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Dc456 Imperium - Sometime, in the distant future..... - Zoterik   (Nov 19, 2013, 7:10 am)
A budding historian, in an unknown continent, sets down to write the history of the fall of the Roman Empire and the rebirth of European civilization with a Germanic flavor.  

After peace was declared in the year 412, the powers that reigned in Europe followed different paths, and greatness wove its way through their stories like the only girl on a merchant vessel.  Much of Europe's wealth lay in the Vandali nation, which had the greatest claim to be the heir of Rome.  The fertile fields of Gaul and Lombardy fed Europe's new kingdoms for centuries, and its wine earned the acclaim of even the Ming Emperor himself.  The Gothic domain stretched from Anatolia around the Levant and into Africa, while the Saxons developed two separate nations:  one stretching the length of the Atlantic coast from Gibraltar to Belgium, and a second dominated the North Sea.  The Alamanni, crippled by war and separated into three nations, established small fiefdoms in Greece, catalonia, and crimea.  France was established in the southern part of the island of Great Britain, while the Hunni hid amidst the Rus and waited for the moment to return to Europe.

Two centuries after the Great Peace was made, a rising desert power threatened the relative peace.  The spread of Islam clove the Gothic nation in two; one identifying itself with the new Turkic migrants and the other called upon its history as a Neo-carthaginian kingdom.  Anatolia resisted the advance of Islam, but the southern Gothic kingdom was absorbed into the tide, as was the weakened Alamanni nation in catalonia.  Led by the Pontifex, the Vandali managed to fight back the Arab tide with three great battles, one in the Pyrenees, another along the Straits of Messina, and a third in Lakedaemonia to defend that Alamannic territory.  A crusade was called, but only the Vandali had the strength to fight in Palestine, and poor relations emerged with the Byzantine Goths, who saw Palestine as rightly-theirs.  

In time, the cost of constant war wore on the Vandal Empire, and yet another war started, but this time the contest was fought in the Piedmont as the Gaulic Vandals successfully won their independence from the Italian Vandals.  The destruction caused by that war affected the aristocracy in Milan enough that the balance of power within Italy shifted to Florence and a young Medici dynasty.  Meanwhile, the North Sea Saxones started raiding their Atlantic cousins.  Another great threat came out of Russia; the Hunnic revenge came in the form of Mongol invaders who laid waste to civilizations old and new.  The crimean Alamannic nation fell quickly, as did the Byzantine Goths and Arabs.  Only the death of the Great Khan saved the Vandali nation, which was weak after centuries of warfare and plague.

Expansion was the word-of-the-century in both Saxon nations and the Frankish fiefdom between them.  Being blessed with neither the fertile fields to feed their sons, or the strength of numbers to claim them from Gaul or Italy, the Saxons and French turned to other means of enrichment, first among them the means of finding new trade routes with the wealthy kingdoms of Africa, Arabia, India, and the East.  Religion also developed.  Dissatisfaction with Rome burst into open war as a monk in Germany, in the void between the Saxons and Vandals, challenged the authority of the Pope in Rome.  The ideas spread like wildfire through the Saxon and Frankish nations, and great religious wars laid waste to Gaul.  

After the desolation, colonists seeking refuge from Europe left for new nations in the Americas and Africa.  Most of the colonists were of Saxon or French origin.  The Saxons established colonies in the caribbean, while the French went for North America and the fertile fields they lacked at home.  There new nations emerged which challenged the calm, as new battlefields were opened up along with the revival of the Saxon and French rivalry while the Vandal people, content to stay at home, lost out on the imperial power grab.  Meanwhile, the Huns quietly grew their Russian nation across Europe and Asia while the eyes of everyone else were turned.  

Industrialization emerged, and changed both war and home life.  Events unfolded quicker and quicker, and the monarchies of old came under threat from the spread of ideas and information.  Great leaders rose and fell, wars emerged and were quickly but bloodily ended.  Revolutions came along with the rise of "-isms".  Followers of Marx threatened the status quo and succeeded in their aims, albeit in a limited way.  Most success came in the nations of Alamannic heritage.  New weapons of war brought death efficiently as empires fought total wars in battlefields across the entire world, and as the planet was made smaller, death was made an ever-present threat.  Empires, kingdoms, and republics alike sought a means to annihilate their rivals and for one crazy half-century the world lived under the Sword of Damocles, but finally earned the right to take a breath as wiser heads prevailed, but the weapons remain, waiting for the next crisis and the next opportunity to leave desolation in its wake.  The one constant in this species at war was the sound of wailing widows.  


Dc 456 Imperium - Spring 412 - Zoterik   (Nov 07, 2013, 4:06 pm)
Gentlemen, my apologies for the adjudication delayed yet again.  I've been going through a rather hellish period of late, with work, girl, and computer problems all at once.  That being said, I'm going to try to run a tighter ship starting now, so get the orders in on time, regardless of your relative importance in the game.

Three units are dislodged this turn.  The Vandali lose two centers but regain one.  The Gothi attempt a bold convoy which falls short of its goal, and now I have to wonder how long it will be until the lone Frankish center will be taken by the Saxones.  The ebb and flow of this game continues to give strength to the Saxones and Gothi, who may be unlikely to suffer setbacks for some time.

