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Georgia? or Web League Southeast USA? - thechuff   (May 07, 2012, 10:32 am)
I'm looking for anyone available for FTF in the Atlanta, Georgia area, or a group of players who live in the Southeast US for a web game league.


Central Iowa Players? - umbletheheep   (Jul 22, 2011, 3:09 pm)
I am always looking to introduce players to the Central Iowa Diplomacy scene. If interested, email me at russellwdennis(at)gmail.com.


London Dippers? - pieandmash   (Feb 15, 2009, 2:42 pm)
id love a live game- its been 20 years since that for me.
Im London UK.


Unknown - MDemagogue   (Dec 24, 2008, 5:43 pm)
Probably not the best time to post this, but if there's interest in a live game some weekend I would definitely be up for that.


London Dippers? (Live!) pieandmash Feb 15, 02:42 pm
id love a live game- its been 20 years since that for me.
Im London UK.
LIVE game - Jan 08! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hey everyone - we've got ourselves 12 (TWELVE!) signed up for a LIVE
game... We're talkin' double digits here, and not 10... not even 11
but.. yes TWELVE players signed up!

So what are y'all thinkin?

I will run a live game if we have 7 or more definite commits for a
particular day.

7, we run a standard.
8, we run Ancient World.
9, we run 1600

(if curious, see the variants in www.dipwiki.com)

I wont run one with less than 7 definites. Been there, done that.

Pls don't reply w "I'd play if nobody else can"... either you're up for
it or you're not!

So days... What do you think? This weekend? Next weekend? After that?

Early morning Pacific US starts are good for me... like 8am on a
Saturday. For one, it gets me out of bed instead of sluffing off. For
two, that's 11am on the east coast, easily reachable, and in Europe,
that's anywhere from noon to 3pm - all good starts!

So let's get some talk going here...

I'll propose a couple days:

Saturday vs Sunday? Personally I'd prefer Saturdays.
Saturday 1/26 - who would want to be in?

If you're "IN"... then add ME (aka Poobaloo) to your Yahoo Instant
Messenger. That's key. If you ping me via Yahoo, then I know you've
done this and you're able to communicate via Yahoo.

In the words of the Iron Chef, let's "Get it on!"

PS... Mikael, cc'ing you as this is your oppor to play 1600 if you can
convince 8 others to jump into a 1600 variant for a live game! 1600
looks so FUN...

-----Original Message-----
From: feedback(at)diplomaticcorp.com [mailto:feedback(at)diplomaticcorp.com]
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 8:35 PM
To: Michael Sims; Michael Sims; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com;
Subject: Player list LIVE

Player list for LIVE

ID : slikrik66
Ctry : _Unassigned 1
Name : Jon Kudlick
Email: jkudlick(at)gmail.com

ID : landru428
Ctry : _Unassigned 2
Name : Andrew Cassese
Email: landru428(at)aol.com

ID : Andrei
Ctry : _Unassigned 3
Name : Andrei Patrascu
Email: yubuusro(at)yahoo.com

ID : psychosis1973
Ctry : _Unassigned 4
Name : Michael Thompson
Email: psychosis(at)sky.com

ID : The_Gentleman
Ctry : _Unassigned 5
Name : Alexander Schmidt
Email: wecanworkthisout(at)yahoo.com

ID : former.trout
Ctry : _Unassigned 6
Name : Former Trout
Email: former.trout(at)gmail.com

ID : jadawin1998
Ctry : _Unassigned 7
Name : Manuel Salzmann
Email: Jadawin1998(at)hotmail.com

ID : Infinitedice
Ctry : _Unassigned 8
Name : Mike Roberts
Email: smaugsfire(at)hotmail.com

ID : dbelevan
Ctry : _Unassigned 9
Name : Diego Belevan
Email: dbelevant(at)yahoo.com

ID : Vonlush
Ctry : _Unassigned 10
Name : Alex Truman
Email: a_manley(at)sbcglobal.net

ID : mazetas
Ctry : _Unassigned 11
Name : dimitris autos
Email: mhrwtaspolla(at)yahoo.gr

ID : JamesUK
Ctry : _Unassigned 12
Name : James Buffham
Email: J_buffham(at)hotmail.co.uk

Player address string:
jkudlick(at)gmail.com; landru428(at)aol.com; yubuusro(at)yahoo.com;
psychosis(at)sky.com; wecanworkthisout(at)yahoo.com; former.trout(at)gmail.com;
Jadawin1998(at)hotmail.com; smaugsfire(at)hotmail.com; dbelevant(at)yahoo.com;
a_manley(at)sbcglobal.net; mhrwtaspolla(at)yahoo.gr; J_buffham(at)hotmail.co.uk;


Player list LIVE - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Hi all,
I believe we have the min 7 for this Sat Dec 1, 10am Pacific (1pm
Eastern / 6pm GMT). Can I get confirmation of who's in?

