasus.

Siberia: F East China Sea - Hokkaido (*Fails*).

Siberia: A Korea - Honshu (*Fails*).

Siberia: A Manchuria - Beijing.

Siberia: A Mongolia Supports A Manchuria - Beijing.

Siberia: A Novosibirsk Supports A Mongolia.

Siberia: F Sea of Okhotsk Supports A Korea - Honshu (*Cut*).

Siberia: F Yellow Sea Convoys A Korea - Honshu.

The Deadline for India's retreat order is Tomorrow, Thursday, June
17th (at) 2359 UTC.

The Deadline for Winter 1905 adjustment orders is Friday, June 18th (at)
2359 UTC.

files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

This message is in reply to post 15606:

Deadline for Autumn 1906 Retreats: Friday, April 16th (at) 2359 UTC.

The following units were dislodged:

Indian F Arabian Sea can retreat to Red Sea or Eastern African Sea or
Bay of Bengal or Yemen or Sri Lanka or Pakistan or East Africa or

Siberian A Manchuria can retreat to Vladivostok or Irkutsk.

Unit locations:

China:     F East China Sea, A Tibet.

India:     A Afghanistan, F Arabian Sea, F Burma, F Central Indian
Ocean, A Kunlun, A Tien Shan.

Indonesia: F Celebes Sea, F Philippines, F Seychelles, F Thai Sea, A

Japan:     F Beijing, F Hokkaido, A Manchuria, F South China Sea, F
Yellow Sea.

Persia:    F Arabian Sea, A Egypt, F Iran(nc), F Oman, A Turkey, A

Russia:    A Balkans, F Barents Sea, F Moscow, A Sevastopol, A

Siberia:   F Bering Strait, F Kamchatka, A Korea, A Manchuria, A
Novosibirsk, F Sea of Okhotsk.

Movement results for Fall of 1902.

China: F Shanghai - East China Sea.

China: A Tibet Supports A Mongolia (*Ordered to Move*).

India: A Afghanistan Supports A Kazakhstan - Uzbekistan.

India: F Arabian Sea - Iran (*Dislodged*).

India: F Bay of Bengal - Burma.

India: A Kunlun Hold.

India: F Sri Lanka - Central Indian Ocean.

India: A Tien Shan Supports A Kunlun.

Indonesia: F Borneo - Celebes Sea.

Indonesia: F South China Sea - Philippines.

Indonesia: F South Indian Ocean - Seychelles.

Indonesia: A Sumatra - Thailand.

Indonesia: F Thai Sea Convoys A Sumatra - Thailand.

Japan: F Beijing Supports A Mongolia - Manchuria.

Japan: F Hokkaido - Sea of Okhotsk (*Fails*).

Japan: A Mongolia - Manchuria.

Japan: F Vietnam - South China Sea.

Japan: F Yellow Sea Supports A Mongolia - Manchuria.

Persia: F Iran(nc) - Caspian Sea (*Bounce*).

Persia: F Oman Supports F Persian Gulf - Arabian Sea.

Persia: F Persian Gulf - Arabian Sea.

Persia: A Syria - Egypt.

Persia: A Turkey Hold.

Persia: A Uzbekistan - Afghanistan (*Disbanded*).

Russia: A Balkans - Turkey (*Fails*).

Russia: A Kazakhstan - Uzbekistan.

Russia: F Moscow - Caspian Sea (*Bounce*).

Russia: A Sevastopol - Balkans (*Fails*).

Russia: F St. Petersburg - Barents Sea.

Siberia: F Arctic Sea - Kamchatka.

Siberia: F Bering Strait Supports F Yakutsk - Sea of Okhotsk.

Siberia: A Manchuria Supports A Vladivostok - Korea (*Dislodged*).

Siberia: A Novosibirsk Supports A Manchuria.

Siberia: A Vladivostok - Korea.

Siberia: F Yakutsk - Sea of Okhotsk.

Deadline for Autumn 1906 Retreats: Friday, April 16th (at) 2359 UTC.

files: http://mainecav.org/diplomacy

There are 41 Messages in this Thread:

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Apr 14, 06:28 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Apr 16, 09:00 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Apr 19, 09:29 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Apr 26, 09:52 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Apr 28, 10:23 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) May 05, 08:38 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (DrSwordopolis) May 05, 09:37 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) May 17, 09:30 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) May 21, 10:01 am

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) May 25, 07:58 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) May 31, 10:31 am

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Jun 02, 08:02 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Jun 04, 10:00 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Jun 09, 12:39 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Jun 10, 11:39 am

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Jun 16, 06:23 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Jun 17, 09:54 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Jun 18, 10:02 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Jun 23, 09:09 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Jun 28, 09:40 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Jun 29, 12:15 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Jul 06, 06:56 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Jul 12, 09:57 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Jul 16, 09:09 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Jul 21, 08:40 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Jul 23, 07:55 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Jul 28, 09:23 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Aug 02, 07:13 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Aug 03, 10:06 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Aug 06, 07:16 am

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Aug 11, 10:14 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Aug 16, 08:36 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Aug 17, 08:52 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Aug 19, 08:29 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Aug 23, 09:53 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Aug 25, 09:42 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Aug 30, 08:08 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Aug 31, 10:20 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Sep 01, 09:13 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Sep 07, 07:05 pm

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) Sep 08, 08:20 am

There are 5 Threads in dc307:

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) [14 Replies]

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) [11 Replies]

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) [40 Replies]

dc307 ~ Orient Express (sgttodd) [8 Replies]

Asia IV Map (sgttodd)

Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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