Summer 412 retreats due 10 November, 08:00 GMT.

Alamanni F Mare Ligusticum can retreat to Alpes, Saguntum, or Tuscia.Alamanni A Vindobona can retreat to Dalmatia, so ordered.
Vandali A Rotomagus can retreat to Lugdunensis or Lutetia.

F Mare Adriaticum - Verona (*bounce*)
A Vindobona - Castra Regina (*dislodged*)
F Mare Ligusticum C Got A Carthago - Alpes (*dislodged*)

FranciCivil Disorder

GothiA Carthago - Alpes (*fails*)
F Baleares C A Carthago - Alpes
F Mare Ionium - SyracusaeF Mare Internum S F Mare Ionium - Syracusae
A Vandales - Alamanni

SaxonesF Oceanus Britannicus - Rotomagus
F Litus Saxonicum S F Oceanus Britannicus - RotomagusF Belgica - Colonia Agrippa (*fails*)
A Burgidala - Aquitania (*bounce*)A Saguntum - Narbonensis

A Verona - Vindobona
A Castra Regina S A Verona - VindobonaA Ravenna - Verona (*bounce*)
A Ancona - Ravenna (*bounce*)A Genova - Ravenna (*bounce*)
F Roma - Mare LigusticumF Massilia S F Roma - Mare Ligusticum
F Syracusae - Tyrrhenian SeaF Rhegium S F Syracusae - Tyrrhenian Sea
A Viennensis - Aquitania (*bounce*)F Brundisium Hold
A Samnium S F BrundisiumA Colonia Agrippa Hold
A Rotomagus Hold (*dislodged*)


DC456 Imperium - Autumn & Winter 411 - Zoterik   (Oct 31, 2013, 4:14 am)
There was definitely a strong chance that this game would end here, but the march of time goes on and someone will inevitably claim victory, but who?  With the Vandali chieftain on his back heel, do the odds of victory sway in favor of the Saxones or Gothi? Spring 412 orders due 5 November, 08:00 GMT.

Vandali F Saguntum OTB

Saxones build A BurgidalaVandali build F Massilia


DC456 Fall 411 - Zoterik   (Oct 29, 2013, 3:07 am)
The solo? Not yet...  

The Vandali gain two centres (Brundisium, Ravenna) but lose two (Saguntum, Vindobona) after the Alamanni get lucky. Therefore the Vandali remain on fourteen but are vulnerable in northern Gaul as the Saxones gain strength. We play on and now look to a future which, if the game does not end in a draw, could easily go another ten years. And I have to say that I am not opposed to the thought.  This has already been one of the best games of Diplomacy I've ever seen.  But the Franci fall into Civil Disorder with their second consecutive NMR in a major turn.  Peter, if you are still with us, come back! 

One Vandali unit is dislodged.  There is only one valid retreat, but I'll do retreats and adjustments together this turn, as our Winter is surprisingly quiet and there is not much business to be concluded.

Autumn/Winter 411 retreats/adjustments due 01 November at 08:00 GMT.  Enjoy your Halloween!

Alamanni F Brundisium has no valid retreats, disbanded.
Vandali F Saguntum can retreat to Narbonensis or OTB.

Alamanni: 0 (3)Franci: 0 (1)
Gothi: 0 (5)
Saxones: +1 (5) 
Vandali: 0 (14) -- +1 if retreat OTB 

A Dalmatia - Vindobona
F Mare Ligusticum - Massilia (*bounce*)F Mare Adriaticum S Got F Athenium - Mare Ionium
F Brundisium S Got F Athenium - Mare Ionium (*disbanded*)

A Londinum, no move received

Gothi: F Baleares S Sax A Baetica - Saguntum
F Aegeais - Mare Internum
F Athenium - Mare IoniumA Vandales - Castra Regina (*fails*)
A Carthago Hold

Saxones: A Baetica - Saguntum
F Oceanus Atlanticus - Oceanus BritannicusF Mare Germanicus - Belgica
F Litus Saxonicum S F Mare Germanicus - Belgica

F Mare Ionium - Brundisium
F Rhegium S F Mare Ionium - BrundisiumA Samnium S F Mare Ionium - Brundisium
F Syracusae - Mare Ionium (*fails*)F Capova - Roma
A Viennensis - Massilia (*bounce*)A Ravenna - Genova
A Verona - RavennaA Vindobona - Verona
A Castra Regina S A Vindobona - VeronaA Ancona Hold
A Colonia Agrippa HoldA Rotomagus Hold
F Saguntum Hold (*dislodged*)


DC456 Imperium - Spring 411 - Zoterik   (Oct 23, 2013, 5:36 am)
The moment of truth is nearly upon us, gentlemen, but I strongly suspect this game might not end this year!  The Vandali grab Ravenna and parry a Saxon attack, but are under threat in Iberia and from the Ligurian Sea.  If Saguntum is lost, the Vandali will need to take two centers, and thus the eyes of Europe rest on Brundisium, although the Vandali are also at risk in Massilia, Genova, and Roma.  All the attention and effort expended to stop the Vandali solo has possibly allowed a respite for the Franci, who might otherwise be looking at elimination--although that threat has not yet passed.