Also be sure to add poobaloo to your Yahoo Messenger. I won't consider
you in until I get an IM from you so I can add you to mine.

-----Original Message-----
From: feedback(at)diplomaticcorp.com [mailto:feedback(at)diplomaticcorp.com]
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 11:36 AM
To: Michael Sims; Michael Sims; stevelytton(at)hotmail.com;
Subject: Player list LIVE

Player list for LIVE

ID : slikrik66
Ctry : _Unassigned 1
Name : Jon Kudlick
Email: jkudlick(at)gmail.com

ID : landru428
Ctry : _Unassigned 2
Name : Andrew Cassese
Email: landru428(at)aol.com

ID : Andrei
Ctry : _Unassigned 3
Name : Andrei Patrascu
Email: yubuusro(at)yahoo.com

ID : felix388
Ctry : _Unassigned 4
Name : Felix KamChung
Email: felixkamchung(at)mac.com

ID : The_Gentleman
Ctry : _Unassigned 5
Name : Alexander Schmidt
Email: wecanworkthisout(at)yahoo.com

ID : rommel21cw
Ctry : _Unassigned 6
Name : Daniel Conroy
Email: Rommel21cw(at)Gmail.com

ID : bambino
Ctry : _Unassigned 7
Name : Adam Barela
Email: cctaco43(at)unm.edu

ID : former.trout
Ctry : _Unassigned 8
Name : Former Trout
Email: former.trout(at)gmail.com

ID : ameias
Ctry : _Unassigned 9
Name : Alvaro pinto
Email: agpinto2(at)gmail.com

Player address string:
jkudlick(at)gmail.com; landru428(at)aol.com; yubuusro(at)yahoo.com;
felixkamchung(at)mac.com; wecanworkthisout(at)yahoo.com; Rommel21cw(at)Gmail.com;
cctaco43(at)unm.edu; former.trout(at)gmail.com; agpinto2(at)gmail.com;


Live 002! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
I considered 10am, but knowing how most Americans are about getting out of bed on Saturday morning, I wasn't sure it'd be too popular. Definitely an option if ppl are up for it!

I guess 10am is only pacific... that's 1pm eastern. Ok yeah...


Re: Live 002! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
What about starting a little earlier here in America so the Europeans don't have to play into the night? Penger is the only active Aussie, right? He'd be the only one affected by the earlier American start time, no?

I am interested in playing... but am unsure of my availability in the next couple of weeks. I'll keep my eye on this though.

Live 1 on the books, time to think about Live 2! Any suggestions for dates? A few are suggested here:


This time we want to have 7 or more that are definite confirms... maybe's wont count. Smile To encourage that, we can make the date flexible.

I was thinking a 12 noon (california) start time, 2 hours earlier than last time to give the folks in Europe a start around 7-9pm.


Live 002! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Live 1 on the books, time to think about Live 2! Any suggestions for dates? A few are suggested here:


This time we want to have 7 or more that are definite confirms... maybe's wont count. Smile To encourage that, we can make the date flexible.

I was thinking a 12 noon (california) start time, 2 hours earlier than last time to give the folks in Europe a start around 7-9pm.


LIVE GAME - EOG RUSSIA - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Well, I spent most of the game with my back to the wall, so I'm just happy to be a part of the Draw. Turkey came at me from the first move, which had a profound effect on my game. And when Austria took sides with Turkey against me in Fall 01, I was pretty much fighting for my life the rest of the time. I found a solid ally in Manuel and we were able to stick together for the entire game. The A/T alliance cautioned me about E/F, but I just told them that if they didn't leave me alone, they would get bogged down in Russia and E/F would grow powerful. They didn't leave me alone and that is infact exactly what happened. I helped them dispatch Germany as fast as possible - it seemed like my only chance to pose a threat to Austria. Germany was a nice guy, but in the end he was on the wrong side of history, or at least, standing between me and survival. Manuel was a good ally to me and I couldn't stand to see Turkey share in the draw, since he had caused me so much grief for no reason. But in the end, I decided no to go for the English Solo - I decided to take a share of the draw. All in all, it was a fantastic gaming experience and I can't wait to do it again!