Fall 411 orders are due 28 October at 08:00 GMT.  I'm on the edge of my seat...!


F Mare Adriaticum Supports F Brundisium - Mare Ionium
F Brundisium - Mare Ionium (*Fails*)
A Dalmatia - Verona (*Fails*)
F Mare Tyrrhenicum - Mare Ligusticum

A Londinum, no move received

F Aegaeis - Athenum
F Carthago - Baleares
F Miletus - Aegaeis
A Numidia - Carthago
A Suebi - Vandales

A Baetica - Saguntum (*Fails*)
F Maxima Caesarensis - Mare Germanicum

F Litus Saxonicum - Belgica (*Bounce*)
F Taraconensis - Oceanus Atlanticus

A Ancona Supports A Roma - Samnium
F Capova - Mare Tyrrhenicum (*Bounce*)
A Colonia Agrippa - Belgica (*Bounce*)
A Genova - Ravenna

F Mare Ionium - Brundisium (*Fails*)
A Lutetia - Viennensis
A Castra Regina Hold
F Rhegium Supports F Mare Ionium - Brundisium
A Roma - Samnium
A Rotomagus - Belgica (*Bounce*)
F Saguntum Hold
F Syracusae - Mare Tyrrhenicum (*Bounce*)

A Verona Supports A Genova - Ravenna (*Cut*)
A Vindobona Supports A Verona


DC456 Imperium - Winter 410 - Zoterik   (Oct 17, 2013, 5:03 am)
Now we will see if the Vandali have put themselves in a position to triumph!  The fate of Europe rests on a knife-edge; will the Vandali take their fifteenth, or will the opposition hold off (or even repel!) the advance?  Our game could easily go another ten years or end in ten days.  Good luck!


Remove A Macedonia
Remove A Iazygi
Remove A Ravenna

Build F Miletus

Build F Saguntum
Build A Roma
Build A Rotomagus


Fwd: DC456 Imperium - Fall 410 - Zoterik   (Oct 14, 2013, 6:56 am)
At the least, we will play another year.  The Vandali come oh-so-close to fifteen and the solo, taking three centres from the Alamanni, but Carthago returns to Gothi control and so the Vandali are on fourteen.  There is a strong chance that they can take care of business next year, but equally strong is the chance that the opposition finds a way to hold back the advance and repel all comers.   Down a total of two units, we will see how the A/G alliance holds off the Vandali, and to the west, if the Saxones eliminate the Franci and start to advance into Gaul.

One unit was dislodged, but with only one valid retreat it was auto-ordered.  Your winter 410 adjustments are due in three days: 17 October, 08:00 GMT.  


A Ravenna - Verona (*fails*)F Mare Adriaticum S A Ravenna - Verona

A Dalmatia - Vindobona (*fails*)F Brundisium - Rhegium (*fails*)

F Mare Ionium - Mare TyrrhenicumA Athenium - Macedonia

A Hunni Quarti - Iazygi

A Maxima Caesarensis - Londinum


F Mare Internum - CarthagoA Numidia S F Mare Internum - Carthago

F Aegeais - Mare Internum (*bounce*)A Suebi - Castra Regina (*fails*)

F Mare Germanicum - Litus Saxonicum

F Eburacum/ec - Maxima CaesarensisF Burgidala - Tarraconensis

A Olisipo - Baetica

F Rhegium - Mare IoniumF Mare Tyrrhenicum - Rhegium

F Capova S F Mare Tyrrhenicum - RhegiumF Syracusae - Mare Internum (*bounce*)

A Roma - AnconaA Verona - Ravenna (*fails*)

A Genova S A Verona - RavennaA Vindobona - Verona

A Alpes - Castra Regina
A Rotomagus - Lutetia
A Carthago Hold (*dislodged*)

A Colonia Agrippa Hold

Vandali A Carthago can retreat to Mauretania, so ordered.

AdjustmentsAlamanni: -3 (4)

Franci: 0 (1)Gothi: +1 (5)

Saxones: 0 (4)Vandali: +2 (14) 


DC456 Imperium - Spring 410 - Zoterik   (Oct 07, 2013, 7:21 am)
Hold your breath, gentlemen! The Vandali make their penultimate push, and grab two Alamanni centres. One more is needed for the solo victory, but the battle takes place from the Alps down Italy to Africa and there are many potential spots of vulnerability which may be exploited by the A/G pact.   I suspect a very tense Fall season on both sides of the conflict, and I'll bet that at least one coin will be flipped before the next deadline.  Two bold convoys have attempted to forestall Vandali victory:  the Gothi land on the Numidian shores and threaten Carthago, while an Alamanni attempt to return to defend Ancona has been stalemated.  Aside from Africa and Italy, the Alps may also prove problematic for the Vandali defense; while buffered by the rivers Rhenius and Danuvius, here we may find that the rules could become exceptionally important yet again.  Any questions about those, or clarifications on what may happen given certain scenarios, don't hesitate to ask.

One Alamanni unit was dislodged but a retreat is not required.
Bret, I have no orders from you, but I have a feeling that I saw them at some point.  If you did send them, please remind me soon!

I may be away this weekend, so if everyone can get me the Fall 410 orders by 11 October at 08:00 GMT, I'd appreciate it greatly.  Otherwise, adjudication will come Monday (14 October) at the same time.


A Iazgyi - DalmatiaF Rhegium - Mare Tyrrhenicum (*dislodged*)

A Athenium - Ancona (*bounce*)F Mare Ionium C A Athenium - Ancona

F Mare Adriaticum C A Athenium - AnconaA Ravenna S A Athenium - Ancona (*cut*)

A Chersonesus - Hunni Quarti

A Londinium - Maxima Cæsarensis


A Quadi - SuebiA Byzantium - Numidia
F Ægeais C A Byzantium - NumidiaF Mare Internum C A Byzantium - Numidia

A Castra Regina - VeronaA Vindobona S A Castra Regina - Verona
A Genova - Ravenna (*fails*)A Roma - Ancona (*bounce*)
F Mare Tyrrhenicum - RhegiumF Capova S F Mare Tyrrhenicum - Rhegium
F Baleares - Mare TyrrhenicumF Syracusæ - Mare Ionium (*fails*)
A Massilia - AlpesA Lutetia - Colonia Agrippa
A Carthago HoldA Rotomagus Hold

RetreatsAlamanni F Rhegium - Brundisium


DC456 Imperium Wionter 409 - Zoterik   (Oct 01, 2013, 7:08 am)
And the GM's computer issues continue.  On Sunday I honestly thought my dear laptop had given up on life.  But Monday turned out to be a good day, although that little hiccup does encourage me to look into new laptops.  But you don't care about that.  You care about the relentless advance of the Vandal Empire through Italy.  It is very possible that this game will end at the end of year 410.  Now we will see if the Alamanni and Gothi can successfully set aside their differences to stop the Vandali!

Spring 410 orders due 7 October at 08:00 GMT. 


Defaults, removing F Litus Saxonicum
Defaults, removing A Narbonensis

Remove A Galatia

Build A Olisipo

Build A Castra Regina
Build A Genova
Build A Roma


DC456 Imperium – Fall 409 - Zoterik   (Sep 25, 2013, 6:03 am)
Alright, here we go gentlemen.  My apologies for the lengthly delay; my computer has been rather iffy of late, plus the DC website has been having some troubles (as you may have seen).  The Vandali have a big turn, picking up three centres, but the Alamanni have found a new ally in their former Gothic foe.  Can the new alliance stop the Vandali before the West falls to the blue tide?  Fifteen centres are necessary for the solo.  The Vandali now have twelve.  Three more...!

By the way, I'm having trouble uploading these adjudications to the website, so it is technical difficulties which keep the game page locked on Winter 408.

Winter 409 adjustments are due 30 September at 08:00 GMT.  Don't be late, please. 

A Macedonia – Ravenna
F Mare Adriaticum C A Macedonia – RavennaF Rhegium S Gothi F Mare Internum – Mare Tyrrhenicum (*cut*)
F Mare Ionium S F RavennaA Scytia – Iazygi
A Athenium HoldA Chersonesus Hold

A Flavia Cæsarensis – LondiniumF Litus Saxonicum – Rotomagus (*fails*)
A Narbonensis – Saguntum (*bounce*)
A Thracia – ByzantiumA Galatia S A Thracia – Byzantium
F Mare Internum – Mare Tyrrhenicum (*fails*)F Ægaeis – Mare Internum (*fails*)
A Asdingi – Quadi

F Burdigala Hold
F Eburacum/ec Hold

F Mare Germanicum Hold

Vandali A Belgica – Rotomagus
A Lutetia S A Belgica – Rotomagus
A Aquitania – MassiliaF Baleares – Saguntum (*bounce*)
F Capova – Rhegium (*fails*)F Mare Tyrrhenicum S F Syracusæ (*cut*)
F Syracusæ S F Mare TyrrhenicumA Carthago Hold
A Vindobona Hold

AdjustmentsAlamanni: 0 (7)
Franci: –2 (1)Gothi: –1 (4)
Saxones: +1 (4)Vandali: +3 (12)


DC456 Imperium – Spring 409 - Zoterik   (Sep 15, 2013, 3:47 am)
Well now, what do we have here?  The Vandali/Alamanni pact has broken down as the Vandali seize the initiative and may be on their way to creating a renewed Roman (albeit Germanic) Empire!  A stab of his faithful ally should at least earn two centres this year, while the Alamanni do offset some of their gains but are unlikely to make any more headway against the Gothi.  Out west, the bloody tide continues to wash over Gaul as the Franci continue to lose ground to the Vandali and revitalized Saxones.  

One unit dislodged, also disbanded.  Fall 409 orders due 20 September at 08:00 GMT.