Thanks Mike for GMing and thanks everyone for playing![/i]


Live Game - EOG FRANCE - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Well well well.....first of immense thanks to Sims for running
a great smooth and very fun game, it was rather adrenaline flushed
for the first hour or so, actually the first 30 mins was basically so
by im's that my computer freaked out a couple of times.....but the
game was off to a start
after about 30 mins trying to find a player we decided to go ahead
and play the
game with italy as a neutral....little did i know the 'neutrality'
was voted into submitting moves
that would be RANDOMLY chosen....well thats just a nightmare....well
i was hoping to keep italy
neutral as long as possible and so submitted moves for the
such....but when i heard that other
players were convincing others to move italy against me i was a bit
distraught....no doubt trout's
fishy ideas.....so i decided that the best way to make italy as
'neutral as possible' was to make the
most random moves for it
and so in fall 1901 i was chosen, and my randomness was quite

well that just sent everyone into a tizzy and that was probably the
of the end for germany, i really wanted to work with germany against
england but the blow of munich really pushed me into the arms of
manuel and it proved to be a good decision.

elsewhere on the board.....italy was quickly falling to bits and I
knew that the med
area would be a key to success or failure and so i set my sights to
securing it...meanwhile
allowing manuel to dictate the events in germany.

i knew that manuel will not try to stab me until i break into turkey
and or when
turkey/austria fought each other, and that never happenned or at
least to our knowledge.

so we began to move our units in tandem to take the south and manuel
worked with russia to polish off
germany....at the same time mikael aka turkey was moving to take out
russia with austria and secure the med,
and austria takes on all of italy....

soon, trout build the southern german line, most SUPERBLY AND WITH A
Before I even knew it, the line was down and out and secured.

And I knew it was going to be a doozy.

so manuel and i were trying to develop suttle trickeries to get them
off balance, and they were
doing the same to us....

somewhere in 05, manuel managed to get it timed so that mikael would
stab trout
as manuel stabbed me....and doth did protest a bit too much, when
manuel convoyed to brest
that was imho a key little move, for in the following turn trout and
mikael SEEMED to be engaged....

then came the Lytton-convoy.....any english unit to naf!!!.....

that basically went back to the EFR VS TR alliance.....

and so we enter the end game
at this point it was like 6 hours into the game
mikael was at 4.30 am
and i had a dinner meeting
and so we proxied ourselves to our allies
mikael to trout, i to manuel....

after an hour, meeting called off, i came back and realized.......


So i tried my best to convince him to honor our 7 hours of alliance
to call for the draw!
to stop the madness.....
and i believe he capitulated....actually if the dias would not have
gone through
i would have...um..eh eh.....king...you know....trout.....to punish
but luckily the game ended!!!

thanks to all
and next time lets see 7 players


On Oct 20, 2007, at 10:08 PM, Michael Sims wrote:

Well it has come to an end, after a marathon of nearly 8 hours, the
troops finally called it a 5-way draw.

Attached is the random string of who controlled (and was going to
control) Italy in each round. Simple list, numbers 1-6 represent

A few changes for next time:

- Make absolutely sure we have 7 confirmed. This time we have 5
confirmed and a slew of maybes... well the 5 arrived ready for battle
and most of the maybe's didn't.

- Make the first 2 rounds (at least all of 01, maybe 02 too) 20 min
turns. There is just too much going on at that early stage, and it
really hectic. More time would have let the game settle nicely.

Other than that, I was happy w the time controls of 15 min per turn,
with 5 min for builds & retreats. Also was pleased w the mechanism of
posting a map for all to refresh.

Any suggestions for next time are definitely welcome, we can put a
up on the list? What do you think -- late November? Mid-December?

Attached is the RP file for any who want to play it back, as well the
final map image and random selector for Italy.

Final Standings:
Austria: 8 Draw
England: 10 Draw
France: 5 Draw
Russia: 4 Draw
Turkey: 7 Draw
Germany: 0 Eliminated, fall '04.

Thanks to all who played, the new and the old alike, it made for a

EOG's are welcome,



Live Game - Complete! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Well it has come to an end, after a marathon of nearly 8 hours, the
troops finally called it a 5-way draw.