A Hunni Quarti – Chersonesus
A Scytia – ByzantiumA Dacia – Macedonia

F Mare Adriaticum S A Dacia – MacedoniaA Athenium S A Dacia – Macedonia

F Mare Ionium S A AtheniumF Rhegium S F Mare Ionium

F Syracusæ – Mare Ionium (*disbanded*)
A Aquitania – Narbonensis
A Flavia Cæsarensis – Londinum (*bounce*)

F Litus Saxonicum – Rotomagus (*bounce*)

A Macedonia – Galatia

F Ægeais C A Macedonia – GalatiaA Thracia – Byzantium (*bounce*)

A Visigothi – AsdingiF Mare Cypris – Mare Internum


F Mare Germanicum – Londinium (*bounce*)
F Tarraconensis – BurdigalaF Eburacum/ec Hold


F Mare Internum – Syracusæ
F Mare Tyrrhenicum S F Mare Internum – SyracusæF Baleares S F Mare Tyrrhenicum

F Roma – CapovaA Castra Regina – Vindobona

A Massilia – AquitaniaA Colonia Agrippa – Belgica

A Lutetia – Rotomagus (*bounce*)A Carthago Hold


DC456 Imperium - Winter 408 - Zoterik   (Sep 08, 2013, 3:19 pm)
I'll have to review my files, but I do not think we have a conclusion to our game.  Please excuse me for a moment while I check. 

Play on, gentlemen.  Spring 409 orders due 12 September at 08:00 GMT.

Build F Syracusae

Remove F Numidia

Build A Castra Regina


DC456 Imperium - Fall 408 - Zoterik   (Sep 04, 2013, 4:41 am)
Well, I'm not really certain what's going on here.  In the East, the Gothi put themselves in a difficult situation, losing Athens, losing the Mediterranean, and putting themselves completely out of position in Crimea.  And in the West, nothing happened.  The only logical explanation is that Pete and Dan must have some sort of magic mind control.  And while they both are doing quite well, we still have our two EGPs to vote on.  Votes must come from all active players, so if the Franci and Saxones NMR again, that means we have only three active players, and a potential draw controversy.  Remember that if both are accepted, as they include the same number of players, I will accept the earliest proposed.  

EGP №1: Alamanni/Vandali

EGP №2: Gothi/Vandali

One unit needs a retreat.  I hope the Gothi can manage it as quickly as possible, and I have included adjustments for your viewing pleasure as well.

Autumn 408 retreat due 6 September at 08:00 GMT or when submitted.
Winter 408 adjustments due 8 September at 08:00 GMT.

AlamanniA Macedonia – Athenium
A Dalmatia – DaciaF Mare Adriaticum S A Dalmatia – Dacia
A Scytia – Byzantium (*bounce*)A Iazygi – Hunni Quarti
F Mare Ionium – Syracusæ (*bounce*)F Rhegium – Mare Ionium (*fails*)



F Athenium – Ægeais
A Dacia – MacedoniaF Mare Internum – Syracusæ (*dislodged*)
F Numidia – Mare Internum (*fails*)A Thracia – Byzantium (*bounce*)
A Hunni Quarti – Visigothi

A Viennensis – LutetiaA Colonia Agrippa S A Viennensis – Lutetia
A Massilia – Aquitania (*fails*)F Carthago – Mare Internum
F Mare Tyrrhenicum S F Carthago – Mare InternumA Mauretania – Carthago
F Baleares S A Mauretania – CarthagoF Mare Ligusticum – Roma

Franci A Lutetia, no move received, disbanded.Gothi F Mare Internum can retreat to Mare Cypris or Lybia.


Alamanni: +1 (CoolFranci: 0 (3)
Gothi: -1/0¹ (5)Saxones: 0 (3)
Vandali; +1 (9)

¹ Gothi may retreat OTB to nullify disband.


DC456 Imperium - Spring 408 - Zoterik   (Aug 29, 2013, 3:48 pm)
Early reports of a conflict brewing between the Alamanni and Vandali have, it appears, been rather exaggerated.  Either they worked out their difficulties, or, as the Monaco odds deem more likely, we merely observed a centre transfer.  Aside:  does Monaco even exist yet?  Many headlines remain the same; the Saxones and Vandali continue to advance through the once-strong Franci territory, while the Alamanni siege of Byzantium continues without end.  However, a successful convoy may well tip the scales in favor of the Alamanni.  Much intrigue awaits us come the Fall deadline—03 September at 08:00 GMT.

War weariness sets in!  Two draw proposals have been made.  Standard procedure requires that all active players support an End Game Proposal in order for it to succeed.  As both are two-way draws, if both are accepted then the first proposed will take precedence (shown below as №1).  Please send in your votes with orders; the deadline is the end of Spring 409.  

EGP №1: Alamanni/Vandali
EGP №2: Gothi/Vandali


A Syracusæ – MacedoniaF Mare Ionium C A Syracusæ – Macedonia
F Rhegium S F Mare IoniumF Brundisium – Mare Adriaticum
A Dalmatia – Dacia (*fails*)A Vindobona – Iazygi
A Scytia – Byzantium (*bounce*)

A Aquitania – Viennensis (*fails*)A Rotomagus – Lutetia
F Litus Saxonicum S F Mare Germanicum – Belgica (*void*)A Flavia Cæsarensis – Londinium (*bounce*)


F Athenium – Mare Ionium (*fails*)
F Mare Internum S F Athenium – Mare IoniumF Numidia S F Mare Internum
A Hunni Quarti – Scytia (*fails*)A Thracia – Byzantium (*bounce*)
A Dacia – Thracia (*fails*)

F Mare Germanicum – Londinium (*bounce*)
F Olisipo – Tarraconensis F Eburacum/ec Hold

A Carthago – Mauretania
F Mare Tyrrhenicum – CarthagoF Baleares S F Mare Tyrrhenicum – Carthago
F Roma – Mare TyrrhenicumA Sequanorum – Viennensis
A Colonia Agrippa S A Sequanorum – ViennensisA Massilia – Aquitania (*fails*)
F Saguntum – Mare Ligusticum


Dc456 Imperium - Winter 407 - Zoterik   (Aug 24, 2013, 2:47 am)
A relatively quiet end to 407 may germinate the seeds of great turmoil in years to come.  

Build F Brundisium

Defaults, removing F Narbonensis

Spring 408 orders are due 29 August at 19:00 GMT.


DC 456 Imperium - Autumn 407 - Zoterik   (Aug 20, 2013, 10:45 am)
Here are your retreats this turn.  We will also have a rather quiet winter turn, with only two adjustments. 

Franci F Saguntum - Narbonensis
Gothi A Dalmatia - Dacia

Alamanni: +1 (7)
Franci: -1 (4)Gothi: 0 (6)
Saxones: 0 (3)Vandali: 0 (Cool

In my opinion, this game has shown a surprising amount of balance and stability after the chaos of year one.   As I see it, this is Diplomacy at its finest: one power or bloc is dominant, then replaced by another which is subsequently chopped down.  This, then, begs the question of what exactly was the Alamanni move to Rhegium?  I certainly can't give you the answer, and the man himself might tell an untruth if asked.  Only time will tell, my friends, and that is why I love this game.  Or at least, that is why I love sitting safely in the GM's chair.

Winter 407 adjustments are due 23 August at 19:00 GMT.  


DC456 Imperium - Fall 407 - Zoterik   (Aug 16, 2013, 5:10 pm)
Gentlemen, our game can resume!  I apologize for not giving you notice earlier, but my time in the Carpathians was later than I expected and I was quite busy in the days before it.  I have everyone's orders, but with everything I've been catching up on there may be some error, so please double-check.  

Two units were dislodged, but only one needs a retreat.  It can be sent to the group as a whole or to me by 20 August at 22:00 GMT.  Note that the new deadline time is morning the next day for players in time zones in and around Australia.

F Mare Adriaticum - Mare Ionium

F Mare Ionium - Rhegium
A Scytia - Byzantium (*Bounce*)
A Syracusae Hold
A Verona - Dalmatia
A Vindobona Supports A Verona - Dalmatia

A Aquitania - Lutetia (*Bounce*)
A Flavia Caesarensis - Londinum (*Bounce*)

F Londinum - Litus Saxonicum
A Lutetia - Rotomagus
F Saguntum Hold (*Dislodged*)

F Aegaeis - Mare Internum
F Athenum Supports F Aegaeis - Mare Internum
A Dalmatia - Verona (*Dislodged*)
A Hunni Quarti - Scytia (*Fails*)

F Mare Internum - Numidia
A Thracia - Byzantium (*Bounce*)

F Oceanus Atlanticus - Olisipo
F Eburacum(ec) Hold
F Mare Germanicum - Londinum (*Bounce*)

F Baleares Supports F Mare Ligusticum - Saguntum

A Carthago Hold
A Colonia Agrippa - Lutetia (*Bounce*)
F Mare Ligusticum - Saguntum
A Massilia - Aquitania (*Fails*)
A Castra Regina - Sequanorum
F Roma - Mare Tyrrhenicum (*Fails*)
F Mare Tyrrhenicum Supports F Mare Ionium (*Ordered to Move*)

Gothian A Dalmatia can retreat to Dacia, so ordered.
Francian F Saguntum can retreat to Narbonensis or Baetica.


DC456 Imperium - Spring 407 - Zoterik   (Jul 21, 2013, 3:34 pm)
Gentlemen, I regret not informing you of this sooner, but due to a pair of vacations, it is best for next deadline to be rather lengthly.  As such, I won't leave you in suspense regarding the two-way draw proposal:  it has failed.  The Fall 407 deadline will come on 12 August.  It's a long way away, and you may continue to negotiate amongst yourselves during this time, but please note that I will likely be away from 3-9 August, but those dates are uncertain as of now.  When I reëmerge I'll remind everyone of the deadline.  