Attached is the random string of who controlled (and was going to
control) Italy in each round. Simple list, numbers 1-6 represent

A few changes for next time:

- Make absolutely sure we have 7 confirmed. This time we have 5
confirmed and a slew of maybes... well the 5 arrived ready for battle
and most of the maybe's didn't.

- Make the first 2 rounds (at least all of 01, maybe 02 too) 20 min
turns. There is just too much going on at that early stage, and it was
really hectic. More time would have let the game settle nicely.

Other than that, I was happy w the time controls of 15 min per turn,
with 5 min for builds & retreats. Also was pleased w the mechanism of
posting a map for all to refresh.

Any suggestions for next time are definitely welcome, we can put a game
up on the list? What do you think -- late November? Mid-December?

Attached is the RP file for any who want to play it back, as well the
final map image and random selector for Italy.

Final Standings:
Austria: 8 Draw
England: 10 Draw
France: 5 Draw
Russia: 4 Draw
Turkey: 7 Draw
Germany: 0 Eliminated, fall '04.

Thanks to all who played, the new and the old alike, it made for a great

EOG's are welcome,


LIVE Game! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Good idea to check to make sure you have Yahoo Chat! installed. I just had to update my Yahoo Messenger to the latest version...


On 10/14/07, Michael Sims <mike(at)southwall.com ([email]mike(at)southwall.com[/email])> wrote:

Greetings folks!

You are all signed up to play in the first DC LIVE Game... Hopefully
it's a great success, and we'll run one every other month or so, or
based on whatever demand there is. This is a pilot game, not done

We now have the minimum quintet to launch a game... 5 players. That's
sufficient for an Ancient Med game, so pending 5 confirmations, the game
is definitely a GO. If we get 2 more, we'll run Standard, more than
that we can flip it to a Modern, just depends who signs up in the next

Please get back to me, and verify that...

1) You have a Yahoo ID. We're going to play the game in a Yahoo Chat
Room, so you'll need to be on Yahoo to do this.

2) Go to Yahoo Chat, and make sure you have the ability to join rooms.
Please verify this ahead of time! We don't want to get to gametime and
be troubleshooting people's Yahoo issues at the gamestart. We'll open
up a private chat room, all 6 join, and that's where we can talk as a
group. Results will also post there. Then since you have everyone's
Yahoo ID, you can pull up Messenger and IM away for negotiations.

3) Add me, Poobaloo, to your IM. Once I get all the Yahoo ID's for ppl
in here added, I'll send out a list and you can add each other.

4) Confirm that the time is okay for you, and what time zone you're
in... I'm in Pacific US time, which is GMT -7. The time is currently
set at 2pm Pacific / 5pm Eastern on Saturday 10/20. Does that work for

5) Arrival. Please arrive 15 min early, again to verify all is good and
communication lines are open, so we can start right on time.

General info...

Two of you are old farts and know me from many games. The other three
are new faces, and you should know that I'm a stickler for deadlines,
and so I hope to run the game to a pretty tight schedule -- so we can
all get in, play, and get out. Delays in a game like this leave people
sitting at their computer twiddling their thumbs, so hopefully it will
all go smooth.

Ideas, discussion: We have a thread opened up in the variant forum for
any suggestions you may have by next Saturday. You can post directly by
mailing to variants(at)diplomaticcorp.com ([email]variants(at)diplomaticcorp.com[/email]).


-----Original Message-----
From: feedback-at-diplomaticcorp.com
[mailto: feedback-at-diplomaticcorp.com ([email]feedback-at-diplomaticcorp.com[/email])]
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 11:11 AM
To: Michael Sims; mike-at-diplomaticcorp.com; stevelytton-at-hotmail.com
Subject: Player list LIVE

Player list for LIVE

ID : jadawin1998
Ctry : _Unassigned 1
Name : Manuel Salzmann
Email: Jadawin1998-at-hotmail.com

ID : landru428
Ctry : _Unassigned 2
Name : Andrew Cassese
Email: landru428-at-aol.com

ID : slikrik66
Ctry : _Unassigned 3
Name : Jon Kudlick
Email: jkudlick-at-gmail.com

ID : copcaramilk
Ctry : _Unassigned 4
Name : Charles Parent
Email: charles.parent-at-caramail.com

ID : former.trout
Ctry : _Unassigned 5
Name : Former Trout
Email: former.trout-at-gmail.com


LIVE Game! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Greetings folks!

You are all signed up to play in the first DC LIVE Game... Hopefully
it's a great success, and we'll run one every other month or so, or
based on whatever demand there is. This is a pilot game, not done

We now have the minimum quintet to launch a game... 5 players. That's
sufficient for an Ancient Med game, so pending 5 confirmations, the game
is definitely a GO. If we get 2 more, we'll run Standard, more than
that we can flip it to a Modern, just depends who signs up in the next

Please get back to me, and verify that...

1) You have a Yahoo ID. We're going to play the game in a Yahoo Chat
Room, so you'll need to be on Yahoo to do this.

2) Go to Yahoo Chat, and make sure you have the ability to join rooms.
Please verify this ahead of time! We don't want to get to gametime and
be troubleshooting people's Yahoo issues at the gamestart. We'll open
up a private chat room, all 6 join, and that's where we can talk as a
group. Results will also post there. Then since you have everyone's
Yahoo ID, you can pull up Messenger and IM away for negotiations.

3) Add me, Poobaloo, to your IM. Once I get all the Yahoo ID's for ppl
in here added, I'll send out a list and you can add each other.

4) Confirm that the time is okay for you, and what time zone you're
in... I'm in Pacific US time, which is GMT -7. The time is currently
set at 2pm Pacific / 5pm Eastern on Saturday 10/20. Does that work for

5) Arrival. Please arrive 15 min early, again to verify all is good and
communication lines are open, so we can start right on time.

General info...

Two of you are old farts and know me from many games. The other three
are new faces, and you should know that I'm a stickler for deadlines,
and so I hope to run the game to a pretty tight schedule -- so we can
all get in, play, and get out. Delays in a game like this leave people
sitting at their computer twiddling their thumbs, so hopefully it will
all go smooth.

Ideas, discussion: We have a thread opened up in the variant forum for
any suggestions you may have by next Saturday. You can post directly by
mailing to variants(at)diplomaticcorp.com.


-----Original Message-----
From: feedback-at-diplomaticcorp.com
Sent: Sunday, October 14, 2007 11:11 AM
To: Michael Sims; mike-at-diplomaticcorp.com; stevelytton-at-hotmail.com
Subject: Player list LIVE

Player list for LIVE

ID : jadawin1998
Ctry : _Unassigned 1
Name : Manuel Salzmann
Email: Jadawin1998-at-hotmail.com

ID : landru428
Ctry : _Unassigned 2
Name : Andrew Cassese
Email: landru428-at-aol.com

ID : slikrik66
Ctry : _Unassigned 3
Name : Jon Kudlick
Email: jkudlick-at-gmail.com

ID : copcaramilk
Ctry : _Unassigned 4
Name : Charles Parent
Email: charles.parent-at-caramail.com

ID : former.trout
Ctry : _Unassigned 5
Name : Former Trout
Email: former.trout-at-gmail.com


Re: solving dropout problem in live game - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Tis an option, tho standbys wont have much fun waiting to see if someone quits... Probly just go w the normal rules, if you sign up, you're signing up to play, and if you quit 2 hours into a game you knew was 6 hours, then you get tar & feathered, strung up by your toes, and beaten with lint-covered dust mops. I think that's our policy.

Maybe if you have a list of extra people for the game, they could be standbys to take over for those leaving. Not the best solution, but could be useful.


solving dropout problem in live game - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Maybe if you have a list of extra people for the game, they could be standbys to take over for those leaving. Not the best solution, but could be useful.


Live Game - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
At least initially, yeah. If we get a format down that works, then maybe run one bi-monthly going forward, and open it up to any GM's that want to do it. Being it's only an evening of committment and not a year, we should get a lot of interest.

Ultimately I'm thinking of instead of having a single recruiting game, have a waiting-list set up that takes any number of players. Then come gametime, you have a long list of people that can show up for it, and it's more likely to get off the ground unlike the early revs of this we've tried.


LIVE Game! - test_gm   (Sep 13, 2007, 12:00 am)
Want something faster than an email game? Play online, real-time!

Info: http://www.diplomaticcorp.com/variants/live.htm


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Diplomacy games may contain lying, stabbing, or deliberately deceiving communications that may not be suitable for and may pose a hazard to young children, gullible adults, and small farm animals.

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