F Mare Ionium - Mare Internum (*bounce*)F Mare Adriaticum - Mare Ionium (*fails*)
A Æmilia - VeronaA Iazygi - Vindobona
A Hunni Quarti - ScytiaA Syracusæ Hold


F Saguntum - Mare Ligusticum (*bounce*)A Aquitania - Massilia (*fails*)
A Lutetia - Colonia Agrippa (*fails*)F Londinium - Mare Germanicum (*fails*)
A Flavia Cæsarensis - Londinium (*fails*)

F Mare Internum - Numidia (*bounce*)F Athenium - Mare Internum (*bounce*)
F Ægeais S F Athenium - Mare InternumA Dacia - Dalmatia
A Macedonia - ThraciaA Chersonesus - Hunni Quarti

F Maxima Cæsarensis - Mare Germanicum
F Eburacum/ec S F Maxima Cæsarensis - Mare Germanicum
F Oceanus Britannicus - Oceanus Atlanticus

F Mare Tyrrhenicum S Ala F Mare Ionium - Mare InternumA Carthago - Numidia (*bounce*)
F Baleares - Carthage (*fails*)F Mare Ligusticum - Baleares (*fails*)
F Roma - Mare Ligusticum (*bounce*)A Massilia - Aquitania (*fails*)
A Colonia Agrippa - Lutetia (*fails*)A Castra Regina Hold


Dc456 Imperium - Winter 406 - Zoterik   (Jul 15, 2013, 10:46 pm)
Gentlemen, I have naught to report to you but a proposed two-way draw for the Alamanni and Vandali.  It must be unanimously accepted by Fall 407 adjudication.  Spring 407 orders due 20 July at 23:00 GMT, but I might be high on Novocaine so we'll see about that.

FranciRemove A Tarraconensis

Remove F Scytia

Build A castra ReginaBuild F Roma


DC456 Imperium - Fall 406 - Zoterik   (Jul 11, 2013, 7:37 pm)
It's a big year for the Vandali after that spring of little-forward-progress.  The kingdom now extends from the German Ocean to the Internal Sea, and is building a power to rival even that of Rome of old!  Growth comes at the expense of the Eastern Gothi and Western Franci, while the Saxon fiefdoms remain defended and the Alamanni states unassailed.  

It has been emerging for some time now, but unless the status quo fails, we have a Pax Geminorum!  Twin peace!  The Vandali and Alamanni have coexisted side-by-side for five years, something most Diplomats might never be able to manage.

No retreats, adjustments below.  Winter 406 adjustments due 14 July at 23:00 GMT.


F Brundisium - Mare Adriaticum
F Mare Ionium - Mare Internum (*fails*)A Scytia - Iazygi
A Hunni Quarti - Chersonesus (*fails*)A Alpes - Æmilia
A Syracusæ Hold

A Lutetia - Rotomagus (*bounce*)A Aquitania - Lutetia (*fails*)
A Flavia Cæsarensis S F LondiniumF Londinium S A Flavia Cæsarensis
F Saguntum HoldA Tarraconensis S F Saguntum

A Carthago - Macedonia
F Mare Internum C A Carthago - MacedoniaF Ægeais C A Carthago - Macedonia
F Athenium S A Carthago - MacedoniaF Byzantium - Scytia
A Thracia - DaciaA Chersonesus - Hunni Quarti (*fails*)

F Oceanus Britannicus - Rotomagus (*bounce*)
F Maxima Cæsarensis - Londinium (*fails*)
F Eburacum/ec Hold

A Roma - Carthago
F Mare Ligusticum C A Roma - Carthago
F Baleares C A Roma - CarthagoF Mare Tyrrhenicum S A Roma - Carthago
A Sequanorum - Colonia AgrippaA Massilia Hold

Alamanni: 0 (6)Franci: -1 (5)
Gothi: -1 (6)Saxones: 0 (3)
Vandali: +2 (Cool


DC456 Imperium - Spring 406 - Zoterik   (Jul 06, 2013, 4:57 pm)
I had these orders on the 3rd, but some were preliminary so I waited.  And yet they did not change.  And so, here you are:  Spring 406 comes with a collection of tactical retreats and stalemated armies.  In fact, I wouldn't feel terribly far from the mark if I said that nothing happened, but we all know that's not quite true.  Defense happened, and I revel in it.

Fall 406 orders due 11th July at 23:00 GMT.  I appreciate the punctuality; keep it up!


A Syracusæ - Macedonia (*bounce*)F Mare Ionium C A Syracusæ - Macedonia
F Brundisium S F Mare IoniumA Alpes S Vam A Massilia
A Hunni Quarti - Chersonesus (*fails*)A Scytia - Iazygi (*bounce*)

A Saguntum - Tarraconensis
F Narbonensis - SaguntumA Viennensis - Aquitania
A Colonia Agrippa - LutetiaF Londinium - Mare Germanicum (*bounce*)
A Flavia Cæsarensis - Eburacum (*fails*)

F Mare Interium - Mare Ionium (*fails*)
F Athenium - Macedonia/wc (*bounce*)A Thracia - Iazygi (*bounce*)
A Chersonesus - Hunni Quarti (*fails*)F Miletus - Ægeais
F Byzantium HoldA Carthago Hold

F Maxima Cæsarensis - Mare Germanicum (*bounce*)
F Eburacum/ec S F Maxima Cæsarensis - Mare Germanicum (*cut*)F Rotomagus - Oceanus Britannicus


F Mare Ligusticum - BalearesF Roma - Mare Ligusticum
A Capova - RomaF Rhegium - Mare Tyrrhenicum
A Massilia HoldA Sequanorum Hold


DC456 Imperium - Winter 405 - Zoterik   (Jun 30, 2013, 12:05 pm)
The Franci started strongly, but now face assault from the pesky Saxones and the stalwart Vandali, while the Gothi and Alamanni do battle from the Dnieper to Etna.  All Roman centres have been brought into the dominions of the burgeoning Germanic nations, so the fighting should only get more intense.  

Our normal schedule puts the orders due solidly on the 4th of July, which may prove difficult for the Yanks among us.  If everyone gets in their orders marked as FINAL by the 3rd at 23:00 GMT, I'll adjudicate.  Otherwise, the deadline is 5th July at 23:00 GMT.


Build F Brundisium

Defaults, removing F Mare Germanicum

Build A Chersonesus
Build F Miletus

Build F Roma
Build F Rhegium


DC456 Imperium - Autumn 405 - Zoterik   (Jun 27, 2013, 9:16 am)
Alright, here are your retreats for this year.  One unit is sent OTB, which changes the adjustments slightly.  Remember, the winter deadline is tomorrow, so try to get those builds or disbands into me as soon as you can!  (Preferably, as soon as you read this.)

Alamanni A Thracia - Scytia
Franci F Massilia - NarbonensisSaxones A Athenium OTB
Saxones F Londinium - Maxima Cæsarensis

AdjustmentsAlamanni: +1 (6)
Franci: -1 (6)Gothi: +2 (7)
Saxones: 0 (3)Vandali: +2 (6)


DC456 Imperium - Fall 405 - Zoterik   (Jun 23, 2013, 2:06 pm)
The tide has begun to turn distinctly against the Franci, who suffer an incursion by the Vandali and continued centre-swapping with the Saxones.  Do the Gothi or the Vandali now inherit the superlative of Most Likely to Solo?  

Three units were dislodged, but the map only shows two.  Unless I am very much mistaken, the Alamanni A Thracia should be dislodged, but RP didn't adjudicate it that way.  We go on to Autumn; this is our first retreat phase since the first year, if you can believe it!  Retreats will not affect the adjustments; you will find both beneath the orders.

Autumn 405 retreats due 26 June at 23:00 GMT.
Winter 405 adjustments due 28 June at 23:00 GMT. 


A Brundisium - Syracusæ (*bounce*)F Mare Ionium C A Brundisium - Syracusæ
A Thracia - Byzantium (*dislodged*)A Iazygi - Hunni Quarti
A Æmilia - Alpes

F Oceanus Britannicum - Londinium
A Flavia Cæsarensis S F Oceanus Britannicus - LondiniumF Litus Saxonicum - Mare Germanicum
A Bætica - SaguntumA Massilia Hold (*dislodged*)
A Viennensis S F Massilia (*cut*)A Colonia Agrippa S A Viennensis

A Galatia - Thracia
F Byzantium S A Galatia - ThraciaF Mare Internum - Syracusæ (*bounce*)
F Ægeais - Mare Internum (*fails*)A Carthago Hold

F Belgica - Rotomagus
F Mare Germanicum - Eburacum/ecA Athenium Hold
F Londinium Hold (*dislodged*)

A Alpes - Massilia
F Mare Ligusticum S A Alpes - Massilia
A Sequanorum - Viennensis (*fails*)A Capova Hold

RetreatsAlamanni A Thraci can retreat to Dacia, Macedonia, or Scytia. 

Franci F Massilia can retreat to Narbonensis, so ordered.
Saxones F Londinium can retreat to Litus Saxonicum or Maxima Cæsarensis. 

Alamanni: 0 (5)

France: -1 (6)Gothi: +1 (6)Saxones: 0 (4)
Vandali: +2 (6)


DC456 Imperium - Spring 405 - Zoterik   (Jun 17, 2013, 11:59 am)
The battle lines are being drawn across Europe as the last free Roman cities are swept into the emerging Germanic nations.  Sicily remains untaken for now, but that odd sort of liberty may not last very long.  Despite being split directly down the middle, Italy remains quite peaceful, as the Vandali press west while the Alamanni move east.  

No retreating units; Fall 405 orders are due 21 June at 23:00 GMT.


A Brundisium - Syracusæ (*bounce*)
F Mare Ionium C A Brundisium - SyracusæA Æmilia - Alpes (*fails*)
A Thracia - Macedonia (*bounce*)A Vindobona - Iazygi

A Sequanorum - Colonia Agrippa
A Viennensis S A Sequanorum - Colonia AgrippaA Eburacum - Flavia Cæsarensis
F Oceanus Britannicus - Litus SaxonicumF Mare Cantabricum - Oceanus Britannicus
A Mauretania - BæticaF Massilia Hold

A Numidia - Carthago
F Mare Internum - Syracusæ (*bounce*)F Miletus - Ægæis
A Byzantium - GalatiaF Pontus Euxinus - Byzantium

A Athenium - Macedonia (*bounce*)
F Colonia Agrippa - BelgicaF Haithabu - Mare Germanicum
F Londinium Hold

A Castra Regina - SequanorumA Alpes S A Castra Regina - Sequanorum (*cut*)
F Genova - Mare LigusticumA Rhegium - Capova


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